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Latest revision as of 02:36, 21 September 2020

Epicenter: Survivors
Date of Scene: 20 September 2020
Location: Recovery Room 01: Triskelion
Synopsis: Daisy and Bobbi catch up after her return, about Lance and about Jiaying.
Cast of Characters: Bobbi Morse, Daisy Johnson

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi checked herself in to the medical wing the moment they made it back to the Triskelion. She did a crazy thing to get Simmons and Lance out of purgatory. It was a gambit that may have paid off, but long term side effects are unknown so far. She has been trying to catch up on sleep, having not gotten much since things went side ways.

Though, not entirely asleep now, her eyes are closed. The machines are monitoring her vitals, though they look good - better than good. They look Steve Rogers good. For now no one is bothering her, which lets her rest. Her mind refuses though.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Once Daisy got notice that they were back, which was pretty much the second they signed in as she had been monitoring SHIELD traffic to look for mentions of their names or sightings, she made her way over to the med area, poking here and there and looking for both Bobbi and Jemma..

She finally found Bobbi's room and after a small discussion with the resident doctor she was allowed for a visit.. But no big excitements! Bobbi needs her rest or so the doctor says..

It's not as if she understands half of the medical lingo on the report sheet about what happened with Bobbi. But she knows the other woman is different. Changed somehow. Not that it changes the way Daisy approaches this, opening the door quietly to the room and stepping in. She quietly walks close to Bobbi's bed and looks her over, not yet talking perhaps unsure if she is asleep or not.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
"No boop," she says after a few moments and then pries an eye open to see Daisy standing there. This brings a smile to her face. She pries her other eye open and grabs the bed control and sits herself up. When in the medical wing, enjoy the body comfort beds. She reaches over and takes another sip of water and says, "You're the first to visit. How have you been?"

Of course, there is that look. The way Jia snapped her head straight to Bobbi, that strange expression across her face. She lets her eyes focus off in to the distance and then just as quickly refocus on Daisy. "Hm," she says softly, wondering exactly who Jiaying was. Is she Daisy's mother? there's a resemblance there. Still, she wouldn't want to get her hopes up unnecessarily.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"You can't stop my booping.." Daisy replies with a quirked brow, but there's a relieved smile on her expression when she notes Bobbi waking up, her eyes a touch wide and her smile a genuine one. "We have been looking for you." she says, "I am glad you are all back and ..." she looks around the room. "Now I am waiting for when you will get bored of being in bed and go back on another mission or two.." just a little jab to keep the other woman's attention up!

"It took a small catastrophe for you and Hunter to actually meet again. I didn't expect less.." And for all her teasing for Bobbi to call Hunter while she was on vacation earlier it seems appropriate!

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi raises an eyebrow. "I really don't think you'd want to try booping me Agent Johnson," she says in serious tones, though the crinkle at the corner of her eyes makes it clear she's being playful still. "I'm glad someone was, it got rather dire there for a while. And just to be clear, if Hunter hadn't turned up I never would have been captured." Well, that's her theory - she can't prove it true without time travel.

"I have to wait for the tests to come back before I can submit for active duty again. I can't tell just how pissed off Fury is going to be, or Maria.. or Phil. They might really pull the trigger on their threat this time and promote me."

The irony, a promotion in SHIELD solving one of the big problems Lance and her had in their relationship.

"Look, things with Lance and me.. they're complicated. Try not to give him too hard a time please. He acts all nonchalant but this stuff can really hit him where it hurts."

She frowns, "I also wasn't entirely sure I was going to make it out of their alive. I did what I needed to do to protect them and neither of them are terribly happy with me about it. I'd make the same decision again in a heart beat."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Is that a challenge?! And it gets tempting to just do a lil boop on Agent Morse. Buuuut, maybe she will leave that to the -second- visit. Because she will be sure to visit every day. And yes there's that little moment in which it seems she will just go ahead with it though instead she just grins in a mischievous manner. "You are safe for now.."

Brows do furrow when the talk goes to Hunter and Bobbi just outright blames him for it. "You know, it's not a good beginning to your rekindling of a rela- I mean friendship with him. And I think he's staying around for a while now." with all that it may imply!

"I haven't really spoken with Jemms yet, just got a few messages. She is.., pissed. Capital letters. With whatever you did with yourself." maybe it's a warning too of a conversation to come. Preparing her! "Because I think you can handle Maria or Fury's uh.., fury." not to mix it up with the Furiae! "... But that stiff upper-lip from Jemms? Good luck!"

As the conversation goes on and Bobbi talks about Lance and then her reasons to do what she did there's an immediate nod coming from Daisy. She is the type to fully understand and do the same kind of thing. "No regrets." she reaches up to place one hand on Bobbi's shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. "We will get through this one way or another. This is just another step."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi gets a touch nervous when that hand comes to her shoulder. Because of the threat of the boop? or because she's not sure just how strong she is right now. There is a small dip in oxygen saturation on the machines in that small moment. No doubt one of the doctors will get curious about that.

"Just stating the facts. It was.. so strange seeing him at Toshiro's place. Out of no where, immediately starts pissing off the HYDRA agents and gets beat up like usual." She stares off in to the distance again. Introspective Bobbi is not a common sight. She's usually very sure of herself. "We met someone. I don't want to mislead you here, so please listen careful. Her name was Jiaying, or Jia for short. She lives at some place called Afterlife, may be? Well, it.. she said she had a daughter named Daisy who was hunted by HYDRA. When I asked her if she meant Daisy Johnson....."

She winces a touch and peers at Daisy, "She responded as if she knew the name." May be the 'cut up in to pieces by Whitehall and stitched back together by Jemma' can wait for another day.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"It's just a shoulder touch.." Yes, did Daisy notice that alteration and nervousness? Curse her and her attuned vibrational powers! "But don't worry, the hug will come soon enough." at least she is warning Bobbi in advance. Yet there is a worry there on Daisy, an understanding. She read the file, the powers. It can be scary not being able to control them as we want to.. "I am going to be here every step of the way.." her tone implying it won't just be helping her till she is out of the hospital bed.

The return to talking about Hunter, "That's typical him from what I know of the man. I thought it was his best attribute? Using his tongue?" Woah there, Daisy! But if anything it seems she is just trying to get Bobbi more at ease and relaxed..

There is a pause when Bobbi mentions the name, curious at first but as Bobbi continues on Daisy. "What ...?" it's Daisy's time to get anxious and nervous, breathing starting to go faster.. "Afterlife..? I.. Do you think it could be her?"

Bobbi Morse has posed:
She listens to the promise of help and smiles. That is certainly a nice thing to hear. Though, she suspects Daisy has been poking around in level 8 files again, probably just out of sheer curiosity as to what happened with Bobbi and Jemma. Bobbi's eyes open wide, "Whoa," she says in reply to the comment about Lance's tongue.

"So, I don't want to get your hopes up. She had impossibly healing abilities and with a touch she dropped a HYDRA agent. Then, on the submarine, Jemma tells me she got on the radio, a person appeared out of no where, then disappeared with her just as quickly. Powers... Jacob, Jia, some fellow named Gordon. These aren't people on the Mutant radar, nor Metahuman radar. Let's just set aside the 'is it her' question for a moment - may be they know something. At the very least, they might be your people. It can't hurt to ask - if we knew where they were, but don't jump to conclusions."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
More gossip-y talk about Lance's tongue appears to take a backseat for now with Bobbi having gone and dropped that bomb about someone who could be her mother. Daisy looks utterly unsure on what to say or do.. Some glimmer of hope to her life-long search? "I .., I have never heard of an Afterlife.." she murmurs quietly. "I can start looking..." oh who is she kidding, it's what she will do the moment she goes back to her computer! Searching for those names, and that place.. Might be she may even have to contact a few of her mutant friends. ..

"You will have to tell me more.., soon." It's hard, but Daisy stops herself from just trying to wrench every little piece of info out of Bobbi. She knows she needs her rest. So instead she goes for the promised hug, reaching over to place her arms around the other Agent. It's as much a gesture of thanks but also of happiness of Bobbi being back where she belongs. With her SHIELD family.