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Latest revision as of 14:03, 31 October 2020

Afterlife: Whose yer mumma
Date of Scene: 30 October 2020
Location: R and D Labs: Triskelion
Synopsis: Bobbi confirms Daisy's mother is Jiaying. Bobbi and May read Daisy in on a mission to determine the status of Jiaying's group.
Cast of Characters: Bobbi Morse, Melinda May, Daisy Johnson

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi hits the secure blinds and locks and mutes the cameras. She looks to May and says, "You're the only other level 7 I feel I can trust with this information May." She opens up her tablet and shows a few low quality photos of Jiaying. "While trapped on an island controlled by HYDRA - myself, Simmons and Hunter met an Inhuman by the name Jiaying. She was hacked to pieces by Whitehall and Simmons put her back together. She healed.. entirely."

She raises an eyebrow, "In our escape from HYDRA she hailed a radio frequency and another Inhuman appeared, then teleported her away. Not long ago while out having drinks with Hunter," yep surnames, all business during business hours, "She appeared with two other people to talk. During conversation with her it became clear we all knew the same Daisy Johnson... she thinks Daisy is her daughter and wants to know about her."

From her backpack she takes out a cup from a bar sealed in an evidence bag. "And I got her DNA..."

Melinda May has posed:
Healed entirely? May arches a dark brow, moving to look at the tablet Bobbi shows her. She looks at the field photos and frowns faintly. "Well, then, it's time for a maternity test," she says dryly. "I'm none to keen on those types of inquiries into our people. Know what I mean?" Paranoid much? Yeah, well, you don't get to Level 7 or survive as many years in the spy game as May has without a healthy sense of paranoia. Sad, but true.

"Do we know where she is, now? If she's got a teleporter, what's to stop her from porting in, snagging Johnson, and porting out?"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Office hours? That means Daisy is down at the cybersecurity level working with the other computer wizzes in cracking down some of the latest threats that came upon SHIELD's radar as of late. One of those being the drone attack. One is open on her table, she carefully moving a small piece of 80s hardware to one side and connecting it to another board. It lights up her monitor.

"Voila!" She opening her arms to the side as if waiting for the adulation of her crowd. None comes, the other wizzes continuing on their work or giving out simple grunts of acknowledgement. Tough crowd. "Well, don't expect me to cheer for your achievements too." she grumps, though all done good naturedly as she launches herself back to work.

Truth is that she had been somewhat anxious after having heard there was someone who could be her mother out there. Without a lot to go on at the moment she had focused on what she was good at, which meant spending her time playing with hardware.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi nods her head, "I've been thinking about that exact question. It took me a while to piece it together in my mind. While we were Whitehall's prisoner.. Hunter and I reminisced. Harry's bar. We mentioned Harry's bar and that's where she met us. She has no idea who Daisy is, what she looks like, where she is. Best guess she could make is that Daisy hangs around me. She may have deduced by now that Daisy is SHIELD.. hard to say. But, if she knew where she was, yes she could just grab her."

She looks at the cup. "The thing is.. Hunter and I, we're pretty sure Jiaying is hiding something, we have no idea where she is or how far that other Inhuman can teleport. My guess is one of those with her at Harry's bar was the teleporter - the other? he seemed like 'security', if you know what I mean. I think we may have stumbled on some kind of Inhuman cult. Jiaying seemed important."

She puts on her gloves and takes the cup out of evidence, then swabs where Jiaying drank from the cup. In to the sequencer it goes and she presses start. "If this comes back with a familial positive - we need to tell her. But she's been looking for her mother for how long now? Daisy is still technically an 0-8-4.. you know what that means. We've met her dad.. so Jiaying might be the reason she's an 0-8-4. A SHIELD agent lost her life keeping Diasy hidden from... someone. Jiaying says it was HYDRA. There was certainly no love between Whitehall and Jiaying, it was downright diabolical what was being done to her."

Melinda May has posed:
May can understand Jiaying's hate-on for Hydra, yes. Butchery on that level is entirely their M.O. And funny thing... it tends to make its survivors grumpy. Go figure.

"0-8-4, yeah. That'd explain that." She moves to a computer, prepping it to process the sequencer results.

"If the woman is part of some sort of cult, from what you're saying, she's leadership. And she's looking for her lost daughter." May's dealt with cults before, albiet more religious and philosophical than metahuman, but still. Cults do share certain characteristics the world over. "That implies to me that she'll have some sort of special purpose in mind for her. And that there's a heavy amount of fanaticism in the mix."

Not that she needs to say it, but: "That's the type of potential aggression that won't stop with just burning one bad agency--" like Hydra -- "to the ground." A beat. "I take it I need to catch up on my Inhuman reading, mm?"

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi smirks and says, "I thought you were deep in to weird stuff these days. Magic, tentacle monsters, apocalypses and the like. What's a little Inhuman reading on top of that?" She takes a seat and watches the progress bar on the computer screen with May and asks, "Do you think we should bug her.. Daisy I mean. Put a radiological tracker on her so we can pick her up on satellite. Not that I don't trust Daisy, but I don't trust Jiaying not to snatch her up."

She reaches in to her bag and places a gas powered small pistol with radiological tracker in it. "I always keep this with me when traveling just in case the wrong sort of situation arises and I have a chance to use it.... potentially on myself. This is linked to Skyhawk, that company SHIELD bought up a decade ago. The satellite and drone coverage has improved a lot since then."

The machine goes 'ding' and comes up with the results. 98.7% familial match. Bobbi stares at the results for a while and sits back in her chair. She nibbles on her lip as she contemplates the reality of having actually found Daisy's mother.

Melinda May has posed:
"Child's play" May says drily. "*Anything* to get out of the WAND recruitment line." It's coming. She's sure. So, anything else is preferable than imagining a future training baby demons and dodging angry Atlanteans.

Her fingers fly over the keys briefly as she sets the analysis to run. She then spins in the chair she's taken to face Bobbi. "I trust Johnson, yeah. But this Inhuman?" Does she even need to answer that?

Thus, she nods. "I think it's a valid option to consider," she concedes. "The 0-8-4 designation alone would normally have already done."

At the ding, she turns back to the screen. Those broad red numbers stare back at her. She's silent for a long moment.

"I think we'd better call Daisy." Work hours or not... this merits the agent's first name.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi nods her head with a touch of seriousness. Game face. Spy stuff. Less mucking around.

<Ops put me through to Agent Johnson> she says over comms.
<Agent Johnson, this is Agent Morse. Please report to R&D room #19>

She pats the tracker and looks back to May. "Best turn off the screen for the moment. I don't like putting agents in danger like this, so many unknowns. But if anyone can handle it at level 4, it's Daisy."

Melinda May has posed:
May nods, and simply presses the monitor's power button. It's simple and efficient. She turns her chair slightly away from the machine, which also downplays its importance. One arm rests on the table, the other in her lap.

Why does it feel like she's about to deliver bad news?

Daisy Johnson has posed:
R&D room #19?

Daisy lifts her head from the work she is doing on that particular piece of hardware, peeking at the hours on her computer. It's not even noon yet! Weird enough that she'd be calling her in for lunch already. And today it's not even her that's supposed to go buy it!

<Sure, on my way, Agent Morse.> She puts her work away, letting out a sigh and gets up to her feet. "We will be tango'ing again later on.." she murmurs at the tech. "You and me.." and then off she goes.

It doesn't take her long to reach R&D. Elevators are cool because of that. She knocks on the door before poking her head in. "Hey, you called." she notes the Cavalry there too and her eyes go a bit wider. "The two of you here? This sounds serious." she slides into the room more fully. "Agent Morse. Agent May. Good morning." She greets.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi folds her hands in to her lap and nods her head when Daisy enters the room, "Good morning Agent Johnson." Serious face. Serious voice. She looks to the tracker on the table and says, "This is a radiological tracker for the Skyhawk initiative. In theory, given time, it can track you anywhere in the world for a period of four days before the radiological marker deteriorates. We use this in situations where an Agents life may be in more danger than usual."

She glances over to May and then back to Daisy, "I'd like to read you in on some important information, but doing so will put you in danger. I'd like you to consent to the tracker and inject yourself with it in your upper left arm." There, that'll do.. she didn't say anything false at all. "The following information is classified level 8 and above, level 7 need to know."

Melinda May has posed:
May gives Daisy a bit of a nod as well. But this is Bobbi's show. Even she's bound by that 'need to know' classification. So, she lets the Level 4 absorb the fact she's standing between two of the most decorated senior agents in the agency, being told her life is in imminent danger... and it's all need-to-know.

Even the Ice Queen has to feel for the kid on this.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Serious face and serious voice means Daisy gets her own more serious expression too, along with a mix of worry. She casts a look down at the tracker, then up to Bobbi. She has never been one to like these trackers. Too much 'big brother', no freedom. So she eyes it a bit suspiciously. "You want me to inject myself with a tracker because my life could be in danger?" the question is mostly rhetorical. Just to confirm what she heard. "Shouldn't I at least hear what it's about before ...?" not that she doesn't trust the two agents here with her life. Though there's always been that rebel streak to her..

She does take in a breath though and walks to the table, picking up the injector and eyeing it.

Curiosity and the willingness to help does win over though. "I am guessing it's an important mission, so sure." she rolls up her uniform sleeve and presses the injector to her arm, releasing the tracker.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi nods her head and says, "Take a seat." She looks back to May and then returns her gaze to Daisy. "Some of what you're about to hear is going to be difficult to digest.. so.. don't jump to conclusions positive or negative. We simply don't know enough." She takes a deep breath and says, "As you are aware you've been in the SHIELD system since you were a baby as an 0-8-4. An agent lost her life protecting you from ... what we now believe was HYDRA hunting you down."

She raises an eyebrow, "And some pieces are starting to fall in to place. We believe Whitehall was tracking down Inhumans, Metahumans, and Mutants when you were a child and attempted to acquire you."

She frowns a moment, "And now we have met your mother. May, if you would turn the monitor back on. I have confirmed with a DNA test that Jiaying is your biological mother. She has exhibited an extreme ability to heal herself. She has allies - a man that can teleport, and at least one other person who I believe acts as her personal security. She appears to be part of some kind of cult perhaps and is probably high up in their ranks."

"Daisy, don't tune out just yet. She wants to know all about you, to meet you, and odds are the moment she can she is going to teleport you away from your life. We have no idea who these people really are or what they believe."

Bobbi presses her lips together and says, "But whatever happens just remember SHIELD is your family...." perhaps falling on deaf ears at this point. Her mother could be bad news, or may be the best thing to ever happen to her.

Melinda May has posed:
May's lips almost quirk into a smile at Daisy's recalcitrance. She actually doesn't blame the kid. Nor does she think her skepticism a bad thing. But that doesn't negate the necessity of it all. "It's four days," she tells her, as if that will make it better. "Then it will break down." So, beyond that? Either a new injection or a new crisis. Take your pick.

Once the tracker is administered, she turns back to the computer beside her. When Bobbi gives the okay, she flips the power button on the monitor. It takes a moment, as these things do, for the monitor to finish flashing through its 'Energy Star' promo screen -- even SHIELD sometimes relies on off-the-shelf technology -- but when it's alight, the display reveals a genomic DNA sequence analysis. In a box that takes up at least a quarter of the screen are glowing read numbers that read: 98.7% match.

She turns back and silently watches Daisy's reactions while Bobbi continues to speak and the younger agent digests the nuclear bomb being dropped on her head.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
The news about being an 0-8-4 gets a sharp nod in return. That much Daisy was aware of already, having been part of a classified document Coulson had shown her after she was inducted into the fold. She looks between Bobbi and May as they speak, eyes then falling on the monitor. "You tricked me.." that's the first reaction. But maybe they know her too well, having her do the injection BEFORE the reveal. She rubs at her arm but the feeling starts to change to one of almost disbelief ... After so long would it finally be true..?

She advances to the monitor, catching it with both hands and looking at the screen directly, eyes widening. And in another display of knowing her way too well indeed she is starting to tune out. Hearing to advice? Dangers of being teleported away? What's that compared to finding her mother? She shudders quietly.

"So it's really her..., Jiaying?" she asks quietly. "Where is she? Do you know? And a cult..?" she shakes her head.

"I need to go find her.." Bzzzttt, too much interference, having trouble reaching Agent Johnson!

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi holds up her hands, "Daisy slow down. Jiaying gave me a deadline to decide what I'd do - ie: tell her what she wants to know about you and let her meet you or not. So here it is - she wants to meet you, she is actually your mother, and they are a group organised enough to have a dedicated frequency that they monitor for transmissions; and they have the ability to teleport anywhere in the world."

She raises an eyebrow, "If you're willing, you need to infiltrate this group and find out everything you can about them. Find out if they are friend or foe, find out their intentions.. and then report back. You need to go undercover. This is going to be a hard one for you because your biological mother is involved."

"Either we control the board on this one or Jiaying will set the agenda and I don't like being lead by my nose. Do you understand Agent Johnson? this is still a SHIELD operation. We will begin tomorrow if you are in. If you are out, I will politely tell Jiaying that you are not able to see her yet. If she's a reasonable person then she will accept. If she doesn't.. well we'll have learnt something more about who these people are."

Melinda May has posed:
"Focus, Daisy," May says, voice at once calm, soft, and demanding. She snaps her fingers once, not far from the woman's ears simply by merit of proximity. She is sat right beside that monitor, after all. "You can do it. You control your emotions, not the other way around."

How often has she said that to younger agents? To those she actually thinks have potential? Lots. To most? Eeeeh. Not so much.

"Listen to what Agent Morse is telling you."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
The snap is good to bring Daisy back to this reality, making those brown eyes turn to look at the two high-ranked agents again. A swirl of emotion is at play there, chest heaving at a faster pace. On one of the tables where a couple of petri dishes had been left there is a brief shake, the dishes shuddering brieflt but she quickly brings herself back to control, offering a small nod. She was still an Agent of course.

But while she *does* listen doesn't mean she has to agree with it just yet. "A mission..? Not all has to be a mission, wasn't she a victim like you were under Whitehall's clutches? Maybe she is just being careful, not wanting the same to happen again. She has been away from the real world for so long.."

And now it almost seems as if she is talking to herself. "Of course, that's why she didn't come find me. Because she couldn't." a beat, "Because of Whitehall and Hydra." she lets the monitor down.

"I will do it. I will go." Of course she'd say yes! She does think Bobbi is just overreacting about it all afterall.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi glances at the petri dishes as they shake and then looks back to Daisy with concern. "If you don't think you're ready for this it's okay. You are allowed to say no. Daisy, they might be friends, they might want to be left alone. Your mission is to find intelligence. That might mean learning who their enemies are and what situation they're in. If HYDRA is still chasing them, or someone else.. that too is intelligence. Don't assume everyone is an enemy;"

"..and don't through your actions turn them in to an enemy. Always offer the olive branch first. We take the branch back if they start doing bad stuff. You know bad stuff, you've seen enough of it. This is what it means to be a spy Daisy. We do this with every new group we come across - and this group happens to have superpowers and a connection to you."

"It may turn out SHIELD can help them, or it may turn out they're planning on blowing up the pyramids or opening a dimensional gateway to hell. Who knows. That's the point. I have my fingers crossed for you that Jiaying is a good person - but trust your spy instincts. She ... feels calculating, manipulative. She may use your emotions against you."

Melinda May has posed:
May gives Bobbi a meaningful glance. They can both read the girl well enough to know she's still spinning. Still, the atempt at control is admirable enough. Particularly given they really *don't* want an earthquake inducing metahuman seismic shocks throughout the building.

But those petrie dishes still and a look of approval passes through the elder agent's eyes. Good girl.

It's no surprise Daisy ultimately agrees, but May's experience is borne out in Bobbi's cautionary words.

"This is an opportunity, Daisy," she says simply. "For you and for us. Personally as well as professionally. You need to bring your A-game to this."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"I will be ready." One way or another! But Daisy is impulsive enough. And thinking of consequences? That her mother may not be a good person? That wouldn't fit the idealized version she has been molding for the last 20 years or so. "I have trained under the best afterall." she says of the two agents in the room, sharing a wider smile with them. She *is* happy. And excited. And a lot of other feelings she can't really process at the moment..

"What do you know of the group? You mentioned teleporting and .., is there anything else so far? Besides my mother's ability to regenerate?" she bites on her lower lip.

"She may have just been scared of all that happened.." Daisy says in defense of her mother as Bobbi calls her manipulative and calculating. Already defending her and hasn't even met her yet! But she eventually lets out an exhale and does eventually relent. "I will assess what's going on with them and then report. I just .., I wouldn't my mother to feel as if I would be betraying her trust."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi raises an eyebrow as Daisy says she's been trained by the best. Oof. Mentor self doubt. She shakes her head, "We know very little and that's always concerning in the digital age. Even terrorists have digital footprints these days. Just.. keep an open mind. Your job is to pretend to have opinions, but not actually commit to them unless there is actionable intel. I trust your judgement, which is why you're being asked to do this. Agent we will meet at Harry's bar tomorrow for lunch. You're dismissed." She can't handle this level of Daisy right now. She's all over the place and it's making her stomach turn. This was a bad idea.. no, it's the right thing to do.. trust your agents.. yes but it's Daisy.. ugh, no, Daisy can be trusted. See? stomach turning.

Melinda May has posed:
"It's a possibility." May answers Daisy's final statement before she's dismissed. "So, be careful. And remember this: If your mother does feel betrayed, while that may be understandable, it's also understandable for you to be cautious and seek more information before you commit to her cause. It's also not unreasonable for you to share that information with people you trust."

She's pretty sure Daisy trusts them. She *hopes* Daisy trusts them.

She watches the girl's face again again. Her lips pull slightly to one side. "Good luck, Daisy."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Harry's bar.., got it." Time to go prepare. What to take though? She needs to pack up. But what should she wear? Suddenly self-doubts about how to better present herself to her mother. She remains standing there in front of the two before finally realizing she is being dismissed. She bobs her head back and forth. "Thank you for trusting me with this.." she says of them, thanking both Agents.

And then she starts making her way to the door at a quick pace. So much things to arrange, and prepare, and talk.

"Jeans. Casual jeans and shirt and jacket. That'd be the best." She is murmuring to herself as she opens the door to go out. Mission? Nah, she needs to think on how to look presentable!

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Once Daisy is gone Bobbi looks back to May. Unspoken words in the look indicating just how worried Bobbi is, sending Daisy on to an undercover mission like this. The look is palpable, guilty and fear all mingled in to one. She shuts her tablet with a lazy flick of 'welp, no turning back now' kind of motion. She puts the cup back in to the evidence bag to be stored later. There are words she wants to share with May about what she just did, but she can't find them.

Eventually, she just lets out a long sigh. It's not the first time she's sent agents on solo missions and undercover missions. Usually they're level 6 - she knows they can handle themselves. Most everyone feels very protective of Daisy.. aka Skye.. aka Quake. But pushing the bird out of the nest is a necessary thing at some point.

Melinda May has posed:
The advantage here, of course, is that it's May she speaks to so silently. The woman's a pro at saying everything without saying a word. She reflects Bobbi's expression with a tense one of her own. She has less guilt. More concern than fear. But, her protective instincts have been triggered, too.

"C'mon," she says, once the younger agent is gone. "I've got a reserved booth at SWORDFISH."