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Latest revision as of 19:03, 13 May 2021

Fight Club!
Date of Scene: 13 May 2021
Location: Grant's Gym - Amusement Mile
Synopsis: Aisling and Dinah spar at Grant's Gym. Nothing gets broken!
Cast of Characters: Aisling Caroll, Dinah Lance

Aisling Caroll has posed:
    Early to rise, early to something or other. Early to also be at the Gym, that Canary had suggested those days back. Early to be going at a heavy bag with wrapped fists. Early to be sweating and working hard and viibsly so thanks to the simple sports bra and tights, both black, both showing off that Aisling is built like a brick shit house. To anyone with any skill looking and watching the young woman with ear buds in as she works out? She's got skill in hand to hand, a lot of it, and it shows.

Dinah Lance has posed:
    Grant's Gym has a few others working out in the early morning as well. It's the nature of the sport, after all. While Ted isn't there personally, an up-and-coming young fighter helps to oversee things from behind the counter. The door opens and a petite blonde walks in with a duffle bag slung over her shoulder. Dinah returns a few waves from the regulars, already popping her neck as she wanders over to one of the speed bags. Drop the duffle, peel off the leather jacket and boots, then she's clad pretty much like Aisling.

Slipping on a pair of padded gloves, she smiles over to the younger woman working the heavy bag. "Good form." she offers. And although she's not wearing the mask and fishnets, the jacket is familiar. As is the voice.

Aisling Caroll has posed:
    Ais has her ear buds in, an old school ipod in an arm strap so she can listen and work out at the same time. That doesn't stop her from noticing Dinah though and she has a good memory. She stops a moment and gives her a good long look and a head tilt before Dinah finally gets a warmer smile. "Thanks" she replies rather plainly stopping for just a moment to pull an ear bud out. "A little birdie told me about this place, figured I'd try it out seeing as I have nothing else to do."

Dinah Lance has posed:
    Dinah smiles wryly at that, adding a small nod as well. "Ordinarily I'd say don't believe everything you hear, but this *is* a good place to work out." Gloves firmly seated, the blonde steps up to the heavy bag close to Ais. Taking a stance that's more suited to martial arts than boxing, she starts throwing punches. And for her size, the girl hits really solid. Just when she's settling into a rhythm, Dinah pivots at the hip and delivers a pair of side kicks in rapid succession; one at waist level and the other quite high on the bag.

Aisling Caroll has posed:
    Aisling watches with marked admiration for a few moments before planting her ear buds back in, turning her music on, and going back to her own bag. She changes things up, a lot, to the tune of something that's hard to pin any sort of exact style on. Her punches land /hard/ but she's holding back and it's obvious to anyone with skill and training, and more than likely, would be very obvious to Dinah.

    She gets in to it tho, and the focus is intense to say the least. There's a LOT of anger there, and that also shows openly to anyone watching skill or not.

Dinah Lance has posed:
    Dinah keeps up her routine, mixing kicks with punches until she's breathing faster and has developed a nice sheen of sweat. She pauses for a drink, watching the younger woman for a little while. After several minutes she holds a hand up and steps up to intervene. Motioning to pull the earbuds out, she states simply. "You're holding back. Some people do that because they don't want to damage the equipment... which Ted appreciates. But you look like you could use a sparring partner." The older woman smiles knowingly, then adds. "If you think you're up for it."

Aisling Caroll has posed:
    The ear buds come out after a few more punches and kicks as she pulls back having barely worked up to the point of breathing faster or harder. She gives Dinah a good look over before folding her arms under her bust and canting one hip to the side. "I can lift a ton" she says quietly, hopefully just enough for the two of them to hear. "I hold back because people die if I don't."

Dinah Lance has posed:
    Dinah's blue eyes brighten at that, her smile becoming wry. "I thought it might be something like that." she replies. Giving a head-nod towards the elevated boxing ring, she starts in that direction and trusts the other to keep up. "I can handle myself. And when I say that, I really mean it. You don't need to hold back with me." In a lower voice she adds. "Listen, I think we both know who we are. I want you to really show me what you're made of, okay?"

Aisling Caroll has posed:
    Aisling exhales and lets her arms drop as she stands up straight and moves to pull off the side strap and set her player and ear buds down. She turns to look at Dinah with her multicolored eyes and exhales as she stands up straight. "Fine" is her only reply as she heads over to the ring and to just show up, jumps in to it from a complete standing still position. She literally just polevaults in to the ring with no effort.

Dinah Lance has posed:
    Dinah pauses long enough to get a pair of head protectors and mouth guards, climbing into the ring and offering one of each to Aisling. "We won't worry about the heavy gloves, since they won't slow you down and won't protect me." She's pretty casual for a woman about to fight someone who can bench press a ton. Once they're both geared up, Dinah moves to one corner and declares. "Keep your stance centered and don't hold back. I'll know if you do. I want you to show me what you've got." And with that, she steps to the center of the ring, settling into a martial arts stance.

Aisling Caroll has posed:
    "You know I don't need these either?" Ais says to the mouth guards and head protectors. She exhales and takes stance and readies giving Dinah a good long look. Then, she's there, right in Dinah's face, and, that's it really. She's just there, in Dinah's face.

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah doesn't flinch when the girl just suddenly closes in. Her head tilts, blue eyes meeting Aisling's. "Who knows, you just might?" she replies, evenly. "And we can start this close if you really want to."

Aisling Caroll has posed:
    Aisling blinks a few times, and seems confused then it dawns on her, /right, black canary/ and she pulls back and starts to actually take this a bit more seriously. Only a few seconds of hesitation before she lunges forward and launches a backwards roundhouse with the intent being to land a foot in Dinah's face.

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah's smile isn't exactly smug so much as confident. In her mind this will only end one way. Ready and poised, the kick is fast and hard but she sees it coming. Dinah knows better than to try and block it directly. Guiding it up and over as she ducks, the kick passes overhead. And that's when the blonde gives the ankle a firm twist to try and throw Aisling off her balance.

Aisling Caroll has posed:
    Annnd...right on her her ass and the flat of her back with an ooof and a deep exhale. Aisling slams her first on the ring and then hops back up and takes stance again. She was holding back and it was obvious. Now, she's holding back more and no doubt for a multitude of reasons.

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah is waiting when Aisling hops back up again, still in that same, casual, ready stance. "Don't hold back." she states, simply and unnecessarily. The woman isn't raising fists, but keeps her hands flat in a judo 'knife-hand' manner. At some point Aisling may realize that Dinah... Black Canary... is a defensive specialist.

Aisling Caroll has posed:
    Aisling exhales deeply and drops her hands and stands up straight, "I can't" she replies, "I just can't. I don't want to hurt you.."

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah Lance relaxes a little at that, lowering her guard and taking a step closer. Reaching out, she rests a hand on Aisling's shoulder and speaks in a lower voice. "You'll never reach your full potential if you keep limiting yourself." she replies. "I understand... and I appreciate it as well. If you'd feel better, I can arrange for you to go a few rounds with Ted sometime."

Aisling Caroll has posed:
    "Alright, but I don't want to hear it if you can't take the hit" Aisling replies rather plainly grining a little and showing extreme confidence. Might as well try the same attack a second time, so the spinning roundhouse is what comes flying at Dinah's head for the second time in a row.

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah grins back. "I already said not to worry about it." she replies. Not that Dinah believes for a minute that she can stop a truck with her face. She just doesn't expect the truck to hit her. When the kick sweeps around again she almost clucks with disapproval. But she doesn't react the same this time. Not even trying to block, she leans back juuuuust enough for the foot to sweep over her face. And in the same, smooth motion, Dinah sweeps out with a kick of her own aimed at the back of Aisling's other knee.

Aisling Caroll has posed:
    Getting hit by someone that can lift a ton would no doubt be like being hit by a truck. Ais isn't just all strength and no grace though as is shown by her doing a captain america style backflip kick attack slash dodge thing to both dodge Dinah's next attack and keep her off guard.

Dinah Lance has posed:
After the sweep-kick Dinah returns to her ready stance, just in time to watch Aisling's backflip and slash kick combo. The slash kick is diverted with an efficient sweep of her forearm and Dinah pivots to get in closer... putting her back against Aisling's as she tries to hook an arm with her own.

Aisling Caroll has posed:
    The arm hook connects and she has Aisling dead to rights no doubt, or so she thinks, remember she can lift near to over a ton. That, and she's a street fighter so being back to back means she can jerk her head full tilt with the attempt being to slam the back of her head in to the back of Dinah's.

Dinah Lance has posed:
Back to back, Dinah can feel Aisling's movements without looking. Duck and dip... the head-butt misses... lean in and pivot, she'll try to swing Aisling across her back for a throw. Neither one of the women is very big, which actually gives Dinah less of an advantage than she's used to against larger opponents. Aisling has the advantage of strength and being scrappy, but it's a pretty advanced maneuver.

Aisling Caroll has posed:
    One that sends Aisling flying in a nice tumble that she manages to land hands and feet on. She stands up, slowly, and Dinah can see it, that fire and wrathfullness. Ais is getting angry, she's getting very angry. Angry enough to stop holding back and to start making mistakes like lunging for Dinah full speed and bringing an axe kick up and straight down on top of her.

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah Lance smiles a little when she sees that look in Aisling's eyes. She's braced and ready for anything, of course. As the instructor in this situation it's Dinah's job to push the student. Okay, so mission accomplished. Now all she needs to do is to keep the angry student from tearing the building down.

Easy-peasy, right?

The girl lunges and tries to bring that axe kick down. Dodging would be the smart thing, but that would put Aisling's foot through the canvas. And Dinah's pretty sure she can't afford to replace it.

The response is something resembling Tai Chi. Deflect the kick with a wide hand-sweep, while continuing the motion and attempting to sweep Aisling's other foot. The first will mostly protect the canvas, but the second would cause the kick to miss it completely.

Aisling Caroll has posed:
    As intended, the kick is deflected and the canvas protected and all said and done Aisling is just standing there a bit shocked to say the least. "Alright, I think I'm done.."

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah watches the girl once the kick is deflected, her stance and expression both wary and ready. The younger woman declares that she's done, and Dinah gives her a formal bow. "Thank you for the privilege." she declares, snapping the bow. Then she relaxes and steps up to put her arm around Aisling. "Water or juice? My treat..."