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Catching Up With a Cat
Date of Scene: 06 May 2021
Location: Avengers Mansion - First Floor
Synopsis: Jen and Greer catch up at the mansion and do a little hot tubbing.
Cast of Characters: Jennifer Walters, Greer Grant

Jennifer Walters has posed:
It's a late night for Jennifer, which isn't all that unusual these days. Between doing good deeds as an Avenger and doing good deeds as a lawyer, it leaves very little time for the green giantess to relax. She's made her way over to the mansion to see if she could share a beer with anybody.

"Hello?" she calls out once she enters the facility, as she heads towards the kitchen. "Anybody in?"

Greer Grant has posed:
Greer Grant comes downstairs wearing a large, plush robe, her hair piled up on top of her hair, obviously damp from a recent shower. She has fuzzy bunny slippers and a glass of white wine in her hand, "Well, if it isn't the Sensational She-Hulk. It's been a cat's age since I've seen you last, dear," she says, approaching and doing Hollywood style air kisses to each of Jennifer's cheeks.

"I was about to get a little late night snack. All the better to have someone to share it with. Tell me, how have you been? I've been out of touch of late, I know, busy out on the West Coast for a variety of reasons."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer presents her cheeks to be air kissed, holding out her hands to be taken as they do. "The Terrific Tigra, how lovely to see you dahling," she says in kind.

She walks over to the fridge and starts to poke around in it until she finds a suitable brand of beer and pulls out a bottle popping the top using her fingers. "It's been busy," she admits. "Good to see you back, though. I missed your presence."

Greer Grant has posed:
Greer Grant smiles, "Beer? Ah, the traditional late night snack," she smiles, pulling out a bag of pretzels as well. She climbs up on a stool in the kitchen, folding her legs beneath her, her tail flicking out beneath the robe. "Thank you. I missed you, too. Don't get me wrong, I adore California sun, but it wasn't exactly home. I'm glad to be back at the mansion and hopefully able to make more of a difference. I know I'm not exactly the team powerhouse, but I try my best," she says.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Waves the beer dismissively, "You know I can't get drunk," she says, finding a stool next to her friend. "I haven't been back home to LA in ages. I should take some time to visit my mother."

"Look, if Clint can be a valuable member of the team," she says chuckling, "Then you don't have anything to worry about. It's not about sheer power. There are plenty of situations where your impressive athletics will be handy."

Greer Grant has posed:
Greer Grant sighs, "I can't really either, but I like to pretend. That way, if I act too outrageously, I can always be like, "Oh no, the beer, I forgot," she says. "Maybe it's just habit. And yes, I know I can contribute. I can't help it if you and Thor are intimidatingly powerful hunks of muscle," she teases. "So, what's been up with you beyond the usual? Any juicy cases? Juicy villains? Juicy dates?" she asks.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
"Hank tried to ask me out," Jennifer says. "It was really cute, and I was flattered, but I just don't feel that way about him. Besides, he's one of my dearest friends, and I wouldn't want to jeopardize that." She takes a swig of beer and adds, "We had an accident in his lab the other day. I got some pym particles on me and shrunk to about three inches tall." She laughs, "For some reason the gamma radiation in me was keeping him from resizing me so I was stuck like that for a couple of hours." She shakes her head and adds, "I kept busy though. AIM decided to raid his lab that day and I had to fight them off. I have to admit that was pretty fun."

She sighs, and leans on the island with an elbow. "Currently I'm working on introducing legislation for AI rights, so that any sentient android or AI will have personhood, instead of being property."

Greer Grant has posed:
Greer Grant nods, "Hank's a good guy. I know he's had some weird things but, well, I can't criticize anyone for odd behavior," she grins. "I wish I could've seen you at three inches tall. I'd have put you in my pocket if I ever wore anything that had pockets," she teases.

"That sounds like a good fight to fight. Vision's obviously the poster boy, but I'm sure there are other robots worthy of consideration. Of course, there are some people who don't even think mutants are people, but you'll never win over those morons."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
"If you ever actually wore anything," quips Jenn with a grin. "It was a fun experience. Next time (and there /will/ be a next time) I want to do it under a more controlled environment. I'll make sure to bring you along for the ride." Her grin spreads wider, "Maybe we can convince you to be Tiny Tigra while we're there."

Jennifer nods. "Vision, Viv, his daughter, Machine Man, Red Tornado.... there's a bunch of them that should all be allowed to be /people/ instead of property."

Greer Grant has posed:
Greer Grant faux gasps in shock, "I wear things! Bikinis, tank tops. I wore a pair of shorts the other day! I just don't like to be smothered in fabric. I have fur for a reason. It's not my fault so many people are puritans," she grins. "Sometimes I do wanna show up in the buff just to see Cap's head explode."

"I don't think I've met Viv or the Red Tornado, but I've heard of them. Hey, I'm on your side, green genes."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jenn outright laughs at the thought of Greer going in the buff just for Cap's reaction. "I /have/ to be there if you ever do that. It'll be priceless."

"Viv is a good girl, much like her father. I'm not close to her like I am with Vision, but she deserves to live her own life." She sighs and slumps. "I know. I just get passionate about these kinds of things. You know me."

Greer Grant has posed:
Greer Grant smiles, "I do. It's one of the best things about you. You're a hero even when you're not punching people out because you're always fighting for what's right. Y'know, I used to be something of a private detecive in my day. If your firm ever needs some investigating done, I've got tons of free time at the moment," she says. "It would be nice to have something to keep me busy. I'll even *sigh* wear clothes, if I have to..."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
"Oh the /horror/," Jenn teases. Another sip of beer is taken, "Oh, here's an idea. Since we're the only ones here we should go skinny dipping in the hot tub. I can disable the security system out there so the guys won't have to know."

"I can /always/ use an investigator. A good one costs an arm and a leg, and if I'm going to spend that much money on one I might as well spend it on you."

Greer Grant has posed:
Greer Grant smiles, "I like the sound of that. C'mon, who knows how early Cap is up getting in his morning workout? We might scandalize him if he catches us in the tub," she says, grabbing some more drinks to bring along.

"Yes, please, spend your money on me, I insist. Plus, investigating is fun and a better use of my free time than posting thirst traps on Instagram. And hell, I can always do both."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
"Just not at the same time," Jenn says with a grin. She grabs a couple of more beers and makes her way to the command center before heading off to the hot tub. She might have to answer questions as to /why/ she disabled the security for that particular part of the mansion, but she can't help but giggle at the thought of Tony's expression when he found out that they were going skinny dipping.

When she makes it to the hot tub, she begins stripping off her business attire, revealing her unstable molecule costume underneath. "Step by the office whenever and we'll get the paperwork taken care of and I'll set you loose on a case. Should be fun working with you!"

Greer Grant has posed:
Greer Grant strips buck naked with, well, not much effort, simply shrugging off her robe and kicking off her slippers. "I will! Yeah, it'll be good, I look forward to being back on the hunt," she says, sinking into the water and letting it lap at her body.

"Y'know, cats are supposed to hate the water, but this feels good, I don't care what anyone says."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jenn strips out of her costume, and neatly folds it next to her clothes. She takes a deep breath and lets it out in a long sigh. "I wear that thing almost all day," she says. "I learned long ago that if I want to keep myself decent during unexpected fights, I'd have to wear that like underwear."

She grabs a beer and pops the cap off it and settles into the hot tub opposite of Greer. "What are you talking about? Tigers /love/ water. Last time I went to a zoo, they had a huge pool just for them to paddle around in."

Greer Grant has posed:
Greer Grant smiles, "Good point. People just tend to associate all cats with housecats," she shrugs. "Mouse jokes and catnip and the like. As if I'm eating a bowl of Friskies every morning," she sighs.

"I've actually gone in with zoo tigers a few times. The zookeepers were curious and were very helpful, as long as I was supervised. I think some of them were afraid the big cats would fall in love with me or I'd take control of them and take over the city," she teases.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
"I'm sure you get it all the time," Jenn chuckles. "Like that one time Tony replaced your bed with a giant cardboard box." She shakes her head remember how well /that/ went over.

She leans back in the tub, sinking into the water until she's about chin level and lets out a languid sigh. "Oh God, I so needed this." She tilts her head when Greer mentions going in with the tigers. "Really? How'd they react?"

Greer Grant has posed:
Greer Grant floats a bit in the water, or at least parts of her do, her red hair spilling around to frame her face as she dips a bit for a moment before coming up, cat eyes blinking. "Yes, he's lucky I didn't scratch his eyes out for that one. For a supergenius, he certainly acts like a fratboy often enough."

"I think they were confused more than anything. I was afraid I might set off some sort of territorial thing, but I htink because I was female, it wasn't as much of an issue. I got some good fuzzy cuddles. It was nice."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer laughs, "That he does. It's a wonder we've managed to keep our control around him for as long as we have. He's left me alone for the most part after I threatened to turn his Maseratti into a pretzel."

"Mmmm," she says at the thought, "Fuzzy cuddles are= the best."

Greer Grant has posed:
Greer Grant grins, "I threatened to start sharpening my clothes on his Armani suits," she says. "He's incorrigible really. Not that I mind a bit of flirting. Speaking of which, you know I have fuzzy cuddles for you anytime you like! You don't have to go to a zoo to find me and you won't have any pesky zookeepers giving you the evil eye while you do it."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
"Hmmm," Jenn muses, sorely tempted by Greer's offer. "While I do enjoy the thought of giving a zookeeper a heart attack while cuddling a tiger, I wonder how fuzzy cuddles are while in the hot tub." She lifts herself a bit out of the water so she can take another swig of beer, musing over the merits of this.

Greer Grant has posed:
Greer Grant grins, "Well, the only way you'll find out is to try. I admit, I'm not quite at my maximum fluff when wetted down, but my fur is more resistant to water than most. The real treat is if I use a blow dryer afterward. There's a giant one over there for fast dry offs and I end up looking like a powder puff."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer laughs at the mental image that elicits. "That I'd like to see." She considers her friend for a while with a soft smile before she comes to a conclusion. "All right," she says, patting her lap. "C'mere. Let's see how wet fuzzy cuddles work."

Greer Grant has posed:
Greer Grant slips over along the wall of the hot tub and slides up to her friend. She casually drapes her long legs across Jennifer's lap and lifts up a bit to sit down there, wrapping arms around She-Hulk's long neck and laying her head against her shoulder, "Do mind the tail," she grins.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer wraps her arms around Greer's waist, scooching around to make sure that the tail has enough room. Jenn's head dips down to rest her cheek on top of her companion's head and they sit in silence for a while.

"Mm. Yes. Fuzzy cuddles are the best," she concludes. "Even wet fuzzy cuddles. 10 out of 10. Would recommend."

Greer Grant has posed:
Greer Grant scritches lightly at the top of Jen's head, making no move to depart the green giantess' lap, "I knew I'd win you over. The power of fuzzy wins again," she teases, playfully planting a kiss on Jen's cheek and playsplashing in the water a little. "You're not fair, you know. Super strong and super smart and super glamourous and just...super."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
"No one can resist the fuzzies," Jennifer concedes. She grins a little at the kiss and laughs at the splashing, giving a little bit of splashing back. She can't help but blush at all the praise. "You're pretty super, too, you know. Super smart, super agile, got killer fashion sense, and super fuzzy."

Greer Grant has posed:
Greer Grant smiles and playfully preens, "Yes, I know, but my point is that you are even more of those things, so obviously, I am jealous of you, desperately admiring you striding across the courthouse on TV and being all noble and gorgeous. And then you take those fancy clothes off and you have -this- body underneath. Unfair."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer laughs good naturedly, squeezing Greer into a gentle hug. "I /am/ pretty awesome aren't I? It's hard to see it myself, though. I've lived in this body for so long that I've mostly forgotten what it was like to be plain Jane Jennifer Walters, and I've been a lawyer since before I became a Hulk, so it all just seems pretty normal to me. Still," she says, giving Greer another squeeze, "Your body is nothing to sneeze at either. And you can get away with showing much more of it off than I ever could."

"Well," she concedes, "Except for that one time I posed for Sports Illustrated."

Greer Grant has posed:
Greer Grant enjoys that snugging and cuddles in closer, "I have that issue. I'm still mad they haven't asked me yet. I guess they figure everybody's seen what I have to offer anyway. Plus, you're a little more famous than me. I checked my Q rating," she teases.

"And you can sneeze at my body anytime you want, sugar," she winks.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
"Hm. If you're serious about Sports Illustrated, I'm sure I can pull a few strings." Jennifer says, "I still know a few people, I think. If not they know a few people." She gives Greer a small smile. "Ah-choo."

There's another period of silence as they enjoy each other's company in the hot tub. "You know I could get used to this."

Greer Grant has posed:
Greer Grant bites her bottom lip, "Yeah? I mean...me, too, but I didn't wanna...I know we've been friends for a long time and I didn't wanna weird you out or nothin'..." she admits, looking almost uncharacteristically shy.

"I wouldn't mind you pulling any strings you like," she adds, waggling her eyebrows playfully.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer lifts a hand and runs a hand through Greer's thick hair, luxuriating in it's feel. She tentatively takes that hand and rests it on a fuzzy cheek. "I don't know," she says softly. "This isn't..." she hesitates, "This really isn't anything I had considered before."

She laughs at Greer's flirting. "You know, I might have to take you up on that."

Greer Grant has posed:
Greer Grant leans into the hand softly and makes eye contact with the green woman for a long moment, her own eyes emerald and reflective, that cat's style pupil a dark slit at the center.

Then, impulsively, she darts forward and kisses Jennifer right on the lips, almost startling herself with it before, if she's not pushed away, melting into it with a purr.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer stiffens in surprise at first, her mind a whirlwind of emotions. This is something that she never expected to happen, and yet it feels like a natural progression of their friendship. She doesn't push Greer away, and in time she melts into the kiss, too.

When they eventually break, Jennifer finds herself breathless. "I... wow," is all she's able to manage.

Greer Grant has posed:
Greer Grant bites her bottom lip, "Yeah. Wow," she says, blinking. "I...didn't plan that, I promise, it just kinda...I wanted to do it. And I usually do the things I want to do," she says softly. "But I won't do that again unless you tell me you want me to do it again, because I probably wouldn't be able to stop doing it if I did it again cause I only barely managed to stop this time," she grins.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
"I... have to think about this," Jennifer admits. "I never thought about being with another woman before." Her lips push into a moue of thoughtfulness. "I'm not saying 'no,'" she says. "I just want to make sure that I'm certain of my feelings before I say 'yes'."

She looks down watching Greer to see what kind of reaction she has. When their eyes meet Jennifer lets out a breath. "Okay. You know what? Fuck that." She leans in to give Greer a soft kiss on the lips.