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Latest revision as of 02:41, 7 March 2020

Waterfront Babbles
Date of Scene: 26 February 2020
Location: Happy Harbor Waterfront
Synopsis: Bobbi's words end up being a little pain in the butt
Cast of Characters: Saoirse Flynn, Bobbi Morse, Roy Harper

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
It's a somewhat chilly day at the beach. Not too many happen to be about as it's fairly quiet in the afternoon. It's a nice time for birdwatching. For having a snack. For enjoying the cool breeze off the water. For doing a freefall from out of cloud cover with a giggly laughing as a Saoirse-sized Saoirse falls dressed down in a two-peice bikini and a red and white jacket. Before she gets down too far she breaks the freefall as she twirls about with her arms outstreched. "Whee!" She levels out and spins several times dipping her hands in the water. "Swish! Swish!" she calls out as she plays about, moving at a fair 10mph, towards a flock of seagulls which sends them flying. "Wait, let me be part of your flock!" she calls after, but they get away. "Aw fiddles!" she gripes. Her accent is as Irish as can be, her body is rather curvy and while her bikni does display a curvy hip vs rump ratio it's perhaps more covering than most both on top and on bottom, covering any cleavage instead of having a display. Also helps to keep the 'girls' in place while freefalling from the sky apparently. "Next time I bring bread!" she declares.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi should be at the Wakanda embassy. One, it's her job for....as long as she's assigned it. Two. She's totally skipping out onn hanging with the hot panther guy. Still though here, she's got time to think. The embassy is awesome. But she needed to get away for a bit. So she's here, staring out at the water. Oh hey. Is that....that floating girl from the pizza party? Huh, small world. She pauses walking to the beach and just looks out to the water. Brown eyes skim over the sea as Bobby sits on the sand. "You know" she says quietly, more for herself...though if anyone is listening, they'd see a woman dressed like a Wakandan female sitting in the sand. To be fair though, Bobbi's got her ID to hand, and her staves, too. Looking over the sand, she smiles. Not gonna sass the floating girl tonight. There's bigger fish to fry. Mmm, fish.

Roy Harper has posed:
"How the fuck are you not freezing your tits off?" Roy asks in his outdoor voice, because Roy does not have the filter not to stare as a bikini clad girl falls out of the sky in the middle of February in New York. He's got on a pair of jeans and sneakers, a sweater, a jacket, a scarf, and his hands are shoved into his pockets as he wanders along the beach, just out there taking in the water and the sound of it and lost in his own thoughts until the giggling Saoirse goes after the seagulls.

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
Saoirse laughs to herself as she pulls out a sealed bag of jumbo size marshmallows, unsealing them and popping one into her mouth. "Hmm?" She floats towards Roy "If by tits you mean breasts, they don't come off. They are attached, there's nipples attached to the breast and then the breast is attached to the chest, and that's attached to the torso, but things like skin, and muscle, and sinew, and nerves, and blood capularies, and things like that. They're all connected together so they don't fall off."

As she floats a few feet off the ground she goes right over Bobbi (unless she stops her) "Hi Lady!" she offers enthusiastically.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi shakes her head. "Hey, you pull your dick out and try sky diving" she calls over to Roy, then looks up "Hey, you got marshmallows huh? I got....nothing" she says to the floating Saoirse. See. She can sas too. Ohh, she is famous for it. She peeks up to Saoirse again and watches her for a few moments before shaking her head with a look out to sea. "You having fun?" she asks, then looks from Roy to Saoirse again. "I didn't realize this was a biology lecture. Excuse me while I pull my books out of my ass and take notes" she jibes.

Roy Harper has posed:
"Riiiiight," Roy says slowly as he stares at Saoirse as she floats over toward him. "Thanks for the anatomy lesson," he says somewhat sarcastically. And then Saoirse is floating off toward Bobbi. He glances over toward the other woman and studies her for a moment. He squints at Bobby for a moment and says, "If I were sky diving I definitely wouldn't be doing it in a speedo." He shrugs his shoulders, though, since the girl seems fine and not turning blue, and doesn't seem inclined to press the issue.

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
Saoirse tries to hug Roy "Your welcome!" She'll take out a marshmallow after (successful attempt or not) and as she floats over towards Bobbi leisurely try to shove a marshmallow into her mouth. "Here, you can have a marshmallow too!" Her eyes widen as she processes Bobbi's words. "OhMiGosh! They're in your butt? Oh, that's not good..books aren't supposed to go in there! Can you get them out? Do you need help? We probably need someone that's a specialist to get all the books out, I don't even know how your sitting!" The cold comments go unanswered in preperation for emergency butt-book removal. Unlike Bobbi's Sarcasm, she has none as she takes the woman completely and utterly at her literal word.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi shakes her head and shudders. "You got taste" she shivers looking a little worried and just a bit horrified by the idea of men skydiving in speedos. "Just....yeah. point mate" she says looking to Saoirse again. She's not got anything in her pockets...yet. Thanks, Wakanda.

Roy Harper has posed:
When Saoirse tries to hug him, Roy stiffens a little but doesn't take his hands out of his pockets. She can in fact, successfully hug him, which only causes him to look a bit more unsettled. Awkward. But then the girl is zipping off again to try to help the other woman with her 'book issue' and Roy can only stare in fascination, the way that one watches a train wreck. "Maybe they're very, very small books," he suggests 'helpfully'.

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
Saoirse touches a foot to the ground, then another as she unsteadily settles on the ground. "Eh..." she says uncomfortably not liking anywhere near full gravity on herself. Then she tries to ease Bobbi onto her left side. "Let's get you off of that and maybe it'll take some pressure off, I'm not sure who put the books up there, but you should probably throw them away. I'm wearing a communication watch.." She points to her wrist, pulling up the jacket a little to reveal a fancy looking communications wristband..that hasitily has a 'LT. Emma Sheen, AEUG' on the top and the bottom has "Gundam Mk II - RX-178' on the bottom, and a picture of a Gundam MK II in the middle. "I'll call for assistance."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi won't turn down free marshmallows...even if the look she has is comical having a marshmallow shoved into her mouth. Chomp, chomp, chomp, munch, chomp. Bobbi's fine with this as she grins looking to Saoirse, nodding to her. "Marshmallows are good. Getting to her feet, Bobbi nods to Saoirse. "I'm okay" she says with a smile. "I'm okay, the books aren't a problem" she nods. That's the first time in a while her sass has been taken literally.

"You know how small books are thesedays" she asides to Roy, though Bobbi's up on her feet.

Roy Harper has posed:
Roy watches Saoirse's mounting concern with unconcealed amusement. His brows just creep up higher and higher the longer that she goes on. "I think she's going to be okay," he tells Saoirse, backing Bobbi up on this when the woman gets up to avoid having a literary extraction performed by the well-meaning seagull-chaser. "Look, she seems to be moving around just fine. They'll probably just come right out on their own." He tries, just a little bit, not to be totally patronizing when he says it. At least he's making an effort. Kinda.

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
Saoirse reaches out to touch Bobbi's belly with a look of concern "You really think so, speedo guy? Well..I'd still feel better if you at least tried to poop. Do you have to poop? You should try to have a poop. Please let me know if you manage to poop successfully and the books come out. Though..I don't want to clean that up. That's kind of eww. I'm not sure who put the tiny books up there, but that isn't where your supposed to keep your books, please keep your books in an appropriate place in the future, not your tiny hiney okay?" Looking over to Roy "Are you sure about this? You really think I shouldn't call in emergency medical services? It seems like the kind of thing that she might not know she's in trouble. Like there's this show, I didn't know I was pregnant, where women are pregnant but didn't know it. It's kind of like that, except not with pregnancy at all."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi just has a 'what the fuck?' look on her face as Saoirse speaks. Looking from Saoirse to Roy, and back to Saoirse, Bobbi looks totally and utterly bemused. "Are you as confused as me?" she asks Roy. "Look, I appreciate your concern, but really. I'm okay. My employers" Bobbi nods. "will take care of it. I just need to call them in" she says gently...trying to reasure Saoirse.

Roy Harper has posed:
Roy Harper gives Bobbi a shrug and a grin, shaking his head. Nope, he has no fucking clue. But then he nods to Saoirse and says, "Yeah, pretty sure she's fine. See? Her employers are going to help. She probably has really good medical care that she can call in if she needs it. I wouldn't worry too much." He widens his eyes at Bobbi and lifts both of his hands up in an 'I got nothin sort of gesture before he starts to take a few steps back, heading back up the beach the way that he had come.

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
Saoirse blinks "You really think so? But Michelle said that shield is pretty incompetent, and instead of fixing people they probably just clone them and put different pepole's face on the clones. So..move slowly till everything passes okay." She looks worried, and tries to hug the woman. "You need to be more careful on what you sit on, and where people put things. Please call your shield friends so they can help you with your..you know, little problem. By little problem I mean the small books that you have put into your butt."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi nods and gives Roy a look that's firmly in the ...if only you knew category. S.H.I.E.L.D. do have great medical care, after all. Bobbi nods to Roy then Saoirse. "I'll let you know what my employers say. Michelle's not understanding about who I work for" Bobbi says...trying to be diplomaticc. She does though call it in. Which is going to lead,in time, to SHIELD turning up to bring her back to the Wakanda eEmbassy. Oh great...trust Bobbi to get into trouble like this.