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Invitation to the Tower
Date of Scene: 27 November 2020
Location: Historic Clocktower - Penthouse
Synopsis: Babs invites Charlie to come stay at the Tower and lays down the Word of the Oracle.
Cast of Characters: Barbara Gordon, Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Whether Charlie is living on the streets or an expensive Hotel somewhere on the west end, Barbara Gordon is keeping tabs on her. As much as one can keep tabs on a teleporter, anyways. She has her ways. She has her cellphone, for instance, and there's always a signal being broadcast from those walking homing devices.

Sitting in her own high rise, over looking Gotham Harbor through the Clock-face window, Barbara watches the little bleep move as Misfit moves. She's sipping tea, early this afternoon, before all the patrols begin... and then she's headed to the computer to send out a heavily encrypted invitation.

It's an address.

To the Clocktower.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
Well Charlie's digs definitely aren't an expensive Hotel on the West End.

Honestly she hasn't moved much during downtime despite being a teleporter. It always goes back to the burnt and gutted tenament in Suicide Slums in Metropolis. Maybe that is why there is always a slight odor of fire around the kid when she is in the field with the birds or during training.

When not at that location in Metropolis she is usually in Gotham bouncing, literally and figuratively, around the city. Patrolling and doing her best to put her new training and gadgets to proper use fighting Great Evils and Ne-er Do Wells. Which is mostly about drunks and vagrants and probably not politically correct as far as terminology goes. She should probably go with Malfactors, Bandits, or Wrongdoers.

She has definitely had dedication to the cause. Not like she seems to have another job, school, and well the bit about family is very sad.

She peers at her phone when it beeps, getting it out ridiculously fast. Just like everytime that the Birds call. It has it's own tone at this point. She squints and pulls up the mapping software. Looks over the street view photos. Rubs the back of her neck.

Crime Fighting Outfit <tm> assembled! Then as a last step she pulls up a sat photo and bounces from Metropolis to Gotham, onto a roof of a building near the Clocktower to peer at it. Trying to determine if she is supposed to knock or ... do something more drastic.

To date she hasn't just ... bounced to join any of the heroes she has met.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
The Clocktower appears as one might expect of a Historical Monument. The security is expertly hidden, the window is one way, and there appears to be no lights on save for one. A glowing tracklight leading directly to a roof access. A beeping series of small floor panels that, from an elevated vantage point, would look like those runway bulbs leading a plane onto the tarmac.

Inside, Babs is sitting at her computer watching the blip move from Metro to Gotham in seconds. Still really impressed by the distance the kid can travel, she taps a few keys to plug in biometrics for access through the heavy duty security network set up to prevent unwanted visitors.

No voice calls out, save a green message on Misfits phone:

>>Roof. Come in.<<

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
Charlie squints at the roof there and cocks her head a little bit. Eyes narrowed at the little fairly subtle blip blip blip of the lights on a section of the roof like a runway.

The teen looks down at the tonee, pulling out her phone and glancing at the updated message before tucking it back away carefully in her SHINY UTILITY BELT... gosh. "Right... Misfit coming in for landing." she notes softly to herself. Mostly unaware that the comms piece and her phone are mic'd and like the various smart tech from Wayne and LexCorp. Always listening. I mean the comm and Waynetech phone she was given for Birds business is pretty much perfect for that after all.

The kid steps forward and vanishes in the puff of pink/purple smoke appearing on the lighted strip of roof and follows it to the access door. Not nearly enough caution unlike the ninjas in the group she just reaches out to openn it and step inside. At least she is looking around wide eyed and taking it all in though ... even if is it likely just a stairwell. A biit more like a tourist than a detective though.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Inside is an Apartment.

A fairly comfortable looking on at that.

It drops out in a darker area beside the raised section where Babs' computer resides and she turns in her chair to face Misfit when she deems fit to join her inside, "Hey Charlie." Pushing up from the chair, the PJs wearing, messy haired ginger strolls casually down the steps barefoot, still sipping on her tea.

"You hungry? I've got some extra pasta in the fridge." motioning off behind the girl in the kitchen that goes up beneath the stairwell.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
I mean. This is basically both everything and nothing like she expected when she opened the roof access door. She is obvlivious to the level of security she actually was allowed past doing that for one thing. Also oblivious to the fac that those Wards that Zatanna setup for Oracle lightly pulsed when she teleported onto the roof, not that Babs would be oblivious even if it isn't entirely clear what triggered them about Misfit.

The Apartment itself though is gigantic, especially to Charlie's standards and is full of stuff. The computer array is amazing. She just gawks looking around then at Babs which isn't quite what she expected. I mean the lady has no hero costume on and for a moment she isn't sure if she ever actually told them her name other than Misfit. "uh...."

Her stomach does growl at the thought of Pasta though. She has been susbsisting off convenience store and fast food type meals bought with the wallet contents from bad guys she has apprehended. Like a little red headed Robin Hood.

"Yeah" she blushes.

Which lasts approximately only a couple seconds because there is a "Woah holy crackers!" and a teleport to the display case with the batgirl gear. She may be leaving a nose print on the glass.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Babs glances over at the display glass where Misfit is leaving her mark and grins slightly, "I haven't worn that in years." Almost seven, if her math is right. The thought of it almost disolves her grin, if it weren't for Charlie's excitement. "The newer one has more armor than that one did... and I got rid of the skirt. So sexist."

There's a bit of joke in her voice, but only a bit.

Putting a female crimefighter in a skirt?

Babs is on the way to the kitchen to dish out and heat up some leftover Alfred Pasta. "I think there's some... yeah, there's some thanksgiving leftovers too, if you want some? Turkey, mashed potatoes, uhhh..." Kneeling down to look with a shrug, "Basically anything you could want, honestly." Alfred doesn't short change when it comes to cooking.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
Yup definite nose print there against the glass. Blink blink.

Then the words sink in and she spins around still kind of gawking wide eyed. "Oh ..gosh... um...." fidget. "Your her.. the ... not blonde one.. like.. really her?" which I mean of course Babs is but like everyone except Cass has been so careful about cowls and domino masks and all. Cass... well she just seems serious and dangerous and silent after all.

She bites her lip staring.

then her stomach really growls and the teen blushes. "I.. that... that sounds great." the kid is absolutely scattered by the whole situation and sounds like completely off her footing, a tiny bit distant. She definitely didn't have Thanksgiving yesterday.

Also... the whole.. fire thing happened around the Holiday season last year during the cold onset of Winter. So she has been basically blocking out everything to do with the fact that it was Thanksgiving and is approaching Christmas.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
"Mhm." Babs says from the kitchen, heaping the food onto a plate that will fit into the microwave to nuke into heated glory. It's not nearly as good this way, but she's got a sinking feeling that Charlie isn't going to care....

So it is when she returns from the kitchen with plate, utensils, and beverage in hand held out to the young vigilante.

"Come have a seat and eat. I'm sure you've got a ton of questions and I'll do my best to answer them." Waving to the long table with a little grin. Headphones left behind up on the computer desk.

"You can take all that off if you want, there's a change of clothes over in the bathroom there. Should be your size."

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
Charlie blinks and shakes her head a little bit zoning back in and looking a tiny bit confused for a moment at the beep of the microwave finishing. "Uh." blink "Oh.." it smells really good too, despite being reheated there is another stomach grumble. Gosh that is embarassing.

She takes a couple of steps forward to take the food out of Bab's hands and stares at the plate then at Babs, and then at the table and back to Babs. "Ok..." not at all like she expected. Honestly she expected to be breaking into some lair or some sort of maybe more training. She shuffles over to the table setting the food down and well the change bit sinks in.

I mean she does smell smokey and uh hasn't exactly had the tip top best hygiene where she is living. Not that she can smell the smoke, everthing always smells smoky to the teen at this point, or damp annd smoky. "Oh... I .." she hesitates. Batgirl there seems to know her name though so it isn't like it is a secret. She looks at the plate then snags a roll in her hand nad heads over less shuffly to check into the bathroom eating ravenously as she walks. The door is closed behind her.

She is .. very hungry so the changing well it is pretty fast. She peers at the options and settles on the athleticky sort of wear, the comfy thermal, dark blue, and a pair of leggings, also comfy and in this case black. She splashes her face, washes her hands, and rakes her fingers through her hair. Then washes her hands again.

The teen, and yeah it is much clearer she is under eighteen when she comes out like that, comes out holding her crime fighting gear bundled in her arms and brings it back with her to the table setting it nearby before settling in.

There is a moment of hesitastion her stomach overules with a growl then she is just eating stuffing a bit numbly.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Babs is at the other end of the table from Charlie's plate when the teen returns, leaning forward on her elbows resting against the edge of said table. A small grin on her face, she motions to the plate encouraging her to eat. "It's not poisoned..." Which is a random thing to say if it ISN'T poisoned.

You're caught in a Princess Bride situation here, Charlie!!

"How long has it been since you had a hot shower and warm bed? Winter is about to set in proper, you can't be living in the streets like you've been." Which hints at just how much the redhead actually KNOWS about Misfits situation. She isn't showing her whole hand, however. The bits about her family and the tragedy are too fresh to go scratching that wound.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
Charlie nearly chokes on a bit of stuffing. Might be the sudden talking. Might be the sudden oh god is this poisoned. Maybe just a moment of anxiety about the fact she is obviously acting like a wierdo in front of bat girl. Regardless after a moment she manages to swallow the stuffing and not die of it. Which would be a very ignoble end to a crime fighting career. RIP, died of stuffing. Also way to easily misunderstood in embarassing ways. Cape Watch would have a field day of it, not that she has made a splash on that yet.

Bit of a cough. Then the one two punch of being confronted with the fact that said older Red Head knows she has been .. well there is stewing. Then a softer thna usual "I'm not.. homeless or living on the street." which is technically true. The kid is living in the gutted burnt down remains of her childhood bedroom alone in a condemned building that her mom and sister died in....

Honestly the streets might be better. Her shoulders hunch a bit and she takes a bite of crandberry sauce. Definitely not making eye contact.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
The instincts to call bullshit are strong.

Babs just nods, however.

"Alright. Living in the burnt out husk of a bedroom." So much for pulling punchs. It's still said with all due respect to what the burnt out husk of a bedroom represents. "Question stands. How long has it been since you've had a hot shower and a warm bed?" Motioning as she speaks for Charlie to continue eating.

"It's not a loaded question, I promise. Just curious."

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
Still, the teen shifts uncomfortably. God Batgirl is too good at this and knows way... way too much. Still should Charlie be surprised she thinks to herself as she chews on some turkey. Probably not. Batman is like the world's greatest detective.

"I pop into the high school locker room when I remember most nights after patrol..." which explains the blips into the old High School some nights. "No one but the security guard is around and they only watch the doors." this is said between mouthfuls of food. The warm bed talk, well that doesn't entirely get an answer. "My room doesn't have an exterior wall.. it stays pretty warm." it was an interior apartment, not that the building is at all heated right now. Set for demolishing in the Spring or Summer next year.

"You .. sure seem to know everything.." she mumbles.

Then asks "Am I in trouble?"

Barbara Gordon has posed:
"It's my job to know." Babs says to Charlie, with a knowing grin.

"Listen, Charlie..." Steady she goes. Her hands come together at the knuckles set down upon the edge of the table. "I know you're trying to hold onto something by staying there in that apartment... and I'm not going to ask you what it is." She already knows anyways. "All I'm going to say is that you cannot physically grab hold to those walls. I can offer you alternatives for living that wont take away what that building represents. If you're going to continue to work here in Gotham, despite your teleporting, I think it better if you actually live here in Gotham." Motioning around.

"no, you're not in trouble"

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
Lots of complex emotions. This is all very nice. Thing is a large part of the kid doesn't think she deserves anything better. She failed after all.

What is on the outside though is silence for a bit eating, maybe a little too fast, and a whole lot of tension. Charlie may end up being quite sick in a little bit all stress induced.

"I.. don't know." she finally admits because she honestly doesn't. She slowly stopped eating just staring at the plate. Her face not really visible with her hunched and looking down at the food. Hard to say really what is up until a tear falls off her jawline onto the mash potatoes.

Bit disassociated at the moment. Poor kid.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
"A lot to take in all at once. I get that." Babs nods to the response, but doesn't press until the tear rolls down Charlie's jaw to fall into the mashpotatoes.

Barbara slides sideways out of her chair and approaches slowly to rest a hand on the teenagers shoulder. A gentle squeeze, silent, just there. It remains until swat away or Charlie gathers herself, with little to nothing said from the ginger in that moment of quiet reflective sadness.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
None of this really computes for the teen. Or rather there is just a system fault right now and she just feels numb and sad and distant all at once. Like she isn't really there in her own flesh. Like none of this is even real.

Which is understandable for known reasons if she tried to put it into words. Beyond that it is incredibly accurate for reasons currently unknown to even Charlie. This all isn't real, even if it is no less traumatizing to the teen.

The touch and squeeze breaks her out of the episode though, grounding her. It wasn't something she could have gathered herself out of on her own really. There is a start at the squeeze and she looks up confused if tearful at Babs. "What..." then all around and down at the food. "Oh.. oh..." blink "Oh..." she sucks in a breath deeply. "Sorry.. sorry.. this.. this is great." she blinks. "The cook is amazing..." another dep breath "I uhm.... I mean... that makes sense.. closer to patrols."

Barbara Gordon has posed:
"Only if you think so, Charlie." Babs squeezes her shoulder, than pats gently and starts back towards her seat across from the teenager. "I'll let the cook know you have his seal of approval. He'll be delighted to hear it, by the way." He might not /say/ so, but Alfred does so enjoy when others enjoy his food.

Reseated, Babs watches Charlie with a pensive look on his face. "Alright, here's my offer." Hands peeling gently like an opening book. "You can stay here in the clocktower. I have an upstairs bedroom that you're welcome to, but there are stipulations. For one, you have to go back to school..."

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
"Ith.. isth very good." she manages through another mouthful of stuffing, ravenous. I mean maybe she will avoid being ill becase the jerk out of it was pretty severe, whatever was going on in her head space. She is just stuffing her mouth again at this point, wiping her cheek with the backs of her hands trying to play it all off.

The followup statement makes her look up blinking "What?" she heard, it just didn't fully register because it seems ridiculous. "Wait .. what.. I mean.. here..." looking around. At the place, the display cases, the technology and then back just boggling. Then the next bit sinks in. "I.. uh...." pauses "How?" mostly because yeah she totally dropped off the grid. Technically isn't emancipated at all. The foster system would probably be very interested if she just up and enrolled and she knows it because she has been dodging them since the fire.

Getting ready for and then doing crime fighting has been mostly her world for the last year and yeah she missed half of her junior year and now half of her senior year and is way behind.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
"Fairly easily, all things considered." Babs doesn't so much explain as gloss over the question. "I'll create an identity for you to go to school under until you feel comfortable enough to emancipate. Not that difficult, I know some people who could help with it if you wanted, and even if we just signed you up... there are worse people to sponsor you than Barbara Gordon. At least so long as you live in Gotham City."

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
Charlie is not a good detective. At least not yet. Maybe not ever. The name Barbara Gordon doesn't really register with the teenager. She didn't grow up in Gotham and mostly has focused on learning all about the Villains not the city in general. Lax.

"I.. uh..." she considers and then nods. "Okay." she thinks it is okay. She may have severe anxiety about it all but the idea of more food like this and not being so cold every night is a lot. Also. Well it is Batgirl right. She can trust Batgirl she figures.

This all goes bad she also figures she can just bounce out right.

"So.. I can keep doing the crime fighting right?"

Barbara Gordon has posed:
"So long as you go to school, yes." Babs says with a nod to Charlie, "I'd like it if you got good grades too, but I'll settle for acceptable grades. And none of that /all night patrols/ crap. You might be young now, but.. it fades." And then you're putting bloody costumes in display cases.


"You'll have access to several training floors here in the Tower and I'll work on getting you rated for one of the bat cycles, as well." Of which there's at least three in the garage. "Plenty of stuff to keep you busy."

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
Boggling. This is all mind boggling.

"I uh.. don't know how to drive." she admits. Then just kind of dizzily stares at the water glass. "I..can get acceptable grades." she pauses "I'm pretty good with computers." usually she is way more boastful but this whole afternoon has proven completely earth shaking so far.

She finishes off the last of the plate full of food though. Then considers "Did... the cook of all this.. happen to maybe make pie?"

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Did he make pie.

Barbara laughs at the question in a good natured way. More surprised than patronizing, she's sliding out of her seat to head for the kitchen, "Several. And a trifle. Do you prefer Cherry, peacon, or blue berry?" Walking a few steps backwards, she glances up at her bank of computers, then back to Charlie.

"Once you're settled in and show me you can keep your head about you, I might even show you around the Array." Pointing up to all those computer screens. "one of the most powerful computers on the planet."

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
Charlie has never actually had blueberry pie. So this is a very hard question. I mean. She is very curious about it. Still Pecan is what her mom use to make for Thanksgiving when she could. Usually it was just pumpkin pie which is cheap and plentiful though for the holidays.Cherry seems extravegant.

This pondering takes a very long moment then the teen notes "Pecan?" not sounding entirely sure of the choice.

Then the next bit sinks in and she looks at the computers. "I've only really used the ones at school... but I'm good at it. I'm really good at gaming..." she notes. Squinting. "Geeze... how rich are you?"

It just pops out of the girl's mouth and then she looks like she may die.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
"Pecan it is." Babs nods, cutting a slice of all three of said pies, albeit in smaller portions, to return out to Charlie with it on a smaller plate than the food she'd given her earlier. She also has a glass of milk. "I like to drink some milk wtih mine, but..." Shrug, handing both over.

And looking around at the question of how rich she is.

"Ehhh.. marginally. I got a sizable donation from a friend of mine some years ago when I was hurt on the job. I turned it over into a multi million dollar company... I'm not fortune five hundred rich or anything, but I do alright." She can also afford the toys she has, coupled with what Bruce provides.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
The teenager welcomes the Pie and Milk as a distraction for her question.

Of course then Babs just answers it matter of factly. Charlie just sort of stares at her as she talks about the whole company thing, that amount of oney amd all of that.

That is like Celeb rich to the girl. Like unfanthomable numbers with zeros and more than she has ever seen in her whole life. Then again she has never had more than a hundred dollars cash in her hands at a time and that was from a mugger's wallet. She just stares.

"I ... am pretty sure that isn't marginal or just doing all right." oh god she just can't keep her mouth shut. Maybe she is in shock. She blushes.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
"I fund an entire team of super heroes, Charlie." Babs explains with a little grin, "Between paying for this-" Motioning to the tower, "All the gadgets, toys, vehicles, and communication software.. and living, you'd be surprised how much of your fortunes get tied up in equities.. Not that I'm broke, because I'm not, only that I don't have millions of dollars of liquid cash to throw around."

That said, she flips out a black card slight of hand style and holds it out across the table. "There is a few thousand dollars on this to pay for clothes, school supplies, and whatever you need. I'll add more as you need it, but be smart with it."

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
Which is when Charlie about chokes on the pie.

It takes a moment and a drink of water to recover but ... she reaches out for the black card like it might explode or bite her. "I... " she just takes it and sinks back in her chair staring at Barbara.

This is probably what little Orphan Annie felt like, which is not what Charlie thinks, but it is a good metaphor or analogy or whatever.

"I .. have no idea what I am doing." she finally admits. Probably about the black card and buying supplies and all. Notably not about the whole thing with fighting Crime. She would never admit to not knowing what she is doing there. This is different though.

"Wait... you supply Batman!?" then pauses "That.. does explain why he has all those wonderful toys." awe struck tone.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
"God no." Babs laughs at that, shaking her head, "The Birds of Prey. I'm Oracle." She explains, leaning towards the table to rest her elbows, certain that with everything she's expressed knowing this fact was obvious enough. "And it's fairly simple, Charlie. You buy things you think you need... and a couple things you just want." That last part said with a smirk.

"But I have every video game system under the stars..." Thumbing back to the theater style television set against one wall. "Including a few that aren't out yet. So don't waste money on that... you'll figure it out. Call it early christmas."

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
Boggling. Mostly because she has never had nice things. This will be very hard to process.

"Oh.. right.. the Birds..." she blinks again then "So... you're Oracle and were Batgirl and now there is Blond Batgirl." which is just how Charlie thinks of her. Blonde Batgirl.

Yeah the whole not being Batgirl thing doesn't really grok for the teen at all really. Like why be Oracle when you are Batgirl.

She may ask sometime.

The pie is nibbled at as she thinks about all of it.

Then a new question. "Why?" which isn't about being Oracle or the Birds or .. any of that. The way she asks Why and looks up searching Bab's face is prettty straight forward.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
"Why." Babs repeats the question as a statement, nodding as if she'd expected that rather than questions about blonde batgirl.

"I grew up ... I.. okay so I didn't have it hard, but I know people who did. Some of my closest friends, people I consider family, they didn't have parents or... their parents were just rotten.. My dad was just absent a lot of the time. Jim Gordon, Commissioner?" Incase it wasn't obvious.

"I suppose I'm trying to immulate one of my idles. Take in someone who needs it, give them things they /need/, show them something better... and then teach them how to do this crime fighting stuff right. I may not be putting on the costume anymore, but it's always in your blood... It's personal, I guess? Hard to explain."

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
This is very alien.

Still Charlie listens very closely, slowly drawing her legs up so she can hug her knees to her chest as she sits smol in the chair and watches Barbara as she struggles to explain.

Her brain skitters away from the Orphan thing.

Latches onto the whole. Well crime fighting and comissioner thing. "Oh... oh!" blinks. "Police Commisioner Gordon.. Barbara gordon... oh crap." yeah well she hadn't connected it. She is so bad at this stuff it seems. Maybe humorous.

"I.." she considers then nods biting her lower lip. "crime fighting is ..very personal." she finally admits. "I suppose there aren't many people out there just trying to do this that fit that .. profile and ... need help?"

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Babs snort laughs without any sound and nods when Charlie puts it together who she is. "No, I guess not.. but if I can give back, it makes sense. Batman has his sons, the Robins, and I guess I'm thinking that any wayward lost girls falls on me... Not that i look at it as a burden, because I don't, I just understand how fighting works for a woman.. and what they need as they're growing up?"

Her hands come up in a shrug.

"This is sound all halmarky and not really my style. I just want to help you Charlie. if you'll let me."

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
"I..." she considers then nods "Okay.. I mean if you were secretly a Bat Cult who fought crime and sacrificed young girls to a Dark Bat Demon for your powers I guess there isn't much I could do about it." she trails off. "You also seem to know like.. everything.. you know.. like your name sake." captain obvious to the rescue.

"So... okay." she nods nervous. ".. I just want to do a good job and make things better. Stop the bad guys and make sure the people who can't protect themselves are protected."


"Wait.. The Robins are his kids... god... he has had a lot of kids and must be ancient..." there have been.. a lot of Robins.

"Also... Batwoman seems to young for Nightwing... is she like a second wife then or something... wait... is Commissioner Gordon Batman!?" pause "He is probably old enough...."

You know cause Barbara is Batgirl.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Barbara laughs, like really laughs, at how excited Charlie suddenly seems to be with the rapid fire commentary. It's refreshing, right up until Batwoman is mentioned, and even then she's still grinning. "Batwoman isn't with Nightwing." She doesn't get into that, et al, suffice to wear a knowing grin, as if this is very on the nose information she's just provide.

"He could be." Jim Gordon as Batman? That's... actually pretty funny, but not far from believable. "But I don't think he is, no. Dad kept late hours, but they weren't /that/ late."

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
"No no.. I mean she seems too young to be Nightwings mom.... like .. has to be second or third wife." already imagining the trajedies that must have fallen the First Ms. Batman.. aka Batwoman.

"Oh.. well... I mean it would be like hte perfect cover and explain a lot of how Batman rose in Gotham and Commissioner Gordon did too during the same years... " deeply considering the angle. "Though I swear they have been in pictures together...."

There may be a project later to puzzle this out. It may involve post-its and string and tacks.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
"Oh!" Babs laughs at that too, but shakes her head, "No, Batwoman is not Nightwings mom. It's difficult to get into, but suffice to say... uh.. wrong team?" Squinting, mouthing it over, trying to tap into Charlie's teenager brain to figure out what she's indirectly saying.

As for her dad and Batman?

"They make a good pair, Batman and Dad. Dad was one of only a few honest cops back when Batman came into Gotham, so it was a natural evolutionary friendship that saw them both working towards a common goal." Not that it's the beacon of honesty now, but compared to a decade ago?

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
"Ooh... so... no Batwoman and Batman.." she pauseS "That is just confusing for no good reason. I guess it sticks to theme though....." she considers "Honestly codenames in general are very confusing." still she has managed to not pry ever in the field or on comms about it.

She stays in the chair. Thinking of other questions.

"So why does Orphan not have any of the costume or gear or anything like Spoiler or Batgirl or anyone?"

Barbara Gordon has posed:
"Yeah, I spent the better part of a decade as Batgirl... don't get me started on sociopolitical naming conventions in a pre-equality society." Hands up, Babs frowns a little, "Suffice that Batwoman picked her /own/ name." As has Oracle now.

To Orphan, Babs smirks, "Honestly?" Of course honesty.

"She doesn't need any."

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
Charlie thinks abourt the training she has been doing. "Well okay sure I see that. I mean .. not for protection you know. But seriously if she was wearing the cowl and all she would be delivering major messages to the criminals and it would be more on brand you know." she worries her lower lip.

"She should think about it... I mean the whole thing about bats and shadows and all that. It is about fear and all and keeping the bad guys unbalanced I figure. Not just to hide identities but to be a symbol."


"That or it is a dark bat cult.."

Okay she might not be a Detective but the kid isn't dumb.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
"You think they're missing the message just because she's not wearing a cowl?" Babs wonders with a raised brow and a little grin. "I think they're getting the message juuuuust fine regardless." She nods all the same, though. "I'll mention to her... that she needs to properly join the Bat Cult."

Playing along.

"Alright. Well, if you're done eating, go grab some of your personal items, decorate your room, have a shower... because you have a lot to do this weekend to get ready for school on Monday."

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
"It would probably honestly strike more fear... I mean from what I've seen though they never even see her. Which is I suppose probably also very effective too on the thugs and criminals.. but less so on the actual supervillains. Costumes are very important symbols." which Misfit has been doing her best with limited resources.

She is also so endearingly serious about this topic.

"And .. a shoer sounds amazing..." she looks around. "I'm.. going to go get my stuff and be right back...." and with that she is gone with thay trademark smoke. Back at her 'place' in Gotham getting her stuff together.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Babs grabs the plates when Charlie is gone and takes them to the kitchen. A little grin on her face, certain she's done the right thing... even if she maybe should have brought it up with Bruce first. or Kate... but they'd both understand right?

Sure they would.