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The Framework: Captain HYDRA
Date of Scene: 23 May 2021
Location: New York City (The Framework)
Synopsis: Lars makes contact with Carol.. who is Captain HYDRA in the simulation. Testing the limits of her patience, he manages to get through to her _just a little_. Enough to sow the seeds of doubt in to her mind that her virtual life is a lie. The simulation was forced to simulate aliens and that gave him one chance.. a chance that seemed to have worked.
Cast of Characters: Bobbi Morse, Carol Danvers

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Lars had had a rude awakening when he stepped in to the framework. He was, apparently, a slob! and a conspiracy nutter.. well, that really was him except in the real world he found out he was completely right about all his conspiracies. Here, it doesn't seem like SWORD ever found him.

    Instead of his short cropped blonde hair his hair has grown out long. "Thor would be proud," he mused to himself with a chuckle. The viking agent has work to do.. he starts to search for Carol Danvers and finds her very quickly. Her face is in a lot of news articles and pro-... wait.. pro-HYDRA rallies?

    "What the fuck is this shit?," he says staring at an image of Captain HYDRA. "Noo no no no no this can't be right." His eyes pour over the news.. Cambridge Incident? HYDRA saves the day? HYDRA institutes country wide sweeping changes and lockdowns. War on Inhumans continues. Terrorist cell destroy town in Kansas. Captain HYDRA book signing today.

    Lar's pushes his swivel chair away from the computer and rubs his forehead, "This can't be happening. What kind of fucked up simulation is this? Captain HYDRA??!" Rising up he feels the bracelet about his ankle and yanks up his pants. "Really?!"

    Step one, disable ankle tracker - done. Step two, find Carol - done. Step three, make contact with Carol.

    The queue for the book signing is long, as you'd expect with HYDRAs premier super soldier hero. It's all about Public Relations... and Lars is stuck in said queue waiting for his chance to make contact with his fellow SWORD agent.

Carol Danvers has posed:
Yes Really.

Carol has been at this point groomed and indoctrinated by Hydra for 15 years. Ever since they and not the Kree found her after the incident with the Kree Psychi-Magnitron awakened and supercharged her Kree-Human Hybrid Genetics.

Of course she ended up trading one mind fuckery by the Kree and Star Force for staying in the US Military Industrial Complex under HYDRA auspices. It was subtle at first, the tests, training, and programs. The transition from normal military service and operation towards HYDRA was subtle, with some of their best minds applied to her indoctrination and training.

Because SHIELD had Captain America and they waited until the perfect opportunity to roll out Captain HYDRA with the downfall of SHIELD. Ironically the Partnership with the Winter Soldier had some deep parallels as well. Maximum PR.

Fresh off the Mission crushing the Inhuman's Stronghold in a very successful Operation to enforce Peace, Stability, and Order on the world Carol finds herself in a more PR focused event.

She sips an iced coffee as she watches the long book signing line loiter and wait for her to get started signing and greeting. She doesn't actually mind the shake hands and kiss baby portion of being one of the more visible symbols of HYDRA. Talk shows. Book Signings. This is all pretty standard fare at this point.

She sets her drink down and starts signing "Okay .. Michael right. Biggest Fan.." she signs the book to Michael my Biggest Fan. Hail HYDRA. Then she slides the signed book over to Michael. "Ever Vigilant" she quips and then looks to the next person.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Shuffling one person at a time. He can see her.. dressed in green stylised SHIELD like armor. Wearing a HYDRA symbol on her arm. It makes him feel ill inside. But eventually it's his turn to confront his real world team mate. "Carol," he says and leans over the table a bit, "You're in serious danger. We have to get you out of here."

    Much like the rest of the would be rescuers they are as yet unaware just how confused their captured comrades are going to be. "We have an exit from this simulation. The Sphere is crazier than we ever imagined. Forget playing a long, it's time to go..." he says expecting her to recognise him. But the look on her face tells him otherwise.

    ".. It's me Lars. Anderson. Nuevo. We've worked together for years and years at S.W.O.R.D... please tell me you can remember me?," he says starting to have his doubts about the approach he's taken.

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol snags one of the books off the stack and flips it open with practiced ease as Lars steps up to the front of the line. The pen is actually twirled as she looks up to him waiting.

Is that a HYDRA-ized version of Steve's shield set against a bookshelf behind her!?

Anyhow. The random long haired guy leaning in and stating that she is in danger. Has her pause her pen twirling. Those eyes narrow a little bit and a look it flicked around to the random citizens in line, the very light security detail monitoring the situation and back to Lars as he continues.

She definitely doesn't recognize his face. Nor does the talk about simulation or The Sphere gain any recognition. "Listen sir..." she tries to break in but he keeps going trying to get her to recognize him it seems.

One thing that does get her attention though is when he says they worked together at S.W.O.R.D. because that at least is something she is very familiar with. That branch of S.H.I.E.L.D. fell with the mother organization. Hard. In fact Captain HYdRA was instrumental to it's destruction in this simulation.

So the recognition isn't good the way her face sets harder and she moves to stand behind the table. "You worked for S.W.O.R.D. you're saying Mr. Anderson?" okay that is delivered with a tone that likely sets off a lot of warning sirens in Lars.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Lars reaches behind his neck and rubs it nervously as Captain HYDRA stands up. "Ah hhaaa.. riiight. So this is a thing.." he says nervously as he realises she's getting in to that fighty look she has. Talk about a tactical mistake. The idea that she'd be brainwashed in here to believe she's HYDRA hadn't occurred to him. Some part of his brain thought it was possible, but in his heart he didn't believe it

    "I mean.. shit.. no, of course not. But this isn't real, none of this is real Carol," he says it like someone very used to saying her name which is scant few people in this world. May be her commanders at HYDRA but even they call her Captain or Danvers.

    "I.. can prove it," he says feeling the sweat bead on his forehead, "Uhh.. uhh.. your love of space. When you were young you saw The Fantastic Four defeat Doctor Doom and you got obsessed with space and flying.. right?" Hoping that isn't public knowledge. May be it is. Hell may be it's in her book.

Carol Danvers has posed:
It isn't public knowledge.

Fantastic Four are enemies of the state and not considered Heroes in HYDRA's America.

She was ... is honestly... still sporting that getting Fighty look. Which to be honest is something Lars has seen over comms and in action more than once. But she doesn't reach out yet and grab him by the front of his shirt with that green glove she is wearing.

The couple of Hydra Security Agents though do start to pay attention, as does the Propaganda Specialist playing the PR Agent role right now.

"I don't know you. I don't know what you are trying to do here but you are buying yourself a ticket to trouble." thing is, Carol is still pretty obsessed with Flying and Space. Not that she gets to do the Space thing. HYDRA is very focused on conquering Earth after all.

Still he hasn't been scruffed or cuffed yet so that is a small win right.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Lars notices the security guards and says, "Oh hell." As they are approaching and his time here is almost up.. he realises he has to find a serious way to get through to her. Something that may be will shock her awake. May be then she'll remember him. He can only hope...

    "Your father.. he drank himself to death when your brother Stephen died in battle over Mogadishu," he rambles on quickly as the guards grab an arm each and start pulling him away toward the door. "Meet me at the Eye Observatory off of Plymouth! I will prove it to you!!," he calls out as his voice fades with distance. He is summarily tossed out on to the curb.

    In the real world, that'd be the end of it.. but he notices a HYDRA 'peace officer' starting to walk his way, so he scrambles to his feet and starts running for it down a side ally.

Carol Danvers has posed:
The only reason he isn't taken in and interrogated within an inch of his life is because the security guards and Propaganda Specialist don't want to make a scene. That and the fact Carol is a bit off balance by that last part. Which is absolutely not the party line either about how her Brother Died or her Family's history. Honestly only family friends from back then would really know much about her personal life on that scale. Seeing that they would all be older too.

By the time she shakes it off and focuses again he is out on the street and she looks at the Propaganda Agent. "Get peace keepers to pick that man up, I want him questioned." she isn't happy about any of this. Those things were not public. Neither of them. This could be one of the Inhumans or one of those pain in the ass Psychic Mutants for that matter.

It has to be a pile of bullshit right?

Still back to the book signing, she has settles back into the task working her way through the signing but her mind isn't fully on it and the spirit she had earlier for it isn't there.


Honestly Carol isn't entirely sure why she went to the Observatory. She does have a couple of overwatch drones with her and a tactical response team on standby in case this is a trap. Still it isn't the first time she has personally sprung traps to lure HYDRA's enemies into deploying their resources where they may end up being vulnerable.

Carol does show up though, glancing at a briefing tablet with the information that Operations pulled on a Lars Anderson before tucking it away and waiting.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    The observatory was once a SWORD asset. Part of a university that lost favour with HYDRA for speaking the truth and sticking to facts and scientific rigor. The building has become dilapidated with age and if the giant telescope did work still, it's doubtful it would move on its gears.

    That's not why Lars chose this location though. No, it was the specialised SWORD antenna. Back before The Peak was made all of SWORD's activities were done on Earth - unless your name was Captain Marvel that is. He's in the main atrium and is fiddling with electronics, hooked up to a laptop.

    Hearing her approach, Lars turns and looks relieved. "You came," he says. "I wasn't sure you would," he says running a hand through his long blonde hair. He is not used to so much hair.

    "I know this is all a shock and you probably have a lot of theories, all of which aren't the right ones. But you have to trust me, just for a little bit longer - please," he says and holds up his hands. From his research on her, it doesn't seem like she's going to start glowing with cosmic energy. But she was absolutely a super soldier. Lars has never been much of a fighter, always a techie and proud of it.

Carol Danvers has posed:
Mostly Carol doesn't feel threatened by the lunatic. Yeah she read his files. Deep in the conspiracy theroes and wild claims but mostly harmless. On house arrest, which means he is odd violating the terms of his sentence and things will end up very harsh for him.

Honestly a lot going on here, but him a threat, unlikely.

"Mr. Anderson. Can I call you Lars?" she glances around the facility in it's dilapidated state. She is aware this was a SWORD site after all, HYDRA got most of their files when they took down SHIELD from within. Maybe he was a secret SWORD agent that escaped the sweeps but it seems so unlikely looking at his police records.

"Are you off your medication Lars?"

So for the moment she lets him fiddle with his gear. She is at least mildly curious how he managed to dig up those things on her and what else he may know. If they can figure out where he is getting his intel without needing to torture him all the better right?

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Lars chuckles and shakes his head. This wasn't going to be easy. How do you convince someone like Carol she's being messed with without seeming like you're the one doing the messing? "Your name," he says letting the slight of 'medication' flow off of his shoulders. "Is Carol Danvers.. and in the real world.. you're Captain Marvel, not Captain HYDRA." There, best start with the big guns.

    He lifts a finger, turns and presses the enter key on the laptop. The SWORD array clunks to life and several lights on the console turn on. The laptop begins to speak a strange straaange alien language. Signals towers aren't uncommon, but usually they count numbers or speak words slowly. This one is odd. Even for a conspiracy nut.

    "You're listening, right now, to a Kree satellites out past Saturn. It is relaying communications back to the Kree Empire run by.. the Supreme Intelligence," he says adding emphasis on those words hoping somehow this will jog her memory of the truth.

    "In the real world, you destroyed this satellite not long after you returned to Earth from Hala...," he adds suspecting that might be a step too far given her confused state. "You're part Kree, part Human because of an accident. Huh? You know I'm telling you the truth right?"

Carol Danvers has posed:
Okay. There is a moment where things almost went very wrong. When the whole array lit up and started to work. The fact the conspiracy nut can get an old SWORD system up and running changes a lot of things.

The saving grace for Lars though is that the laptop starts to talk in Kree. Which is exactly what he was going for right. That isn't the saving part.

The fact Carol can understand it and also knows it is not english at the same time. That is what is causing cognizant dissonance in Danvers right now. She shouldn't understand it. She was never taken by the Kree in this scenario.

"I..." she narrows her eyes and stares at the laptop faling very silent. There is a mix of the fighty and listening though. This is not an out of the woods scenario by any means.

Honestly it is giving her one hell of a headache.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    "Whoa," he says and takes a step closer, "Just.. take it easy. This isn't something either of us expected we'd be doing today. Right now I'm in an old A.I.M. facility abandoned since the 80s hooked up to a machine that's running a simulation. You're trapped in that simulation with several other Agents of SHIELD... you're an Agent of SWORD and I'm part of your team."

    He motions to himself and offers his hand, "Agent Lars Nuevo Anderson.. trying to help get you out of this nightmare." It's like staring down a raging bull. He knows what she's capable of in real life but also knows - out there - she is a champion of the little guy, a true hero. Here, .... she's possibly a nazi.

    "Remember, all that energy, flying through the stars, meeting alien races, saving the world. You're a hero Carol. Me, Commander Brand, Khora, Peeper... you can remember us, right? please say you remember something.. anything.." The Kree chatter continues and seems to be about military ship movements in alpha centurai.

Carol Danvers has posed:
Honestly the laptop is causing more dissonance and the headache then Lars is right now.

The device is saved from being atomized because the next thing Carol knows Lars is up close and trying to shake her hand while dumping more information and names tht don't really register. Well Commander Brand does, Carol helped kill the Commander of SWORD.

So nothing gets atomized yet, but Carol does reach out fast like a vip to grab Lars by the front of his shirt or jacket and lift him up off his feet. "Who are you really." shake shake "Are you one of thos psychic mutants trying to mess with me?" shake.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Lars dangles in Carol's grip, feet off the ground. He looks petrified and pats a hand gently to her hand. Some part of his shirt makes a ripping sound. "No.. no I'm telling you the truth. I'm just a regular human who is good with computers. That's why SWORD hired me, to crack alien technology, languages, communications..."

    He awkwardly tries to twist to motion to the laptop, "This is nothing. I learnt how to do this from your Kree technology so that SWORD could contact you long distance when you were off saving people in distant star systems." Feeding in to her desire to be an astronaut perhaps.

    "I swear to you Carol, I'm telling you the truth. How else could I know those things about you - you told me. Told us, your team. We're friends, all of us. You're not HYDRA, you're a _good_ person who protects people."

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol doesn't drop him.

She looks for a minute there like she wants to throw him though which probably isn't at all reasuring.

Her fist holding him up even starts to glow ominiously even as she closes her eyes and takes a very deep breath. Then lets it out and breaths in again nostrils flaring a bit.

Bloody headache, though closing her eyes doesn't help block out the Kree rattling on in the background about Battle ship movements in Alpha Centauri. The chatter in Kree is like a spike being chinese water tortured right behind her eyes there.

Her jaw clenches. "I protect good people. I enforce Order and Peace."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Lars's eyes widen a touch as that first starts to glow. "Carol, you're more than that. You protect everyone. You're right up there with Superman and Supergirl, you're Captain Marvel," he says hoping that the disturbed look she has is him getting through to her.

    "HYDRA is evil, they're your enemy. This world isn't real, it's just a crazy computer simulation designed to help HYDRA figure out strategies in the real world," he says and then gulps. "Would you please put me down Carol," he says all too familial with the star HYDRA agent.

Carol Danvers has posed:
Deep inhalation and she flings Lars.

Which is a huge step up from disinigration right. Also she doesn't throw him into the floor with all her strength. Nope this is a getting him away from her sort of fling towards some of the random delapated machinery.

Which isn't to say this won't necessarily not hurt or break an arm mind you. Which may answer a lot of people's questions on what happens if you are hurt in the FRAMEWORK.

Her now free gloved hand rubs her face, massaging her temples. "We took Superman and Supergirl down. They are aliens and aliens cause problems. Aliens are always causing problems..." which is honestly a bit of what Carol does believe. God she is sick of aliens fucking around with Planet Earth.

Which usually though doesn't include the good Kryptonian allies.

On the bright side though she is struggling with the FRAMEwORK even if Lars can't see it... it isn't nearly as complicated as the Supreme Intelligence.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    In the real world, Lars's body jerks on the table. The on duty medical officers rush over as his vitals spike and his emotional stress seems to be rising.

    Back in the framework he hits the ground hard and dislocates his shoulder. He lets out a groan of pain and hugs his arm to his chest. "I think you broke something," he says with a cry and with fear. Carol willing to hurt him just like that? what has this place done to her!

    "Odyn's heart Carol, open your eyes.. this isn't real! Just listen to yourself.. took down Superman and Supergirl. As if that would happen. It's as likely as someone taking you down!," he says through tight jaw and groans of discomfort. It hurts less if he avoids moving.

    "You're half alien, are you going to 'take down' yourself next?," he asks wondering just how he could possibly get through to her. "Come on Carol don't let them," he pauses and catches his breath as he winces from the pain, "control you."

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol has done a lot worse than chuck someone across a room inside the Framework. If Lars had done a bit more research he would know exactly how dangerous this whole situation is but he did sort of rush into it without taking full account of the gravity of the situation.

"They. Stood in the way of the future." she grits out. Which honestly with a ruthless approach and Kryptonite it is amazing what is possible.

She pops her neck, suddenly storing a lot of tension in it. "Just.. shut up." she finally does lash out at the laptop and it is gone in an instant, a blinding flash of cosmic energy and only ashes drifting where it was sitting hooked up. Losing her temper and definitely well beyond her moment of Zen as it were now.

Still Lars is talking. She opens her eyes and starts to stalk towards Lars as he lays vulnerable her fist glowing again. "No one controls me." oh yeah red button issue. "Not you. Not HYDRA. Not the Supreme Intelligence."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    The remains of the laptop spark and the device connecting to the Kree satellite shuts down. The lights go out. As Carol stalks back toward her with glowing fist Lars holds up his good arm defensively. But he heard it.. Carol must have heard it. She just referenced the Supreme Intelligence in her moment of anger.

    He hadn't even realised he had his eyes squinted shut hard but he does pry them open to peer at Carol, "Supreme Intelligence. Do you remember it? You once told me it rules the entire Kree Empire." His voice is wobbling, he's scared. Captain HYDRA is starting to lose it and he doesn't want to be collateral.

    Somewhat ironic given the HYDRA clothing, the HYDRA shield, and her name Captain HYDRA.. that she insists HYDRA doesn't control her. A tear of fear rolls down his cheek though and he says, "I just want my friend back. Okay? I know you don't remember me right now Carol.. I can see that. But I know _you_. This isn't _you_."

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol stops before punting Lars into a wall or blasting him.

Honestly not by much she is still towering over the crying hurt man. The medic out in meatspace has to be having an amazingly stressful day to go with Lar's bad day too right now.

Why did she say Supreme Intelligence. He has a really good point. It is that bundle of headache she is trying very hard to not confront and deal with at all right now. It is like staring into the sun. Which honestly she has done without damaging herself too.



The whole room lights up intensely brightly as she blasts with so much anger ... about three foot to the right of Lars instead of on him. Lancing a beam of energy that somehow luckily misses any gas lines or the A-Line of the subway as it carves a hole and then she turns around presenting her back to Lars as she stands there in the dark.

Well mostly dark, cosmic energy is still correscating around her figure.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    With a groan of pain he curls up as Carol unleashes cosmic heck on the floor not too far away from him. His vitals in the real world spike wildly again as he fears for his life. With pain he sits up and stares at the back of Carol. Awkward silence. He may have pushed things too far.

    A small grunt of pain as he adjust his arm to put weight on it. There's a terrible crack sound as he leans and pushes it back in to its socket. "Fuuuck! Odyn's breath!," he cries out breaking the silence. It still hurts like heck but he can move it again. It hurts to move though.

    The fire works show certainly got the attention of the team that Carol has on standby. They know not to move in, but now they're sure their Captain is kicking butt.

Carol Danvers has posed:
It is ominous though. Her back has Steve's shield on it, though they have changed the color and burned the Hydra logo into the Vibranium. It is Steve's shield too, repurposed.

Not like Steve needs it.

The Cosmic energy continues to play over the shield and Carol as she stands in the dark room.

The real show is happening inside her head though as she struggles with the Framework. The Kree. The Supreme Intelligence. Hell she can picture that smug alien AI even.

I mean Lars wasn't atomized that is a win.

She remembers the Kree. There is a lot of things at odds with each other right now and so many scenarios that do not mesh. Starforce. Kree. HYDRA. Justice League. SWORD. Rogue's Memories.

Also the fact she has no good story to give her superiors in HYDRA about what happened in here if she doesn't clean it up and act like it was a mutant trying to get close to her is a big problem too.

After what seems like an eternity. "You said this is a simulation?"

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    He clears his throat, staring at the shield on her back. The implications.. they killed Superman, Supergirl.. probably Steve Rogers in this simulation. What a hell this place must be. He really doesn't want to spend more time in here than he has to.

    "Yeah," he replies and wipes a tear off his cheek. Face your fears. This is one of them. "Built by a scientist named Holden Radcliffe in the 80s," he continues. Now there's a name every Agent of HYDRA knows. Director Radcliffe, the great man behind HYDRA saving America from the Inhuman terrorists.

    Slowly he stands back up and rubs at his shoulder. "I mean, it's a really realistic simulation. Incredible actually.. and I don't understand why you don't remember who you are. But, yeah, this isn't real."

Carol Danvers has posed:
"Either you're a mutant projecting three very detailed scenarios into my head with incredible detail or we have a real problem here." she murmurs, the energy not fading despite everything, she is using it to purposefully interfere with the microphones built into her comm gear.

She turns and looks down at Lars laying on the floor. "Director Radcliffe is the man single handledly responsible for saving America from the Inhuman Terrorists that have caused some of the worst catastrophes in our country. You're telling me that all of this." a broad gesture that leaves interesting little trails of energy. "Is actually a simulation we are in of his own invention. That ... one of the other scenarios is the real one."

She glares at Lars now. "You really didn't think any of this through did you... your plan was to come up to me and try to confront me with all this and hope it would work out Anderson... do you even have any idea how much firepower is up in the sky right now. Do you know what Project Insight is?"

She doesn't really clearly remember any of it clearly but things are way more jumbled than they were this morning.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    "Gods.... you finished Project Insight?," he says with a frown. The number of people it must have killed... "In the real world, Steve Rogers stopped Project Insight from deploying." He feels like he's starting to lose her again though. "Call it.. a vanity project? I don't know the man, just what he made. I swear to you I'm not a mutant... just a friend trying to help his colleague out of a really bad situation."

    There's a pause and he says, "I am _hoping_ you'll remember.. something.. anything. I'm not asking you to tear down HYDRA.. this HYDRA is all fake. I'm just...," he pauses looking a touch exhausted and sad. "Trying to save my friend," he admits..

    "In the real world. You've saved my life so many times. Me and the whole team really. It's the least I could do is coming in here and try to help you out of this. Heck in the real world you work along side Mutants and Inhumans. Some of them are your friends. Daisy.. I only just met her yesterday. She's incredible and I know you know her in the real world too."

Carol Danvers has posed:
Project Insight's launch day was the big day really. "Winter Soldier and I prevented Captain America from preventing the project launch." what a twist.

She closes her eyes again rubbing the bridge of her nose. Lars may be worried he is losing her but the jumbled memories is a lot. The names both familiar and not familiar. Much like Anderson both is and isn't familiar now.


"I'm not going to kill you Anderson. I am going to try to clear my head and make sense of this. If you have an exit strategy I suggest you use it because I'm going to light this whole place up and make it look like I destroyed a threat to HYDRA" she opens her eyes looking at him. "Did you think far enough ahead ot have a way for me to contact you later?"

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Lars shakes his head in disbelief at the twisted version of reality in this simulation. It's a HYDRA wet dream.. but that was the point wasn't it? to provide HYDRA with solutions to conquering the world. It seems like they've done it here.

    "Thank you Carol.. yes. I'll meet you tomorrow at the Krazy Kanoe," he says. He checked the location on his way to the book signing. Swordfish, no longer a SHIELD bar and probably hasn't been for a while now. But still there, somehow, and not crawling with HYDRA agents.

    "If you can't make it.. I'll be there again the next day.. and the next.. I'm not quitting on you," he says and then looks around.. "Good luck Carol. I know this is hard for you." He turns and starts at a jog that turns in to a pained run to make his get away.

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol stops subverting the comms system and lets loose all of that pent up energy she was revving up this whole time, lashing out at the radio transmitter array first.

She starts to walk through the room just blowing the ever loving crap out of equipment.

<<Eliminated the threat. Probably mutant psychic. Not Lars Anderson. Advance apology to the Doctor." she starts to walk out of the building as it burns behind her.

She was careful to make a fire that would be hard to put out too.

<<Lashing out to deal with the psychic I'm afraid I atomized them.>>

Hopefully that is good enough for the tactical squad and Control. She doesn't want to deal with a 'session' right now.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Returned home, ankle tracker on restored to his ankle.. laying in bed staring up at the ceiling. It's incredibly hard to get to sleep when your arm hurts like hell and your worry about your friend is through the roof. But when sleep finally does take him, Lars gasps and sits up in the VR chair.

    Looking around the room - some people are still in the simulation, others have gotten up. There's doctors all around him, "What's the matter?" The team looks amongst themselves.. the simulation is far more dangerous than they thought.