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Before the Court of Owls
Date of Scene: 19 April 2021
Location: Historic Clocktower - Penthouse
Synopsis: Dick and Stephanie drop by Barbara's the day before the attack on the Court of Owls.
Cast of Characters: Stephanie Brown, Dick Grayson, Barbara Gordon

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Tomorrow night is the assault on what they hope is the remaining Court of Owls stronghold in the city. Preparations have been underway for awhile, and likely won't finish until it's nearly time to leave. Most of the group have suffered at the hands of their adversaries in some fashion or another.

In the case of Stephanie Brown, there's the remembered ambush during training with Barbara. Where the redhead used her body to block a sword thrust meant for Stephanie.

There's really no way to repay that kind of thing. Though ice cream is a nice attempt at least.

Stephanie and Dick pull up together at the Clocktower. The blond goes over to get some boxes and bags out of the car. "Right. Batarangs. Grapple heads and line. Extra armor insets. Lemon sherbert. Chocolate chip," she says, the last two coming as she takes a couple of bags from a gourmet ice cream store out of the vehicle. "Think that's everything?" she asks Dick before heading up to Barbara's rooms.

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick shrugs a little, "Probably not, but we'll think of more as we go. And there's always the rather random stuff we both carry in our utility belts. Personally, I'm planning on packing a good deal of extra tranq darts and cryo pellets, no idea exactly how many people we'll end up running into down there."

He helps with the boxes, piling several into his arms and following Steph over to the elevator. Once the door opens into Barbara's rooms, he steps out and asks, "Where should I pile this stuff for now?" as he peers around the boxes, looking for Barbara.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Barbara Gordon in her natural habitat is a unique experience to say the least. With her long red hair pulled up into a messy top-tail, red framed spectacles on her face, and a pair of She-Ra pajama pants, she's rolling around in circles in her living room with music playing all across the Clocktower.

Obviously she's got her own scars related to the Court of Owls. Stabbed, out smarted, and made to look the fool, she has opted for something downright comical to keep her head in the game!

"The Humpty Dance... is your chaaance... to do the Hump.. Everybody doin, doin, doin, the humpty hump.." She's surpremely skilled in that chair- some might even say dangerous- having trained in it for over seven years.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown sets the boxes down, hanging onto just the ice cream and the sherbet as she glances up and listens to the song that's playing. Stephanie breaks out in a soft chuckles. "Well, I don't know that getting them to eat ice cream and getting a brain freeze is a valid tactic, what with the cold weakness. But we can give it a try," Stephanie says, holding up the containers so Barbara can see them.

She moves over to lean down and press a loud kiss onto the top of Barbara's head. "Mwai!" She grins and heads over to get bowls and spoons. "Payback, finally," she says with a determined smile towards Barbara. Stephanie's gaze continues on towards Dick, flashing a smile at him as well. It has a little bit of a different note to it than it used to have for the man.

Dick Grayson has posed:
Watching Barbara chair dance around the apartment brings a grin to Dick's face. "Well, someone's keeping upbeat, at least. Try not to run over my toes though. I might need them unbroken tomorrow." He puts the boxes down beside the sofa and looks over to Steph with a similar smile.

"Remind me again why we're dragging all this stuff up here when we're just going to be taking it with us anyway? I mean, the ice cream, sure, but why did I just lug batarangs up from the car?" He considers the ice cream for a moment, then shakes his head, "Nope, can't come up with a valid combat ice cream applicator on the fly, I'm afraid. Would be interesting to disable them with yummy flavors, however."

Barbara Gordon has posed:
"Stop what you're doin, cus I'm about to ruin, the image and the style that you're use to..." Babs takes the ice cream in both hands when presented, grinning at the kiss to the top of her head. "I look funny, but yo I'm makin' money see, so world I hope you're ready for me.." With the tub in her lap, the redhead rolls backwards, but grips the back wheels so the chair rocks up onto them. Quickly turning them in oposite directions to spin her in place on two wheels.

"Music off." What was that? I can't hear you over the sound of the music. says a disembodied voice. Babs newest project... she'll get into that later. "I SAID MUSIC OFF." Hold on let me turn the music down so I can hear you. "THANK YO-" Shouting into suddenly silence.

"Thank you."

Grinning up at Steph and Dick, "Hey guys, is this just an ice cream social call?"

Stephanie Brown has posed:
The ice cream is bestowed upon people according to their preferences. "Good to have extra equipment positioned around the city. Just in case things don't go as we expect," she tells Dick.

The girl then gestures to Barbara. "And it's /mostly/ a social call," she says. "Good to remember the things we're fighting for," Stephanie says, holding her bowl to indicate what she means. She takes a bite, having gone with the chocolate chip ice cream, and sighs. "I'm not sure if they use Worthington Industry ice cream or really make their own, but it's so good. I wonder why Bruce never got into cold confections," she says.

Stephanie glances around the apartment then after hearing the conversation between Barbara and the voice. "So you got a computer brain that talks back now?" she asks. "Or has Charlie gone into hiding somewhere in the vents?"

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick raises an eyebrow, "Bruce would be fascinated to know that you do all this for ice cream. But I suppose whatever motivation advances the cause would work for him, really." He grins at Steph and moves over to steal a spoonful of her ice cream, attempting to incercept her spoon.

Looking back to Barbara, he chuckles at Steph's question and chimes in on the subject with "I'm guessing computer, it didn't sound like Charlie, even a vent-Charlie. You going all Tony Stark on us, Barbara?" He pauses, then nods, "Hey, that could work, let's build you a Bat themed power armor. You've even got the AI to stick in it."

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Babs has gone with the mint chocolate chip because she's predictable and a creature of habit where it pretains to ice cream flavors. "Because Bruce's heart is way too cold for ice cream." The redhead jokes as she returns to a position closer to Dick and Stephanie, but she doesn't bother getting out of her chair.

"It isn't AI, it's... complicated. And it's not finished yet... but essentially it's just a barebones attempt at AI, nothing at all like Tony Stark and useless for anything but being sassy, commenting on my music choices, and acting like it knows better."

"I'm calling her E.V.E."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie's lips twist in a wry grin. "Useless but for commenting on your choices? Oh, heck, I already have one of those you can have if you wanted one. I call her M.O.M.," Stephanie says as she gets another spoonful of the ice cream.

A spoon that is intercepted by the Boy Wonder. She gasps and wipes the spoon at his nose, her hand on his chest for a moment as she does. She leaves the last little bit of ice cream on the tip of his nose there as she laughs, then wipes at the spoon before using it again. "You can have your own bowl you know," she teases him.

Stephanie draws a deep breath. "I wouldn't mind having a bit more of Fries' formula. Though I'm doubly glad when I went after Joker in Russia, if I couldn't capture him at least I brought Fries back. The tanks of his formula will sure come in handy tomorrow," she says, getting herself another bite.

Dick Grayson has posed:
As he wipes the little bit of ice cream off his nose, he grins at Steph, "Yeah, but yours is better, didn't you know?" He does actually get himself a bowl and also dishes out some of the chocolate chip ice cream, half-sitting on the back of the couch.

"I've loaded up a bunch of pellets for my new armor's launcher with his stuff, I figure it should do a pretty good job of as least slowing them down." He takes another spoonful of ice cream, then adds, "I also took a little initiative and broke into Bruce's secret rolodex. J'onn J'onzz will be joining us for the assault, I liked the idea of phasing in where we wanted instead of breaking in through the places they expect us to."

He looks at Steph, then at Barbara, and addresses the redheaded woman, "There's also something we wanted to tell you, since you're one of the people closest to both of us." He looks over at Steph with a smile, "We realized we're kind of nuts about each other, like head over heels."

Barbara Gordon has posed:
As soon as Dick is eating out of Stephanie's bowl, there's a look on her face. 1 part amused, 1 part curious, it's all knowing- The Oracle. A single brow perks, spooning green ice cream in her mouth as they explain Fries pellets and formula, how they came about it, and only grimacing when she thinks nobody is watching at the mention of the Joker.

"At least E.V.E. knows I can unplug her ass if she tests my gangster." She did not chose the thug life. "Shut up."

Then Dick explains and the grin becomes more formed and a slight bit wider, "That's great! When's the wedding?"

Stephanie Brown has posed:
As Dick brings up the other reason they came by, Stephanie can't hide the bashful smile that grows before he's even told Barbara what he's telling her. "Yeah," she says, eyes going to Dick and getting one of her warm, goofy smiles. One of the ones that if held for ten minutes would probably make her cheeks sore for how big the smile is.

Stephanie's gaze goes over to Barbara, the grin from her mentor bringing one of Stephanie's own. "Yeah, it sort of, ah... well someone gave us a push. Ok, gave -him- a push," she says with a quiet chuckle. "Haven't told Bruce. Though I don't know, he might have picked up on it already. Perhaps having to listen to people sing Happy Birthday to him was enough distraction," she says with another gentle laugh at the memory of the small party for Bruce.

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick smirks at the exchange between Babs and E.V.E., shaking his head, "Yeah, you may have a little work to do there. I'm sure you'll get there though, you know computer stuff inside and out. Stark may be better at building toys, but I bet with a little work you can out-A.I. him." He looks back over at Steph and gets a big, but less goofy, smile on his face.

Shaking his head and looking back to Babs, he answers, "Well, given that we've been dating less than a month and haven't told her mom yet, I think we might put off the concept of weddings for at least a little while. As Steph said, we haven't even told Bruce yet, you're actually the fir- well, second person to know. Can't hide anything from Cass, of course."

Barbara Gordon has posed:
"Maybe so..." Babs glances up and around with a little spin of her chair once all four wheels are back on deck. "She's coming along pretty well though. Given everything, I've had a ton of time to work on it." A shut in, that's what she means. Babs doesn't do outside a lot.

Unless Kate drags her out.

Which happens a lot less since being in the wheelchair again.

"Mmm.. well, if you love it you gotta put a ring on it. Beonce said that and she's Beonce." Wiggling a pointing finger at Dick, "Think about it."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown breaks out in quiet laughter. "I don't even know if he'll survive the Wrath of Crystal," Stephanie tells Barbara. "I'd say we're taking it slow but I don't know that wouldn't be a bald-faced lie. We're just not taking it -that- fast," she says with a smile towards Dick, and a look that really says about all one needs to know about her feelings about him.

"What am I kidding. Mom's going to have a hard time finding something to complain about," Stephanie says, avoiding the one more obvious possibility with the eight year age difference.

She leans against the man as she takes another bite of her ice cream. "So we should be ready to go with Charlie. With getting her back into her body. I see now why Bruce isn't a big fan of Constantine," she says with a sigh. "Can't believe what it's costing for him to help. I suppose though he knows Bruce can afford it."

Dick Grayson has posed:
He smiles, "Yeah, slow isn't exactly the word, but I think if I propose to Steph this soon she might bolt. She's still having trouble with my paying for dinners and such." A chuckle, "I found the loophole though, when it's a date I'm allowed to pay for things and she can't feel like she's taking advantage of wealthy friends."

With a glance to Steph, he shrugs, "I hope you're right, I'd rather your mom be happy about this than coming after me with a broom or something. I mean, I can dodge pretty well, but it makes for awkward holidays."

Looking over to Babs, he gives a little nod and wink when Steph is distracted by ice cream, then addresses what Steph brought up, "Yeah, we think we'll have her back in her body soon. I'd pay twich as much to help her, but the man really isn't much of a team player."

Barbara Gordon has posed:
"I don't know him." Babs says of Constantine, "But someone who specializes in Magic has to have some oddities... Magic is odd." Pointing that out, she leans back and resumes scooping at her ice cream absently, watching the pair of them with a little grin.

"It'll be good to have Charlie back in her body, for sure. Not that a demon spawn running around acting like a little kid isn't super adorable, but it's off putting-" To say the least, "-having visitors over." On the subject of Dick and Steph,

She just shrugs and raises a brow knowingly.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie looks down at her ice cream with a small frown. "I agree about it being cute though... ah, the longer she's in there, the more that infernal nature is going to grow until it overcomes her. Or, so he said. I gather from Charlie's comments she's already feeling a bit of it. So yeah... really good if we can get her out of there," Stephanie says with a nod.

Her spoon scrapes the now-empty bowl, and Stephanie goes over to wash it out, and then adds just a little bit of the lemon sherbet to it. Just a few spoonfulls, enough to get a taste. She grins over to Dick. "Anyway, if you make it past Cass I figure the rest is probably like riding downhill then," she tells him. "Though you do realize she'll stab you if she sees me crying. Better hope I never peel onions," she teases.

Stephanie moves over to Barbara's side. "So what's up with Kate these days? I've been a bit distracted so I'm behind on my gossip."

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick works on finishing his ice cream with a little smile, nodding, "Yeah, best we don't let any of that influence remain any longer than we have to. Demons aren't something to be trifled with, at any point."

He laughs at the comment about Cass, and replies, "I'll be sure to tell Alfred to keep you out of the kitchen then. It would be embarrassing to die because of a particularly onion-heavy recipe."

When Steph asks about Kate, he looks over as well, as he's also been a little out of touch with some branches of the Bat family.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
"Well, we're together... and she's started mother henning on me after my implant messed up. Making sure I've got everything- she's even neglected her patrols far more often than I'd have ever expected her to." Babs says with a coy grin and a shrug, "I'm worried she's going to resent me for it later. Like I was trying to dominate her attention, but that's coming from a place where people have always shown me their worst side and unfair, since Kate is hardly like that."

She nods about Charlie, looking down into her lap, "I admit I've not done as much as I should with helping her, but I don't know shit about magic or demonic possession... that's so far out of my league. I've tried to make things feel normal while she's been in an abnormal state."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie reaches down, resting her hand on Barbara's shoulder. "I don't know she'd resent you for it. We all go through so much. Just helping each other cope," she says softly.

The hand pats gently. "I don't know that much could have been done until Zatanna got the Wheel away from them. Keeping her spirits up was about the best thing anyone could do in that situation," Stephanie says.

She leans down and warps her arms around Barbara from behind to give her a hug. "I am sure having you here has meant more than anything to her during it." The hug tightens just a bit and then Stephanie lets her go. She looks over to Dick and says, "So who do you think we should tell first? Bruce, or my Mom?"

Dick Grayson has posed:
Nodding in agreement with Babs, he says, "Yeah, this magic stuff is not in my wheelhouse either. I think we need to look into getting an expert into the family. Someone who won't charge us large amounts of money just to help one of our own, and that we can consult with a little easier than trying to chase down Constantine has been."

He smiles at Steph cheering up Babs, "See, that's what makes her so great, always positive." He considers her question for a moment, "I'm thinking your mom, because I'm still not sure Bruce will really care one way or the other. Except for how it might distract us from our work."

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Babs pats Steph's hand on her shoulder and grins up at the kind words, "I hope you're right." The redhead has never been that positive. Not since the accident that put her int he wheelchair. Part of her died that day and has never really recovered.

"Mmm... well... Bruce probably already knows. Let's be real with ourselves, yeah? It's safest if you just assume he knows everything- even if all he's doing is saying I know even when he didn't."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown lets out a quiet laugh. "I guess you haven't found me hanging from a gargoyle all tied up, waiting for GCPD to come get me. So if he does know he must be ok with it," she says through her grin.

Stephanie goes to the kitchen, calling, "Barbara, want some juice? Or Mountain Dew?" Does she really drink it is Stephanie just making a programmer joke? "Dick, want some orange juice or something?" she asks. With all the training there, Stephanie knows her way around the kitchen well enough.

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick calls back, "Sure, juice will be fine, thanks. And I don't think he'd actually hang you from a gargoyle, he kind of likes you. You can tell because you know where the Batcave is and he lets you eat Alfred's cooking."

He looks to Babs, "And yeah, Steph is right on both counts... If Kate's taking the time for you, it's because she wants to, and she's not gonna be upset about that, and as for Charlie, you did great helping her deal with it. Treating her like she was normal was the best thing you could do."

Barbara Gordon has posed:
"I'm good, thanks." Babs says over her shoulder to Stephanie in the kitchen, rolling towards the stairs that lead up to her computer on the raised section above said kitchen. "I'm about to get back to work on E.V.E. I'd like to use her tomorrow night, see how she does in a live fire drill. Which means I can't ask permission, lord knows Bruce would lose his mind if I introduced new toys during a high profile case."

A little smirk.

"So obviously I'm going to."

As for Kate... she looks down and nods, "I know. I just know that I'm falling in love with her completely and totally and I'm worried it's going to terrify her. This could be permanent, and I don't think she signed on to take care of someone in a wheelchair."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie comes back with the two glasses of juice, passing one over to Dick. "She signed on because you're an amazing, caring person. With a great big smart brain. And amazingly hot whether you're standing or sitting. I think she can handle, Barbara," Stephanie says, stopping by Barbara's chair to rest her hand on her friend's shoulder.

"Good, we can use all the help we can get. If we can bypass the maze and all the traps likely to be there, not to mention get the drop on them, that would sure help," Stephanie says. She takes a sip of her juice. "Whoever came up with that idea was another really big, smart brain," she says. Grinning at them. "Right!?"

Dick Grayson has posed:
He grins over at Steph, "Yeah, it was a pretty good thought. Not going the was the enemy expects you to is unusually the best plan in these situations. So points for tactical thinking there, no doubt. I'm big on ideas that keep all of us in one piece."

With a glance to Babs, he smiles, "Well, looks like we might need to plan a double ceremony in a little while, from the sounds of it. Apparently love is in the air in Gotham, which is unusual, we normally just get rain and fog." He looks back to Steph with a smile and asks, "Should we take Kate and Barbara with us next time we go on a trip? I think she spends far too much time cooped up in here."

Barbara Gordon has posed:
"pssssssh....PSSSSSSSSh..." Babs keeps making that sound with flapping lips, rolling her eyes at the notion she and Kate might be ready for nuptuals. "Not for a whiiile, now... we haven't even lived together yet, and I still have to get her onboard with Charlie. Which is problematic when the individual keeps calling her an it." Glancing between them, Babs smirks and shakes her head.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown chuckles softly and also shakes her head at Barbara's comment. "Yes, well, I know you'll be able to work it out with them," she says, chuckling. "Charlie's got a good heart. She's been through a lot. And, this is something that's good for her," she says to the redhead.

She moves over to Dick, slipping her arm about his waist. "I think that would be an excellent idea," she says, smiling to the older man. "And it's not like Bermuda doesn't have enough internet for Oracle to still keep an eye on things while enjoying some sun, right?" she says, looking over to Barbara with a grin as Stephanie fills in more of what Dick meant about a trip. "Or, you know, wherever. Los Pollos Locos," she says, naming a chicken joint down the road.

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick raises an eyebrow, "And yet I'm urged to put a ring on it if I love her, interesting." He winks at Babs, "Now you understand the concept of 'not quite ready'." He slips his arm around Steph in return, leaning his head against hers, "But yeah, Bermuda's got decent internet. And we can get her one of those tracked offroad chairs to go on the beach with. Scuba might be a problem, but they have little tourist subs to see the reefs with." He's having fun making plans to drag Barbara away from her lair and out into the real world again.

He smiles and relents, "Or yeah, we could just all go out for dinner sometime, if an actual trip is too far from your comfort zone. But I think it'd do you some good to get out of here from time to time, you're turning into a hermit, and you just don't have the beard for that kind of thing."

Barbara Gordon has posed:
"It's not about not ready." Babs says quietly, shrugging as she does so. "We've been together a while, but realistically speaking... it's difficult. I was just yanking your chain anyways." Another spin, she expertly dodges all talks of vacations she couldn't take, with a wry grin and a wink.

"I'm going to get to work, you two do your best to keep your clothes on, eh?" Another joke, rolling right up to the edge of the stairs where a magnetic link establishes on the side of her chair to start working her up the stairs on a lift.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown finishes up her juice, and takes Dick's glass as well, taking them to the kitchen where she washes them along with the bowls and puts everything away before coming back. "Oh we can make the scuba work," Stephanie says as she returns, smiling at Barbara. "Ok, we'll let you go work, I'm sure you have a bunch of modifications to make to E.V.E. still," Steph says as she takes Dick's hand and leads him towards the exit.

As they are heading out, Stephanie pauses and turns back. "Like who even knows if you have vocal recognition and security on her yet," Stephanie says, and then quickly blurts out, "E.V.E. play Thunderstruck by the Steve'N'Seagulls." Stephanie grins and waves to Barbara then departs with Dick.
