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Revision as of 14:31, 13 May 2021

Mary McPherran (Scenesys ID: 2751)
Name: Mary McPherran
Superalias: Titania
Gender: Female
Species: Metahuman
Occupation: Wrecking Machine
Citizenship: American
Residence: Mobile
Education: High School graduate
Theme: Marvel (VFC)
Apparent Age: 32 Actual Age: 32
Date of Birth 09 Aug 1988 Played By Sarah Backman
Height: 6'8" Weight: 518 lbs
Hair Color: Strawberry Blonde Eye Color: Green
Theme Song: "Beauty of the Beast" by Nightwish

Character Info


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Titania is an international supercriminal and thug for hire. She has a long criminal history, including multiple stints in federal prison. She is a known associate of Victor Von Doom, the Masters of Evil and the Absorbing Man. Massive, musclebound and aggressive, Mary McPherran is not someone to be trifled with.


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* 1988: Born in Denver, Colorado.
* 2003: Mary misses a year of school due to physical and mental illness, a combination of anorexia and intense anxiety and depression. She would remain a target of bullying for years to come. Her psychiatric analysis included a recognition of her intense revenge power fantasies against her bullies and a general violent temperament in spite of her physical weakness.
* 2008: Mary moves to New York, ending up working temp secretarial jobs while trying to pursue careers in modelling and acting, neither of which were terribly successful.
* 2010: Noting her resemblance to a rising superheroine, Mary disguises herself as the heroine and tries to get attention, showing up to parties and basking in the admiration. Until she's kidnapped off-world after being mistaken for the heroine and forced to fight for her life. Barely surviving, she finds herself rescued by the most unlikely of men: Victor von Doom.
* 2011: In exchange for her services, Doom makes Mary's wishes come true, transforming her from her ordinary self to a superhuman powerfhouse through exposure to filtered cosmic radiatio. In her new identity as Titania, she throws herself fully into the role of henchwoman and villain.
* 2014: Captured and sent to maximum security prison known as The Raft.
* 2015: After a brief foray as part of a covert mission squad operated with fellow villains out of the raft, she's returned to her cell only to escape alongside the villainous Absorbing Man. The two begin a romantic and criminal partnership that lasts several years.
* 2019: Titania is recaptured and sent back to prison, also ending her relationship with Absorbing Man, whom she blamed for the failure.
* 2021: Recently escaped, Titania has returned to her criminal ways and is accepting work as paid muscle as well as potentially pursuing her own criminal ends.

IC Journal

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Titania isn't a shy wallflower. She likes to get in people's faces. She likes to taunt, she likes to talk trash, she likes to start fights. She'll stare down anyone who doesn't show her the respect she thinks she deserves. She almost always prefers the direct approach and will generally just punch someone in the face rather than try to strategize or use some sort of ruse to get a job done.

Mary was picked on for most of her early life. Her parents thought she was weak and a disappointment. The girls at school called her scrawny and slapped her around, both verbally and physically. She could never get anything done until she became Titania and she works out that bitterness on almost everyone she slaps around. She'll never be mocked again.

Mary tends to go by the seat of her pants. She spends money, she takes jobs and generally lives her life without a lot of planning. Mercurial by nature, she can have quick mood swings and reacts to the world a little dramatically at times.

Titania is a stubborn type, for better or worse. She doesn't back down from things. While it's hard to earn her trust, she stays loyal to those who earn it. She keeps to her word as long as she feels like the other person has dealt straight with her, making her fairly reliable on the hench market. She often enjoys working with a partner or team and, for all her natural aggression, has no problem being a team player.

Character Sheet


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Durability & Stamina:
Titania's hyperdense physical tissues are extremely resistant to harm. She can withstand superhuman blows up to and equivalent to her own superhuman strength. She can withstand being at the center of high level explosives, including surface to air missiles or conventional dynamite. She can withstand extremes of both cold and heat with no physical harm. Due to her stamina, she can operate physically for up to three days straight without growing physically weary.

Titania possesses enormous superhuman strength, in the upper levels of superhuman bricks. She can lift/press a bit over 100 tons of weight and can throw blows capable of toppling buildings. She can bend steel girders with her bare hands or stop speeding semi trucks dead with the force of her hands. She can leap several miles in a single bound or to the top of your average city skyscraper from a standing position on the ground.


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Titania is an above-average hand to hand combatant. She doesn't have much in the way of formal training but, since gaining her abilities, she's gotten into a lot of fights. She's learned some good, straightforward brawling techniques. She's good at adapting to her environment and likes grabbing improvisational weapons from around her and using them to bludgeon her opponents into submission.

Titania can be quite scary. Massive, muscular and aggressive, she's good at putting other people on their heels. She knows how to use her power to threaten without harming and is very good at finding vulnerable people to pick on to get her way. She used to be a victim herself, after all.

Titania is an experienced criminal, well-versed in the supervillainous underworld. She knows how to find allies, get work, make deals, fence goods and all the usual stuff required to be a professional supercrook.

Titania has become a fairly decent tactician, capable of planning heists and managing jobs. Frankly, most of her allies have been a little less intelligent than her, so she's had to step up and learn to take the reins and it's mostly worked out well for her.


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Titania has worked extensively in the criminal underworld, for a wide variety of organizations and individuals. She has a good reputation among those and is generally well-regarded and, in many cases, justifiably feared. She can call on other villains for support or allyship and can usually find a mastermind to work for if she needs a steady gig. Specifically, she has strong ties to both the Absorbing Man and to Victor Von Doom, her original patron.

Mary doesn't have a lot of money saved up. She has a habit of overspending and can just kind of take money whenever she needs it. She usually has some cash on her, but she doesn't have a bank account or any sort of real holdings or stake. Being an indestructible titan means not having to pay for things a lot of times.

Money Stash:
Saving isn't something Mary is particularly good at. She likes to indulge herself and is fully aware she can usually always get more money. Still, she's put away a decent amount of cash, up to around 400K stashed away in shady bank accounts for her to use for living expenses without flagging anybody.


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For all her physical resistance to injury, Titania does still need to breathe. She's vulnerable to suffocation, drowning and would die in the vacuum of space. She can be subdued by knockout or poison gas.

Criminal Record:
Titania is an escaped convict with multiple warrants out for her arrest. If recognized, police and superheroic intervention can be called for at a moment's notice and she can expect to be incarcerated immediately without trial in the nearest superhuman facility.

For all her bravado, Mary still has very low self-esteem and thinks very little of herself. She thinks everything she achieved is basically fake and not really her. While physically very tough, she's mentally vulnerable and is extremely vulnerable to mocking, teasing and verbal abuse. She will have emotional breakdowns and can even develop aversions and phobias if abused in this way and will generally try to avoid fighting smart-mouth heroes who upset her in this way.

Mary suffered a great deal of physical and mental abuse growing up. Those scars are still there and can flare up when stimulated. She isn't one to easily share what she's been through and certainly has never gotten much-needed psychological help outside of when she was institutionalized as a young girl.



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Mary McPherran has 14 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
Talking with Titania August 2nd, 2023 Drinks and dialogue had by all.
No one can't get the better of me in a fair fight. June 9th, 2023 X-23 and Titania talk tough in a dive bar. Nothing gets destroyed. Except the contents of a bottle of tequila.
The Raft: Powderkeg May 26th, 2023 A serious of unfortunate events are turned into fortuitous ones. The prisoners of the Raft have had to endure a lot during their stay. Depriving them of their freedom being one worst. They've had to suffer through sleep deprivation, bad food, bizarre therapy, strange tests, mundane existence without their powers and precious things, not to mention some real jerks. Some of which may rear their ugly head later on. But through all their efforts, solo and together, they effect an escape. Small mercies given to others, altruistic or not, add up. Pay it forward for some, gaining a nemesis for others. Consequences coincide to create opportunities. Where there were none seemingly possible before, these individuals have made it happen. The ladies have ensured The Raft won't be fully operation again for months. Ripples radiate from the Raft with their departure.
One Swam Under the Cuckoo's Nest. May 7th, 2023 Leslie has to endure a little group therapy about The Raft. Sometimes the inside of a Cell isn't the worst thing.
Eff around and find out. May 2nd, 2023 Frost is free of Wyndham's clutches, having managed to save some fellow inmates and make the haughty scientist vacate the sub-section. Promises of future retribution are exchanged. Both sides have taken casualties. Both sides trading barbs, physical and verbal. Hints of imminent demise of her fellow inmates makes priorities crystalize. Within the Raft, Killer Frost is loose.
Wrecking Crew Withdrawal April 27th, 2023 Titania tries to make a withdrawal from a bank in NY to help get The Wrecking Crew some funds and herself some much needed spending money. Her messy heist turns into a disaster when she's tripped up by Silk being on patrol in the area. Her getaway vehicles don't even receive a single dollar bill as Cindy Moon doesn't waste time in returning the money, neutralizing the armed goons, and making Titania's own strength work against her. It's a humiliating defeat for the swole girl, one that's going to make the papers and word on the street.
Money don't grow on trees April 27th, 2023 Closing out.
One size does not fit all April 17th, 2023 Lisa makes a deal with one of the Rafts employees, whom seems to have her own AIMs and conditions of employment. A deal is struck which results in the return of some very important property.
The Raft: Break Out April 3rd, 2023 The Gals are ushered into the Raft's prison cafeteria for scheduled eats. The new arrivals are even gifted some suspicious cupcakes. Some scheming on ways to escape are floated, and a cupcake is definitely consumed with no immediate effects noted. Before much more can be discussed hush-hush, a hazing ritual by an already establish group of inmates drenches the situation in drinks. The resulting scuffle almost brings down the full weight of the security force's hammer on everyone. Some very real rage and some very real performing help muddy the situation enough and keep it regarded as a low level disruption by most standards. They girls are separated, marched off for chores, punishment and study. Though the guards don't realize they've left the cafeteria with more than just bruises and lacerations.
The Raft: Her own medicine April 2nd, 2023 Crystal and Mary get selected for some custodial duties during their time within The Raft. Promises of either lighter sentences or at least better conditions usually come hand in hand with such opportunities. Sometimes it's merely a part of existence for inmates, with no benefit to them beyond a change of scenery. Sometimes it carries with it more risky prospects. Perhaps an opportunity to effect an escape or further one? The Raft has deep secrets and is protective of them all.
Searching for Pandora's keys March 29th, 2023 June Moone is taken into the Panopticon of the Raft. What is intended as therapy is revealed to be something far more sinister and secretive. The Cosmic chitinous mastermind and his plans to create the ultimate Kodoku from magically gifted inmates fails to account for Enchantress playing the long game. His magical knowledge and psychic abilities attempt to challenge the revealed Enchantress but fail to rise up against the ancient magic that has had to suffer the indignities and insults aboard the Raft. The Enchantress has the Venusian cosmic insect in the palm of her hands, moments from extinction, and delivers a coup de grace that's worse: She allows him to live a bit longer, and stew in his failure. And with the sounds of the Raft's structural failure in this section imminent, it's hard to say how long anyone's future may stretch out. The Enchantress has come.
Welcome, please don't enjoy your stay. March 28th, 2023 The newest guests of The Raft are transported to the prison via a bumpy airlift. Their experiences during transport are one of being under very heavy guard with many specialized precautions. They're greeted by the Warden and a portion of the heavily armed security detail assigned to the Super Super Max.
Seriously Complicated Feelings April 22nd, 2022 Mary 'Titania' McPherran visits her former foe's office to dress her down for the grave sin of sending a bad DM.
Goddess meets Titan May 10th, 2021 Titania and Sif meet and bond over beers and beatings.


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Mary McPherran has 14 finished logs.

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Entertainment Credits

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Mary McPherran has been credited in 0 shows.

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Mary McPherran has been credited in 0 albums.

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Mary McPherran has authored 0 books.

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