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Latest revision as of 21:14, 9 February 2021

Red Tape and Memory Banks
Date of Scene: 31 December 2020
Location: Pym's Mobile Lab
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Hank Pym, Vivian Vision

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym would have been branded a hoarder or packrat years ago, except all of his clutter and crap gets miniaturized. Of late, he has addressed that and cleared out boxes full of Giant-Man memorabilia, stuff bought with or for Janet and old out dated or worn out gadgetry.

Right now he's looking at several clear plastic crates containing cookware and recipe books. He ponders the lab table next and sweeps the futon and bedding off it to throw it in another box. Three ants watch with solemn expressions clutching makeshift musical instruments.

Vivian Vision has posed:
As school is currently between turns Vivian has had a lot of time to get out and about. Occasional trips to Metropolis, visits to New Jersey, training, projects at GIRL and a whole lot of time just randomly getting dragged into mayhem. Still when Doctor Pym sent word she should stop by her scheduling subpersonality shunted a few things around.

After all you never know when something important might come up.

As with her usual practices she has picked up a selection of healthy lunch items and an accompanying hot caffeinated drink. And as it's the Avengers Mansion she's not bothering with any holographic disguises. In her trusty cargo pants & t-shirt combo.

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym looks at the ants and finally says, "All right, keep them, but put them n your tunnels somewhere safe. Scott will probably want you to keep practicing." He looks up as Vivian is announced and enters. The scientist offers her a hand with the goodies if she wishes help.

"Hello Vivian, come in, need help. I wasn't expecting all this. I guess feeding me is a regular subroutine now. Thank you." He gives his synthezoid great granddaughter's shoulder a squeeze and seems genuinely grateful. He also seems relaxed. Going by his sensor readings anyway.

Vivian Vision has posed:
"The chances of you or Great Aunt Nadia being engaged in a project is high enough that it's worth bringing food when I visit," Vivian points out earnestly, handing the food over. "As you both tend to lose track of time when you are engaged with something you find interesting."

She glances around at all the boxes and assorted clutter.

"Did you perhaps require my aid with sorting items out? Or some kind of cleaning task which you can't allow the Mansions cleaning staff to attend to?"

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym shakes his head. "I wouldn't waste your time with cleaning tasks. Is someone asking you to do this? Ridiculous waste f one of the most sophisticated AIs on the planet. I know you are researching the culinary arts. I wanted to offer you the cookware I accumulated here at the lab. Anyway if you want this stuff it's all yours, with a notebook of my better recipes and cocktail mixes. Perhaps you can get a place to use it at GIRL? They will need looking after. As for working myself to death... not anymore. I keep to a very exact schedule. It's one tool to manage my BPD without pharmaceuticals. It seems to be working. As for moving in, quite the opposite. I am planning a retreat to work on some personal issues. I don't want my stuff cluttering the lab if it should be needed. When I return from the retreat I will decide on where I'm living and what I'm doing."

Vivian Vision has posed:
"I don't really have room for it at school," Vivian muses, then nods in agreement. "But I could indeed find a place for some of the equipment at GIRL." She takes a look around the room at the various items of kitchen gadgets. Or more likely lab equipment repurposed into kitchen gadgets..

"Cleaning isn't something people make me do. I just dislike clutter and mess, so while I am considering other things or playing chess online I physically occupy myself with tasks like cleaning that generally need a lower level of thought. Dusting, putting things away and washing up. That sort of thing."

Her head tilts to one side.

"A retreat? Like a conference? Or an excursion to the Microverse?"

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym sits down. He ponders exactly what he wants to say, "To make this clear... if you have some bad code, you would want to correct it. But you couldn't really do this while you were running the program. And... if somehow you could not edit it right away or even at all for reasons, you would find a way to avoid the situations where it would activate and cause you trouble. I have bad code in my head, Vivian and I am trying to fix it. So far I've tried while the program is running. So I'm going someplace quiet to work on it without distractions. Hacking an organic brain is very difficult, especially my brain."

Vivian Vision has posed:
Vivian Vision considers Hanks point for a moment as she pokes around in the gadgets. "I still find I don't run my emotional core all the time," she admits. "I would describe it as a suboptimal aspect of my personality." She starts making a little room to relocate the Yes Gadgets to. "I'm sure that does feel logical. But please factor in that a break with your routine and support networks might not be ideal. I hope you will plan accordingly?"

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym shrugs. "I have a routine. It does not involve lab work, which has been 90 percent of my life the last 20 years. I have activities planned. As for my network... I'm telling you now what I am doing. I left all my legal papers with my friend Mike Hannigan, also known professionally as Nick Drago. If my condition should present problems he has instructions. I'm sending you an email with copies. Know that if this moronic country gave you the rights you deserve I would have left everything with you. You're logical, fair and I can always get hold of you. I don't have anyone else like that, except Mike. Superheroes make lousy proxies. I do plan on leaving for the Microverse. It will probably not be long -maybe two weeks your time. I hope to be back with some answers about Hank Pym and what's good for him. Some people may not be pleased but in that case I need to ask myself why they would want me to be miserable?" The scientist rubs his eyes tiredly.

"I thought this would be easier by now. I had some good advice... I know I'm making progress but I'm really tired and it's just me."

Vivian Vision has posed:
"It sounds like you have given the matter a lot of thought," Vivian replies solemnly. "So I'll respect you wishes and wish you well on your trip. Are you leaving immediately? I hope you'll be able to wish me well tomorrow. It will after all be my second birthday. Although I don't think I will be doing anything special for it."

She adds a few more things to the useful pile.

"Will you be taking any of the ants along with you?"

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym looks up suddenly. "Your birthday? No, I will be around for a while. This is a well planned move. Have you gotten any invites for your special day? Does anyone else know this? Is Janet doing something for you?" He looks more energetic at this new revelation.

"So you can blame things on being in your terrible twos for a while!"

"The ants are staying here. I'll return them to normal and let them sleep in their hill till I come back or Spring."

Vivian Vision has posed:
"I haven't made any special plans," Vivian says with a shrug. "I was planning on spending it doing some light reading, listening to music and generally relaxing. With everything that's happened in the last few weeks some quiet reflection feel like they are in order."

She picks up a device that seems to be located with the kitchen equipment, but it's very unclear what on Earth it might be. Experimental technology? Exotic physics gear? Art project? Novelty cigar lighter? Who knows. She very carefully puts it down somewhere it won't explode. Just in case it's volatile.

"I don't know why I would expect to be any more terrible tomorrow than I am now?" She frowns. "I think Great Aunt Nadia and Janet are aware it's my birthday but I suspect Janet will be a little too hungover to celebrate. And I saw Great Aunt Nadia for the Titans Christmas eve party and don't want to take up too much of her time. It is her first New Years after all and she will have many commitments with her friends and teammates."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym nods. "I see. Well I have no plans for New Year's. If you want to spend it with me or go somewhere I'd be delighted to take you, perhaps buy a little something to mark the occasion. Maybe some cookware or a book?" Inside he's shouting, idiot! How could he let this slide? His other thoughts, he tries not to dwell on. He realizes just how dear the young Vivian is to him.

Vivian Vision has posed:
"Mostly I have access to all the books I could ever need online," Vivian points out with a smile. "I have subscriptions to every ebook service and often pay for access to academic libraries. Cookware, I think you have covered with many of these devices. I'm thinking of moving on from cooking to other Human staple activities. Art perhaps? Painting or sculpture might be good starts."

"But I would be happy to spend some time with you this afternoon, perhaps early evening. I am unsure if Janet has a party planned I might be invited to, although it is /very/ probably she will be throwing some sort of gathering. So I am trying to keep the latter portion of the evening free just in case."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym gets up to give Vivian a brief hug. "I'm sure she has something planned. I will be home or here, not waiting for an invitation. I think I know what to get you though. I'm going to order it online and meet with you in say an hour? I'll have it sent to the house. You can open it when you return home. I'm assuming Nadia will be at both parties. But she is not essential for this. And honestly, we could just meet up tomorrow on your birthday if you've things to do now or a better offer. I was just going to suggest a museum or a movie."

Vivian Vision has posed:
"A museum would be nice," Vivian agrees as Hank gives her a hug. "If any are open on New Years day. It's a very busy time of year. I don't really have strong desires for physical goods. So many of the things people do give as gifts I can get virtually and load directly into my mind."

She works out how much space the pile of goods will take and books suitable transport to get it delivered to GIRL.

"I will be free in an hour or so. I'll use the time to get some boxes for these items and have them shipped over later. I'm sure Jarvis and the Mansion staff can find a place to keep them that'll be out of the way."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym nods and smiles. He goes over to his computer and starts an online search, pretty sure of his gift choice. "You might find a physical book enjoyable to read. Just saying, the smell, the tactile sensation, the pondering over each paragraph. Somethings are better to take your time with... now no hacks to find out what I order... I want it to be a surprise. Some people actually like those I hear. I will find our New Year's Day venue. Some places have special events during the day. I belong to a lot of museum or contribute. Thank you for seeing to those matters for me, I will wee you soon and let me be the first to wish you a happy birthday!"