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Latest revision as of 02:40, 7 March 2020

School Daze
Date of Scene: 25 February 2020
Location: Happy Harbor
Synopsis: Alexander and Saoirse meet at school and talk.
Cast of Characters: Alexander Aaron, Saoirse Flynn

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Middle of the day, Happy Harbor, the Great Experiment. It is the attempt to reconcile the otherworldly and beyond with the normal order of current society. And so far... it's going decently. Sure there have been some kerfluffles, social and otherwise, but all in all no one has tried to blow up the school yet. And considering the Xavier track record with that, Happy Harbor has already surpassed the older school.
    And such a school it is, with its modern setting, state of the art equipment, and ergonomic layout that couples the place well with its natural surroundings... it's nigh unto picture perfect.
    Yet the more things change...
    Alexander Aaron, a senior in Happy Harbor and taking the college prep curriculum stands on the first floor in front of a bank of lockers, shoulders hunched with a backpack on the floor at his feet as his focus is entirely on the locker in front of him. A locker that refuses to cooperate.
    "C'mon man." The blond youth in the turtleneck scowls as he nibbles at his lower lip, off hand resting in the pocket of his jeans as he tries to key the lock to disengage again. "Stupid lock." Until finally he just scowls and /yanks/ down, causing a metal crack to be heard faintly nearby, then the locker swings open.

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
Saoirse floats through the air above towards the ceiling, dipping and twirling her arms about occasionally as she seems to enjoy the experience. The blonde stops every so often to lift a ceiling tile at an intersection of hallways and pluck a bag of large sealed marshmallows from a shopping bag and places it up into the ceiling tile, then closes it back down again.

The floating blonde is not quite at any particular level, far advanced in some like mathematics, far deficient in others - like social and life skills. One could certainly consider her in the remedial section of the school in most subjects.

She comes to a stop as she floats above Alexander and points at the lock "I think it's broken. Maybe you want to glue it? You could lick a marshmallow, and see if it's squishiness holds it. I don't have any glue, but I have lots of marshmallows!" She lowers her voice conspiratorily "But shhh, don't tell anyone about it, I'm hiding them in case there's an emergency and having marshmallows would help. Maybe we would need the calories, or the delishiousness, or just a fun yummy pick-me-up!"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Books are drawn out, one at a time, then tossed into the open backpack at his feet. Alexander then looks up blinking a few times and crinkles is nose a little. "Sugar is pretty great." He pronounces, judgement passed. But then he lightly bangs the door of the locker with one hand as he murmurs, "But that'd make a mess." There, practicality wins the day. At least for him. Right now.
    Another pair of books are taken out and then he closes the locker with his hip, letting it swing shut. After that he grabs the broken lock and /squeeezes/ it back into place, less locking it and just making it difficult for someone to break again.
    "But thanks." The blond youth adjusts his sunglasses as he looks up at her.
    "You heading to lunch?" He asks, most likely since that's where he's off to, to catch the later lunch period which he's scheduled for, though he's already edging back and likely about to turn around and head there.

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
Saoirse ooo's. "Lunch? I hadn't thought about it. But I should of. What are they serving?" Her accent is thickly Irish accented by her natural air of bubbly extrovertiveness. "Um..isn't that going to break the thingie where the lock goes? Doing that? You don't want to get into trouble for defacing school property do you? That would be bad." She floats down so that she's about a foot above the ground, and more aligned for natural conversation with Alexander. "I like food, especially bacon. And sweets. And Mango, and avacados, sometimes things are even tastier together, like bacon, and mangoes, and avacado's. Yum! I'm Saoirse. My sister thought I should come here because she said it would be good to be around people my own age, now that I can actually move and talk and such. Are you here because of your crushy-crushy power there? Wow, I bet you could really hold onto a hat really good on a windy day. I always lose my hats."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Turning now to stroll on toward the cafeteria, Alexander talks over his shoulder as if he didn't have a concern in the world, which in some ways... he didn't. "Nah it'll be fun." That said he adjusts the hang of the backpack on his shoulder, then stuffs his hands deep in the pockets of his jeans as he slouches on his way toward the good eats.
    "I think..." He lifts his head, "It's salisbury steak today?" A small boneless shrug is given as if he didn't care, which somewhat he didn't since he considers it all just fuel. Where's the fun in that?
    When she introduces herself he does turn a little more, waving as he walks. "Hey Saiirse. I'm Alexander." A beat and then he seems to remember something and adds, "Pleased to meet you."

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
Saoirse pouts for just a moment. "Awww..that sounds kind of boring. Mango Salsa, or pizza, or something bright with citrusy-flavors sounds better doesn't it?"

She considers a moment "So how come your coming here? I'm coming here I think because my sister loves me, but I also drive her crazy. That and they call my mother rather abusive. She did try to push me into a moat. I'm not sure if that's abusive, but it wasn't very nice at all. Do you live here? I live here. But I also live with my sister in New York, when I'm not living here."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Because my dad told me to," Is Alexander's response, and likely all the reason he needs. He continues on that companionable stroll down the hallway, stepping around a few other students going the other way, giving a nod to one that recognizes him. He adjusts his sunglasses a little and winces, then murmurs in answer to Saoirse. "S'good to have family that cares about you."
    But she asks him about living there as they reach the stairwell and he pulls the door open, holding it for her if she'd like to precede him. He says lightly, "I sometimes live here? Sometimes I go into the city though, too." Curious answer, but hey he doesn't miss a class. Not so far at least.
    "If you don't like salisbury steak you can get two fruit cups, I hear they sometimes do that."

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
Saoirse gasps as she heads through the door. "Two fruit cups? I think I'm going to do that. Fruit is usually pretty tasty. I got to try Jackfruit lately, that was really good!" She turns to face Alexander since she seems to be in front of im. "Who's your dad? Is he a nice guy? Mine is..determined. I haven't seen him much in a while, but I guess that's because he's just really busy. My mom said that what happened to me is an affront to god, and that the faerie should just come and take back the thing they left in their daughter's place, so we don't really talk much anymore. She kind of lost custody and I came to the America after that."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "John Aaron," Alex responds almost instantly, offering his father's alias. But then he even elaborates, "He's the local head for Union 421 down in Manhattan. Construction work stuff." To be fair none of those things are lies, they're just not... the entire truth. But he hops and skitters down the steps, then reaches the bottom and holds that door open for Saoirse as well, raised well this lad.
    "Depending on how you look at it, a lot of things to a lot of people are affronts to their gods one way or another. You know?" He slips on into the lower hallway and to the early lines for the cafeteria. Perhaps a dozen students are in there at those wide chrome tables with the stool seats built in. He grabs a tray and starts to fill it up as they move past each serving station.
    "So really, wouldn't take that too much to heart." Then he leans forwards and pulls his glasses down, letting him get an eyeball at the salisbury steak. He grimaces a little, maybe a small wince then adjusts his sweater before going the two fruit cup option.

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
Saoirse follows and skips the stairs completely by just continuing to float at a walking/leisurely pace. "Oh, I don't know that preson. But I'll try to remember him!"

As they move into the line she responds "Well, I don't know..she seemed awfully sure. And really specific, she was that too. I didn't really have a choice in what I became, because I wasn't able to make choices for myself or understand the choices at that time."

She peers over at the gravy-meat-item. "Two fuitcups please!" She calls out to the lunch staff cheerfully. Picking up a tray she holds it out to put a chocolate milk, and two fruitcups on it. Then she just drops it and it..floats alongside her in place.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Alexander takes things in stride, considering the amount of weirdness he's seen. He walks along, though spares a glance for the floating objects, smirks a lil, but then nods to the cashier at the end of the line and hands her his food charge card, slipping it into the reader, back out, then moving on towards a table.
    "Yeah, some people have it big in their head that a person can be held responsible for their existence before they were sentient. Original sin, historical transgressions, tribalism." He grins and waves a little at some of the kids at another table, but takes a seat by himself mostly at the end of one, swinging off his backpack from his shoulder and thumping it upon the tabletop.

It is then eating time as he tears open the top of the fruit cup and just starts picking out the pieces he wants.

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
Saoirse flips upside down, though her hair doesn't fall. She puts down her tray on the table and sits on the outside of it opening up the fruit cup and poking at the fruit with a spork from her pocket. "Well..when I was disabled she didn't view me as being filled with sin. She blames my father, and it is technically his fault. He's the one that made me like this, but he didn't ask or tell her about it either." She pauses a moment, putting the spork in her mouth and reaches over to try to ruffle up Alexander's hair with both of her hands "Hee...I haven't seen you smile yet, headtickle!"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    A snort comes from him as he's settled and she goes for a headtickle. He endures, though he doesn't exactly present an enjoyable mien, one eye scrunching up as he eyes her sidelong, then points her over toward a seat opposite. "Sit down, please. It'll make it easier for us to talk and stuffs. If you wanna." And it also makes him a lil bit on edge with her floating all over the place, for whatever reason.
    But he picks out some more fruit, apparently liking pears and nibbling on them. "But sin is an interesting concept." His head bobs a little. "Can historically track down some of the sins advocated by cultures as being their form of legislation or just health services."

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
Saoirse gives a giggly laugh as she muffles up his hair, then carefully turns, and slowly drops on down to sit opposit. "I'm a non-linear thinker, maybe that's why I prefer to float instead of walk. That, and I never learned to walk very well. I can stand pretty okay though, but I prefer the floating. I have more control."

She tilts hre head a bit to the right as she looks curious "Well, are we talking about the one true god, or the false pagan gods? Mother was always very insistent that the Pagan gods, if they were real, which they weren't, but if they were would lead you astray, into eternal damnation, and were terrible awful beings. My father said he didn't care about who thinks they are gods or not, and that there are lots of gods. There's a god of thunder, there are gods of love, and all sorts of them. He recommended not bothering to worship any of them since at this point I don't age anymore. I don't know a lot about sin, but apparently I'm full of it if what my mother says is true. She's a doctor, so she probably knows things like what people are made out of. Well, she knows better than I know. I thought people might be made of positive or negative feelings and you could hug people to make their feelings feel better. It turns out that's not the case, I learned a couple years ago they are made up of DNA, and blood, and muscles, and stuff like that. The feelings are just something that comes about from the physical stuff."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    The youth's lips part as he continues to pick fruit out of the cups, lightly flipping the cherries into his mouth and munching and chewing and looking thoughtful. That is if she could see his eyes. But for now he nods along as she speaks. When she finishes it seems he likely stopped as well and murmurs, "Religion can be wonky. Once you realize that on this planet we're just one of a bunch of other planets. Sort of thing. Other places have different religions and beliefs. And if there's a singular entity who is really responsible for the start of everything, that doesn't change the fact that various cultures developed their own stories about how that came about."
    He hms and then cracks open his soda, "Anyways, food for thought."

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
Saoirse listens then looks confused. "Is it really though? I don't think food is the correct definitions, because you cannot eat thoughts. Therefore I don't think thta is correct."

She hmmns. "I don't really know much about religion. Being born in Ireland, christianity is pretty strong there. There are still some Gaelic influences but I don't know about those really either. I would just like to see people be themselves, the best me that they can be. I would like to see them work together. We can all work together to become better.

She purses her lips to the side as she thinks a moment. "My sister is often called in when people are not the best. Being a superhero is something that does take a lot out of you. It weighs heavily on a person. She used to be such a bright optimistic person. Bright as in a bubbly personality, not the light kind. These days she's more grumpy because I know she has had to do things she didn't want to do, tough she doesn't tell me about them because they are military matters."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    The youth looks at her a little over the brim of his glasses and watches her for a time, gauging the way her lips move and then nodding near the end. He pushes his glasses back up and then starts to poke at his salad with a fork, pushing the lettuce around and occasionally spearing a bit of cheese in lieu of the greenery.
    "That is a lil something I kinda know about." Though he doesn't clarify exactly what he means about that, though likely something about the military or something about having to do something you didn't want to.
    He looks up and then asks, "What classes are you taking?" He inquires, perhaps out of curiousity, or perhaps to shift the topic of discussion.

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
Saoirse hmmns. "I'm not sure, Michelle brought me here, it's my first day, so she said I should look around. She's probably off threatening teachers if something happens to me, she does that sometimes. But it's not really needed. I'm really good in math! But I'm also really not good in pretty much everything else. I've only really been able to have fully concious thought for 2 or 3 years now."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Alexander grins a little and nods, "That sounds great, Saoirse. Tell me all about that." And with that the young Olympian spends the rest of the lunch period listening to the floating girl, enjoying her company and the meal.