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(No difference)

Revision as of 22:26, 21 December 2020

Our game is a union of two main comic publishers (DC and Marvel) as well as some smaller comics like Vertigo, Image, and Dark Horse. We've taken great pains to integrate these canons from the ground up so they work in harmony and complement one another rather than merely 'co-existing', as with other games.

Some major events such as Blackest Night and House of M have not happened here. Others, such as the Days of Future Past and the Death of Superman are part of our timeline. On the game, 'News Timeline' lays out several major events and a rough map of significant historical moments. As a rule of thumb, unless a universe-shaking plotline is mentioned explicitly in our News Timeline file, then it probably hasn't happened.

Core themes such as the secrecy of the X-men and the international nature of the Justice League will be familiar to some readers. Captain America fought alongside Wonder Woman in the Second World War and Batman is the defender of Gotham. The Fantastic Four remain the 'first family' of superheroes, having started their careers in the '80s.

It's not necessary to have a comprehensive knowledge of the mainstream comic canons. And our canon, while well-built, is not mandatory for playing here. Someone content to play a well-known character within their established tropes is not going to find it difficult to step into those shoes. For the players who enjoy deeply layered worldbuilding, there is a trove of information available on the wiki that go into significant historical detail about everything from the founding of the Teen Titans to the origins of Dracula, to even the formation of the universe and the long-running cold war between Oa and the Celestials.