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Latest revision as of 13:35, 29 January 2021

G.I.R.L. Recruitment Drive: Spider G.I.R.L.
Date of Scene: 29 January 2021
Location: Labs - Titan's Tower
Synopsis: Nadia and Gwen finally meet. It turns out Gwen is a geneticist from another universe! So of course Nadia asks her to join G.I.R.L.!
Cast of Characters: Nadia Pym-van Dyne, Gwen Stacy

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
At any given time when she's in residence at the tower, the labs are where one is most likely to find Nadia. They are like her natural habitat. Sure she has her own area among the varied work spaces on the third floor of the tower, but she can at times also be found wandering among the other lab spaces to see what everyone else that uses the space is working on, curiousity seemingly endless.

So it is that Nadia happens upon the lab space that Gwen is working in. "Hi! I'm Nadia!" She smiles sticking her head in through the door with characteristic cheer, "We haven't really had a chance to meet yet." A pause. "What are you working on?" The sixteen year old with chin-length brown hair and dressed in slightly punky, mildly gothy fashion, sort of riding the very edge of both styles, is definitely not shy.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Gwen hasn't been an usual face at the Tower as of late. Turns out that being 'shot' into this universe from her own, finding out that the Gwen here had died and then having been 'synced' to have both Gwen's memories so she really belonged wasn't something that anyone could digest well. Specially as she still occasionally saw things as they were before. So the suit had taken a pause, staying in the closet while she put her own life in order...

Not that it had been going fantastically well but she had had enough of staying out. And with these new doppelgangers.., it was time she did something.

Gwen is currently standing on a work station, body wrapped in the tight spider-costume she has, hood back and the mask off, showing off her face along with the sunny blonde hair that cascades down shoulders, tips with a fading green color. She is leaning forward on a microscope, casting a look into it before Nadia's voice is heard. "Oh!" she was perhaps not expecting one here today, blue eyes blinking as she takes in the other girl before grinning. "I am Gwen." she says in ways of introduction, "Or Ghost Spider.. You are.., Wasp correct? Janet's daughter." there was a fondness when she said those words, Janet having been one of those real friends she had back in her universe.

"I am doing some DNA comparisons." She then explains about her work. "I am also from a different universe so I am working with the theory that if I compare my DNA with the one of my ..., other self here I can find ways to more easily discern those doppelgangers."

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
"Nice to meet you!" Nadia steps further into the lab, "Oh, ah, Janet is my step-mom, I asked her to even though she and my dad are divorced. She's really great. My real Mom was kidnapped and killed by Soviet spymasters, she died not long after I was born." Her smile drops for a moment as she accidentally dredges up memories related to that, but it returns in a flash. "Anyway! I'm Waspette, because Janet's The Wasp, she gave me that name and I like it. She said I can be The Wasp someday when she is ready to retire and I am happy to wait. It'd be really confusing anyway when I sometimes do stuff with the Avengers if there were two Wasps. They'd be like Wasp go do this! And we would be like which one?!"

She grins as she wanders over towards the microscope with her hands folded behind her back. There is a definite pause when Gwen says she is from a parallel universe, Nadia's experiences with parallel universes have not been the best, "You're from a good parallel universe right? Like with cupcakes and rainbows maybe? Not murderous doubles or where my dad fused with Ultron... that was really messed up! I mean you got cleared, so you must be right? If you can figure out a way to identify the Dopplegangers, that would be really useful. I was trying to identify energy ressonance left on their atoms from the crossing based on the same phenomenon that the portal detection system works by, but I haven't gotten very far because I need a doppleganger to actually study and test my theories against."

She peers at Gwen almost like she is trying to see the parallel universeness in her, like it might somehow be visible in some way. "Do all Spider People do Science? Spider-Man came to our Christmas party, though he was talking about diving into dumpsters to build things." She doesn't seem to truly understand this concept and clearly finds it very odd, though Janet has pretty much seen to it that she has no real concept of money.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
The flurry of information and talk coming out of the Waspette is met with a laugh. "Well, you really have her energy regardless.", Gwen pushing herself off the counter and resting her hands on her hips, one jutted to the side, "But if she's anywhere close to the one I knew you'll be sporting some grey hairs by the time she decides to retire." a wink done right after. "But I know what you mean ..., I used to be Spider Woman back.., then. But there was no Spiderman and .., it's complicated. So Ghost Spider it was. Besides, branding is important in this business, that's what your step-mom taught me. So a name change was needed."

"There were cupcakes..." At least those! "But .., not sure I would call it a good universe.." memories appearing to flood those vivid eyes and she straying her gaze away with a shake of her head. "There are things I prefer not to talk about.." yet.

But she quickly focuses back on the work she is doing, "There are always differences from one universe to the other, a signature so to say. At least that's my running theory. And if I can find it then it should only be a matter of doing the same with an actual doppelganger. Noone can fool genetics afterall.. Well, almost noone."

"I ..., don't know." This about all the spiders being science. "I was the only Spider back where I come from. Here I have met others, like Spider-man." but she does sound amused when Nadia mentions him diving into dumpsters. "Sounds like the one I know .. I did the same in the past, you won't believe the treasures some people throw away."

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
"Yes, energy, Janet definitely has plenty of that." Nadia grins but doesn't comment on the source. Janet has taught her well and she isn't a narc. "Yes, she is all about branding." Nadia says with an expression like Janet's branding talks may have been an actual harrowing experience for her.

"I love cupcakes! Cait makes the best cupcakes! Have you tried them?!" She gets an 'Oh' expression though when Gwen begins talking about the negative parts of her universe and not wanting to talk about it. "I'm sorry. Well it's not actively trying to kill me, that I know of, so that's good enough for me!" She smiles, "I grew up in a Soviet bunker, which was kind of like another reality in its own way. There is so much to experience now that I've escaped. Does your world have pizza?! It's literally the best!"

She calms herself down and listens attentively when Gwen gets back to the SCIENCE! "Oooh, so you're a geneticist? You should talk to Cait, she's a Biologist! I do some biology and genetics work, too but Quantum Physics is my real specialty. If there's anything I can help you with though, please let me know! I love SCIENCE!"

When Gwen mentions that she too has dived into dumpsters and that they might even contain /hidden treasures/ Nadia blinks, "Really?!" Now she's curious, Gwen may have just guaranteed Nadia will go and literally dive into a dumpster.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Having no concept of money appears to start making sense for Gwen when Nadia speaks about growing in a soviet bunker. She twirls an eyebrow up, "So what you are telling me .." a pause, " .. is that you never went on a good 'spelunking' through the streets to find nice, old electronics?" she lets out a soft laugh, "We will have to fix that. It's a fun experience. Good to spark ideas too. But it's no fun doing it on your own, so bring me with you when you go, or someone else you like."

"We do have pizza, but pineapple pizza has been dubbed a capital sin. Any who indulge in such is shot on sight." Is she for real? Considering the tone .., she is most likely joking. But it is telling of her preferences on pizza! No pineapple! A squint of her eyes, "I hope you aren't one of the sinners, mmm?"

"I am mostly genetics, that's my specialty, but I also like to do engineering, tinkering with electronics and technology. It's not like I will be building an iron man suit anytime soon but ...! I blame it all on dumpsters not giving me enough material." before she nods, "And I figured you were quantum physics with your talk about studying the portal atoms. It's a good idea actually. They could be leaving a trail that can be tracked.."

That gets her thinking but well, it's not really her strong point.

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Nadia nods slowing, as if trying to puzzle out the purpose of seeking old electronics, "But why don't you just get new ones or build the parts?" Says the girl who either had a villainous organization hand her anything she wanted to work on or then wound up having fabulously rich parents and being the heir apparent to a major technology corporation. For a moment she seems fascinated and frustrated at the same time as she tries to wrap her head about whatever it is that she is missing. "I'm definitely up for trying new things though!"

She looks at Gwen, completely serious when the topic turns to pizza, "I.. I've never tried it with pineapples before. I only recently learned it came in different toppings, which is /amazing/."

"My friend Riri built an Iron Man suit." Nadia supplies helpfully after Gwen mentions her lack of one. "Say, if you're into Genetics and you like Engineering, maybe you could join the other team I've been putting together. It's a super science team, because there seems to be no end to high level threats that require SCIENCE!ing lately. These dopplegangers are just the lastest ones. I've already helped stop two alien invasions and between us I have a sinking suspision there might be a third one coming. But anyway, it's called G.I.R.L, Genius In action Research Laboratories and also has the goal of showcasing the talents of brilliant girls in STEM to give other girls more role models that aren't just Tony Stark or Dr. Banner or Dr. Richards, or so many old men! Usually I have a hologram projector and a whole presentation for doing the recruitment thing, but I didn't realize I'd be doing it today! Anyway we don't have a geneticist on the team yet and can offer significant supplies, facilities, and funding, if that sounds appealing? Our main headquarters is a seperate building on the Pym Technologies campus."

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"That's one secret you will find out when we actually get out there.." Gwen teases the young Nadia, perhaps to indulge on her curiosity for it. There's always a certain charm to finding your own pieces to build electronics from scratch. A scavenger of sorts, sure. But it's quite the good exercise for the imagination as well. "And that's the spirit..!" she says when Nadia speaks about being willing to try. That pleases the spidery one.

"Good, never try it. I may have to shoot you with ..., web.." Yes, web.

The suggestion that she joins a group is met with Gwen blinking. She has never been the type to group work, always a solo back in her universe, but in here she was finding people she could be with. So it's only after a brief moment of hesitation that she nods. "I .., would like that." she admits. "I would like that a lot." she then grins. "I am not a full out geneticist yet, but I am on ESU studying, and I do have a scholarship at Oscorp."

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
"Great!" Nadia exclaims with exuberant enthusiasm, grinning from ear to ear. "I will show your around first thing tomorrow! I think you will like it! We can get you whatever you need for your own workspace. Oh and we might be going into space soon. Long story, but a girl named Mori we've been helping might be having her head messed with by aliens. But we can talk about that later! This is going to be so much fun!"