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Latest revision as of 04:31, 18 December 2020

=A Night in Nightmare Manor
Date of Scene: 16 September 2020
Location: The Old Macgregor Estate, Gotham
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Winslow Schott, Dinah Lance

Winslow Schott has posed:
This part of Gotham was surprisingly quiet this evening. This area was considered more "suburban" and was considered more "safe" than the metro area. But, crime was still a problem, even in this seemingly ideal part of town. The silence was suddenly broken by the sounds of squealing tires, police sirens, and, concerningly, gun fire. Suddenly, a lime green van suddenly screeches along the corner. The cargo door of the van was open, revealing a gaunt, tall man wearing a sweater vest and brown slacks holding a machine gun, and firing at the pursuing police cars. This man, along with 6 accomplices were involved in a botched robbery at a robotics lab that you and the GCPD managed to foil. Unfortunately, the robbers fled the scene, leaving behind two of their cohorts behind to get arrested, and leading you and the GCPD on a wild goose chase across Gotham.

Suddenly, a lucky bullet from one of the pursuing cops suddenly pierces one of the car's tires, sending the car spinning through a metal gate and onto the lawn of a rather old lookin, almost sinister manor. If you were familiar with this part of town, you would know this as the ole Macgregor Manor, a mansion build in the turn of the century by a rather infamous banker in Gotham named Julius Macgregor, one of the city's most prolific robber barons. Ever since the death of it's original builder, rumor swirled that the old manor was cursed and haunted.

As the van came to a halt, the seven men suddenly poured out of the van, one of them hauling what looked like a toy chest and fled into the manor, with the gaunt man still firing his gun into the pursuing cops before slamming the door of the old home. They were now holed up in the manor with God know was with them.

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah was sure it was going to be an uneventful night. In fact, she was just getting ready to hang things up and head home for a night of self-pity... or at least, a night of binge-watching TV. And then she was caught up in a chase, which she really should have expected, it's not like Gotham manages to go a rush hour without two or three breaking out. At least this one wasn't clown themed.

And so as the cops set up a perimeter, she sighs and shakes her head. Well, what're the odds of the mansion actually being haunted? ...Okay, probably fifty-fifty, but hey, if it is, that'll probably just chase the robbers back out. Really, it's more likely there's some sort of bolt hole built in by the original owner... so she can't just let the robbers stew.

And so she shakes her head, fanning out that eye-catching blonde hair and does her best to sneak up to one of the large windows and slip in that way. It wouldn't do to just open the front door and find them all -waiting- there after all. She'd never live it down!

Winslow Schott has posed:
You managed to slip into the manor through one of the windows. Luckily, none of the fugitives were waiting for you in the room you found yourself in, but you were greeted with other 50 years worth of dust and the smell of what can only be guessed as mildew. The room you found yourself in appeared to be some kind of study, as evidenced by the old, rotted mahogany desk and bookcase. On the top wall was the mounted head of a bull moose. On the desk the only thing left as evidence from it's past life was a very old, now very dusty inkwell with what looked like a tiny bit of ink in it.

The mansion was very quiet; the robbers must not of known you were in here yet. Suddenly, you hear a light, buzzing noise and see something approaching your room. As it got closer you would realize it is a small, glow-in-the-dark UFO toy, complete with a cute figurine of a generic Martian. Suddenly, the UFO stops and starts to buzz louder as it suddenly opens up it's front, revealing a small laser canon. Suddenly, the UFO fires at you, sending a red laser at your direction.

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah moves quietly, nimbly, focusing on not being seen, though with the dust and mildew and general run-down abandoned mansion 'vibe', she figures she'll notice the robbers standing out as -not- being hundred year old abandoned antiques.

The little flying UFO gets a raised eyebrow, cocked hip, and general look of increduality. At least until that little buzz picks up and that laser cannon lights up. That has her throwing herself into motion at the last moment, though it's not enough to save her jacket from taking a scorching, which earns a startled, indignant cry.

And so she keeps moving, diving over the desk, reaching out to grab the antique ink well on the way over. She counts to three, then pops up to hurl the antique at the UFO... not that she has any clue if the thing's got the smarts to dodge it, but hey, it's worth a shot.

Winslow Schott has posed:
Luckily, the UFO seemed to have no sense of preservation as it made no effort to dodge the inkwell. The well hits the UFO very hard, causing it to fall onto the ground, obviously not working anymore. The room grew silent once again, but you though you heard what sound like scuffling feet coming from the next room.

Dinah Lance has posed:
There's a moment of elation as she takes the UFO out. She moves towards it to check it out, when she perks up at the sound of footsteps. She sprints swiftly to the door, tucking up against the doorway to try and surprise whoever's coming. Maybe she can ask them about this year's -actual- killer toy.

Winslow Schott has posed:
The door suddenly swings open and a pair of work boots suddenly come stomping in. The boots belonged to a tall, well-built man wearing a checkered long sleeved shirt, brown jeans, and a red trucker cap. He did not appear to see you as he came in, but seemed completely focused on the smashed UFO. The man then let's out a nervous swear as he suddenly pulls out a pistol and yells out,

"Yo guys! I think someone is here!"

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah leaps forward, one arm moving to knock that pistol out of his hand, her other elbow swinging in aimed at his temple as she hisses out, "Hey! I'm trying to keep this a -surprise- pal!" Provided she knocks the pistol off-line, she'll aim another hit for his solar plexus, aiming to take him down right now, because there's no way there -aren't- going to be the rest of them running this way now.

Winslow Schott has posed:
The man grunts in pain and is floored by Canary's attack. As the man lies on the ground, groaning lightly in pain you do hear footsteps gathering. But, instead of coming towards the room, they appeared to be scattering all over the house. Great, they were hiding. But, you did hear something coming your way in the form of more buzzing.

Suddenly, a toy biplane comes flying in and firing real bullets at you.

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah lets out an undignified yell as she recognizes the sound of gunfire... not that she was expecting it from a biplane. She dives to the side of the door, and as the plane closes in on the doorway she dives through low, figuring it'll at least have to circle the room to get back around to the doorway, and she intends to be gone by then, running down the hallway, in the wake of one of the sets of footsteps.

Winslow Schott has posed:
You luckily managed to avoid the gunfire coming from the thy plane, and seemingly lose it in the halls of the old mansion. As you pursue after the set of footsteps, you would eventually find yourself in what appeared to be the kitchen of the old home. Bizarrely enough, the kitchen appeared to be empty. However, this did not last when a sudden cry of rage fills the room and one of the robbers comes charging out of a pantry, wielding a pipe and swinging it at you.

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah growls and rushes forward, only to slide low, legs kicking out to lock around the thug's legs and her hips giving a twist and roll to throw him off balance and jacknife his face towards the floor... sure, it's harsh, but the guy doesn't seem that bright already, and -he- definitely hasn't been building tiny death machines, so a concussion's probably not going to be a big deal for him.

Winslow Schott has posed:
The man crashes onto the ground very hard, causing an echo to sound throughout the house. As the man groans in pain, another pair of footsteps is heard rushing towards the kitchen. Suddenly, the door flies open and a man wearing a tank top and blue jeans rushes in. He smiles maliciously as he points what looks like a toy laser gun at you. However, when he starts firing, an actual laser comes out and goes flying towards you.

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah curses and rolls aside, her sleeve taking a scorch... oh, these lasers are -not- her favorite thing! She glowers and leaps up, rushing in at the new arrival and snarling out, "Hey! This outfit costs -money- you jerk! You guys keep wrecking it up and I'm going to think it's personal!"

Winslow Schott has posed:
The man does not respond, but grins even wider as he throws down the laser gun and pulls out what appears to be a plastic baseball bat. He then presses on the handle and the bat is suddenly covered in electricity. The man then swings the bat in your direction.