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Something about a Time Brick
Date of Scene: 03 May 2021
Location: Director's Office - Playground
Synopsis: Chief Carter has requested Bobbi go fetch the time brick. Not that it isn't stupid dangerous, what could possibly go wrong?
Cast of Characters: Peggy Carter, Bobbi Morse

Peggy Carter has posed:
At home in the office, Peggy's actually doing pretty well at keeping up with various reports, data analysis, and all the more boring routines that a Chief has to do, especially when she tries to go into the field sometime. While she doesn't *admit* it to anyone, Peggy hasn't felt much up to doing field work lately. More exhausted in the evenings, her hands and feet consistently cold, it might be getting hard to ignore that something is wrong. But she's been stubborn about worse things before. Still, she's relieved for the excuse to remain more in her office.

She's got a fresh cup of tea to the side of her hands and several old files in front of her, still trying to piece through the things HYDRA lost in their files.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    There's a knock on the door and Morse peeks her head in. She smiles seeing Peggy there and says, "You called for me Chief?" calling Peggy Chief is quite a delight. It was weird being called boss by the legendary brit who inspired her as a young agent to always try to do better. To live up to her. Now she works with her - it's surreal and Bobbi may never entirely get over it.

    Bobbi enters and shuts the door behind her. She's dressed in her SHIELD uniform, but not her Mockingbird gear. "Is this about Gyver or was there something else you wanted to talk about?" she asks and reveals her free hand was not so free, a cup of tea in a mug in it. She sips and stands behind the chair opposite Peggy.

Peggy Carter has posed:
"...Something else, actually. Have a seat...I'd offer you tea, but seems we both had the same idea." Peggy picks up her own tea in a silent toast to the woman, slightly wan features stretching in a warm and earnest smile across her ever-red lips. Peggy's in one of her old fashioned swing dresses, being Chief means she can retain even more of her classic wardrobe not going out in the field as often as she does.

"So... I understand that Fury entrusted a certain...special package to you after the incident in the Mojave. Would I be...wrong about that? How... hard would it be to get that package back?"

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Bobbi takes a seat and lifts her mug up in return. "Lance. What can I say," she mentions about the fact that she's been drinking tea for a long while now. Since before they first had their major breakup. There's a small sip and she nods her head. Other business.

    But then the matter of the special object for the time machine is brought up and she pauses with a slight twitch. A physical expression never before seen from Bobbi. Clearing her throat she decides now is the best time to play coy. She's a world class spy but this is a futile attempt, "And.. uh.. what special package might you be referring to Chief Carter."

Peggy Carter has posed:
A levelled look is given directly at Bobbi, a good smirk crossing her lips. She sets her tea down and settles the tea aside, folding her hands together on the desk in front of her. "A certain... Brick, which assisted us in getting May from where she was stuck in my...Previous organization. Considering we have someone else here... stuck, and that might end end up being a... Problem." Peggy is trying to be as neutral and calm about this as possible, even as she's talking about something that could end up sending her husband back out of her life. She has begun wearing her wedding ring again lately, even.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    It is not lost on Bobbi that may be Peggy is exactly the sort of person Fury warned her about when she was entrusted with the brick. Emotionally attached to the problem at hand: Sousa and with the resources and capability to misuse it: Fitz. Her lips twitch a moment as she sets her tea down on Peggy's desk and taps a fingertip against the wooden desktop.

    "Item 7117 is safely secured in an undisclosed and classified location," she says. Gonzales left it in his notes that this is how you talk about stuff that's meant to stay buried forever when the jig is up. Gonzales might have run SPOT but he seemed to also be a bit of a packrat, hiding things in bases all around the world. The inventory is mostly redacted and only accessible through various protocols.

    "While it would be possible to retrieve it, I must stress Chief, that I was given very specific parameters under which it might be retrieved," she says cryptically. This is not her strong suit. Peggy was Director of SHIELD for a long time. Bobbi has been a Commander for a month.

Peggy Carter has posed:
"...And without it, I am not certain how to handle Daniel Sousa's current presence in our timeline, when to *preserve* our timeline, he... Or some reflection of him, must be returned to the past. Even if it is just to die." Peggy states, as flat and emotionlessly as possible. It's half killing her to need to admit this, to follow up on how to fix this, one way or another. But she must. She keeps levelled, calm eyes in Bobbi's direction, her hands folded together just tight enough her knuckles are white. "I... am open to other suggestions, but it is the best one I have, right now."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Bobbi can see in the subtle emotions around Peggy's eyes just how much she's screaming inside. She lets out a slow breath and says, "I don't... know how time travel works. Fitz's best explanation went well over my head when we were trying to get May back from the past."

    She frowns and says, "The object exists in both periods in time, as well as that anomaly which is now gone. Even the time phone isn't doing anything. But.. I'll get it for you. I.." she pauses and thinks for a moment, ".. really hope it doesn't work and that time doesn't unravel. Why not have you cake and eat it too for a change? you deserve a win."

    "The time brick is currently stowed on The Iliad.. in case something goes wrong when I go to get it. I'll take a team, because Fury told me this is a priority T-7 item. We will need to set up a lab in one of the empty rooms for it to be kept with round the clock security. No one can know it's here except those involved.. I suppose that'd be Fitz and Sousa, you, me, and the other Commanders on site - so May and Phil."

    She picks up the tea and takes another sip, "And as soon as we're done with it.. for good or for bad, it needs to be stowed away again. I also have to let Fury know that I'm moving it around. Not why.. but I'm sure he'll be able to guess." Bobbi is taking this very seriously indeed. Fury read her the riot act about this part of her new job.

Peggy Carter has posed:
A slow breath is exhaled through her nose as she considers everything Bobbi is laying out. She drags one tired down her face and, for a few heartbeats, Peggy looks noticeably gaunt. She looks her age. She then sets a hint of a softer smile on her lips, thankful and understanding, as she studies the woman across from her.

"I... understand the concern. I wish I had better explanations, honestly. Or answers. But this is the closest thing to an answer I... do have. And I know this Daniel, somehow... goes back. The wedding ring he's wearing now? It was damaged when he came forward. It matches the ring that I've been keeping this whole time. So, the Daniel that died is... the Daniel from here." It makes her sick to say that. It's probably why she looks so piqued. But she has to do what is right for her team.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    "Magic brought him here Peggy.. may be you get to keep him. These aren't the same rules as last time. Even Fitz must be worried about that. I don't know this young lady who keeps doing magic for you and Daniel. If you trust her then that's alright by me. You're going to have to bring her here if you want her to interact with that brick though," she says and takes another sip of her tea. "Look.. this is really messed up. Especially for you. I wouldn't wish this on anyone. If.. the worst happens. At least you got a little bit more time with him."

    Bobbi rises from the chair with her tea and says, "I'll leave first thing in the morning with a team. I'm not expecting trouble but.. we don't have the best of luck lately. May be someone in SHIELD pissed off the god of chance and fate or something." She taps a finger to the back of the chair and asks, "Is that all Chief?"

Peggy Carter has posed:
A gentle wave is given in response to the comment about it being messed up. Peggy knows it is, but all of their lives are right now. She can't let herself dwell on it too much. "I'll talk to the witch, see what she thinks. I trust her enough to come here if she thinks she can help. And, yes, this is... awful. But... I'm taking what time I can." She's carefully schooling her face, a tight, tired smile on her lips as she tries to make this all look like it's fine.

"Go safe, take as many people as you need, I understand what I'm asking is a risk. That's all, Morse. You're dismissed." With that, Peggy sinks back into her seat and retakes her tea, eyes flickering across the room, staring into a universe that she's seen far too much of in her life.