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Latest revision as of 03:34, 6 October 2020

Where Do You Want To Be In Five Years
Date of Scene: 05 October 2020
Location: Charles' Office / Classroom
Synopsis: Jean and Alex catch up on things
Cast of Characters: Jean Grey, Alex Summers

Jean Grey has posed:
It's a Monday morning at the Xavier Institute, and that typically means the other teachers are doing their thing, while Doctor Jean Grey, Headmistress, is...

Doing paperwork. Lots of paperwork. Probably the reason that the Prof bailed and left her with the job, she might think, in her more frustrating moments. Still, it's a good opportunity to catch up on things. Absently, she looks at the elaborate ring-chains on her right hand that Piotr gave her a while ago, smiling a bit to herself as she almost loses herself in contemplating the golden jewelry...

Alex Summers has posed:
    Outside, Alex strides down the hall, dressed down in comfortable jeans and a short sleeved button up shirt that clings slightly to his biceps, his boots softly clomping on the carpet outside as he pauses outside the door, then knocks politely. Jean asked him to meet her here, but he's assuming she has other stuff she's probably doing while she was waiting she might need to finish first, after all. Wouldn't want to burst in on a counseling session with a student or something.

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean blinks in surprise at the knocking, then smiles as she senses who it is, <<Come in, Alex!>> With that, she looks up towards the door, wearing a fairly typical ensemble of faux turtleneck cream-colored that is somewhat flattering, as well as a respectable green skirt. When he enters through the door, she nods, "Glad you could make it here, I hope I'm not keeping you from anything."

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex's shields are actually improving; you can feel it. Emma must be running him through some exercises or something. Still not great, mind, but better than him being as wide open as he was previously. He opens the door, slipping inside and closing it behind him, smiling. "Hey Jean. Nah, I'm between expeditions, I've just been doing reports on what I found with the last mine inspection." There is something about his emotions though...a sort of churning concern that he's burying currently, but that's in the back of his mind. He walks over and flops down in the chair across from Jean, grinning. "Mmm, so. New office." he teases faintly.

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean laughs, "Yeah, I'm getting a bit used to the new surroundings. Definitely a bit strange since I remember being on the other side of the desk way too often." She grins and nods at the mention of the expeditions, "Glad to hear that's going well." She pauses, noting the emotional churn in Alex's mind, but deciding against addressing it just yet.

Instead, she smiles, looking at him, "Give any additional thought on what you wanted to do? I mean, you do have that standing invitation if you ever wished to take it." Her eyes reflect a genuine curiosity, as she's not peeking at all. That would be cheating!

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex shifts. "...I know." he says, turning more serious. "And I really appreciate you guys letting me practice at the Danger Room here where I can't accidentally blow up anything. I dunno, it's just...it's not anything I saw myself doing. I mean, teaching or...the other stuff you do. At least, not right now." he admits, frowning. "Sebastian Shaw has been good to me too, giving me a solid job and some good challenges. I'm still good with helping you out if you need me, but I don't have the kind of training you guys have been doing for years and years."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean hmms a bit, "Well, that's understandable, but you'll always have a place here if you want. And not just because you're Scott's brother." She nods, "I definitely understand the need to get out and do more. To be honest, if the Professor hadn't given me this opportunity, I might have opened my own private practice in New York." She chuckles dryly, "I was even shopping for apartments when that happened, so... well, I guess it's a good thing I didn't sign the lease!" Her eyes twinkle a bit in amusement.

"But, well, as I said, you're always welcome here... but how's Emma? I haven't heard from her in a little while, admittedly I've been busy making sure all the cats here have been getting herded properly..."

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex mms. "She's been really busy of late, honestly. Lots of meetings and flying around, so I haven't seen her hardly at all." he admits with a frown. "She's got a lot on her mind, really." He hesistates, that sort of churning emotion building a little, before he grudgingly says. "I haven't told her, but, ah, someone trashed my car."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean arches a brow, "Someone trashed your car? As in, vandalized it, or just got into an accident?" She looks a bit concerned, "With how politics are going lately, I'm not terribly surprised at an uptick of people hating on mutants... seems to be how things go for us."

Alex Summers has posed:
    "Yeah, but..." Alex frowns. "I don't know how someone found out I'm a mutant. It's not like I advertise it; my power isn't subtle. But it wasn't random, they spraypainted the car. All sorts of shit." He shakes the head slightly. "I mean, usually my car is in Emma's building, the club, so there's security to prevent people from screwing around."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean hrms, "Sounds like that's something we might need to work on. Because, well, if they did figure out that you're a mutant, they might try and trace that back here." She smiles faintly, "If you want, I can send a few people down to look into it, discretely. Or just do some checking myself."

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex mms. "No one knows that I hang out at this place. I don't talk about it, and the only other person who knows is Emma, who's not going to be telling anyone. So you're probably safe. It's just assholes who figured out where my old apartment was and caught my car there while I was moving shit out." He sighs. "But yeah, maybe. I mean, I don't wanna overreact, but if there's more problems I'll let you know, okay?"

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean smiles, "Alright then. But you haven't seen a car get keyed until you've seen Logan key it." She winks at Alex, obviously joking, but then grows more serious, "If you /do/ have any further problems, though, let me know. Because, well, you're family as far as I'm concerned, and we do look after our own here." She smiles, "And definitely let Emma know that if she needs another spa day, this time it would be /my/ treat. Being the Headmistress has privileges beyond a mere teacher, after all."

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex grins. "She definitely could use that. I don't think she's been able to hang with any gal pals outside of work in a while. She overworks herself way too much, I have to remind her to take a break sometimes." he agrees. He thinks for a moment, idly tapping his fingers on his leg. "I think maybe I'll stay away from the school for a little bit or at least visit a little less until I'm sure I sidestepped these dickbags though. You're right, I don't want to bring any trouble down on the kids here or anything." he says with a little frown, then smiles faintly. "Hell, I guess I could say they did me a favor, I can take the insurance from the car and get something that's not twenty years old now with the new job."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean snickers, "See, always an upside, I suppose I should look at trading in my little CRV for something with a bit more pep. I do like that thing, though..." She grins, "So, aside from that, everything's going okay?" Her eyes reflect a fair amount of concern for Alex, obviously, as her jewelry jangles just a bit on her right hand.

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex nods slightly. "Yeah, think so. Pretty good overall, other than the car thing. No more kidnapping attempts or crap, but Shaw is having Emma be driven everywhere so she's got some extra security for the moment. Still feeling a little paranoid, but past the worst of it I think, for me." he admits.

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean nods, "Well, as long as /that/ is taken care of, but yeah, don't hesitate to let me know. I'll make sure to give Emma a call later. Sounds like she needs to hear from a friend." She grins, "Not that you're not, but... well, it's different." With that, Jean gives Alex a wink, "Keep in touch anyway, even if things don't go south. Be nice to have some GOOD news for a change, you know?"