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Crutches, Concerns and a Carter
Date of Scene: 28 April 2021
Location: 06 Peggy's Suite - Playground
Synopsis: Daniel and Peggy retire to their quarters after the meeting with Jemma and have the hard talks about how to handle his leg, the dangers of being in the field, and the realities of his temporal place in the world. Eventually, they end the night on a sweeter note.
Cast of Characters: Daniel Sousa, Peggy Carter

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Back on crutches again. Other than the single crutch he used after SSR training, Daniel hadn't used the things since recovering in England in '45, though looking at what they'd found in the supply closet it could very well be the same crutches. Still eleven years on (by his measure of time) he still had the knack of it and moved a bit quicker than on his cane, the crutches giving him reach beyond his legs and cane could do. Still there's a mild consternation at using the crutches that Peggy can likely detect. After all he'd been very proud to graduate to a cane and this felt like a step backwards.

Once they're inside the suite he moves to the bed to sit shaking out his arms as he does. "Good news is my leg will heal up nicely, then I'll just have to wait a couple weeks more to use my arms again," he jokes, the humour falling a bit flat as his annoyance comes through. He stacks the crutches by the bed and shifts around to sit so his back is against the wall. Rubbing at his newly bandaged stump, currently concealed within his pinned up left pant leg. He'd opted to go without his old leg for now, to let himself heal.

Peggy Carter has posed:
While Peggy's almost never been awkward around his injuries before, there's an odd mix of concern and tension from her now. She never knew him on crutches. Part of her knows it feels like a step back. Even if it's just a few days until he can get something that will be far better than even the newest piece Howard made for him. She waits until he's settled on the bed then leans her hip against the edge, a half smile tugging at the corner of her lips. "It... it won't be that long. I ordered May to take a few days off and I can do the same to you. Let it heal up, we'll get the new piece from Jemma, and you'll be good as new."

She leans up and over, pressing a brief kiss against the corner of his lips before pulling away to start unbuttoning her suit jacket again and pop off her high heels. "If you need anything... a drink, tea, anything, just ask me. I'll handle it. It'll only be a few days."

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Swallowing Daniel says, "Some tea would be great," he says befofe looking back down at his leg, poking at the empty fabric pinned up a few inches below his stump. "I know this is only a few days it just takes me back to some pretty dark days, waking up in that Russian hospital with no leg and barely anyone I could understand. It's dumb, I know, that was decades ago, and this isn't the same, but," he gives a shrug. "Actually, make it a whiskey if you don't mind, Peg," he says of the drink. "Hate feeling helpless I guess."

Peggy Carter has posed:
Peg is mid putting on that kettle, but she stops immediately when he asks for that whiskey instead. "Whiskey sounds likely a lovely idea." She agrees, a little tense and awkward around it all herself, even if she can't quite put a finger on why yet. She pours our two fingers of whiskey for both of them, but his very last words linger bitter on her heart. As she's bringing the drinks back, now just in her silk undershirt and slacks, she looks him over.

"Daniel Sousa. You are not *helpless*. Maybe I haven't known you as long as some of those guys in the war, but helpless is the last damn word I'd ever think of you. And if HYDRA broke in here five minutes from now, I'd put good money on you and those crutches way better than half the rookies in this place or any of their agents." It's not just stroking his ego, he knows when she's lying. None of that is lies. "Hell... Half the reason I feel bad is... I don't know. I drug you out on all those missions."

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Daniel takes the drink with a nod of thanks but chews over Peggy's words before replying. "Maybe," he says allowing himself a bit enjoyment in that honest assessment. Though when she tells him about her guilt he shakes his head, "What? You didn't drag me anywhere Peg? I've been dying to get back out there and so when you asked, I went willingly. It's not on you Peg."

Peggy Carter has posed:
His words get a deep sigh from her and she takes a shot of her whiskey before setting it down on the bedside table and reaching down to her slacks. She makes quick work of her clothing tonight -- it's not a seduction night -- and slips fully out of her bra from the day as well before pulling on a loose satin night dress with thin straps. It's achingly oldfashioned compared to modern PJs, but she likes it. She then slips up into the bed with him, able to give him her full attention as she stares at him over the rim of the tumbler. "I never... ever saw you as.. hurt. Disabled. I knew you were, but you're still one of my best agents. And taking care of that leg of yours was just... it was a part of loving you. Being married to you. Just like rolling my hair up at night. But hell, if I'd lose you because I.. kept taking you out on obstacle courses and trying to pretend you didn't have challenges others don't... I... I'd never forgive myself."

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Daniel barely looks up for more than a moment as Peggy changes into that night gown of hers, considering the contents of his glass before he knocks back a finger of it in a gulp. There's a nod about taking care of his leg, "I know," he says. "And even if I didn't say it, it meant a lot that that's all it was for us, just one more thing to do before bed. Probably made the whole thing feel as normal as it's been since I lost the leg in the first place," he says before there's a bit of a laugh from him. "I think I might actually miss it when I get my new fancy leg."

He looks over at Peggy's words his tumbler joining hers on the bedside table before he shifts over to put his arms around her. "Hey, it wouldn't be your fault, I knew what I was signing up for when I first applied for the SSR nothing's changed now but the year. That said, I'm not looking to get myself caught up or shot Peg," he looks over to her. "I'm trying to be careful Peg, I promise."

Peggy Carter has posed:
A warmer smile crosses her lips as he says he might actually miss it. "Mm... I don't know that they are *that* fancy, and if they are, I'm sure you're going to be sore as hell somewhere else. It's not like our lives are easy. I'll always rub down whatever hurts. It's a good part of our routine." But Peggy is a bit more relaxed to hear that he'd grown as attached to the 'routine' as she has, even if she's a bit awkward about it all now. It's been decades for her.

She then settles into his arms, sinking deeper against his chest, her palm stretching over his stomach. "God, I just... I don't know how long I have you for. It's very hard not to put you in a glass case and keep you safe every last hour of every last day. But I know I shouldn't. It...wouldn't be you, then. And you'd hate me by week two."

Daniel Sousa has posed:
"True," Daniel says with that warm boyish smile of his. "Plus if I we don't need to spend as much time on my leg I suppose that frees up time for me to return some of the favours you've given me, I must be up to my neck in back and shoulder rub debt:" he smiles.

He lies back with her, taking joy in the simple pleasure of having his wife beside him. Though the joy tonight i short lived when her words find the thing that had been pulling at the back of his mind since they started the process of getting him the new prosthetic. "I know," he says about it all. "Except I wouldn't hate you, not ever, but I have to admit I've been thinking about it a lot since the thing in the park, when I thought my time was up."

He looks up at the ceiling for a moment. "We really still have no clue how long I have or what the rules are, can I die before I go back? Or if I do die before then did I just break time? But really moments like this one, laying here with you or things like my new leg that make me wonder, how much longer am I going to have any of this."

Peggy Carter has posed:
Those words from him more eloquently touch upon the things she's been worrying on in the back of her head and not daring to let come forward. But it's too late now. The truth is there, miserably in front of them. A heavy quiet rests over her as she tucks against him a little tighter and firmly wraps her arm around his waist. "Unless they tell us different... Years. We are going to take years. When... if... we have to send you back, it will be when you are going gray and thoroughly sick of me, but... no time soon. I won't... can't..." She presses her eyes tightly shut against a sudden sting of moisture she really did not care to indulge. "We'll... figure it out." She insists softly.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Daniel holds tight to Peggy as well, as if trying to anchor himself to the moment. "That works for me," he says trying to put a bright face on the thing. "I'm sure we've got tricks to make me look younger enough that nobody will notice," he says already thinking of how they were going to fool Peggy in '56. "Anyhow, it'll be awhile yet, and while I'm here unless it's a threat to the timeline, I'm going to be right there by your side for as long as I can be Peg, I promise."

Peggy Carter has posed:
As he agrees to her holding him here for several years, a cracked laugh of breath escapes her lips, especially at the aging tricks. "It...it's SHIELD. If this is the only option we have, we'll send you back as a gray old man and no one w-will know the wiser." She's not going to cry, but there is an edge to her voice that says tears are threatening somewhere back there and she's fighting so hard to not let them actually well up.

She turns her head, pressing a few quiet kisses down the side of his throat and then just burying her nose there. He is here, alive and warm, now. That's what she's focusing on. "Then...it's agreed. You're not going anywhere for.. a long damn time. We're getting you a new leg, and you'll go back to being one of the best agents I know."

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Pulling her a little bit closer, Daniel rubs her back, he can hear that catch in her voice and the tears it promises, this is his way of letting her know it's okay even if he doesn't say the words.

The kisses are accepted and his hand moves from her back to toy with her hair, "That's the plan, and like you said, this is SHIELD, somewhere along the line we may fix things once and for all," he says, his voice rising to somewhat happier tones, even if he has to pry it up in that direction. "You're right about the staying, we'll see how I do with training, pretty much everything around me seems like magic right now. It's going to be a helluva learning curve." That rather than his doubts hidden behind his sunny words were so much easier to talk about.

Peggy Carter has posed:
As he rubs at her back, another crackled laugh escapes her lips. She shakes her head slightly, pulling up and back just enough she can look into his dark eyes. "N-no... no. Don't do that. If you do that then I *will* cry and then we'll both be stuck being messes the rest of the bloody night. We have a plan, it's a good plan... we have the thing that brought you here. The worst we feared... It wasn't so. That mirror did it. Not you. We fixed it. You're fine to be here until we figure something else and thinking anything else is just inviting bad luck... We got lucky again. We always do. We can figure this out."

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Daniel can't help but smile at how fiercely Peggy refuses to cry, he was sure it was both a very British thing and very unhealthy but he doesn't push. "I don't want to be a mess tonight either Peg, not if," a pause as he walks face first into more emotion. "Have to make the most of what we get," he says, settling on that rather than speaking plainly.

Then he shakes his head and looks at her again, "So much for me trying not to make us both messes," he says wryly. "And you're right, we're lucky," most of the time. "We can figure this out somehow and in the meantime I'm here with you, on the field or off, well, if they actually let you out from behind that shiny new desk of yours," he adds trying to brighten the mood some.

Peggy Carter has posed:
"I was Director for 35 years. I think I can manage Chief and still get out into the field sometime. In fact, I told them that was a requirement of my agreeing to the job." Peggy states with a stiff pride, still not letting those tears come, but it's a bit easier now as he's brightening the mood. Then she looks him down and over, especially to those folded up slacks he's still wearing. "Come now... Let me get you comfortable and, if you are feeling up for it... We'll... Make the most of the night."

The smile across her face, even if it's still slightly glassy with tears, is all flirtation and suggestion. Her hand slips across to his belt, pushing the covers back so she can start guiding those pants off of him.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
"Thirty five years," Daniel murmurs. "I know that's how long it was bu6 when you say it like that... it hits home." He leans over to kiss her softly. "Sorry I missed a lot of it," he tells her. "You'll have to catch me up on your adventures sooner or later."

Though when the conversation turns to making the most of the night, his preference is definitely for 'later'. "I think I can manage," he tells her with a smile as she works on taking off his slacks. He doesn't miss the glassy eyes along with the smile. "I love you Peg," he tells her. "And whatever happens I'm glad I'm here with you."

Peggy Carter has posed:
"I love you too. We'll manage through. Together. We always do." Peggy affirms, more serious than the flirtatious look of earlier, but then her hand is tugging at his belt and it's like she's just decided to put it all away. They've gently tortured each other too much for tonight. She shifts on the bed enough that she can press him back into the pillows, all invitation and suggestion in her eyes. When she finally gets his slacks off to toss aside, there's no more words. Just a lot of kisses and a night of good reminders why they are alive.