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Full Circle
Date of Scene: 04 October 2020
Location: Ready Room: Triskelion
Synopsis: Things come full circle as Nadia visits the Triskelion again, Red Room intel is discussed, and a trip to Maria Trovaya's gravesite is planned.
Cast of Characters: Bobbi Morse, Nadia Pym-van Dyne

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Perhaps it's because you're a full member of the Titans, or may be the latest mess with the Red Room, but SHIELD didn't turn you away when you asked to see Agent Morse. Two agents lead you through a maze of corridors until you arrive in what looks like a ready room of sorts. Not the interview room you might otherwise ended up in.

"We've paged Agent Morse, she'll be here shortly," one of the agents says and then they leave the room.

Not too long later Bobbi enters the room. She's wearing a white lab coat with embroidered "Dr. Bobbi Morse" on the left breast in blue cursive. She has a smile for Nadia and shuts the door behind her, "Hey there," she approaches and offers a hug before taking a seat at the large conference room table. "So what's up?"

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
The past two months have been a whirlwind of chaos for Nadia. Setting aside the Warworld invasion and her friends in the Titans going missing, it all began with a trip to the triskelion because the Attourney General was throwing up flags on the process of Nadia's ausylum request and ultimately the process that would let her apply for citizenship. Then the Russian consulate began visiting her friends and family looking for her, cultinating in her father being taken into custody under a Hague Convention warrant and Nadia turning herself into the Red Room in order to free him which became it's own harrowing adventure. But now here she is again, back at the Triskelion, back where it all started, this time of her own volition.

Nadia follows the agents into the ready room, looking here and there as she takes in very different scenery from the interogation room she found herself in last time. Her fashion sense seems to be taking a page out of Natasha's book, a black bodysuit reminiscent of her Waspette armor but without the helmet or gauntlets. While her demeanor remains cheerful, there is a sense of purpose to her as well.

"Hi Dr. Morse!" Bobbi gets a big smile and the hug is returned when she arrives, though the enthusiasm is more a 7 or 8 than her usual 11 on the 10-scale. "It's been awhile. I wanted to see you, how are you?" she pauses, they both know that's not the only reason she'd come all the way to the Triskelion of all places, "Actually, I have something for you and ...I need a favor."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi raises an eyebrow and chuckles. She says, "I like your new outfit. Very Agent of SHIELD of you." Nat doesn't just wear all that black because of her cheery personality. It's part SHIELD uniform too. "Oh. I have been worse. I've been reading up on your recent adventures. That's quite a lot of stuff you've been through. I'm glad to see you smiling."

The eyebrow is re-raised and she says, "I like presents, but let's start with the favour. What can I do to help you Nadia?" She takes out her tablet and unfolds it, then looks over whatever made it buzz, both eyebrows raise and then she makes a swish motion to dismiss the message.

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Nadia does grin a bit at Bobbi's commentary on her outfit, "Seems to be what all the cool spies and heroes wear." She is apparently still able to crack jokes, too. "A lot of people fought really hard to get me home and see me smile, it wasn't all bad. If I hadn't gone I might never have been reunited with my only childhood friend and she wouldn't be free now, too."

When Bobbi asks about the favor, Nadia takes the manila folder held under her arm and sets it on the table opening it. Inside seems to be a whole lot of previously unknown information on Maria Trovaya ranging from recent plans to replace her with a hyper-lifelike cybernetic duplicate to the actual date of her death and where she was quietly interred in a cemetary under another name.

"Vivian was able to get some information out of the computers in the base commander's office before it deleted itself." She flips past the cyborg schematics and notes, past records pertaining to the two years of Maria Trovaya's imprisonment to the map that shows where she was ultimately interred, "I want to go here." She points at the map page, the place where her mother is buried. "I ..need to go there." Of course it's in Russia which immediately presents all kinds of red flags and problems, "SHIELD has jets nobody can detect right?"

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi's eyes flick over the information presented to her and then she looks more closely at the map detailing where her mother is actually buried. That could also be a fake out, but it might also help Nadia symbolicly put her mother to rest. She looks up at Nadia and then back down at the map.

"Hard to detect, not impossible. For a mission like this we'd insert somewhere rural near the border and trek in by foot, find some transport, lay low and under cover of dark visit the location. Fairly standard operating procedure when entering hostile territory."

She lifts an eyebrow and then tugs on the hem of her lab coat, "I'm currently assigned to R&D. How soon do you want to go? If you can wait, I can take you -- but if you cannot wait, there is someone who I would trust to get you there and back safely. His name is Agent Hunter."

She lifts a finger, "But if you did decide to go with either of us in to Russia you'd have to do what we say - no running off to save the day. Tight mission parameters only. What is it you'd like to do when you get there?"

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
"It's selfish, I realize I'm asking a lot." Nadia closes her eyes for a moment and lets out a breath before opening them again, "There is no day to save, Dr. Morse. That day was fifteen years ago according to these files. I just want to say goodbye." There is a solemnity to her voice. "After everything that happened, I've come to realize I need to stop chasing past shadows, the life that might have been. I want to say goodbye to the mother I'll never truly be able to know so that I can focus on the people who are here and around me now and move forward. I put a lot of people in terrible danger chasing her ghost, it's time to let her rest. But I need to say goodbye."

When Bobby broaches going with another agent she shakes her head, "No strangers. This is too personal and I can't tell Dad." For reasons she doesn't seem inclined to elaborate on. "I would like to go soon, but if you can't maybe I can ask Natasha." Wait, Nadia trusting Natasha? This is new.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi raises an eyebrow, "Agent Hunter is..." She half smirks, half frowns. "Never mind. You and Natasha are talking now? Hm." She has butted heads enough with Natasha to know that you're not really on her equivalent of a friends list until she's vehemently and verbally disagreed with you.

"I'd rather take you myself, but I am currently recovering from a medical condition. I can take some personal time off, but if I ran off to Russia under cover during that time, I really would make my bosses heads explode. Even I know there's a line I shouldn't cross."

"Ultimately it's your choice. You can ask Natasha or you can wait for me to get the all clear for field duty, at which point I will also feel confident in taking you on a clandestine trip through Russia to say goodbye to your mother."

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Nadia nods her head slowly as she listens. It is pretty clear she would rather go on this trip with Bobbi, too. "A Medical condition? Is everything okay?" Her expression becomes concerned as she begins looking Bobbi over anew for signs of something amiss. "How long do you think you need? A month ago, I would have just snuck off by myself. But I made a promise that I won't do that again." And she actually seems to be trying to keep it! Progress?

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi looks better than ever. There's a vibe about her, much like one picks up from Steve Rogers when he's around. An energy just bursting to get in to motion. She looks extremely healthy but containing herself for the sake of not showing off. "Well, that comes down to a colleague of mine. I don't think you've ever met her. Her name is Dr. Jemma Simmons. She's an extremely smart biochemist, puts me to shame really.

    Once she is satisfied my condition is safe I will be able to return to field work. I'd give it a week, perhaps two at most. Until then I'm working in R&D, which is like a vacation where I get to play with weird genetic samples. The best kind of vacation. If you do decide to wait for me, it would be smart of us to take another along. I'd probably opt to take Agent Hunter. He's spent plenty of time in Russia and like me has an excellent accent." This might be news to Nadia, as she's never heard Bobbi speak Russian.

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Nadia perks up a bit at the mention of Jemma Simmons, because the world really is that small. "Oh! I know Jemma! We fought these things called Dire Wraiths together, saved a living galaxy, and prevented something called Wraith world from fusing with our own. She's really cool and very handy with a freeze ray." Finger guns are used for emphasis when talking about the freeze ray. "Come to think of it we were supposed to compare notes, she was really interested in my tech and then life got a little.. alot crazy, again."

Nadia gets thoughtful for a moment, "Maybe I can help her! Biology isn't my main specialty, but I know enough to be useful at least and I have a lab where she could do days or even weeks worth of work in hours!" A hint of her natural excitabiity returning as her thoughts and ideas run away her despite the solemn topic at hand. Perhaps some solace can be taken in that for all that she has been through, she's still Nadia.

"It is good to see you in a lab coat again, Dr. Morse. Even if the timing isn't exactly what I'd like. Who is this Agent Hunter you keep mentioning? If I'm being completely honest I'd like as few people as possible to know where her grave is. Vivian already had to be talked down from trying to launch some sort of large scale operation to exhume and repatriate her remains. I just want to say goodbye and let her rest in peace."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi draws back with an amused smile as Nadia rattles off about Jemma and then wanting to help her with the biology work. She slowly shakes her head and with a grin she says, "It's classified." Yep, Bobbi's condition is classified. Very classified. Somehow the most classified thing she's ever been a part of in SHIELD.

"I understand. Agent Lance Hunter is my boyfriend." She narrows her eyes a touch and glances to the left and to the right... nothing happened. At least, nothing has happened yet. She returns to a smile though, "I trust him with my life."

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Nadia makes a face at the word classified, it is perhaps in her top five least favorite words ever at least when it keeps her from knowing things or helping. "Then just give me clearance. Like with the bus." It seems perfectly logical, at least in her mind.

She blinks when Bobby mentions Lance Hunter being her boyfriend, like that was the furthest guess from her mind, do adults event /have/ boyfriends? Really, it's a phenomenon she's been able to observe since leaving the Red Room and is normally one of the furthest things from her mind. "Oh, I see." A pause. "I guess he can come." She doesn't seem terribly enthusiastic about this person she doesn't know, but at least it's a step up from 'No Strangers'.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi scrunches up her nose a little and says, "Sorry. I can't. It's above my level to do so. You'd have to talk to the toppest of top agents and I don't think they're going to open up their schedule for you, even if you are a - congratulations by the way - full member of the Titans now."

She nods in appreciation, "Seems like you've found yourself a good group of people who appreciate you for who you are. That's important to find. I try not to stick my nose in to Titans business, I don't think they'd appreciate it if I did, but what I do know, they seem like good eggs."

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Nadia involuntarily tenses for a moment at the mention of the Titans. Not that she wasn't really happy at becoming a full member of the team right before all of this went down, more the reminder that four of her friends, those she shared the lab with in particular, that are still missing. "Yeah, the Titans are great." She manages. "This whole classification thing is so annoying." But in the end she shrugs knowing this debate is not going to end with her winning when it's already over Bobby's head.

"Anyway, this isn't only about me." She reaches into her pocket and pulls out something resembling a thumb drive, though clearly bearing Nadia Tech improvements. "This is for you. It is the rest of the data Vivian was able to recover from their computers and some of the overwritten corrupted garbage data as well, maybe some of your people can piece something back together out of it. Highlights include something called 'Katyusha' working with the Red Room. That base was apparently a joint operation, they wanted the Red Room's super science division to recreate somthing called a Carbonadium Synthesizer for them. Also how the Attourney General learned all of those things it didn't seem like he should have any way of knowing. You may want to have a few words with one of his top aides." The drive is place on the table and slid over to Bobbi.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi smiles and places a finger on the drive, sliding it the rest of the way to her palm. She slips it past her lab coat and in to a concealed pocket and says, "Why thank you. I did say I like presents and this is a lovely present." She had heard about the missing Titans and naturally she wondered what she could do about it. So much happened while she was dealing with HYDRA. Sometimes she wonders how they're meant to keep on top of it all.

"I'm quite certain the Attourney General is being looked in to as to the hows and whys of his actions. That they took it as far as detaining Hank Pym." She narrows her eyes a touch. She wished she could have been here to rip them a new one. SHIELD has all kinds of leverage on people in power just in case they start leaning toward the villains of the world.

"How are you doing, emotionally, now that you're back. How is Janet doing too? I always think of her as having an iron will, but that must have been particularly hard." And of course Natasha, she should really check up on her.. though Clint probably has it covered if she's being honest with herself. Sometimes though, Nats needs someone of a higher rank to stare at blankly for a while and then say one or two words before she can relax again.

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
"I mean providing intel was part of the deal for not shooting me when we first met, wasn't it?" Nadia grins at her own joke, "But really this stuff seems more in your area. Even if I wanted to go chasing after this 'Katyusha' I have my hands full. I need to finish re-inventing space travel and then see if I can re-write Wormhole Theory too in order to get my missing friends back."

Nadia purses her lips at the mention of her father and what happened to him. "There seems to have been a valid Hague Convention Warrant. It just shows how dangerous the Red Room is, how capable of manipulating international political institutions to their own ends."

The question of how Nadia is doing emotionally is met with a light shrug, "I have a lot to sort out, it's why I need to take that trip. But I think I'm okay. Janet went through a lot, but she seems okay. If something happened to her... I don't know what I would have done. Apparently she learned techniques for resisting interrogation and torture from Natasha."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi chuckles and says, "Of course she did. Natasha is a font of knowledge about this stuff." Bobbi rarely talks about what she knows of spy craft. It's smarter to omit than to admit. "I will start organising the trip from my end for when I am given the thumbs up. As soon as that happens we'll get under way. With or without Lance. And thanks for the intel. It's really appreciated, especially about the Red Room. And just between you and me, you were never in danger of being shot, I would not have allowed it."

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Nadia pushes herself off from her leaning perch on the table and steps around to offer Bobbi another hug, "It was good to see you again, Dr. Morse. I'm glad whatever happened, you pulled through. I'll be waiting by the phone ...if I'm not in space. Hmmm I need a space phone." She makes a mental note to invent a phone functional throughout the Sol system just in case. "Anyway, I'll be waiting for your call." She makes a phone gesture next to her head with her right hand and then sees herself out.