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Latest revision as of 21:13, 16 November 2020

Lab visit numero dos
Date of Scene: 16 November 2020
Location: Pym's Mobile Lab
Synopsis: Big advice has been acquired
Cast of Characters: Hank Pym, Shannon Davis

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym very carefully sets out the objects for is latest experiments, a huge cube of a gelatin like substance, a tray of small objects and finally a riot shield bolted to an upright position and an atypical .45 in a shoulder holster. e hears the door chime, and smiling, hits a door release control. "I'm back here, kiddo."

Shannon Davis has posed:
Shannon Davis slides into the lab with renewed vigour, her expression is full of excitement and anticipation since she got good news from her appointment with Beast. "Hey- What's with the....uh..." She just motions vaguely to the cube, not even sure how to adequately address it. She narrrows her eyes on it and steps closer, leaning in to get a good look. "What even is this?"

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym points to the greenish block and says, "That is ballistic gelatin. It approximates the toughness of human tissue. You can also see through it. I want to see how much your performance varies with the mass of the object propelled. Take off your hoodie please and put on this vest and eye protection, please." He holds up safety glasses and a thick armored vest.

Shannon Davis has posed:
Shannon Davis blinks at the protective gear, getting a intrigued expression, it was pretty cool and useful. She examines it with great interest for a moment before slipping the vest on, followed by the glasses. "Oh. Hm. Well I guess big things won't go very far. I was never able to find anything more dense than scrap metal to test though, so that might be a good thing to try." She stretches her hands a bit, warming up her fingers. "Oh and it turns out I'm a Homo Superior apparently, which is great in my opinion. I'm gonna start working out my powers and see how it goes."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym ponders this for a moment. Then he says, "How the record, power is roughly equal to a 90 mph fast ball pitch. It has more energy than a blow from an eight pound sledge. I want to see what you can do with other objects and what you can do properly motivated. Like wen when tried to charge the ball up for a few seconds and last, what happens if you make a palm strike."

Shannon Davis has posed:
Shannon Davis gives him a double thumbs up, smiling brightly. "Well, I'm super motivated! I really want to build up my power properly." She steps away from the cube a bit and moves towards Hank. "So, what am I launching this time, then? I think the best thing I was able to test was pieces of a dumbell. I tried launching a fridge too but it kinda just tipped over." Her tone gets a bit frustrated at the last part. "Still pretty far from a battleship."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym pulls out a familiar softball from his basket. "Start at the beginning. Eye gear is on? Good. Aim the ball at the gelatin. I want to see what it does." He steps away from the ballistic gelatin block and gives her a thumbs up. "Remember to try to charge it up for a moment or as long as you can hold it."

Shannon Davis has posed:
Shannon Davis nods, taking the ball and turning towards the gel. "Okay. I'll hold on to it really good this time." She says with determination, pointing the ball out. Her fingers close on either side of the ball, with her palms joined together at the center for aim. She grunts and starts pushing out, applying as much force to it as she could while holding on as tightly as possible. The ball jerks and twitches violently in her hands for a a short moment before it explosively launches off, forcing itself through her grip. It flies into the ballistic gelatin and smashes into it with about three times the usual force now. She waves her hands around with a wince. "Ow owowow. My hands did not enjoy that."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym winces and put down his tablet. "Oh gosh let me see them, may I?" He takes her hands very and begins examining them for any obvious damage, then gives them a good rub, grinning a little. "I tried giving myself 'bio-electric blasts, like my ex, the Wasp. Well first time I tried it, blew all my fingernails off and burned them up. that was it. I figured out how to use tHem to power blasters or a pistol. Mmmm wait a second..." He goes to a desk and pulls open a drawer to remove adjustable and fingerless gloves with some padding on the palms.

"In any case the energy of that shot was into the handgun range. Shannon you have to be really careful with this power. You could seriously injure someone. Please don't try this without supervision, myself or Dr. McCoy or his instructors... I'm not a great shakes as a teacher. You want to try to soft ball again? Or something else?" He rummages in the basket.

Shannon Davis has posed:
Shannon Davis had very irritated and red palms but no bleeding was visible, it was definitely going to be very sore after a while and probably also swell up. "Holy shit, that sounds ridiculously painful." She turns a little pale at the thought, and gets a newfound appreciation for her powers not being volatile. She gives him a little grin when he warns her, seeming extremely pleased about it in a not super responsible way. She slips the gloves on thoughtfully. "Oh yeah, this is a great idea. I'm pretty sure I just gotta touch the thing with my hand so it should work with my fingertips just as well. Let's try a different object now, what else ya got?"

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym hmmms and pulls out a 2-inch ball bearing. He thinks about it a moment and wraps some friction tape around it. Then he holds it out to her. "Aww your hands... I have some lotion when we finish. If they hurt any worse LET. ME. KNOW." He drops the ball in her hand. It's heavy.

Shannon Davis has posed:
Shannon Davis smiles and nods. "It's fine, it's fine, it doesn't hurt too much." She was far more interested in the thinig that got dropped into her hand. "So what is this exactly?" She questions, holding it between her fingers. She holds her palm open with the thing sitting in the center, then she takes her other hand and pokes it with her thumb. There's the usual THUNK sound before the thing goes flying off at the gelatin. "Ah, much better now. It hurts my skin if I'm not doing it in the usual way, where I just let go of the thing and shoot it with my palm. This is much better for my aim too."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym looks at the ball bearing's penetration into the gel. His eyebrows raise. "Okay what I said before about being careful... square it. Now by the same token... don't go fighting Dr. Doom. this is good, you're learning caution and using your power better... again, don't fight Dr. Doom. Or the Juggernaut. All right step over to the riot shield I have mounted on very science-y two by fours. We're going to try a palm strike. Do... you know how to do a palm strike? Sorry I deal with superheroes a lot and my daughter who's like a super spy. You two might get along. She's about your age. Anyway do you know how to do a pam strike? Show me."

Shannon Davis has posed:
Shannon Davis is a bit taken aback, the man seems to have guessed what was going on in her head. She can't help but wonder if he had some kind of psychic power, because that is exactly what she had been thinking about, all the heavyweight villains she wanted to face. She almost misses his explanation, blinking her way back to her senses. "Oh uh, yeah I think so, you just kinda jam your palm in the person right?" She raises an arm and thrusts it out with her palm open. "Like in kung-fu movies." She kind of slaps her hand onto his chest a bit. "Like this? Technique's probably not good but I guess the power comes from my mutation so it should be fine. And I'd like to meet her sometime, she sounds very cool. Maybe she can teach me some stuff, I wanna absorb all the hero knowledge like a sponge." She then adds, excitedly.

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym peers and says, "Well, I can show you a better technique but yeah, let's see it." he's thinking a bit too, about how maybe she is a little too eager. He turns to reach for the tablet and simultaneously motions at her to swing battah battah. Not that he knows that reference. The man thought wrestling matches had rounds for GHU's sake.

Shannon Davis has posed:
Shannon Davis nods once more, hurrying over towards the target of the attack. She stares at the riot shield for a bit, positioning herself in front of it. She clears her throat and holds one of her hands uo. Then she thrusts it out and smashes it into the shield, activating her powers at that moment. The impact from her hand is negligible, and as far as actual impact, it's the only one. When her powers activate there's no impact produced per se, instead the energy appears directly inside the shield, transferred without the mitigation involved in an impact. It is quite simply accelerated backwards all of a sudden, likely causing it to jerk away.

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym watches the shield nearly torn off the mountings and wows. "Oh I am so glad you didn't do that to me. But, you'd break something hitting like that. Here... like this." He steps over to the shield and assumes a proper stance, takes a breath and... stops. "Want to see what I can really do? I haven't even shown the kid this one yet." He winks at her and takes her expression for a yeah! Then he shrinks down... till he's Shannon's size, looks at the shield and makes a strike. As Hank strikes e grows. He doesn't reach the same 12 foot size as before, maybe nine or 10 feet, but it's enough to cave in the shield and tear it from the boards. Pretty sure the tablet reads out 'Tilt' at this point. Hank shrinks back to normal and pats Shannon on the shoulder.

"I think we're done for today..."

Shannon Davis has posed:
Shannon Davis stares at the hole in the shield with her jaw loosened a little bit. "DAMN! I- Wow. I wanna be able to do that." She squats down and pokes around the edges of the caved part. "Hmmm. Maybe if I use a cannon ball or something like that. Urgh, I gotta work out more. I'll practice the move you showed too! I guess hand to hand fighting is pretty important." She stands back up and nods towards the gun. "So what's with that? Is it one of those uh, beam shootey guns you talked about?"

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym shrugs. "No it's a put a bullet in your head .45. I thought I'd see how your ball bearing compared to an actual bullet but not really necessary. I got it for working with SHIELD. I don't really like guns. Damn why did I show off? We could have kept at this. Stupid. The lesson learned here is don't show off and definitely don't take your frustration out on anyone or thing. Keep the gloves. I could probably make you a better pair. Uhm Shannon, would you sit down for a minute? I want to talk." He points at the table.

Shannon Davis has posed:
Shannon Davis tightens the gloves a bit. "Neat, thanks. Better how? Like more resistant? Maybe if they're sturdy enough I can use them to climb." She chimes while making her way over to a chair and plopping down. She leans backand crosses her legs with a soft smile. "What's up? Did my parents call or something? That'd be kinda surprising, they're usually super busy." She wags her legs a little, then briefly gets a ponderous expression. "You know, I think I'd be able to climb a wall if I used something shaped like a loop. Maybe with some spikes in it or something. I think I can make something like that if I use one of those climbing picks and maybe some car parts or something." She's now looking directly at the ceiling in intense contemplation of her design.

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym looks at the teen. "I think we're at a point where you should bring your folks into the loop. Your ability can be dangerous if misused and I don't feel right tutoring you or training you without their consent. Also I want you to think just what you want to do with this ability. Think about it tonight. Because I don't want to just teach you to turn odds and ends into bullets or set you up as a pitcher. Anyway I think they screen for mutants now. And, you're not to go out and fight crime. Understand? You are so not ready. I mean say I'm a robber... what do you do?" He points a finger gun at Shannon.

Shannon Davis has posed:
Shannon Davis twists her lips, she did not enjoy this at all, she actually didn't know how her family would react at all. 'Um, well I haven't really...told them." She says, rubbing her neck nervously. "I'm not super close with my family. Do you like, legally need their consent or something? I don't know if they'd like the idea of exploring my powers and stuff." She adds with a long sigh, but it was something she figured would happen eventually. She stares at him for a moment and offers him a grin. "Well! I made myself some makeshift weapons using old weightlifting equipment. I figure I'd accelerate the metal into your face and knock your ass out." She makes a little circle using her finger, indicating the shape of her weapon of choice. "Man, I really want to start demo- Uhh. Defeating. Criminals already." She coughs awkwardly after her brief Freudian slip.

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym has the bluest eyes you could imagine and they can be fairly intense. "Into their face... okay. Try it. On three." He tosses her the softball. "One... <BANG!>" He jerks his finger a little. "Criminals don't quiver and freak at superheroes. There are a lot of super heroes these days. A bad guy won't even wait for 'one' might not even be where you can see them. I don't want you hurt, I don't want you killing someone. This is serious business."

Shannon Davis has posed:
Shannon Davis grunted a bit, thumbing the ball. "Well, I don't go around wearing a costume so that I can catch them by surprise, but I guess I can practice more before trying." She says letting out another long sigh, she was really anxious about it. Maybe she could start with criminals that didn't have guns. "Well, thanks for the help again, it's really absurdly valuable to me."