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Latest revision as of 02:23, 13 September 2020

Listen to the Mockingbird
Date of Scene: 26 July 2020
Location: Pym's Mobile Lab
Synopsis: Bobbi comes with an offer and a warning from SHIELD and immigration papers for Nadia!
Cast of Characters: Hank Pym, Bobbi Morse

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym's 'Mobile Lab' is a misnomer. When he wants it to be mobile, he shrinks the otherwise normal sized structure and picks it up. The giant handle on the roof is one sign of this. For the moment, Hank is ensconced inside and not working. He's enjoying the first bagel out of a bag of the fresh baked delicacies and a Turkish coffee brought by a helpful ant. "Thank you Baudelaire." He sips at it and noshes. "I have had a rough couple weeks, I tell you." Baudelaire shrugs. One week is like another when you're an ant. As long as some little bastard with a magnifier class doesn't show up, it's good.

Hank regards a large crate sourly. "That stupid robo Janet nearly got me in trouble when Jan, Nadia and their entourage ran amuck through here. Now she's boxed and ready to ship to SHIELD for... whatever. Bo, be a good ant and take it to the loading dock for daddy?" Bo complies and Hank toasts the robo-ex with coffee as the ant leaves with the crate.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
The doors to Hank's laboratory slide open and Bobbi steps through the doors. Dressed like an MiB, black suit, black pants, white shirt. She's wearing black sunglasses too. Her hands behind her back, one hand holding the others wrists as she surveils the room. The ant moving the large box down the way is regarded with curiosity, but her eyes fall on the dimension gateway and she frowns.

Her expression lightens though as she spies Hank and wanders over to him. She takes off her glasses and smirks, "Still alive." She tucks her glasses in to a pocket and offers Hank a hug. "Where's Nadia? I thought she'd be here buzzing about like a busy bee already?"

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym shrugs. "Probably plotting world domination... or petting kittens. She was out when I woke up. I have left the gateway intact for now. I put better security locks on it. For one thing, I glued the operating key to an ant. I want to design a sensor for wormholes to warn us when our evil twins show up and maybe shunt them to a holding cell till they had their shots and tested at least 50 percent 'good'. Thank you for the rescue by the way," Hank returns the hug and favors her with a smile. "I want a monitor for the Negative Zone too. If things go south, you know who won't tell us."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi chuckles, "She spent a bunch of money on fashionable clothing recently. I think perhaps she's trying to adapt to American life." She tilts her head a little and leans back against a desk. She lets him finish and then says, "Interesting. But I suppose, do you want the good news," she takes an envelope out of her jacket and waggles it in the air, "Or the bad news first?" She takes a second envelope out of her jacket and waggles it too. She holds both out, then tugs them back before either can be taken, "They're official and everything, you don't get to choose you get both."

The first envelope includes a work request from SHIELD for a dimensional breach monitoring system and, if possible, dimensional breach redirection. It is signed by the head of SHIELD R&D Director Sidney Levine. The second envelope however includes a stop work //order// on opening dimensional gateways without the express permission of SHIELD, signed by Director of SHIELD, Nick Fury.

"This was, by far, one of the scariest rescue missions I've ever been on Hank. You're lucky I like your butt enough to save it," she smirks, but there's no way she'd leave Hank lost in another dimension. Such a concept isn't in her vocabulary.

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym accepts the good news first. He chuckles as he reads it. "Very proactive. The warning and shunting system may be delayed by fashion week." His face clouds as he reads the second. "Order? I'm a consultant. This would have been a good thing to discuss with me over an expense account lunch, not that I was going to turn the blasted thing back on blindly. The italics where overdone too. I'm not going to have my usual hissy fit since I admitted I had rendered the gate inoperable, still, Reed Richards has had a gate to an antimatter universe for 20 plus years and no one ever shut him down! They wouldn't dare. Do you want a bagel and some coffee?" His mood lightens as he considers his hosting duties.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi expected a complaint from Hank. No one likes getting a slap on the wrist. At least it is nice and private from SHIELD, heck, from Fury, and not some mandate from the United Nations. That'd just be embarrassing. Besides, no one wants to drag Hank over the hot coals for this. It was dumb luck he ended up in a dimension with extra deadly Ultrons attempting to break in to his brain to unlock the secrets and conquer our world. Woopsie?

"Thanks," she says and gets a bagel. But, clearly he was expecting this kind of response. Either way, he proved his theory right. "While that Pymtron was trying to break in to your head," she comments off handedly between bites, "what did you learn of their world, their technology?"

She wanders over to the coffee pot and pours out a mug. A small sip is given and she turns back around to Hank. "And while we're talking about interesting things, what do you think of Nadia? Are you intending to become her legal guardian?"

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym shrugs. "Their lab tables and restraints are top grade. The encephalo-beam used on me was sub par, or I would be a drooling idiot or dead by now. Other than that, there are troubling questions. Why hasn't Pymtron created their own gate? Pymtron or Ultron is obviously more adept at repurposing and tweaking existing technology but I... create. Sorry, that's about all I have. The lousy toaster kept me under for most of the time I was there. Having a lab in the same location as mine... well what happened to the Avengers there or the rest of New York? Yes, questions. Oh thank Dir. Fury for the rescue by the way... oh wait, that was you and the Avengers."

Hank takes another sip of coffee. He raises an eyebrow, "Was there any doubt I'd adopt her? I loved her mother as much as Jan. She punched a hole between Universes to find me. I say this in all seriousness: she loves me like no one else ever has and she's lost. She needs me. This... intellect we share... it's a great and terrible thing. You know the problems that came with it for me. I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder late. If she needs help I'm going to make sure she gets it early, before she screws her life up completely. Hell yes, I'm adopting her. I love her already, I knew she was my daughter as soon as I saw her slumped in a chair. That was me after a week spent in the lab working on a problem and crashing."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
There are small nods from Bobbi as she contemplates what it might mean for a Pymtron who does not create. Perhaps that's the nature of their intelligence, unable to dream as wildly as Hank does. "There is, of course, the possibility that now it knows it's possible, it'll figure it out." She points to the first envelope, "Hence that. Climbing Mt. Everest was once considered impossible, now people race to the top."

She sits down on a table top and sips the coffee, her other hand leaned back on. "Nadia. She rocked up at the Avengers mansion looking for you. I met her at the mansion to interview her. Very clever kid you have there. I like her." From her jacket she takes out another envelope, "And I had hoped you'd feel the same way. This one has been pre-filled by legal for her immigration. It is a much simpler procedure if you're her legal guardian, as her biological parent."

"Oh, yeah, I was letting her stay at your house. I hope you don't mind. After I'd determined her psychological profile and biological familiars I figured it wasn't the worst place to house her. And we found a note there you'd left about dimensional traversal, which gave us a hint that may be you were still here in your lab - or had succeeded..."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym looks over the papers and says, "I don't suppose Director Fury also gave you adoption papers in there to bribe me with and make sure I'd play nice and shut down the gate?" Hank hmmms and stretches his neck towards Bobbi. "You seem to have a lot of stowage in there for such a slim waisted jacket."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi shrugs but also grins, "Pistol, two staves, foldable tablet, lockpick set, three knives, knuckle busters, ID, and my credit card stashed in this." She lifts her arms and turns around. It's more evident from the subtle shapes here and there that some of these things are on her personage now that she's listed them. "Amongst other things. You can't adopt her until you've been her legal guardian for six months. I checked. Well, legal checked for me."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym ahs, then stops looking for the named items. "I've pulled lawn chairs and such out of my pocket, a gazebo once but now that's camouflage." He looks back at the papers and says, "I am reminded of the simple prayer of Alan Shepherd, when he was preparing to be launched into orbit... 'Please Lord, don't let me **** up.'

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi smirks at that and says, "Well, that's what the lawyers are for. I'd assume Jennifer Walters might be able to help? But, either way, the case for immigration is good and with SHIELDs recommendation I expect it'll be quite easy. Unlike the usual kind of immigration SHIELD does. Besides, when you set your heart on something, nothing stops you Hank. You've got this."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym chuckles. "Thanks for the pep talk. Janet's was more along the line of 'She's yours and you better not mess this up!' Around the point where she slapped me." Hank mimes getting hit in the chops. Let me ask you something: could those animals in the Red Room have given her any implanted instructions of trigger words--like that girl in that Serenity Movie?" Hank speaks lower and moves closer to Bobbi, checking a monitor screen for approaching daughters.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi raises an eyebrow at the rather sensitive topic he's chosen. She hmms softly and folds her arms. "Well. That's quite a heedy discussion. There's a lot we don't know about the red room, but if Nadia is to be believed -- she certainly believes what she says.. then she was moved from the operative school to the science school. So ..yes, it is possible she has been imprinted with code words, but I doubt any will send her in to a murder rampage. They might trigger compliance or submission though. That is ... strictly speculation Hank."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym nods. "Thanks. For my part, she was moved to Science pretty young. I would assume they would want to mess with her mind as little as possible. But you know, Paranoid Pym. Paranoids can have real enemies etc. All right, thank you for the paperwork. This will be a huge help. I have a daughter." He smiles then as all the worry leaves his face, for now.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi finishes her coffee and returns the empty mug to where she got it from. She turns back to Hank and takes her glasses out of her pocket. She pauses and thinks, then gives him a serious look. "I admire you too much to see you get killed by interdimensional robots. This was reckless, even for you. Please.. be more careful, you have a daughter."

Bobbi puts the glasses on and smiles, "See you around Professor." With a wave, she grabs another bagel and then leaves the lab.