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Captains Have Nine Lives
Date of Scene: 01 March 2020
Location: Daily Planet Recording Studio
Synopsis: What's an eighteen-year-old doing interviewing Captain Marvel? Does he have enough common sense to not reveal his sources? Stay tuned for answers to these questions, and more!
Cast of Characters: Terry O'Neil, Carol Danvers

Terry O'Neil has posed:
What's an eighteen-year-old doing interviewing Carol Danvers? The question had crossed his mind several times while preparing for the aforementioned interview. Admittedly, he had been more preoccupied with following Lois' advice to be creative in trying to catch Danvers' attention without shouting to the public something she didn't want revealed just yet- namely, her survival. He imagined Lois must have been skeptical when he requested his acrostic to be published in the supplement. So was he. The fact that it worked was, he was sure, a stroke of incredible luck more than anything else.

Terry hadn't had any trouble securing the podcast studio, once it was confirmed it was /the/ Carol Danvers who contacted him and not someone pulling a prank. He'd done his best to dress the part, too. He was the embodyment of crispness and exactitude- a neatly-ironed long-sleeved button-up shirt and tie, dress slacks and shoes. The whole nine yards.

The only thing that refused to be perfectly orderly was his hair. Somehow, he could never quite control his hair.

By the time Danvers arrives, everything is set and ready to go- except Terry, internally. But he wasn't about to admit it to anyone just yet.

The young would-be repoter is sitting at the table, checking his notes briefly before Carol is due to arrive.

"Don't screw this up, Terry," he mutters to himself. He checks his phone for the time- plenty of time. She should be showing up soon.

A brief moment of panic causes him to grab for one of the glasses of water provided by the studio staff. Gulp.

She //would// show up, right? All of a sudden, the possiblity that Captain Marvel might stand him up for an interview became very real, solely due to nerves, and he spent a few seconds imagining what it would be like to walk out of the studio and onto the main floor, and have every single person peer out of their cubicles and stare at him.

Maybe point at laugh, too.

He takes a deep breath to steady himself and, without realizing it, begins to sing under his breath to soothe himself:

~Always look on the briiight siide of liife... doot doot, doot doot doot doot doot doot...~

Carol Danvers has posed:
Honestly the question had crossed Carol's mind as well. She had no idea when she she first saw that missed connection ad and in a fit of curiosity decided to respond to it. Perhaps it was someone from her past, for good or ill, and much like the missed connection recently with Jessica Jones could lead to an avenue to recapture some of the past.

Of course that is not what this was at all, but already committed to it at the point she found out that the connection was a reporter she decided to see it through. Honesty she isn't entirely sure why the reporter, or well intern or whatever Terry actually is, is interested in speaking with her of all people. As far as she is concerned the whole 'death' thing was years ago and by the time she got back to earth no one was really talking about the story or the fugitive from justice mutant terrorist. Especially in the wake of the whole Loki incident and now Genosha.

Yet here they are. There was of course back and forth about restrictions on the interview. She wouldn't be speaking on behalf of SHIELD. She wouldn't be talking about anything sensitive or secret.

All of that out of the way she is a little late, not because she is standing Terry up though, more because it seems like there is always something going on that requires some level of attention these days. The world is a big and scary place after all.

Still she did make it, and someone spotting the very costumed hero guides her to the right recording studio and even holds the door for her, looking after Carol when she walks in with big, I can't believe it, eyes before shutting the door behind her.

Carol looks Terry over in his orderly clothing and chaotic hair and tilts her head. "Terry O'Neil?"

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"~The riiight side o-~"

Terry's head shoots up, no longer looking at his notes but coming face to face with Captain Marvel herself. At once, he stands up, bolt upright, pushing his notes to the side.

"Yes- yes, Captain. It's an honor to meet you. Thank so much for coming."

He offers his hand for a hanshake and gestures to the chair across from him, which also faces a microphone. "Please, have a seat- is there anything I can get you? We've got water, but if you want a soda, or coffee..."

His eyes dart quickly around the room to make sure the proffered items were available. Yes. There's Miss Lane's spare pot, which was said to brew coffee that could be used as an extemporaneous weapon in case anyone tried to hold the office hostage. And there was soda in the mini-fridge.

The young man is walking that fine line between nevousness and excitement, while also trying to come across like a professional. He felt like he could explode at any minute, in fact, and briefly wondered if his mother had been serious about considering the priesthood istead.

"Everything is set up to start as soon as you're ready and comfortable. Of course, if there are any more stipulations you'd like to add on top of the ones we previously discussed, I am all ears."

Carol Danvers has posed:
Names are interesting things. Before her 'death' in San Francisco she went by Ms. Marvel. Since coming back she has been going by Captain Marvel for the last six months or so. To Terry though she notes "You can call me Carol, or Captain Marvel I suppose depending on the pace of the interview. I imagine you want to establish who I am." a touch of a smile. "Is it all right if I call you Terry?"

She did have to go through some basic media training review from SHIELD before she came over for this, they weren't sure if she remembered talking to reporters back when she was Ms. Marvel or not.

Still she returns his handshake before settling into the chair across from him there. "Water is just fine." she notes disarmingly. "As for stipulations, well just the ones we went over I believe. I'll need to say at the top that I am not in any way speaking for or representing SHIELD. I may have to say that I can't respond to a question due to the sensitive nature of the topic." she thinks about it then frowns lightly. "I also may have to say I can't respond to a question because I suffered some memory loss from the San Francisco incident." incident. Such a downplaying of what must have been a very traumatic event.

"Otherwise we can start if you are ready." pause "Have you done many interviews, I only did a cursory web search but..."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Terry's perfectly fine!" He returns with a smile, "I'll address you by your moniker for the interview... It's more respectful that way." He somehow can't bring himself to use her first name, and he's pretty sure that anyone who listens to the podcast would be able to guess his age by his voice. "Right, of course. And you've got me... this is my first interview." He admits candidly as he sits down and checks the equipment quickly, "I have sat on a few interviews that my cousin has conducted before I became an intern here... she's April O'Neil, works for the eyewitness news but also has her podcast. Interviewed Harley Quinn just recently. So..." he sits back on the chair and adjusts the position of the microphone. "I will do my best. If at any point you can't answer for either question, give me the signal and we can remove the question in post, since this won't be a live broadcast."

He may be ambitious and curious, but he is not suicidal. April can have the luxury of a live podcast with Harley Quinn because she has experience. Terry feels he needs all the help and precautions he can get.

"I think that's all... let me know when you're ready and we can start."

He takes a quick gulp of water from the glass, and looks at the laptop resting on the table. All systems are go.

Carol Danvers has posed:
"I heard that, still can't believe she went into Arkham and interviewed that psychopathic clown really. I hope she isn't in any danger with Harley Quinn's breakout." to the further instructions she nods. "I'll just wave you off it is something I can't discuss." she demonstrates the hand gesture. "And I will go easy on you." just light teasing really.

She doesn't bail though about the fact this is the first interview Terry has done, no one else has sought her out and she is curious why he did really. She really doesn't know how much of the world hasn't realized she isn't dead really.

"Go ahead and start." she takes a sip of water while he getsthings rolling.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Alright!" Nervous energy surges through him. He grounds it by taking a deep breath low in his stomach- nerves are good, a good source of energy and alertness. Trick is not to let them get out of hand. "There'll be an intro which they'll add in post. This will be part of the regular Panet podcasts, so they'll add the sting and all of that, so..."

He touches the button and the light on the microphone stops flashing red and goes blue.


"Good afternoon, Metropolis, this Terry O'Neil coming to you from the studio at your very own Daily Planet. I am pleased to announce that today we have a very special guest- she is a household name, seasoned pilot and superhero: Captain Carol Danvers, better known to the public as Captain Marvel. Captain, thank you for joining us." As he starts talking, he starts loosening up some. A bit of his impish side perks up tentatively, and he finds himself saying "For someone who is supposed to be M.I.A, you look fantastic. Needless to say, we can assume that reports of your death were greatly exaggerated?" You can't go wrong with the old Mark Twain chestnut, right?

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol really has to resist messing with Terry as he starts off the interview. It wouldn't be kind to give the hand sign on the MIA question just to mess with him. Still she can't help but smile a touch at the thought as she listens to him settle into it and start to find his own groove there.

"I'm not sure I would say I am a household name Terry but thank you for having me on today." she pauses a moment. "That said yes, the reports of my death are greatly exagerated though it was a very near thing. In a lot of ways Ms. Marvel definitely did meet her end on the Golden Gate bridge that day, which is why I've started going as Captain Marvel now that I am back." she knows that probably opens it up to several follow on questions, but she figures they are unavoidable and the whole point of this interview even if they may be uncomfortable.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
From listening to April ask questions, Terry has made a mental image of interviews as sort of Choose-Your-Own-Adventure books: your progress depends on which path you choose, and often one choice means an entire branch is closed off to you even as another one opens. Going against the flow os a great way to make things awkward, so Terry chooses to take the more logical path for now, albeit taking great care to be tactful.

"Right. For those listening at home, this would be the incident back in 2018. Those of us who were watching at home saw you disappear into the waters of the bay... from which, fortunately, you managed to emerge somehow. I understand that there were complications associated with that incident, which makes recalling certain events difficult. Do you have any memory of how you managed to survive the Golden Gate bridge ordeal?"

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol knew this was coming of course and has been trying to figure out the best way to deal with these lines of questions. The truth or some sort of pretty little lie are the real options.

"I do have some problems remembering my time as Ms. Marvel yes I'm afraid. When the Brotherhood terrorist attacked me I unfortunately lost a lot that day. Not just memories but my powers were also weakened for a time."

The next part is the tricky part. "If this was twenty years ago the next part would sound crazy, but I was fished out of the San Francisco Bay by one of the many alien empires out there who wanted to try to determine where my powers came from." okay how is that not classified. Probably because honestly it is Danvers business and Fury can yell at her later. "They held me against my will until about six months ago when I was lucky enough to take advantage of a disaster at their facility and escape before making my way back to earth."

"Also before you ask the next question, yes I have my powers back so none of my old nemesis should get any smart ideas, even if my memory is still not complete." that part is said very sternly indeed, steel, and not for Terry though but for anyone listening and getting ideas clearly.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"You heard her, bad guys, don't be stupid. There are better ways to be stupid than challenging Captain Marvel. Like arguing on twitter." Did he just encourage them to at at someone? Maybe if Harley was listening, she could volunteer to draw the social media fire. Terry smiles, and then grows more serious.

"This empire held you against your will, clearly having no regard for your desires or your autonomy. Do you worry that it might be possible that they may try to come back and pick up where they left off prior to your escape?"

This was a potentially classified question, but it was a question he felt was important.

Carol Danvers has posed:
"Honestly this wasn't the first attempt and this one was only successful because I was already down from the bridge incident. They took advantage of a very bad situation and still only got away with it for so long." she considers it for a moment.

"So while I can't rule out them attempting it again, I am currently not very worried about them being successful. They are pretty preoccupied with the current war their empire is embroiled in to be honest." she makes that sound just so matter of fact.

"I am definitely glad to be home though, nothing beats the food here in my opinion. Especially when compared to space rations." did she crack a joke, yeah by the tone and the light smile she did. She may not remember a lot of her old life but she seems comfortable during an interview.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Swerving into the lighter side of things, Terry grabs a note from the desk but doesn't look at it just yet. "I don't know- I've heard nothing beats a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster... but, you've gone out into the inky darkness of space, met new lives and new civilizations- and we'll stop there so as not to split infinitives. Most of us will never even get to see our rock from orbit. Of all the things that you remember experiencing in the great out there... what has changed your outlook the most- if anything?"

Carol Danvers has posed:
Well Terry may be trying to swerve into the light but Carol thinks about his question, tapping the arm of the chair. "One of the things that has struck me with everything I have seen both here and out there is how lucky we are that we have the heroes we do. While many civilizations out there have what we would consider law enforcement or militaries, they don't have the diversity of heroes we have on earth that are willing to step up and defend this relatively small blue planet in what is considered a fairly unimportant corner of the Universe. We saw it when Superman and the Fantastic Four defeated Annihilus and Zod, then again with the massive alien invasion back in 2012, once more when Doomdsday attacked us and we lost one of our greats. Most recently the attack by the Asgardian Loki and the forces he was able to muster."

She smiles. "Each time heroes rose up, assembled, and defended us successfully from well organized threats to the whole planet." a shrug that the audience won't be able to see. "Which is not in any way to downplay the first responders and armed forces either. All of those people without powers but with great courage and fantastic bravery. Who in all of those cases also rose up and did their jobs to help the civilian populations during those invasions and afterwards."

A sip of water. "The human spirit, that endurance, is truly remarkable. So while that isn't unique we are really quite lucky and I am happy to be here. I missed our little blue planet a lot when I was gone and even with my memories not in tip top shape I remembered home."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"And we're definitely glad to have you back," Terry says, taking another sip of water.

. o O (Okay, you haven't ruined this yet. Just keep not ruining things and you'll be fine. Don't softball this, but you're also not here to develop a reputation for trapping guests.)

"I know it must be very difficult to look at a part of your life and see an empty space..." he glances at his note, "As of last year, the center for disease control and prevention issued a report that identified one in every nine U.S. adults as having memory issues, and at least 1.7 million injuries take place in the United States each year that result in amnesia, in different levels of magnitude. While compared to the population at large that number may appear small, 1.7 million lives that must struggle to build some sort of relationship with a past self they may not fully recognize."

He leans back a little, "Is there anything you would like to share about this road you're on- for those out there who are walking down a similar path?" He pauses. "It is okay if it's too personal a thing to ask, of course..."

Carol Danvers has posed:
"I didn't actually know that Terry, hopefully it is okay to call you Terry." she keeps it light, and she knows you said it was fine earlier. Still the interplay will be good on the interview.

"I definitely feel for all of those people suffering injuries and amnesia like that. Mine isn't result of a head trauma though, or any normal trauma. It is honestly seems to be a lot more complicated than that thanks to the nature of the young woman who assaulted me back on that day. As for how I'm dealing with it, well one day at a time with the help of professionals I am very grateful to and old friends who are still by my side."

Which seems to be the extent of the answer. No need to vent about how sick she is of shrinks, hypnosis, therapies, and other techniques all of which haven't worked worth anything.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Oh yes, Terry is fine! One day at a time, definitely. You know, that reminds me of a book I read when I was a kid. This street-sweeper called Beppo was in it. He always managed to sweep the streets in his village by end of day, even though there were some long ones. When asked how he managed to do it at all, he said that if you think how terribly long a street is and feel sure you'll never get it swept, you'll panic, and in the end you're out of breath and have to stop - and still the street stretches away in front of you. The trick is to never think of the whole street at once, just the next step, the next breath, the next stroke of the broom, and the next, and the next.'"

Tilting his head, he taps the table, softly, "And speaking of what the day brings, I am curious to know your thoughts about the last couple of days. We've had two prominent billionaires throw their hat in the Presidential ring, after all, and both of them have ties to the superhero community in one way or another..."

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol tilts her head a little bit as Terry drifts into talking about Beppo the Street-Sweeper which is evidently a children's book. "That seems like a good lesson for everyone to learn."

The next question though is an interesting one. "One way or another." she says bemused. "On one hand you have someone who has turned his company into one that largely benefits humanity through clean energy and technologies while still taking the time to turn his natural intellectual gifts to directly protecting humanity at great personal risk. On the other side you have what to all appearances is a ruthless corporate raider whose number one goal was profit and bad mouthing one of the greatest heroes our planet has ever seen. Someone who sacrificed himself to save the planet we all call home." yeah Carol has some opinions there.

"In the spirit of transparency I will be up front that I know Tony Stark and I think he is a good person who genuinely wants to make this country a better place. I have never met Mr. Luthor and can't say the same for him from what I have heard. I am happy to meet Mr. Luthor anytime he would like to talk about his seeming obsession with The Man of Steel and the work he did for us all. I doubt I am wrong but I think it is important to hear from all sides, especially in something as important as the presidential election."

"Which reminds me, everyone should do their civic duty when it comes to elections. Be informed. Get your news from multiple sources. Then vote for the candidate that you think will best represent you and our countries interests. it is really our most important civic duty." there is a smile at that point and she adds. "I think my friend Captain America would probably be satisfied with that little PSA about voting if I know him." she really hopes Rogers doesn't mind that last bit, but it does lighten it up.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry struggles very much not to grin, but he fails. He takes a sip of water, clears his throat and says, "I am sure Mister Rogers would agree with the sentiment to encourage participation in the debate that will influence the course of the country." It isn't after he has said that that he realizes that 'Mister Rogers' could very much mean two potentially famous people. He thinks of an addendum, but then realizes that the statement could apply equally to both, and decides to let it be.

"Captain, in your line of work you come across many different opportunities to discharge your duty to protect Earth. While the most common one is engaging direct threats, we also have some instances in which you have acted to assist extraterrestrial refugees who, for one reason or another, have ended up in our planet, provided they are not a threat. Is there any level at which you can discuss what you do in those times, or is all of it pretty much classified?"

Carol Danvers has posed:
Which is honestly the point where Carol raises a hand and then indicates with a cutting motion to stop the recording. She looks more curious than anything really but she does wait until the recording light goes back to blinking Red to ask her own question.

"Extraterrestrial refugees Terry?" she can only think of one instance in recent time, and she also is pretty sure it isn't public knowledge right now, not really. "Can you elaborate on that a bit, because the heroes I've worked with in the JLA or Avengers aren't refugees. What with Thor being a prince of Asgard for instance."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry taps the mike to pause the recording, and only when he is satisfied that the microphone is not recording, he proceeds to answer.

"I didn't want to be too specific while recording. I was mostly referring to the recent incident- the winged alien that was found at the beach. He followed you of his own accord, so I assume he wasn't a threat, or bent on conquering the world. Then again... you never know." The redhead shrugs, "There's footage of you and Red Star coming across his bedraggled self- not public footage, mind you. It came to me, and fortunately only to me. You bet that if it had made it to one of the yahoos at the Bugle, it'd probably be all over their website, and they'd write goodness-knows-what on the front pages. It's seeing the video that gave me the idea to reach out to you first-- well, because first and foremost a lot of people still don't know you're back. And, I have to admit, I was curious about the bird-man."

He pauses for a second, and adds, "And you don't need to worry about that footage going public. Off the record I have questions, of course, but on the record I know there's only so much I can ask."

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol really wonders about that footage now. There were only three people on the beach that she was able to ascertain after all other than herself. Which honestly leaves the young woman as the most likely suspect.

There is a hmm noise from Carol and then she nods. "He is doing fine if you are wondering, and no he does not seem to be a threat to anyone, just a lost teenager a long way from home." she sips the water and leans back with a sigh. "I can't go on the record about the incident at all, that question will need to be one of those things cut Terry. Sorry." she wobbles her hand. "So what questions do you have purely off the record on this then?"

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Psh, don't worry about that one question, I think there's a lot of good material before that, and we can do a closer after we go back on the record no problem..." He leans forward, chin on his hands "A lost teenager a long way from home, with extraordinary powers. Heh, I know of some people who fit that description." Wheels are turning, but first the questions: "This protocol 0-8-4 sounds like the standard quarantine and evaluation. There's nothing that I'd ask about that, because I know that's classified up the wazoo, probably... but the part I am curious about is what happens afterwards. Like, let's assume he passes all the tests. Hopefully probing is not involved." He shudders. And he suddenly gets a mental image where Earth and SHIELD are the subject of legends among alien refugees who make it back to their world. 'And then they put me on a table, and then...'

He blinks a couple of times, returning to this particular world, "Once Harvey Bird-Man is given the get-go... is there any program at all to help him, you know, live here? Like you said, he's a teenager and he's lost..."

Carol Danvers has posed:
Okay great the video must have a lot of Carol talking in it too, probably in bird language and to the teenagers from earth too. She sighs lightly.

"I can't really talk about it. I am personally doing my very best to make sure he has a place here and can get acclimated as best as possible. We aren't just going to toss him in some hole and forget about him. That is as much as I can say at this point though."

She looks to the microphone and then back to Terry. "We should probably get to your wrap up though."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Fair enough. I know you don't know me from Adam, but I do want to suggest something for your consideration: You might want to put him with people his own age." Pause. "Or the nearest biological equivalent for non alien birdpeople." He smiles. "And I know you probably know a lot of fine, upstanding extraterrestrials that you probably work with, but - they'd be adults. I do happen to have Beast Boy's contact, and the Titans in the past have had experience with this sort of thing." Starfire, of course, being the extraterrestrial in question. "So if you guys end up looking for people to place him with, you could do worse than look in that direction."

"Sure, we can do a closer, but one thing first."

Terry takes out his phone from his pocket and lays it flat on the table. After passing through the lock screen, he jumps over to the gallery and taps one of the squares, which then blows up to show a video playing. It is, of course, the video in question.

With three expert taps, Terry consigns the video to oblivion, and empties the trash as well. He twirls the phone around and slides it over to Captain Marvel. "If you want to double check. Just... ignore the selfies. It was the only way I thought to break the news to my mother."

If Carol does check, she'll see what he means: there are quite a few selfies of Terry shirtless. Unlike the majority of the thirsty clickbait selfies people upload to social media, Terry's selfies are there primarily to show the bandaging of his left shoulder, which looks like it might have received a gun shot. His expression, far from being the pathetic 'alluring' expression of many 'grammers, that often leave them looking like apopleptic fishheads, Terry's expression in one of resignation, one finger pointed at the bandage and the corner of the lip slightly up.

"As it turns out, it was the worst possible way to break that news." He smirks. Using the laptop, he goes back a few seconds and plays the recording over. He stops at the moment right after the Mister Rogers comment and before he starts to ask the question, and hits 'record' so as to over-write that portion.

"Captain," he says, speaking into the microphone, "I want to thank you for spending this time with me. I wish you the best of luck going forward. As you are our guest, we leave the last word to you!" he says and leans back.

Carol Danvers has posed:
"I'll consider that, I hadn't actually thought of the Titans." and perhaps she didn't or doesn't really remember them. Something to look up later though. "And I was looking into options of putting him with people his age actually." but she isn't about to out Happy Harbor to someone who appears to be a very normal reporter trying to get a big break.

When the video is deleted she studies it and then nods. "I appreciate that Terry." that said, he could have backups and the original is still out there with his source. So she doesn't bother to check his selfies. Honestly it will be a lot easier to just see who sent Terry any large attachments through his cellular plan and narrow it down and pay the young woman a visit later since she seems concerned enough about Kian to go to a reporter, even a Jr. one. That or she wanted to be famous, so there are two conversation paths there.

When the recording starts back up Carol smiles falling back into being interviewed mode. "I was happy to be here Terry, hopefully the listeners enjoyed our conversation as well. As for last words I suppose I'll just call back to my earlier ramble about civics and do a final call out for everyone to make sure to vote." with that she falls quiet once more picking up the glass, finishing it and waiting for the light to go out again.

"Anything else you'd like to ask Terry off the record before I need to run. I should probably get back out there soon."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"I can't really think of anything." Terry taps his glass and looks at Carol for a moment. He feels tired- a combination of the pain killers, but also all of the nervous energy that was expended, now that he's no longer doing the interview. "I only hope I didn't screw the pooch, to be totally frank. I'm not here to use you- I'd go to the Bugle if I were into that sort of thing."

Had the Bugle missed its weekly quota of declaring Spider-Man a menace yet? It was hard to keep count. "I guess that what I'm trying to say is: I vote Stark. It really did mean a lot that you talked to me. On and off the record."

Terry will never know about the tracing, of course- so he'll never find the joke was actually on him when Colette insisted that he record the video off her phone instead of sending him the file over the network. At the time, he thought the girl was completely paranoid bonkers.

Sadly for Colette but happily for Terry, he'll never know.

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol will stand up and then reach out to shake Terry's hand. "I'm pretty sure you did a great job. I'm not the best judge of this though so I imagine your cousin will give you more feedback." thinking of April O'niel "Or I suppose your editors here."

She looks around and then nods "That is appreciated Terry. I should probably step out and get back to work. Let me know if you have any follow-up questions though and drop me Beast Boy's contact. It will save me looking him up."

One last smile and then Carol is showing herself out. Back to work.