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Meeting again with Jia
Date of Scene: 13 May 2021
Location: The Illiad
Synopsis: After the battle at the Illiad Daisy gets to talk with Jia again. It seems their differences continue as they ever were, but they found some points in common.
Cast of Characters: Daisy Johnson, Bobbi Morse

Daisy Johnson has posed:
This is why Tac vests are a great thing, even when they are soooo sure that a mission will have no danger at all. But Daisy knew better! And in the end the tac vest did save her life. Even if it didn't save her from the chest pain of the bullet hitting it. Or the pain of it actually having been an Inhuman behind the rifle.

She is currently sitting just outside the med bay on the Illiad, elbows resting on her knees, having just now received clearance from the doc. Is she gaining courage to go talk to her mother?


Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Quiet conspiratorial discussions are taking place between Jia, Mark, and Gordon. Gordon does not look pleased. Jia rests a hand on his shoulder and mouths the words 'It will be alright. I am putting my trust in them.' Gordon bats her hand off of his shoulder and mouths back 'But I don't trust them, especially not Melinda May'.

    Jia twitches a little and shakes her head. Her hands drop to her sides and form fists just briefly. Her head turns and she notices Daisy staring her way. Her facial features soften when she looks at her daughter and a small smile plays on her hips. Mark glances over to Daisy too, then back to Jia and says 'You're letting your connection blind you to the dangers. I like Morse, but they cannot save us.'

    Jia's head turns back to Mark and she shakes her head, 'This is not up for debate, I am still in charge.' Mark replies quickly, 'For now. Li has a lot of support and is trying to establish agreement with the Moon.'

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Finally getting up to her feet Daisy takes in a deep breath, rolling her shoulders and beginning to walk with purpose towards the small cadre of Inhumans nearby. Yea, screw being aprehensive, she won't lose this chance to talk with her mother again.

So she makes her way over, finding herself smiling faintly in return to her mother's smile before her brown gaze roams the other Inhumans. She nods at Gordon and Mark. "Hello.." eyes then settling on Jia, "Mother." she nods her head. A sign of respect? Maybe.

"We should talk." About what happened now? Before? All of it?

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Mark stops talking as Daisy approaches and Gordon folds his arms broodingly like usual. Jia turns to Daisy and rests her hands on her upper arms, then embraces her in a hug. "My daughter, it is so good to see you. I did not think I would after the attack," she says and then nods toward one of the cranes on the deck. "Let's walk," she says and offers her hand.

    "Tell me what happened to you after ... after Afterlife," she says with sadness that her home has been destroyed. "I am so relieved that you are okay. Alisha ... wants to fight. It's what she does. I'm sorry she shot you," she says in a calm steady voice.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
The embrace is somewhat ..., unexpected. But Daisy takes it. She was perhaps expecting some harshness. Or distance. She welcomes it though, her hands moving up to rest on Jia's sides during the hug, exhaling quietly. "It is good to see you too, mother.." she steps back, a nod towards both Mark and Gordon and turning to walk along with Jia, hand resting on the other woman's.

"She hit the vest. So it's only hurting some." Her attempt of dismissing the fact that an Inhuman actually tried to kill her. She walks along the deck, silent for a time, perhaps just taking in Jiaying's vibrations before finally speaking up. "I found him." she says, "Master Fu." her eyes up on Jia, "He was waiting for me in the mountains, near Afterlife. He has been showing me my real purpose." a beat, "And .., you? Where did our people go to after what happened?"

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Jia looks somewhat surprised and concerned as she looks to Daisy, "Fu? But how? he... died. I buried him." She tilts her head wondering how this miracle could be. And in the mountain no less? so close to Afterlife all this time and she never knew.

    "It has been... harrowing. HYDRA has found a way to track Gordon. We have been constantly on the run from their hunters. We lost a lot of people along the way and Gordon is being pushed to the limit. The truth is... we had to take Morse's deal. We could not afford to keep running. Gordon would not be able to take much more of this."

    Her eyes lower a touch at the ordeal they've been through. Like Battlestar Galactica racing away from the Cylons. "He needs a place to rest. We all do. And there is dissent amongst the group. Li, an Inhuman you have not met, is trying to take charge of the group. He is.. was.. head of our security at Afterlife and thinks he is the person to get us through this crisis," she says and frowns.

    "There was a vote - to make more Inhumans so we can fight back. For that we need terrigen crystals and the only ones we know of are .. were .. on this ship. But Morse has moved them."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"He found a way." Daisy then offering her mother an enigmatic little smile. "Magic." though that's pretty much all she says about the matter now. She was still getting to terms about talking to magic bowl after all!

So instead she listens in to what Jia says, brows furrowing with some worry about those news. Tracking Gordon? "I have been putting up a team to find and protect our people." She says, "You should join us. And so should the others." she offers. Her eyes do sadden upon hearing about their ordeal though her hand squeezes Jia's in a reassuring manner.

"That is not how we can fight them. We can only do it by staying together." She says.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    There's a small enigmatic smile back as Daisy does something very.. her. "I doubt that it was magic," she says and then nods her head. "I agree with you, but it is hard to get you, Morse, and May away from SHIELD and back to your people where you belong. But.." she pauses as she thinks of Li's attempts to take control.

    "There is something - may be you could convince people not to follow Li. You could talk to everyone. Morse is taking us to a place called The Estate. She has agreed to go pick up the rest of our people. You should go with her.. talk to them. They won't come willingly if Li encourages them to ignore Morse."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
There they go. Back to their old topics.., and differences.. "This is where we belong, Mother. With SHIELD. It is where we can make a difference." She tells her, again those brows furrowing. Is she preparing to a 'fight' again? Maybe. But then Jia does that switch.

"Estate?" She considers it for a few moments and then nods her head, "I will go." she says, "And talk with our people." she assures Jia.

A sigh, "I am just glad to see you again.."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Jia pauses and says, "You think that we should fight. That's what Li thinks. But that always ends in more deaths. For us, for them. For everyone. I have been around a long time Daisy. I've seen it many times before..." she says with a sigh and shakes her head, "But, you are my daughter. I have faith that you will see the truth of it. Even now you're wanted by world governments. There is no joy in me saying I told you so."

    She smiles though and nods her head though, "Yes. It is.. I want you to stay with us, in The Estate. But I understand if you're not ready for that yet. So you should visit. When SHIELD learns how to protect Gordon from HYDRA tracking... we will be going... somewhere else. If you have not made up your mind by then, I am.. afraid I won't be able to take you there. It is a very special place."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"If we only stand by and do nothing it's when we will lose. And death *will* come whether we want it or not. Hydra is threatening the world itself, it cannot be allowed to continue." Daisy says with quiet determination burning in her eyes, "There's a difference in fighting to protect others and fighting for revenge. Or just .., fighting back. And that is why SHIELD exists. To protect others." though she does grimace at the 'told you so'. She indeed had. No matter!

"I am where I belong. My purpose has never been more clear than it is now, mother. I -will- keep our people safe." though that talk about some other place perks Daisy's curiosity.. "A special place?" a brow arching. "Please don't tell me it's something like Tahiti.."

Though she then shakes her head, "It doesn't matter, my mind is set. Maybe I will be the one changing your mind about staying.." Yes, she is as stubborn as Jiaying.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    "What has that old beardy man been telling you hm?," she says with a touch of mirth that somehow, her old teacher is now her daughters teacher. She looks a touch confused at the question about Tahiti and shakes her head at that.

    "I think that you are a fine young woman now Daisy, but you have a lot left to learn about the world. It pains me to watch you make the same mistakes so many before you have made. I can only hope that through some miracle, this time, it will be different."

    The consternation on her face suggests she highly doubts things will turn out differently. Too many people have already died and she expects many more yet will too trying to fight HYDRA. "Do you still have the sword?," she asks casually changing the topic.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"That's a secret between master and student, mother. You should know. You trained with him." Daisy says, the same kind of amusement dancing in her eyes. "In fact he thought very highly of you.." a faint grin on her lips, teasing at that.

"What mistakes?" She then asks her mother. "We can't stay put and let evil win mother. How better than them will we be if we don't fight back, do something to keep our people safe? I know you believe we should stay away, isolated from the world but that is not why we exist."

She turns to look at her mother, resting both hands on her shoulders. "I cannot even begin to understand how it must feel, having seen so many of us dying. But to flee is to give up on fighting, and your daughter will not do so."

The question about the sword has her cant her head to the side but then she nods. "I do. Why do you ask?"

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Her expression is one of pain as her daughter says she intends to keep on fighting. "What you don't see yet.. and perhaps one day.. is that all the societies of man. Now and past.. they are all evil Daisy. All of them. For a while, some do some good.. but they are all rotten at their core. There is something inherently broken in humans that only Inhumanity can fix."

    She looks around at the ship, "If there were truly a place for Inhumans in a human world, a ship like this would not need to exist." She smiles, "It's okay. I believe you will understand one day." About the sword she smirks and says, "Best you talk to your Master Fu about that. He only told me to keep it safe for the next.. which I never imagined would be my own daughter."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"I still have faith in them. And even if that was true, they'd still need our guidance." Daisy retorts, a glance to the ship around them as well before she smiles faintly. "The world isn't perfect, but we need to do what we can to make it better." hopeful words.

The mention that the sword may have some kind of importance has Daisy arch a brow. "I will, then. I didn't think it would be something from .., then.. I only really looked at it on a whim.." a soft laughter, "But I suppose there are no .., whims.., where our gifts are concerned." a nod. "Though alright, I will talk to him. Hopefully I won't get my room flooded again.." a sigh..

"Have more faith in us, mother. We -will- get through this." ever hoping Daisy!

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Morse and the rest of the team emerge on to the deck and she makes a motion to the Inhumans and Daisy, "Load up, we're moving out."

    Jia smiles and says, "It seems Morse is eager to get going. We can talk more on the plane. And at the Estate." She gives Daisy's hand a squeeze and head to the quinjet, "It is really lovely to see you again. Flooded? how did your room get flooded?"