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Latest revision as of 06:21, 6 November 2020

Emoji Target Practice
Date of Scene: 05 November 2020
Location: Gun Range: Triskelion
Synopsis: May and Morse blow probie minds at the gun range
Cast of Characters: Bobbi Morse, Melinda May

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi has stylish black rimmed, yellow lens safety glasses on. They're hers - a gift from Lance a while ago. Her target sheet is moving back in and she's shot one in each eye, one on the tip of the nose, and a curve to make a smile. She smirks to herself and then notices two probies behind her staring in awe.

She lowers her pistol and peers out at the gun range wondering why they've decided to gather around watching her. "Don't you two have anything better to do?"

One of them says, "Ah Ma'am how did you do that?"
Bobbi replies, "Practice? you should try it some time."

Melinda May has posed:
A low snirk sounds as May wanders into the range, her own weapon in a case in her hand. "Smileys are easy," she says, giving the probies a patented flat look. "You won't impress me until you can do something more sophisticated than that." She's speaking to them, of course. Not Morse.

She knows what Morse can do.

And although one of the probies quails under the gaze, the other looks positively boggled. "Oh, c'mon," he says, sounding completely incredulous. "It's not like you paint pictures with real bullets."

May's brow arches.

*Now* he pales. "I-I mean. Unless you had a paint gun. But... isn't that cheating?"

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi reloads her pistol and then hears May discussing the smiley with the probies. She smirks a touch and looks back at them, then across to May and says, "Thumbs up?" She looks back at the probies, then puts on a new target sheet and sends it back down the range.

She aims, takes sight, tries to remember how a thumbs up emoji is meant to look, then fires off several shots. She sets her gun down on the bench and presses the recall button. "You're certainly not going to paint pictures with real bullets with _that_ attitude probie," she comments and then checks to see if May has decided to mess with the probies too.

Melinda May has posed:
May glances over to Bobbi as she calls the shot. "Thumbs up," she nods. She sets up in the booth next to her and loads her weapon. Glasses on. Ear protection. She steps up to the front and sends her own target down.

She glances to Bobbi and nods her head once. She's entirely willing to play with the probies. Probies need to have their minds messed with.

She raises her gun, ignores the rest of the range, and begins to fire. One magazine later, there's an emoticon on the target paper, fluttering with the impact.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi takes the target sheet off and steps around the barrier to compare with May's Thumbs Up. She raises an eyebrow as they are practically identical. There's a look she gives May at that moment.. they both know they're really good at this, but this was a whole different level. A small inkling of competition rising inside of her.

A third probie joins the group and asks, "What's going on?" and the other two point to the emoji smiley, then the double emoji thumbs up. "$10 Morse does a poop emoji better than May," one says and the other scoffs, "May will smoke Morse."

Bobbi raises an eyebrow and there's the smallest of shrugs. She reloads her gun and sends another sheet down range. She tries to remember the way Hill draws her poop emojis.. and shoots.

Melinda May has posed:
May almost mimics Bobbi's brow rise. She pulls her target in and wordlessly puts another in. If Morse wants to turn this into a contest, she can turn this into a contest. However, the probies are calling the shots, it seems. So, she gives Bobbi a bit of a questioning look. As if to say, 'we doing this?'

Of course, they're doing this.

May watches Bobbi's effort. Mimicking Hill? Really? She reloads and begins to fire her own pattern. It's probably the eyes in the middle of the steaming pile that rounds it out.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi brings out her attempt and compares it to May. There is a double nod of appreciation. "Nice," she says of May's effort and the probies agree, exchanging money. But it's not over yet, "Mhm. Double or nothing," one says to the other and the third says, "I want in. What about eyes looking left emoji," she says. The other two nod and then look back at both Bobbi and May expectantly like children waiting for their parents to do a magic trick.

Bobbi raises an eyebrow again and grins, "Eyes looking left it is.." This is a bit like making balloon animals, she supposes.. just with bullets and far less responsible. She sends out another blank target and takes aim. Two ovals, two holes for the looking bit. This can't be too hard.

Melinda May has posed:
May nods in response to Bobbi's acceptance of the challenge. She sends a third target downrange, and reloads again. Again, she watches Bobbi paint her target and follows suit.

Really, there's little difference in their skill. But with more betters in the pool, the argument is a little more contentious. Money exchanges hands. Bobbi's edges out Mays in two-to-one split. The Asian woman raises her chin and narrows her eyes.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi gets that almost sheepish look on her face when it becomes clear suddenly May is taking this far more seriously. Bobbi tilts her head slightly to May as if to ask 'really?' and then another small shrug as the peanut gallery is making more bets and arguing about what emoji to demand next.

Finally, the loud discussion quiets and they say in unison, "Butterfly." At this moment two more probies wander over to find out what all the fuss is about and the other three fill them in. More money is exchanged.

Bobbi reloads her gun and sends out another blank target, "Butterfly you say..." She takes aim and looks to get those perfect curves symmetrically and two little antennae because adorable.

Melinda May has posed:
May slips into a zenlike focus. There's no question Bobbi's is adorable. And really, the pattern May leaves in the target isn't any better or worse compared to Morse. These two really are equals in so very many ways. But there's poetry in the precision of May's shots. Less an adorable cartoon and more one of those elegant Chinese brush paintings. Stylistic, but clear.

There's a moment of silence after she lowers her gun. The probies stare. One of them actually curses. "Fff...." And he hands his money over to the pot.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi narrows her eyes and then raises both eyebrows at May's version of a Butterfly. She then presses her lips together and nods in appreciation to her peer. "That's a butterfly."

The probies call out again as more money is exchanged with the group of five, "Squid!" it is declared loudly and excitedly.

Bobbi lifts a hand and says, "Okay. Squid. But this is the last one, so if you're going to be idiots with your money, now is the time. There's no more double or nothing after this one." Besides, May has that look on her face. The 'i'm in the zone' look and Bobbi is starting to slip in to it too. Nothing good can come of this.

Time for some zen of her own. Her steely eyed glance brushes past May as she turns back to the target and begins to shoot.

Melinda May has posed:
See, the problem with a squid? Way too much like a HYDRA insignia. And May has a tendency to cluster shots right in the middle of the target when Hydra agents are involved.

So, her image is accurate, to be sure, but Bobbi's has the advantage of come-from-behind determination. When the money finally changes hands there's probably half a dozen probies staring at the pair of them. That's satisfying in its own right, really.

May fixes them with that focussed look. "So. Practice, agents. Practice hard. Some of this may be on your next evaluation."

She side eyes Bobbi as she says it. There's no smirk on her face. But, Bobbi? She'll know.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi smiles with satisfaction at her work. Admittedly, it's a very cute squid, more like a ghost with tentacles. She too didn't want to steer anywhere near HYDRA. She hates going undercover with them even since Whitehall's island. She's rather glad Peggy has decided to push forward with the fight against HYDRA. That means Gonzales has to deal with it and she can avoid those cases.

Bobbi pushes the guns barrel against her belt and the last spent casing flies out. She hits the eject button and kicks the empty magazine across to the reload table where it skids to a stop. It's only after all the probie eyes are on her once again and she's holstered her now empty pistol that she realises what she's just done.

They're a bit too stunned to say anything and she peers back over to May and sighs. "Coffee?," she asks wanting to get out of here before they demand the pair of them start demonstrating tactical reloads.