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Latest revision as of 02:54, 7 March 2020

Checking in on an Alex
Date of Scene: 24 February 2020
Location: Chinatown
Synopsis: Bobbi meets up with a target and gets boughtt lunch. Arranges a meeting for later.
Cast of Characters: Alexander Aaron, Bobbi Morse

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    In the car driving over, Agent McCallister grimaces as he looks sidelong towards Bobbi, the black SUV rolling in traffic easily exactly five miles under the speed limit. "You've read the file." He says, scowling to himself. "What you got here is an honest to god damn Olympian god, right?"
    McCallister has been in SHIELD a long time. Some even joke he knew Agent Carter in her hey day. And, to be fair, he's got a good head of white hair and looks almost the part. Just he's still hyper aware of his surroundings and is one of their best agents. Even at the age of... whatever he is.
    "Only, the story of this little bastard is crazy. You got your token God of War, feels all sad, boohoo, I killed too many millions of peoples because I'm an asshole. He settles down with this gal, has a kid. O'course she dies since havin' a deity's kid ain't exactly dinner at a Ruth's Chris, right? So dead mom. Dad raising him. Kid gets kidnapped by another freakin' god. Somethin' happens..."
    He gestures to the side of the car, out the window to the traffic passing and the bus stop where they figure their target will be soon. "Kid comes back and he's a god. Phobos to be exact. God of fucking fear. So this much we know. Somethin' happened, buncha kids got hurt, him and his dad move. Here of all places. So since then, nothin'. But you never know when these chuckleheads are gonna do somethin' crazy. S'where you come in, kid. Got it?"

Bobbi Morse has posed:
"Kid?" Bobbi asks as she focuses on the agent. "Kid? Look, I read up on the info. If anyone's a kid, it's him. Not me. I am a woman" she says firmly. There's a touch of annoyance which leads to more sass. "You want me to play the kid angle, dress as a Girl Scout, and wave a box of cookies to win the kid over huh?" she asks, jaw tight as her mind's working. "See, I almost feel bad for the kid, really. Honestly think he's had it rough" Bobbi says. Oh she's sarcastic and aggressive, but also logical. Logic wins out as she nods.

"So, just keep an eye on him, watch for shits starting trouble huh? Got it" she nods. "Big enough to take out a meta if needs be, and staves too. You got my back on this?". Bobbi checks. On go the sunglasses, and she checks her gear. able to take out a meta if things go that way. Bobbi nods, double checking her gear. Lethal. Then....somebody decided it'd be good to have her staves be giant stun batons. Thanks, thanks a ton SHIELD equipment folks. Good mix mind. She's got both options covered. Enough lethality to make any warlord jealous, and enough non lethal to bring anyone back alive. That's the theory.

So out the door she goes. All she's seeming to carry are her batons. And an automatic rifle on her back. Hey if McCallister has her back on this. There shouldn't be a problem, right? The other lethal gear's in the SUV. For 'if and when' as Bobbi puts it.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Why do they always gotta be quippy?" McCallister says as he shakes his head. "Fine fine. Woman. Knock yerself out, I saw yer marks Morse, you can handle this. Just..." He takes a deep breath and scowls as the vehicle rolls on up to the operational deployment area, i.e. the bus stop. The door to the SUV slides open but just before she slips out he says. "Look. Just be careful. I know he looks nice and cute and friendly and whatever. But I've seen what these people can do. Keep yer head on a swivel."
    That said, and once she's clear, the auto-drive vehicle closes its door and drives off. Leaving her there on the edge of the sidewalk, awaiting the 403B cross town bus that's due to arrive in... two minutes.
    Gives her time to get set, to do a final check, make sure everything is duly secured. And after that time passes she'll see the bus roll on down the street.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Getting on the bus, Morse nods. Her pockets are crammed with stun gear. "Oh you did not" she says with a sigh and finds a seat. The buses aren't all that bad, really. Gets her out of the Triskelion and out and about. She triple checks her gear and settles in. Time to take a bus ride to see the target. MccCallister's words echo in her head, he's not cute or friendly. Apparently.

Bobbi's on alert, on the bus she's ready for most things. Rifle's tucked under the seat. it'll get returned to the Triskelion when she gets off the bus, and she's ready for anything.

The bus ride is oddly calming. In a way it's making her think, of all things, of riding the bus to school as a kid. Only now...she's a SHIELD agent, not a fourth grader. Well then....

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    The next stop and there's the hiss of the bus' brakes, the old vehicle something from the late eighties most likely and somehow still in service. It even kneels down a little with the whisper of the shifting air pumps to allow an older woman access to the vehicle. The people get on board and at a casual glance she can see... not her target. Not her target...
    And then there he is, and he is young. That is for sure. But not as young as some of the pictures in his file may have made him out to be. Blond, with his hair this ragged tousled mop. The clothes he's wearing are fit for the Winter what with the pea coat of grey, and his blue jeans apparent. Also a pair of sneakers rest on the ends of his feet.
    He's a little taller than her, though he seems to slouch as he turns away after paying the toll and then moving down the aisle to an empty seat. Footsteps quiet as he walks by. Then he'll look to her and perhaps see her for the first sign. And if she meets his gaze there's a polite smile... and then he's past her. Taking a seat in the back.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
There he is. Bobbi stays put, coordinating the rifle being returned. That's at the next stop. That taken care of, another agent takes her seat, as Bobbi moves to the back. A baton pass in a relay race, of sorts.

Sliding into the seat near him, Bobbi watches him for a moment.

"Hey" she says. It's a simple enough greeting.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    The seat in the back is broad, wide enough to sit seven people if they were cozy. But with just the two of them they have a few spare seats between them. So that when she sits down it's not that curious. Though she did get up out of her seat and come back there to sit with him. It causes a small furrow to touch his brow. At this close she likely can get a better feel for him. There's a certain perfection to his features, the pale skin, the handsome contours, almost as if he were carved from marble by a classical artist.
    But he sees to cultivate imperfections as he can. Such as letting his hair be a bit wild, or the wrinkly over-sized clothes. As if trying to take away attention from other aspects of himself. She greets him. He looks at her.
    For a moment he gauges her and then the smile comes easily enough as he responds. "Ma'am."
    Oh no she's a ma'am.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Oh she is. She definitely is a ma'am. Fine by her.

"You doing okay?" she asks. It's not your normal sit down talk with SHIELD interview. But....

Bobbi's not in a nice, cosy interview room or something. It's a city bus. Thanks, McCallister for this. Thanks a lot!

Bobbi's only 35. But hey. She's a ma'am. A part of her wonders if he knows where she went to school, where that was common. Instead, she cants her head and waits. "You know why I'm here, right?" she asks. Don't spook him. Don't spook him. This isn't a raid. This is just checking in on him and seeing how he's doing. hes not done anything yet. Despite McCallister's dire warnings, that is.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    At first there's a flicker of confusion. Just for a split second as he looks at her. For a brief moment he might think one thing and be about to voice a few words based on it, but then he holds his tongue as his father has ever advised him. He observes, and tries to understand what he sees. Which leads him to another conclusion entire.
    "Oh." He says, in answer.
    He does know why she's here. There's a flick of his hazel irises, such a curious shade of pale pale blue that darkness to green in the depths of his eyes as he takes in the woman before him. Perhaps his gaze lingers at points, but not in the ways some might imagine a teenage boy might consider.
    It's the rifle he notes, but then he nods to her and says. "Just a meet and greet chit chat?" He asks. But before she can answer he says, "You know you are very cute." A beat, perhaps gauging her reaction, or trying to set her off balance. Then he adds, "For a spook. I mean."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
The rifle's taken off the bus at the next stop. Thanks, agents.

Looking to him, she raises an eyebrow. "Cute?" she asks. Okay this wasn't in the file...

"I'm old enough to be your mother" she says quietly, there's almost a warning tone to it. "But yes. I'm not bad looking. And what are you getting at, for a spook?" she adds looking serious. Then she actually....smiles.

"Just a meet and greet. On the city's bus network. Honestly, between you and me, I like it. Lets me get out and explore my citty" she nods with a glint in her eye. Who said spooks have to be all cloak and dagger and ultra serious all the time? Not her. She is though, sassy and oh so sarcastic.

"See, I could ask how you are then get off the bus and run off. Instead. You think I'm cute. Are you going to try buying me lunch?" she jibes. Being hit on by Phobos? That wasn't in the file. Eek. Bobbi's gotta note that down somewhere.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Whatever points he may have lost, perhaps he gains some back at that pure look of incredulity to him when she tells him that 'mother' line. As he responds to it with a dubious, "What? No way." As if /that/ one aspect of disbelief he holds is stronger than any of the other curiousities he's observed about her. But then she smiles at his comment about 'for a spook' and his answer back is a saucy shrug of his shoulders as if to say, 'yeah so what?'
    "Alright, just a meet and greet." He verifies and nods as the bus continues to trundle along, its engine humming along behind them. He looks away, though continues to listen to her.
    When she makes that wry comment about lunch he gives a small laugh and turns back to meet her with that smile. Alright, he is pretty handsome, but she might also get the vibe that he sort of knows it. If he didn't... why would he go to that trouble to hide it? But he cocks an eyebrow and tells her, "Well, I /am/ kinda hungry." A beat, "But." Another, "Since this is you basically hassling me, you should pay." And as easily as that he turns it around on her.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
That's not gonna fly with Mockingbird. "No, you said I'm cute. Guy code says you" she says, finger wagging. "Buy me food" she says. The 'me' has a hand on chest. Looking to him, she nods seriously. See. She graduated top of her class after all. And she's good at things like this.

Watching him for a moment, he's winning points. "You're a smart kid, and hungry. How bout we get off the bus and go find food? There's gotta be a hole in the wall place somewhere, right?" she adds, pressing the 'you buy food' point home with a look that all but says 'guy buys food'.

Hey. it works on SHIELD agents with less security clearance. So there!

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    She can likely see the war waged in his thoughts as he eyes her sidelong with a sort of squinty-eyed gaze narrowed and measuring. But there's a twist to the corner of his mouth that looks like for all intents and purposes he's hiding a smile. A smile that he will deny to the end of his days most likely.
    Then he scrunches up one eye and rollllls a look away from her as if just soooo tired of her silliness. But then he lets go with a small siiiigh as he shakes his head sadly and replies. "Fine." See, she is good, he's going to pay to have lunch with a beautiful secret agent. Clearly she's getting the better end of the bargain.
    Then he turns and gestures with a nod of his head, "China Garden here is pretty good." He points down the road and then pushes himself to his feet, adjusting the hang of his backpack with the sweep of one hand, then he reaches out to offer her his own to help her up should she so wish. After all, only polite.
    "My name is Alexander. Though I suppose you probably already know that."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
"So" Bobbi says and gets up taking the offered hand. Yes. China Garden it is"

It (almost) looks like a date. Bobbi's careful to not give off those vibes. No. This is an assignment. Not a 'meet for lunch then make out because some cute guy' type. Maybe a decade ago or when she was at Georgia Tech.

"I know who you are. You are Alexander Aaron. Or should I say Phobos?" she asks, "C'mon. Let's discuss this over food" she nods. Oh she is reminded of freshmen in college when she was a junior or senior, or in grad school. Or...or....point is. She's nearly twice as old as him

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    The bus rolls on, having deposited the Spy and the Celestial being, leaving them there as he starts to walk across the sidewalk. He turns around as he reaches the door of the hole in the wall Chinese restaurant and walks backwards into it, leaaaaning slowly to push it open as the bells on the handle jangle to announce their arrival. Yet, ever so polite, he holds the door open for her to precede him.
    "So I'm Alex, and you arrrre..." But then once they're inside his eyebrows raise and he says, "Wait. Are you high enough rank to have a code name?" His lips twitch as he walks up further into the room and then holds up two fingers to the hostess even as she gathers up the menus and starts to walk all the further into the restaurant to their seats.
    Only when they're at their booth does he slide into a seat and then leans against the wall, tilting his head at her casually. "Though, hm. If you don't tell me your name that could also be good. It'd make this seem more dangerous."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi shrugs. "Agent Morse" she says. Keep it prefessional. This is a meeting after all. "So. You know why I'm here" she says and studies the menu when it gets placed on the table. Ordering, she nods. "Egg fried rice with chicken" she decides aloud and then fixes her gaze to the Olympian.

"So. I'm here to keep an eye on you. We've got a file on you and I got picked to come check in and see what you're up to. So be honest. how's it going?" she asks. Okay that was a mood shift from 'we spooks are watching' to 'hey how goes it?'

Ah, Bobbi...."I mean. If you need help with a term paper, and it's biology and bioengineering...I can help with that. In return you play nice and don't go causing havoc" she nods. There's a snark to her voice, too. Sass is her stock in trade. Along with combat, and SHIELD stuff. She can use words like weapons...

Watching the waitress, Bobbi flicks her gaze to Alex again, waiting on him to say things. Things that may glean info

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    As much as she's considering him, gleaning what she can, trying to find tell-tale hints as to his thoughts in those calm marble-like features, he's doing the same to her. With her being who she is, and knowing most everything about him, there's a certain freedom to his interaction that allows him to more honestly 'be' who he is. Thus when he looks at her gone is the casual go lucky nice teenager. Gone is the thoughtful youth who seems so introverted and polite.
    Instead she can likely see the edged warrior with the calm regard that might bring to mind the idea of a sheathed blade. But what is more he's a warrior that has already been able to tell she is no slouch herself either. He's already noted the slight callouses upon her fists. The way she carries herself. The taut musculature of hers that may speak to a gymnast but also to a fighter or a fencer.
    And if she looks close enough she will see those same things in him.
    "I'll have the sesame noodles." And he spares a smile to the waitress. A glimpse of that mask he wears, then back to her and his hazel eyes hold her own.
    "I'm doing alright in my studies. I don't need help in my homework, Agent Morse. My uncle is angry with me I think and he sent harpies to kill me. He failed. I've met two people who I think know who or what I am, but they seem friendly."
    He then holds up a hand to perhaps stay whatever words she might have at first and instead says, "I don't have any intention to cause any havoc. But you know how it is even though you have the strongest feelings about something. Sometimes it just happens." His lip twists a little.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
"It does" Morse murmurs. She's agreeing. She knows this firsthand, but....but....she knows his file, she's studied it inside and out. Watching him for a moment, Bobbi smiles a little. "Let me guess. I'm on that list, too?" she asks. "Because hello, I'd better be on that list"

Sarcasm aside, she nods. "You survived. Which is a good thing" Bobbi says with a knowing look. Survival is a good thing for anyone. Spooks? Doubly so. Triply so for Olympians too. Shaking her head Bobbi sighs and fixes her glassed gaze on him again. "Oh I know. But here's the thing. Less trouble you cause, or your family cause. Less people notice you and more time you got to be yourself" Bobbi offers. Logic rearing its head again.

Sitting back, Bobbi nods, watching Alex again. "So" she says....more to kill time and avoid awkward silence. "So. What" she asks. "Are you up to?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "I wasn't including you. So maybe three." The way he watches her it's this steady gaze with a slight uptilt to the corner of his mouth, though there's a small twinkle in his eyes that might show as she teases a bit. He leans forward and reaches for the bowl of crunchy noodles and takes a few in hand, casually picking some apart. He then gets a wry half-smile and holds up one that's curved almost like a wishbone. Extending it to her he says, "Make a wish?" And if she does they'll break it apart.
    But before the mystery of whose wish should be answered he says to her, "I am up to... getting ready for college. Finishing out this semester. I am spending my time meeting people that I am fated to meet." That might seem a curious thread to follow.
    Then his features twist a little, nose crinkling with a hint of distaste. "Training at Sensei Yamamoto's dojo in Brooklyn and pretending to be terrible so nobody notices me." He tilts his head then turns it around on her.
    "And you, Ms. Morse? What are you up to?"

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi listens with a nod. "I'm working" she says with a laugh. A sarcastic laugh. "Did you expect me to be. I don't know, helping the homeless or something? I got a job and I'm proud of it" she says with a knowing nod. Wishes are made, and she digs into her food once it arrives. "You though" she says with a look to Alex, fork set down, mouth empty. "College. Right. Don't party too much and apply yourself" she advises. Apparently, offering career advice in sarcastic ways is part of who she is, too. "Don't throw away this chance" she says with a nod, fork back in hand.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Stop it," Alexander says as she falls into what seems like a set of likely automatic responses and societal norms. "Don't party. Don't screw up your life." The young Olympian's lip twists a little sourly. "Might as well tell me to drink my milk, stay in school, don't do drugs."
    He takes his side of the wishbone and sees that she won it, so that causes him to grump a little. Then he looks back at her, "What are you /doing/ Agent Morse? You're a special agent. You're a warrior. You're dangerous. You're beautiful. You have your job, clearly you enjoy it. But this..."
    He gestures to the side, around them. "Your being here with me right now, means that the Fates have a different role for you. A future that you yourself may not know. They like to have the strands of my people and yours entwine and see which one frays first. Since, in truth, the Fates are cruel."
    He bites another noodle and then says, "The fact that you're here, that you're interesting, and that perhaps despite my better judgment that I like you usually means that one of them is tugging on the strands and something is going to happen."
    Alexander looks away, perhaps a little bitterly as his eyebrows raise. "Probably Clotho, since she hates me."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
"My major wasn't in classical mythology. So" Bobbi says, "I got no idea who you're on about. Butt" she admits and signals for a doggie bag to take this back to he Triskelion. "Look, if I set up a meeting at the Triskelion, would you join us for a talk?" she asks. That's all but saying 'I arranged a meeting. I did it willingly and asked him' to her bosses.
It's absolutley not send in a team to kidnap Alex and bring him there. She's saving that for the truly worthy. As in, those that need to win an all expenses paid SHIELD vacation!

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Tilting his head the other way he says to her, "What for?" His eyes lower to follow the line of her hand as she makes that gesture then his hazel eyes return to her gaze. There is clear curiousity in his gaze, however as he ponders what she could possibly mean or what angle she could be pushing. For once he is surprised and then his smile creeps further to life. "Gonna recruit me?"
    But it has been so rare lately that he's been surprised that he finds himself interested in what this may be.