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Latest revision as of 19:34, 22 April 2021

Well Met by Moonlight
Date of Scene: 22 April 2021
Location: Bleake Island
Synopsis: Canary comes across a street fight; meets Aisling
Cast of Characters: Dinah Lance, Aisling Caroll

Dinah Lance has posed:
It's about 11pm on a Thursday and the moon is out. All in all, this is really when Gotham is at its best. The moonlight provides enough illumination to accentuate the gothic architecture, while the darkness hides most of the trash and grime. The low rumble of a motorcycle cuts through the relative quiet on Bleake Island. Dinah Lance, a.k.a. Black Canary, is in costume and on patrol tonight.

While there are a few loose ends from a corporate espionage case that still need chasing down, tonight she really just needed some air.

Aisling Caroll has posed:
    Tonight, is going to be eventful. For bother women no doubt.

    It's a blur, what ever or who ever it is that gets chucked clear across the road and right infront of Dinah's path. Some random guy who just got slung in to the pavement and went skidding. The thing or person that launched him and is currently engaged in beating the tar out of four other men? Someone clad in all black leathers with a hoody and a very obvious heavy tactical balaclava wrapped around, her, face. At least, it might be a her?

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah Lance locks up the brakes and manages not to skid as some guy gets hurled across the street. "What the...?" Okay, pull over and park the bike. She vaults over the handlebars just to get the blood flowing, and heads into the fray. Four on one? Ordinarily that's not fair, but she's personally used to worse odds.

All the same, the blonde in mask, leather, and fishnets approaches more slowly to see how things progress. "This a private party, or can anyone join in?" she asks. Folding her arms, she leans a shoulder against a lamp post.

Aisling Caroll has posed:
    It's very obvious that the other full leather clad woman has things well and truly in control, or at least she'd like to say so as she takes a punch to the gut that causes her to reel back grabbing at it. Then, of all people, it had to be Canary. "I have this" she yells out as the one that just punched her gets a flying double drop kick to the gut that seems him crashing in to a wall. A /kip-up/ and she's back on her feet.

    To the rest of the pack of random dudes? Let's just say they don't look to kindly on the Black Canary showing up either, but, enemy of my enemy maybe? "We didn't do nothin! This bitch is off her rocker!"

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah Lance doesn't seem in a hurry to jump in, all the same. "Mm hmmm." she replies, just nodding casually. "I'm sure that you boys were just out being law abiding citizens together, too. And none of you has a rap sheet or any outstanding warrants. Hypothetically speaking. Maybe we should just ask down at the local precinct?"

A shrug of her shoulder pushes away from the lamp post, arms unfolding as she steps casually closer. "You're doing great, kid, but don't work so hard." she offers. At least one of the pack is eyeing the petite blonde, perhaps sizing up his chances at a change in the fight venue.

Aisling Caroll has posed:
    "Work so hard?" Aisling snaps back, "Do I look like I'm working hard?" she adds, gotta throw that tude in to the mix. She does look pretty capable all things considered, "Like I said, I've got this." That is, until one of them takes a random piece of wood and smacks her well up and truly upside the back of head. That phrase, /bell rung/ would be pertinant here, and well that change in fight venue is about to happen as Aisling faceplants in to the concrete and doesn't seem to get back up.

    As to that change in the fight venue? Looks like the rest of this is on Dinah...

Dinah Lance has posed:
Okay, so that tears it. The moment Aisling faceplants, Dinah tags in. It's down to three now, and she makes her entry with a summersault to build momentum for the flying drop kick. There are no rules for this fight, so the guy holding the piece of wood takes her heeled boot to the lower back... right kidney. There's a loud grunt, profanity, annnd, that's two.

Canary is just finding her feet when another takes a swing at her. At least it's a jab, not a roundhouse. Roll the shoulder, tilt the head, and she catches the wrist as it *whooshes* past. Grab, pivot, down, and throw. In a single, smooth motion, he lands upside down and scatters some trash cans on impact.

Aisling Caroll has posed:
    For taking a two by four to the back of the head and face planting, Ais is back in the fight rather quickly. There's a bit of a grunt as she comes to and pushes herself off the ground. Once back on her feet she shakes her head and notices that Dinah did the rest of the work, baring one. That one? That one gets Aisling's full wrath as she sprints at him and flat tackles him to the ground and then starts whaling on the guy as she straddle him. One Punch to the face, then another, and another, she's going to beat this man to death and it's obvious as she's practically screaming with each punch.

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah Lance turns towards the last, just as Aisling jumps up and rushes him. Wait, wasn't she down for the count a moment ago? He's down, then she's on top of him. Punching and punching and punching and...

"Okay, that's enough." she offers softly, stepping closer. "He's out, already. If you keep it up, then you'll be no better than he is..." Which will certainly change the nature of their currently-cordial relationship, no doubt.

Aisling Caroll has posed:
    Aisling exhales deeply as she slowly rises and brushes herself off. The voice of someone she looks up to helped, helped keep her from going to far, even when she wanted to. She turns ever so slowly and locks a pair of missmatched eyes on Dinah. The right one is blue and the left one is green and obviously so, something that's going to make figuring out who she is much easier in the future no doubt. "I've been looking up to you and people like you for years" she points down at the man she just beat on, "but you ever think that people like this wouldn't keep showing up if" a finger gets pointed at Dinah, "people like you punished them? Made them realy pay?" Young, and angry, and it shows.

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah Lance tilts her head a little, easing into more of a ready stance. Listening to the rant, she draws a deep breath and exhales slowly. "Listen, I get what you're saying. Really I do. But it's not that easy. Play it forward with me a bit..."

Canary steps back a little, perhaps trying to coax Aisling away from the thug with her body language. "Suppose you... or any of us... finishes this. Really makes them pay with more than bruises and a few broken bones. Incapacitate them. Maybe even kill one or two, to set an example. Yes, it keeps them off the streets, the 'eye for an eye' approach. But really, where is the line? When does this..." And here she points to the various, scattered bodies. "... go from being 'fighting crime' to 'assault'?"

Aisling Caroll has posed:
    Aisling takes thsoe few coaxed steps forward and throws her hands up in the air. "How's it not assault already?" she snaps at Dinah waving her arms at the group laid out on the ground. "I put them in the dirt because they deserved it!" she snaps out louder this time than the last one. The louder she gets, the more obvious her Irish accent comes out.

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah Lance stops, putting hands on her hips now. As the Irish accent begins to come out and the volume raises, her own voice lowers in tone. "What gives you the right?" she asks softly. "Who says that -you- get to decide who deserves it and who doesn't? That's what the judge will say. And the GCPD. No matter how much they look the other way when they pick up the unconscious bodies, that is why we wear masks."

"Because it IS assault, technically speaking. And they'd have the legal right to lock any one of us up." Yes, she's including Aisling in 'us'. "By the way, I'm Black Canary. You don't have to tell me your name if you want to, of course. And it's not a good idea to use your real name anyway."

Aisling Caroll has posed:
    Aisling blinks a few times, that just took the wind out of her sails. She exhales rather deeply and lowers her hands as she starts walking towards Dinah, listening to the speech in full. "Yeah, okay, point taken.." Ais throws out in response as the number of rather dejected sighs rises with each set of words. Then she stops in her tracks, "I uh, haven't thought about it yet..." she replies rather plainly looking a bit shy now.

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah Lance raises a gloved hand, not quite touching the girl's lips. "Don't rush. You have time." she replies, voice still low. "You've got a lot of raw ability, but you're rash. And you can't fight well if you're so angry, either. That's when people make mistakes, and mistakes can get you killed in this business." Canary pauses, then asks. "You have a place to train? Grant's Gym is open to people of all skill levels."

Aisling Caroll has posed:
    The deep inhale and exhales of someone who is just utterly worn out really don't seem to stop with Aisling. She shakes her head no in response to the question, "No, I've got my bike and my apartment and money is running out as I just lost my job" she adds, "thew a customer out of a diner for being grabby hands with the servers." She plants her hands in the pockets of her hoody and looks back to Dinah, "I know the place, just never went. Suppose I could try spending some time there." She looks down a moment only to fidget and seem lost in thought before looking back up, "Unless you want a sidekick?" she throws that one in there, because, well, it is Black Canary..

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah Lance's red lips twitch at the sidekick question, her expression almost becoming a smile. Memories return like a flood, memories of a not-so-much-younger Dinah in a shouting match with her mother about picking up the Black Canary mantle. Memories of her own mistakes, earlier in her career. The bruises. The cuts. She blinks, then the smile becomes more genuine.

"Tell you what, kid. I know a lady who runs a flower shop here in town. Sherwood Florist, over in Chelsea. Look it up. She keeps odd hours sometimes, but could use some daytime help. And she makes a decent cup of coffee. And definitely check out Grant's. Ted Grant is a retired heavyweight champ, and he knows me. Tell him I sent you."

Aisling Caroll has posed:
    Aisling nods, "Alright, Sherwood Florist in Chelsea and Grant's Gym, got it." She holds a hand out for a shake and smiles behind her face covering. "Thanks for the help.."