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I'll Take Two
Date of Scene: 06 March 2020
Location: Illegal Arms R Us
Synopsis: People find a lot more then they bargained for when they make a shopping trip in the middle of the night.
Cast of Characters: Rose Wilson, Jason Todd

Rose Wilson has posed:
There are plenty of reputable, legal, brightly lit places that one can go an purchase things like firearms. But where is the fun in that kind of thing?

It's a house in a very crappy area of the city, at a dead end street where the street lights were all broken months ago and never replaced. It's not the sort of place that one just turns up at to sell girl scout cookies.

You've got to know about it. Be invited. Rose must have been invited, because she's knocking on the front door.

Jason Todd has posed:
    You need to be invited, sure. Or steal someone else's invitation. Which, no doubt, is how Jason Todd has discovered this particular black market dealer. The Red Hood, despite being marked by the criminal underbelly of Gotham as the cause of a raid by Wonder Woman and various other heroes, was still nowhere near the reputation one would need. But here he comes nonetheless, walking down the desolate street like he owns it.

    And why shouldn't he? He plans on running all the major cities once his personal grudges are handled. But since one of those grudges is Batman and the other is the Joker, even Jason knows he'll need more firepower than he currently has. And he lost that entire warehouse full of guns.

    So while Rose knocks on the door, Jason approaches, face concealed by the Red Hood. "Well well well," he says on approach, marching his way up the stairs behind his apparently-fellow shopper.

Rose Wilson has posed:
Are there rules about not causing trouble? Not shitting where you eat, so to speak. So having an epic fight outside the door of a black-market gun dealer is probably against some unwritten rule somewhere.

Maybe a written one or two, too.

Either way, the gloved knuckles of her hand knock-knocks as her head turns slowly towards him. The Red Hood is taken in, and although his reputation might not be large enough to get a personal invitation to a place like this. Yes. He does have a reputation, and it might have preceded him enough that she takes his arrival in stride, a smirk flicking across her lips. "Fancy meeting you in a place like this."

Like this. The door that she was knocking on is tugged open, and a bright blue eye peers out at them, and demands, "Password."

Jason Todd has posed:
    Whatever the rules of the house are, Jason seems to have no issue with following them. His hands rest in his pockets, and with his face hidden by his hood, he seems completely at ease. However, under the mask his eyes are active. He studies Rose for a long moment, then glances around back the way he came. Just making sure he wasn't followed.

    He offers a small shrug to Rose, chuckling lightly to show the smirk he has on his face in a way she can detect. "What can I say? I get around. Gotta get supplies somewhere, and I don't deal with the small fries." He slips his hands out of his pockets as the door creaks open, the blue eye met from behind Jason's mask with a gaze that the person at the door would never see. The request for a password draws another chuckle from the Red Hood, who rolls his shoulders a bit and turns out his palms.

    "... Hyperbolic fluffernutter."

Rose Wilson has posed:
....hyperbolic...flu...ffernutter? It's clear that Rose's password was not that, or she's just tickled beyond belief to hear him say the words. She mouths the password a second after him, one corner of her mouth kicking upwards in amusement before she turns her attention to the eye in the crack of the door. "What he said."

It seems like the password was the right one, though, because the door pulls open far enough for the pair of them to slip inside. Which she does, stepping to the side to clear the way so that Jason is able to follow behind her.

Inside the living room looks like some odd mix between Grandma Ruth's antique furniture, and a Vietnam surplus store. The light is dim, the furniture old wood and mauve velvet, but there are metal racks set up with ammo, guns, metal cases and all other sorts of paraphenalia that might be associated with their reasons for being here.

There is a quick look around, the skinny guy that opened the door is looked over once, then Rose turns her attention back towards Jason, "Not a big things come in small packages kind of guy, then?"

Jason Todd has posed:
    It had taken him little more than an hour to beat the strange code out of the goon he had... acquired. He almost hadn't believed it, but it was such a bizarre combination of words, and the man seemed so certain, that Jason had decided it must be accurate. When they are in fact invited in, he chuckles again, hands returning to his pockets.

    "I've heard the selection here is..." he starts, before he allows the door to close behind him. He can feel the guard's gaze on him, but he's more concerned with the merchandise than any scrutiny he might be under. He's aware they know he's not the intended recipient of their invitation, and he knows that they know he knows they know that fact. But his money, no doubt, is as green as anyone else's. And by turning his palms out, he made a show that he has no ill will to the establishment.

    "Top notch," he finishes. "Size isn't all about square feet so much as reputation, ya know. And they say these guys have some of the best." He makes his way forward, hefting a shotgun and seeming to weigh it in his hands. "Definitely high quality," he says, running his hand along the barrel. "Must need a job done, then?" He turns his attention back to Rose, though only for a moment, seeming almost like a kid in a candy shop as he peruses the racks.

Rose Wilson has posed:
Jason's money is green, and it's probably a good bet that if either one of them aren't wanted any more they could be dealt with. So people might think, at least. Looks are often deceiving, afterall. Like the skinny guy that opened the door doesn't look much like a back alley arms dealer, but the evidence is right in front of them. Guns, ammo, explosives, and who knows what else might be hidden away.

"Reputation? Not sure what that has to do with it, but I'm sure that you could enlighten me." Rose points out as she reaches into the neck of her shirt, pulling out folded up bills, the top one being a hundred. Stands to reason the rest might be as well. The money is then handed over to the as of yet silent guy that answered the door before she drifts over to where Jason is looking at the shotgun, a hand reaching up to push the barrel of it downwards. "Not that one."

Then she reaches for a case off one of the shelves, pulling it down before she sets it flat on the floor, crouching down. She flips open the catches on the case, then lifts it open before she looks up at him, reaching into the case to start pulling out the disassembled rifle to start reassembling it.

Jason Todd has posed:
    Jason reaches into his coat, fingering the large collection of bills there before turning it over after Rose's lead. It's a fair wad, and probably taken from the small gang he helped dismantle before the Gotham cops could get their hands on it. The way the skinny dealer takes it from him indicates that, indeed, his money is good here, and if they wanted to fight it out... well, they'd find a Batman-esque trained fighter is no slouch.

    He chuckles again lightly, then shrugs. "To learn where they keep the good stuff, you have to learn what to listen for. And who to listen to. Even in certain lines of business, reputation is king. Otherwise you'd find yourself with no business. Or the wrong kind of clients."

    His time as Robin taught him a lot about dens like this as well, but no way is he planning on mentioning that. When Rose pushes the shotgun's barrel down, he blinks in surprise, though his mask only shifts upward to indicate he's probably looking at her. So he watches as she pulls a case off a rack and, without so much pomp or circumstance begins to assemble the rifle within.

    He has to admit, he wasn't sure what to make of the girl, but clearly she's worth keeping an eye on.

    "Not bad," he says, before setting down his piece and taking a bit more time in looking around. She was on the money: the stuff on the table was small fry stuff. The cases, the wall racks... those held the real treasures. "There's the good stuff. Good eye. Not that I doubted that." He moves through the market, fingers running along various armaments, the movement of his head showing that he's still watching Rose work.

Rose Wilson has posed:
It doesn't take her long to finish putting the rifle back together, and as soon as she's got the DRD Tactical Paratus sniper rifle assembled she gets back to her feet. "Mmm."

There is a brief glance in his direction, looking over what he's looking through but she doesn't move from her spot. Instead she lifts the rifle up, tucking the butt against her shoulder before she takes aim with it. Lucky for her, to take a run at sighting with it she doesn't have to close an eye, so she gets to skip an entire step before she swings it around. Her target? Jason.

Good thing there isn't any ammo in it, otherwise people might start getting jumpy and no one would have any good clean fun any more. "You should ask him where he keeps the really good stuff....I hear that he's got a secret room in the back of the house occupied by only the very best military grade practically from the future goods. But that's just a rumor."

Jason Todd has posed:
    Jason eyes the weapon in Rose's hands with a bit of interest, though sniping is not particularly his style. Not that he rules out the possibility of needing such measures. Instead, he finds himself drawn to a particular pair of cases, which he retrieves as though he's found himself a treasure. He gives Rose a bit of a glance as she wheels the weapon around, training it on him to which he merely gives a shrug. She can aim all she likes, his eyes watching a few different things in tandem. Her fingers, for one, just in case she had managed to slip ammo into the weapon without anyone else noticing. However, mostly he's studying the room itself, making sure everything is still on the level. Satisfied, or at least seeming so, he pops open his cases to reveal a pair of immaculately maintained pistols. He seems to marvel at them for a long moment, considering before he closes the cases back up and slides them back into place. While he would love nothing more than to pick up another pair to go with his Jerichos, he's not on the hunt for that currently. Though he keeps the cases in mind. Instead, he sinks to his haunches, listening and searching through the offerings all the while.

    "What's the truth on that rumor, pal?" he says, "Say I've got more where that came from, of course. I know your hardware ain't cheap."

Rose Wilson has posed:
Her finger doesn't stray, staying flat along the side of the trigger guard. Then she lowers the weapon, an interested look shot towards the skinny guy when Jason asks the question about the rumored room of good stuff. Really good stuff.

"For the right price, it might be." The guy replies, his voice surprisingly deep for someone as skinny and scrawny as he appears. Generic, hard to place accent. Middle America.

Rose breaks down the weapon as quickly as she assembled it, then tucks it all back into the case before she closes it. She then picks the case up, holding it loosely in her right hand as she moves over to Jason to look at what he's going through curiously.

Jason Todd has posed:
    Jason smirks behind the guard of the hood, chuckling lightly. The dealer is no doubt guarded, and money talks while all else walks no doubt. And so, he straightens himself up. "Tell ya what. I have more cash on me. You show me the goods, it's yours. Need somethin' loud with a spread, somethin' that'll wake the dead. And I want the Hardballers."

    He jerks his thumb toward the two cases he had fawned over earlier, then approaches the man, open palm faced out while the other slips back into his coat. He fumbles around for a bit, before pulling out even more money, true to his word. "I get the feelin' my friend here wants a look too. But that's your call. You run this joint."

    He offers the second stack of bills to the man, then rolls his shoulders. "I ain't one to hand out cash willy nilly. But I got a feelin'"

Rose Wilson has posed:
Friends now?! Rose just smiles faintly in amusement, accepting the temporary friend tag without any complaint. For all intents and purposes it could be the truth, as far as the guy knows. Afterall, they seemed to arrive together. And if she gets to slide into the ultra posh hidden room on someone elses dime? All the better.

The second stack of bills is accepted, then without a word the man starts to head towards the back of the house, clearly expecting the pair to follow him. Rose moves to follow after him, stopping for a split second next to Jason to inform him, "I like your style, Red." Then she's continuing on to the promised land to see what treasures might be hidden in this room.

Jason Todd has posed:
    Does Jason have an angle on this? Seems a bit strange for him to splash cash for someone else's benefit. Who can tell? The hood blocks all outward appearance, and his body language isn't telling much. Under the hood, however, Jason seems to be calculating a few things. He needed to make sure that no one in this market suspected anything but a thug looking for the big guns. And the fact that Rose had been there when he had arrived might have thrown a wrench in his plans. Or perhaps he had noted something about her, something that perhaps showing a bit of altruism now might benefit him later. Or maybe he's just a sucker for women. Who knows?

    Jason falls behind the man, following him toward the back room. He's got no apprehension, even should this 'back room' rumor be a way of quelling nosy busybodies, and as Rose does the same he chuckles again. "It's one of my charms," he replies, before falling silent again, his footfalls nearly silent as they move. "Don't see many swingin' that kind of hardware around that easily," he offers, leaving the statement open as an inquiry without prying too far into Rose's personal business.

Rose Wilson has posed:
At least Jason proves he's got good taste in more than just firearms if that's the case. In at least one person's opinion, if anyone ever asked. But probably best to never feed that particular ego.

They are lead down a hallway, through the kitchen, and then to a room that looks like at one point in time it might have been a porch that was inclosed. It's still got brick on one wall, and it requires a step down onto a concrete slab, but it does seem like what Jason is after might just be housed in this room.

Instead of answering him right away she just gives him a once over, potentially considering his other charms, or weighing options on how to respond to the leading statement. When she finally comes to a conclusion a smile spreads across her face, "I like big guns and I cannot lie."

Jason Todd has posed:
    Who knows what Jason's ego is like. He knows his goals, but no one else does yet. Is that ego, revenge, or a bit of both? He gives a few side glances to Rose as they walk, following the arms dealer to what the Red Hood is feeling will be a great find. He can't deny at least a bit of an ulterior motive in bringing Rose into the back room as well, though to what end that might be is hard to say.

    When they reach what seems to be some sort of enclosed porch, Jason stops walking. He knows enough to let the man bring out the goods rather than following. There's a protocol to this sort of thing, after all, and nothing sets off a weapons dealer more than potentially being pinned into a bad situation. So he waits instead, seeming confident that this is a staging area for the dealer's best goods.

    He can feel Rose's eye sizing him up, and he glances in her direction, head canting in a very obvious way to let her know he's watching. Her response brings out a genuine laugh from the Red Hood, an echoing sound as he crosses his arms. "I appreciate a woman who knows just what she wants. And clearly knows how to put what she wants to use." He lets her have his attention while the dealer works in the back, keeping his guard up as much as it seems necessary.

Rose Wilson has posed:
While there might be protocol, Rose is bad about following some rules. Or she's familiar enough with this particular dealer to not be worried about him taking her actions the wrong way. Not that she follows or goes digging around in the goods, of course. But she seems to find something interesting in the ceiling and the bare bulb found there for her to move over to it.

The ceiling is low, and someone taller than her could probably reach, but that doesn't stop her from pushing up onto her tip toes to reach up towards that bulb for a moment. "I do so love to be appreciated. Warms my heart and soul..."

Just before she can say anything else the dealer comes back, pushing a small table on wheels in front of him, several items that might fit the bill of what Jason is after have been laid out on it. She stops reaching for the lightbulb, her heels settling back on the concrete as she looks towards the table, then back towards Jason, "Like what you see?"

Jason Todd has posed:
    Jason is the staunch professional when his money is concerned. Even if he technically took over, lost, and then robbed a small gang to get it. So he keeps a safe distance, watching Rose move toward the lightbulb and seeming to try and reach it. Under the mask he quirks a brow, but otherwise he just watches with interest. Though it's hard to tell if it's interest or not. He offers a slight chuckle at her response, then rolls his shoulders. "Don't get too carried away now," he says, his tone jovial, almost playful, "I could just be buttering you up to get your guard down, ya know." He rolls his shouders again as he hears the rumbling of the cart that signals their broker's return, stepping toward the light as he sees a good spread of very fun, very high-grade tools. Clearly the rumors had been at least somewhat accurate.

    He approaches the cart, reaching out a hand and hovering it over the goods, mask seeming focused on the spread of weapons while he glances sidelong at Rose. He gives a small nod, reaching out to test the heft of a particular shotgun. Bullpup style, semi-automatic. It feels heavy. Durable. Loud. Perfect.

    "Oh, do I," he says, his voice seeming to indicate he's found just the tool he wants. "And I like the gun, too. I'll take it and the Hardballer Longslides. Deal?"

Rose Wilson has posed:
The lightbulb is given one final look, like she might still have plans for it. But then she abandons the entire thing to go take a closer look at the weapons on the cart, the case she is carrying tucked behind her as she leans over like she's giving the entire thing a very close inspection. Anyone paying attention would probably notice she's not looking at the weapons at all.

"You might be...because if I were you, and I wanted what you had, I'd be very nice to you. Offer to walk you out, or to your car." Did either bring a car? Good question. "Then as soon as your guard is down, slit your throat, shove your body in the trunk....use your car to transport everything away from the crime scene, then dump it." She then straightens up before leaning towards Jason, her voice lowering, "But that'd be a quick end to the fun."

Jason Todd has posed:
    With his decisions made, he gives a cursory glance over the rest of the weapons on the cart, though it seems Rose has proven the far more interesting to him. He notes, in perhaps a guarded manner, that she doesn't seem to be all that interested in the offerings the dealer has in front of them. Then why bother coming back here, he wonders, unless it was merely to keep up with his offhand comment that she was a friend? When she speaks up, he has to wonder what she might be thinking. And when he learns what that seems to be, he listens in silence. He examines the gun in his hands, then gestures toward the dealer. He needs the case for his new acquisition, after all, and clearly that was in the back still. Or was it? Jason't not exactly paying attention to him anymore. Or the cart full of goodies.

    Rose has his focus. Her mind, and at least what she seems to have on it, seems to have caught his attention. "Ahh," he says, chuckling lightly, "I give ya credit for the line of thought. I'd have the same concerns if I were you. But there's a few problems with that. First, wouldn't doubt that you'd keep your guard up if you're in a place like this with someone that's a stranger. Second, I didn't see any car, and it'd be my bet you ain't as unarmed as I'd guess at a glance. And third, I'd lose what I'm lookin' for if I slit your throat. Though if you've got any funny ideas, I'd start second guessin'. I don't think that's the case though, is it?"

    He matches her own low tone, his voice light and bordering on playful. "And fourth. Yeah, ain't no fun in that."

Rose Wilson has posed:
The case might actually be in the back, it might not. But the dealer hasn't survived in this business this long without knowing when it is just wiser to clear a room then stay in it. So he goes, to find a case that might not be as far away as expected.

"Concerns?" Rose tilts her head, then laughs, "Right...concerns." She replies agreeably before she spreads her arms outwards, the gesture an invitation for him to search her if he really wants to see if he's right about her armed or unarmed status. But she doesn't linger on that thought, instead she zeros in on something else that he says, her arms lowering back to her sides before she moves a few inches closer. Foolish? Maybe. Despite being within easy grabbing range she doesn't look like she's dropped her guard any at all.

"What are you looking for then?"

Jason Todd has posed:
    "I use the word concerns loosely," Jason says with a shrug, "You're clearly not someone too worried about the threat I might pose. Tells me you have info I don't, or your skillset is more diverse than I guess. Either way, I can safely say I ain't worried that you're worried. I know enough to understand strength and power when I see it." He hefts the shotgun again, then rests it against one shoulder as the dealer wanders back into the back. He assumes the deal has been made. He keeps his attention on Rose, watching her step closer. She's bold, certainly, and clearly has no fear of him. He smirks behind the mask. There's certainly something admirable in that.

    He only straightens up, mask making it clear at least that he's fully focused on her. "What am I lookin' for? Skill. People. People that ain't afraid to get their hands dirty. People..." He leans closer, Rose's face likely reflected in the strange metal of his hood, "People lookin' to make a /real/ difference 'round this place."

Rose Wilson has posed:
Is she looking to make a real difference? Is she even looking to make a difference at all? Or just money? All those questions are asked, answered, re-asked, and contemplated in the few seconds that it takes for her to get distracted by her own reflection in the mask. She tilts her head, then lifts her chin before turning her head so that her profile is more on display. That flagrant lack of concern might be one large bluff, because no one sane could possibly be this casual, could they?

Either way, once she's done admiring herself she smiles at him, the focus of her one eye shifting from looking at her reflection in the mask to looking at the mask in the same way most would look at a face. "And here I thought you were just looking for a date." It's tossed off flippantly, amusement threading through her voice before she adds, "Come find me once you put your toys away, and you can tell me about your idea for making a difference in this place."

Jason Todd has posed:
    Jason studies Rose's responses, watching her turn her head to and fro as she examines herself in the reflection of the Red Hood. He smiles to himself, resisting the urge he has to laugh at the woman's antics to not sour a potential ally. The way she acts tells him loads, mostly that she has confidence in spades and has some sort of ability in combat. No doubt someone who feared for her safety would likely not just be using his mask as a vanity. She could be playing him, but then he could find that out later if push came to shove.

    He's already died once. Risking his life isn't exactly off the table if he gets too curious.

    "Hey, I ain't rulin' that out if you're game. I know a few places," he offers, his voice playful and still lightly echoing, "But I try not to mix business and pleasure too much." The dealer emerges with a case for his new shotgun, and Jason pops it open and stows his new toy away. "Yeah yeah. I got a place in the Cauldron. Should be easy to find. Got a hole in the wall thanks to Wonder Woman. Or we can meet over drinks. Either way."

Rose Wilson has posed:
When it says that he tries to not mix business and pleasure too much she just gives him an amused look, clearly her own opinion on that is different then his take. "I can certainly show you how best to mix business and pleasure."

Can she? Maybe! Maybe not. Maybe she is playing him, and she's really not what he's looking for. She doesn't seem to behave like she feels that way, though. Instead she just offers another smile before her eyes fall towards the case, then back up towards the dealer who gets a nod in thanks for a transaction well made.

Then Rose is starting towards the front of the house again, calling over her shoulder, "I'll come find you, and we can have that drink and talk...I'll see you soon."

Jason Todd has posed:
    Jason chuckles lightly at her response, crossing his arms. "Well now, ain't that a tempting offer," he says, sounding a bit amused more than anything. He can't seem to get a solid read on Rose, but he has a feeling that's going to be a running sensation with this particular person. Who knows.

    As the dealer motions for him to head toward the front, he makes sure to confirm that he's taking the other two cases before leaving. While he wouldn't be replacing his Jerichos, he can certainly find a use for a pair of fine Hardballers.

    When Rose confirms a future meeting, Jason nods. "Sounds good," he says, "Don't keep me waitin' too long."

Rose Wilson has posed:
Armed with the single purchase she pauses at the door, her head tilting a moment before she laughs, "Oh, I won't."

With the very clear promise of not keeping him waiting provided in both tone and words, she tugs the door open so that she can vanish out into the night.

Normal people vanish. Not everyone has been trained how to vanish in the legendary way of Batman. So it's a lot more of a normal exit into the darkness, and he's right. There is no car, which means she's lugging that case home on foot.