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MisAdventures in Gotham
Date of Scene: 17 September 2020
Location: Kingston - Miagani Island
Synopsis: Spoiler and Batgirl have an EPIC teamup and totes think Misfit is awesome
Cast of Characters: Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe, Barbara Gordon, Stephanie Brown

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
The Gotham Central Bank Robbery took place two days ago on Monday, near the end of the extended banking hours. A handful of bank robbers trying to make it big time made a very poor decisions. First off Gotham was a bad choice. Second off using Avengers Masks were also a bad decision. At least when it came to the snark from the Vigilantes that ended up taking them down.

That wasn't the first sighting of the Lex-Mart Quality Batgirl Knockoff though when one looks through other police reports and 911 calls. There has actually been a low key string of incidents for the last two weeks.

It also wasn't the last incident. There have beeen sightings and a mugging and a liquer store robbery all foiled last night. It is pretty easy to see a pattern too once one knows what to look for. The kid is definitely using a police scanner for the majority of the crimes she is foiling, with a few outliers of random Gotham Street crime.

The very clever might be able to string together the one phone that was in all those locations, because some Vigilante Chick did not think to turn her crappy Lex-mobile, one of the prepaid ones you get at a gas station, off before crime fighting.

Also the kid seems incredibly mobile, she covers a lot of ground each of the subsequent nights.


Tonight the munchkin has her sights on an incident with shots fired in the Narrows. Likely a drug or gang issue gone bad. She is currently above the warehouse peering down at the dark building trying to figure out the best way to deal with it. There are still some shooting going on in there and the cops are quite a ways away from responding.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Well, there was her first mistake.

Never use the cheap knock off from Lexcorp. Always shop Wayne Tech.

Babs had used the footage she'd mined out of the bank security systems and whatever Stephanie and Cass had uploaded to the Birds database to create an trace for the sole cellphone not accounted for by one of the hostages or robbers. It was a long shot, but she'd put out enough pings to keep her moderately well informed of the rogue element (Charlie) comings and goings thorugh Gotham.

It had taken a full day to ping the cell towers, though.

And it was a full day Babs really didn't have to spare.

Out on patrol, Batgirl was responding to another incident in the Narrows when her Wayne Tech phone, suped up with her own additions and programs, alerts her that the devices was in the vacinity as well.

<<Spoiler, you on comms? I'm in the Narrows and might need some backup. I think I have a hit on our teleporter.>>

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Thankfully Spoiler wasn't too far from the Narrows when the 911 call had come in and the police radios crackled with news of the shots fired. Waiting for something that might draw the unusual vigilante, she hopped on her bike, spinning the tires to turn it in a fast half-circle before zooming off into the night.

<< Already on my way. So think she'll show up here? >> she says into comms as she reaches the area and leaves her bike a short distance away. Soon Spoiler is on a rooftop, running across and jumping an alleyway to come up on a view of the warehouse where the call came in from. << I'm looking over at the warehouse now from the east. >>

Spoiler pulls out a small pair of binoculars. They are far better than what she had before, if not up to the specs of the optics in the cowls that the others wear. She scans the area quickly, looking for shooters, but also for the erstwhile Batgirl wannabe.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
Charlie puffs out her cheeks a little bit when annother shot is fired. "Dangit..." yeah she can't see what she is getting into other than muzzle flashes through the windows of the warehouse.

Spoiler likely catches a flash of movement from the roof the redhead is on, looks like someone is running right for the edge of the building and then leaps off it into the air. Plumetting without a grapple out of sight.

The thing is moments later there is a scream of pain >INSIDE< the warehouse.

(Meanwhile inside the warehouse)

Charlie uses all her momentum from the gravity assisted leap to plant both of her boots in the gang member who just shot moments ago. "HSSS! Evil Doers throw down your guns!"

Thankfully it was a bad guy this time.

Also there are a whoooole lot of guns suddenly pointed at the Teenager and a lot more gunfire as she ducks behind a crate quickly "This isn't throwing down your guns you jerks!"

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Batgirl is situated on the Western side of the warehouse, scanning the rooftops for shooter and make pretend Batgirl alike. It is the former she spots first, or rather, the sound of more gunfire, then the latter makes her appearance as well. Leaping down off the roof like that almost has her wincing, but then-

"Okay...." That was impressive, question mark

<<Roger that. I have visual on her now... sort of.>> Because she's inside the warehouse where eyes do not see.. Unless eyes belong to Oracle, which all eyes do. The phone slips off her utility belt, thumbs working so quickly she might be teleporting codelines onto the screen to remote hack the CCTV feed from the exterior camera feeds and any that might be keeping observing eyes on the materials kept within.

<<Clean sweep East to West, I'll meet you in the middle.>> The feed from the cameras is fed into her cowl, phone slipped away, and Batgirl takes flight! Arms out in a free-dive roll over flip into a grapple line that swings her directlyt owards the Western face of the building. Her body tucks at the last moment, arms up to cover her exposed lower face with the thick side of her weighted half cape from shards of glass when she crashes through.

A trio of small spheres roll from her palm, errupting in a bright CRACK-FLASH of smoke and light. Cowl shifting to a different thermal vision to give her a relative view even in the thick smoke screen.

Time to go to work.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Spoiler wastes no time crossing to the warehouse, landing on the building side grasping her line as she looks through a window. The flash of gunfire can be seen inside, and makes opening the window and slipping inside onto a catwalk child's play.

<< I see our would-be Batling behind the crates stacked three high. >> A pouch on Spoiler's utility belt yields a few smoke pellets which are tossed down, not where Spoiler is, but over where she saw the girl disappear behind the crate, yelling at the shooters.

Spoiler hurries across the catwalk then moving above some of the gunmen, positioning herself above one in back. << First time actually doing this >> she says as she hooks her line into the catwalk and clips the grapple gun into her belt. Then she dives off, one hand on the grapple gun to slow her descent at the last second. She drops down, grabbing a gunman in a choke hold. The moment she lets go of the grapple gun's trigger it starts reeling her back up, Spoiler and the gunman whisking up into the air, no one the wiser for the first quiet takedown.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
Quick headcount based on enhanced optics in cowls and CCTV feeds.

One WannaBe Batling.

Five Dos Caras gang members trying to do a drug deal with the four Dominican drug smugglers which had already gone very sideways before the Vigilantes got involved.

One Dos Caras flattened by a kick. One shot dead already. One wounded by gunfire Dominican. One grappled into the rafters Dominican.

Current count 3 Dos Caras and 2 Domicans left standing.

One of the Dos Caras gang bangers yelps in pain and drops his gun as the girl is behind him, a good twenty foor from where she was behind the crates, punching him hard three times right in the kidneys. The big seasoned guy turns and decks her in the face sending her into some more crates and then scrambles for his dropped gun.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
<<I see her.>> Said after shifting camera feeds until she's got eyes on the position Spoiler had given her. A small window within her HUD shows the constant update footage as she moves. Grip leaping over the railing into a sideways aerial roll. Her hand points up to fire a grapple into the under cage of the catwalk, slowing her descent right inbetween the two Domicans. Who, admittedly, are pretty startled by the womans sudden appearance.. It's all the advantage Babs needs.

"Hold this." She says to one, hooking her grapple retractor to his belt and hitting the resend switch to hurtle him up into the air towards the undercage. Turning towards his compadre, hands out to build momentum in her twist, she goes into a no-handed cartwheel kick aimmed for the side of his neck/shoulder.

All her force into her legs to push him over under her weight with her knees attempting to pin him to the floor. <<Move quick. Don't want her to spook and run before we've had a chat.>>

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Spoiler leaves the man she grabbed hanging from the underside of the catwalk. << On them like Nightwing at a Chinese buffet >> she replies, pulling out a pair of batarangs while hanging upside down.

That's when she realizes Batgirl #2 has moved. << She's on the other side of the warehouse now! >> Spoiler sees the goon going for his gun and throws the batrang. She could have aimed for his head, or the gun he's reaching for. Instead it goes sailing right into the parted region of his buttocks as he's bending over. While thankfully it isn't a sharpened one, the blunt force impact makes him squeal and falls down to his knees, a hand grabbing at his butt.

Spoiler says as she drops to the ground and throws the second batarang into the gun hand of one of the other combatants.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
Quick headcount.

One Dos Caras flattened by a kick. One shot dead already. One wounded by gunfire Dominican rolling on the ground moaning with a gut shot. One grappled into the rafters Dominican by Spoiler. One dominican slingshot right into the catwalk underbelly by Batgirl. One slammed to the ground and pinned to the floor dominican.

That leaves one Dos Caras with a very sore kidney and tailbone and one with a wounded gunhand.

The last one also dropped his small SMG.

That really just leaves three of the Dos Catas, two injured one still a threat.

"I can't believe you punched me..!" Charlie notes with outrage, rolling back to her feet and then stepping up and slamming her foot right between the shoulder of the kneeling gang member sending him face first with extra prejuduice. She is in the middle of kicking him in the temple hard with her sneakers when she realizes Spoiler and OMG... OMG.... Batgirl guys. "OH MY GOD.. it's you!?" in Batgirl's direction.

Which is about when she spots the last gang member swinging his assault rifle around to shoot Batgirl as she kneels on the guy. "Look out!" and the teen just up and dives right into the gunman, tackling him head on.... the gun going off erratically right straight at her as they both go samming into a pole and then into some crates.... down in a pile of boxes out of sight.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
"Autographs later." Babs says to Charlie's recognition, weathering the storm of omfg it's Batgirl with the cavalier calm that comes with being a cultural teen icon for girls aged 7 to Dead.

No, she's not really that self absorbed.

She just plays it off with a flampant joke and glances around to get a head count... looking in the gunmens direction before he fires, a batarang already up to hurl in his direction when Charlie takes it upon herself to go Charlie Jenkins right at the guy.. "NO!" Moving quickly, but not nearly quickly enough to stop it from happening.

Ratta-tat-tat-tat and muzzle flashes from behind the tumbling pair falling back behind the crates.

Oh God no.

The sound of gunfire doesn't scare Barbara anymore... it use to though. For years it did. The sound of gunfire and the random laughter on the streets would send her into an anxious terror filled nightmare... but seeing that girl possibly riddled with bullets?

That still is terrifying.

Because she's been that girl.

"No, no, no..." Running across the warehouse, she jumps before she's anywhere near the obstacles in her path, plants her hand atop them, and vaults right over. Scrambling to get to Charlie, <<Spoiler, tell me you have a medkit on you...>> As she rounds the stack behind which Charlie and goon fell.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Spoiler hears the gunfire, kicking one of the last gunmen who is down but not quiet incapacitated, amending that on her way past as she rushes over towards where the pair went down, a few steps behind Batgirl in reaching it.

"I've got the basic loadout," Spoiler says as they are close enough to hear each other clearly. A super-glue like agent for stitching wounds closed, some painkillers and bandages, and a few other basic emergency first aid necessities, able to carry a little more than the rest of the Bats thanks to that utility thigh garter she wears.

She rushes over, asking, "Was she hit?" once Batgirl will be able to see the outcome, while Spoiler is still moving to clear the stack of crates from being in the way of her seeing.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:

I mean most of it is all splattered around the behind those crates and all over the guy. Also his nose is totally broken and the gun is missing.

There is no batgirl knockoff though. Just a gang member groaning there on the ground in some broken crates.

The gun in question without the clip goes winging past Spoiler and Batgirl into the groaning guy's head knocking him out.

"Wow... so... I don't see the quiet girl with the hoodie." so damn chipper. "Do one of you have the whole bindings things.. I can totes help cinch them all up for the cops if you give me some. I've mostly been knocking people out and all... wasn't really sure where to get the zipties the cops use. Are those just like the ones you can use on cables from a computer store?"

Yup the girl is behind the two of you. Her cloak gathered around herself... ..

Yes she is totally obscuring herself and also trying to strike a really dramatic pose.

Such Loom.

Much Brood.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Batgirl looks around frantically for Charlie when she finds a lot of blood, but no knockoff. "Where the hell did she..." Frowning beneath her cowl at the groaning goon, a rage roils up inside her suddenly and, had Charlie not hurled the gun at his face, he was almost certianly going to have it introduced to the bottom of her boot.

Seeing the looming dramatic posing Misfit, Babs breath, which she was completely unaware she was holding, releases in a deep sigh of relief... "What the /fuck/ was that?" Nobody should /sound/ that calm and still also sound like they're tearing a new hole where an ass should be. Pointing at all the blood. "Listen, I don't know who you are, but if you're going to be running around playing super hero in pajama shirts, you're going to have to get it together a little.. This kind of crap?"

AGAIN pointing at all the blood.

"This is not okay. That could have killed you... you could be /dead/ right now." Batgirl need not loom to be terrifying. All she needs to do is speak in her decidedly well groomed serious voice. "Am I making myself perfectly clear on this point?"

A glance over at Spoiler, then back to Charlie.

"Are you OKAY? Did you get hit?" A complete gear shift.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Spoiler slides to a halt as the girl is not where she was expecting her to be. Though at this point, Spoiler isn't finding herself very surprised when that happens.

"How are-" she gets out when the sound of gunfire from the door to the warehouse can be heard, and bullets ricochet off the ground near them. Just a few shoots, and then the sound of a car door slamming and an engine racing and pulling away.

"I've got the pursuit," she calls to Batgirl, already sprinting for the exit. "Don't let her use the bathroom, she goes poof!" she shouts just before darting out the door and sprinting for her motorcycle.

The chase is afoot. Ok actually it's on a bike.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
Okay. Honestly Charlie wasn't really expecting terrifying serious Batgirl. I mean. Batgirl is cool. Not like totally lecturing serious use your middle name scary like this. Those blue eyes behind her cowl go very wide, it is not a cowl with huds or anything just holes for eyes after all.

"Yes ma'am." yup she just ma'am'd Batgirl.

Her looming. Such brood. Definitely did not make the impression she was hoping it would make. I mean the gun throw was so super cool but now there is yelling and stern lecturing.

Honestly it will probably penetrate for like, ten minutes tops.

Charlie just stares wide eyed for a very long moment missing everything as she is lectured until the gunfire erupts and then Spoiler takes off.... Charlie turning and calling after her. "Do you need help!?" pause "I can help!" so helpful, also maybe she is thinking saved by gunfire.

Damn. Seems not.


She looks back to Batgirl and smiles a winning smile. "So.. um... do we tie them all up now... I'm fine honest...." which isn't... quite a lie... I mean it isn't the honest answer to if she got hit though.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Babs keeps her eyes on Charlie.. hoping that she hasn't just crushed the girls impression of Batgirl by letting her see a little of the woman beneath the symbol. It's easy to forget that, beneath that cowl, she's a human.. and humans have faults. Flaws in their character... this hit a huge trigger for Barbara Gordon. A /huge/ trigger.

With a sigh... both her hands rub at the exposed cheeks beneath her dark gray/blue cowl, "Yes.. we should." Holding out a few zipties in curled fingers to Charlie. An olive branch assuring her that everything is, in fact, okay. "So long as you're not injured."

There's no reason for her to introduce herself, that much is obvious to her, but.. "I'm Batgirl." Said more as a question, which loosely translates to:

And you aaaare?

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
The yellow gloved hand darts out to take the zipties from Babs, stepping within arms reach really to do so. Eager. Very eager to please. "I'll totally get right on this!" grinning like a fool really.

The introduction makes her blink though "I know right!?" not dismissive like no doh but more like OMG.

She turns and crouches down to get the guy who she hit with a rifle to the head and wrestles him over and then pulls his hands back. There is a not of inefficient fiddling as she figures out how to best ziptie a bad guy here.

"I'm..well... still a work in progress. I mean I can't be Batgirl... I ..totally know that... because you're batgirl.. and I have no idea what the other two are called... so I've been brainstorming and .. you know picture boarding it.. or is it whiteboarding.." sounds unsure.

"Anyways this mugger yesterday said I couldn't possibly be a bat... I get that a lot still... but well.. he said I was some sort of Misfit." she turns to stand finally having the first on ziptied and grins. "I thought that might be a good name though. You know.. Misfit?" very enthusiastic. Much chipper.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Babs watches the ball of energy get to work tying up those laying groaning or unconscious on the floor. Green eyes trail the small girl from behind the whiteout lenses of her cowl, flicking her shoulder forward to let her short cloak hang across her chest with her hands crossed over her chest beneath it.

Grinning despite her earlier frustration at how excited about everything Charlie seems to be, Batgirl listens to her rattle on about names until she comes to Babs for confirmation. "It certainly sets a tone." Misfit.

"The other two are Spoiler and Orphan." Obviously using codenames. How weird would that be, right? "So, tell me Misfit-" Adopting it, which means it's probably stuck now, "-Why are you out here doing this?" Motioning at all the goons laying around.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
Charlie does indeed move onto the next thug on the ground, the one she kicked and knocked out. The guy bleeding and the two in the rafters seem pretty disabled as far as she can tell so she is doing her very best to prioritize ones that may just wake up. She also liberates a couple wallets as she rolls them around and tosses guns and knives away from them.

That is noticable to a trained eye.

Also noticable is the blood on her jeans and shirt, but she seems to be moving pretty spry and easy in the dimly lit warehouse. It could be any number of the bad guys blood right. Maybe.

"Spoiler and Orphan.. okay those are pretty cool names. Batgirl. Spoiler. Orphan." she repeats them and then looks over and grins again. "You like it?" the name Misfit. Gosh. Batgirl likes the name she picked out for herself. The kid somehow is either leaning in really hard to make it her own, or maybe genuinely doesn't get why it wouldn't be the best nickname but was meant as ridicule. I mean.. maybe just a mix of both.

She toes the guy who got the batarang in his ass from Spoiler and then cinches him up. She is getting a bit better with each badguy, but this is still her first time.

"As for out here... I mean why does anyone fight heinous henchman, viscious villains and diablical dastardly.. uh... " she fishes a bit "Dummies like these guys.

There is a long pause as she goes to the gut shot guy and peers at him "People need to be safe. These people take advantage of other people.. they hurt them and sometimes they kill them...." then she looks at Batgirl "This one is bleeding pretty bad.. I'm not sure how to help?"

Barbara Gordon has posed:
"Yes, I like it." Babs assures Misfit with a little grin, arms still laid across her chest watching the girl come into her own with zipties... It's a small step, but an important one. "I'll let them know." That their names are cool. Still grinning, she moves over to kneel down beside the goon whom Charlie is inquiring about medical treatment.

She rolls him to get a better look at the injury and fishes out a first aid kit to do a little makeshift bandage until she can get real medical professionals on the scene. It's fairly good work, though... especially for being out of a kit that can fit on a utility belt.

"Hm... those are good reasons, but.. how long have you been doing it? A few months? A year?" Glancing up, still applying the liquid bandage and sending a silent alert for police and medical assistance to their current coordinates.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
Charlie crouches down to watch what Batgirl is doing, eyes intent on the utility belt there. "That is.. really cool." she squints "Are all those different pouches different things or mostly medikits and batarangs?" she mms "It looks complicated but awesome."

She rocks back a bit on her heels and then straightens to stand looking up at the strung up ones now dangling. "Very complicated. Not all punching and kicking for sure... I think Spoiler threw smoke bombs.. which was totally epic."

Just chatterin really as Babs works on the gut shot.

"Oh.. uhm.. only about like a month serious now... it took me a while to figure out the police scanner trick and get used to where everything is and what the different codes meant..." she mms "If you just show up where Sirens are then the cops usually already have the guy arrested.. or worse yet have shot em"

She scrunches her nose "I don't want people shot.. I just want them to go to jail and actually pay for hurting people.."

Barbara Gordon has posed:
"It's everything... or most things." Batgirl says of her utility belt, "But specific for whatever I'm doing... because nobody can carry every item they have at all times, right?" She finishes applying the liquid bandage and then adds a more traditional one atop it. "This is my patrol utility belt. An assortment of useful gadgets like splicers for electrical security, a utility tool... certain things are standard, rebreathers and extra grapple line and hooks, but other belts have specialized equipment..."

Glancing up, head lifting to indicate she's looking at Charlie from behind those blank white lenses, "Like if I were going after Mister Freeze... or Ivy. You have to know what you're getting into and be prepared for it." Which is almost a lesson in and of itself.

Nodding as she provides it, "That's not very long..." reaching up then to tug at the shirt the girl is wearing, "This going to be your uniform? Not much protection." It was also a subtle way of applying a tracer sphere. Paper thin with an adhesive underside. A lot more reliable than trying to trace her phone.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
Charlie peers at the belt and listens, very attentively there as Batgirl explains all the variety of gadgets the belt can hold. "Oh.. okay yeah that is a lot more than first aid, zipties, and batarangs." she blinks a little. "The grapples are pretty cool." she notes.

"Also I've stayed away from the big villains like Poison Ivy or Mr. Freeze. I figure I need to practice and work my way up to putting them down and sending them up the river to Arkham." she pauses "Is .. that the right metaphor. I mean Arkham isn't really a jail and up the river is about jail not mental hospitals..."

She totally misses the bug being applied to her shirt. Mostly because she blushes and gets self concious there. "Oh uh... I mean.. I thought it was a very good start but I needed to work on it. I .. you know like the name it is a work in progress..." she shuffles her foot. "I'm not sure it will ever be as good as your costume.. which it totally lit... but I plan to get a better shirt... and better boots. Like combat boots seems like a good call... the cape I think looks sharp though.. that was the hardest thing to make."

Yeah there is totally a bullet hole with some tacky blood near where Babs applies the tracker.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Babs tilts her head just a bit to the side where the bullet hole is in Charlie's shirt. Her finger goes through said hole and lifts the sleeve so she can see Charlie's arm, whether there's a wound there or not, then glances back up at the young vigilante..

"Alright. Well, here's the thing." She purses her lips, "You don't just come out here like this..." Jutting her chin at the gang members laying wounded and unconscious, "This isn't a game." It's not a lecture, "So if you want to do this, if you're very serious about it? You have to train.. and be prepared. Otherwise you're playing around and that'll get somoene hurt... either you or one of them."

She's obviously concerned for both, but more one than the other, "And if that happens, then you've crossed a line that can never be uncrossed... because of all the rules in Gotham, there is ONE rule... You never kill." Holding her finger previously stuck through the girls shirt errect infront of her eyes. "You remember that one thing always. Because there's no wiggle here... there's no it was him or me, there's no killing. There's no it was an accident, there's no killing... So unless you are /prepared/, you don't do this."

Which... Babs sighs, "So, here." Holding out a simchip. "This will get you in contact with me. I can't make you drink the water, Misfit, I can only show you where the lake is."

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
Charlie blinks down at the fiddling with her shirt there, no wound, she does stepaway but is less concerned about trackers and more concerned about the whole fact she isn't shot and Batgirl might freak out if she figures it out. Or is it was shot but isn't now.

Ofcourse then there is .. the not quite but still kind of a lecture.

The teen focuses on Batgirl once more head tilting a little to the side. She focuses on the finger then past it at Batgirl. "That is what I'm doing.. I'm practicing and being careful." well sort of. "I know the Batman and you .. you guy's don't kill people. You don't use guns.. well maybe.. I mean that Red Hood guy might but I think he uses Rubber Bullets based on the crime bullitens which seems really dangerous.." she mms "though the sharp batarangs also seem dangerous..." she muses.

Then she blinks "Still I know. No killing people. Not even on accident. I promise." she seems to really mean it too.

The simchip makes her blink "Woah.. I mean.. like for real.. I can.. like call you. We can do another team up and kick some baddies?" she snaps a kick into the air. It is actually .. a remarkably good kick with good form.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Babs laughs at just how sharp Charlie is. Not that she took anything away from the kid, far from it, but it's almost rejuvenating. She reminds her of her when she was that age, to be honest. Hands on her knees, Batgirl pushes herself up to her feet and dusts off her hands. "Alright, no more lectures for tonight." Reading the room, a knowing smirk on her face.

"You think /I/ lecture though, Batman has me beat by spades." hand out to rest on Charlie's shoulder, jostling her good natured and playfully, astonished that the kid is fine.. despite the obvious ballistics evidence indicating she was definitely shot.

"Yes, we can do a teamup.. but in reality what we'll be doing is /actualy/ training. Not on the job training, but in a gym working on basic self defense techniques. Working on crime scene analysis. Working on a ton of things you're going to think are exceptionally boring until you finally get to go out in the field and realize how much different the game is when you're /very well prepared/ for what you're doing."

That said, "now, I can't stop you from going out alone. It's not my job to.. but if you DO, you have to let me know about it. The second most important thing in a team situation is trust. If I can't trust you, I can't teach you."

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
The kid brightens at the whole jostle and good natured bit there. Totally lights up. "No more lectures is good. I mean not that you were lecutring too much though honest."

"So ... Batman seems really really scary. The way the bad guys talk about him like he is some sort of bat demon." she pauses "He isn't like an actual demon is he.. I think demons would probably kill people. I did read this one cape watch forum post though about how he is probably this Aztec Bat God who feeds off the fear of Gotham and not like a real man at all... if he killed the criminals he couldn't like.. feed on their constant terror. Which is why the joker is his main enemy because the joker is nuts and has no fear." rambling ramble. "Uh.. it was very involved." she admits sheepishly.

"I mean.. I've been doing a pretty good job..." she trails off as the whole bit there sinks in. "Wait.. you.. like .. want to train me to do .. this..." she blinks behind the cowl and gestures at the trussed up people. "And.. I can still help people too..." she nips her lip. "Uh.. yeah.. like totally yes..." she nods. "I.. wow.. really .. like you aren't kidding really?"

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Babs is surprisingly good at keeping a straight face where it pretains to Batman, offering in response to the unspoken inquiries of his demonhood a fractional shrug, "Maybe we all are." Demons. Grinning like a shark might if a shark were screwing with someone or playing with its food.

"Suffice that Batman is exactly what Batman needs to be. There are some truths about Gotham that are as much myth as anything... Batman is terrifying and rightly so. Trying to define that in terms of what people understand about human psychology is as useless as trying to solve a rubix cube by burying it in the yard... it wont work."

She lets the shift in gears distract them away from things she can't, and wont, talk about anyways. The smile relaxing into something a little more good natured and friendly. "Yes, I'm serious... but there are stipulations. Which we don't have to get into tonight, you have the directions to water, up to you now." The cowled woman takes a step back towards the looming darkness of the warehouses outer walls.

"Be safe, Misfit."

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
The eyes get very wide again as Babs plays with Charlie a bit there. She goes very still. Then she blinks and laughs a bit.

"Uhm.. right.. "

The shift of gears though is very welcome and she grins and rubs the back of her neck which is probably sweaty in that cheap cowl to be honest.

"I will.. I mean.. you too Batgirl!" she mentally kicks herself for sounding like a dork. "I'll be in touch about the ..lake.. ur.. I'll call you." such a dork. More mental kicking.

She waves towards the looming darkness then jets out the other direction heading towards the back of the warehouse and different darkness. Of course she never hits the door back there, once she is shadowed amongst some boxes she is just gone.

Moments later the tracker is in Metropolis.