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Latest revision as of 03:25, 25 May 2021

Date of Scene: 24 May 2021
Location: Coffee of DOOM
Synopsis: A few friends catch up over coffee. Gabby sucks at keeping secrets.
Cast of Characters: Gabby Kinney, Rachel Summers, Noriko Ashida

Gabby Kinney has posed:
The elegance of this coffee house was a bit surprising to Gabby. When she heard 'Coffee of DOOM' she rather figured that it was going to be some post-apocalyptic or dungeon themed place that Ellie would find acceptably awesome in her begrudging way. This? This was SWANK. Rather than let that stop her from entering she marches on in right up to the counter to place an order. She was having her coffee hangout one way or another with her friends, dangit. "Hi, yes, I'll have something that would be caffienated enough to put a toddler on the ceiling, and sugared enough to send someone into diabetic coma. With a side of cake. Uh..." She pauses, eyes narrowing at the display of pastries. "Oh MAN you guys do not scrimp on the baked goods. I don't even know what half of these are. I'll try them!" So saying she pulls out a fifty to pay. "What're you guys getting?"

Rachel Summers has posed:

Rachel wasn't as gloomy this morning, or angry or depressed. She was just goddamned tired. It was all her fault, up all night watching show after show, attempting to immerse herself in current pop culture that had NOTHING to do with the Kardashians.

"Hot, black.. no. I want it cold. What do those girl.. yes. Coconut milk. Splash of vanilla syrup, three .. no four shots of espresso, a dab of mocha.. uh.. whipped cream with caramel AND chocolate drizzle from top to bottom."

Someone was really looking to die today. But this is what Rachel asked for. Mmhmm. "And a lemon loaf."

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Nori is the opposite of swanky.  She's more like trash bag chic.  Neon colored (green today)  parachute shorts are still her preferred.  Her electric blue hair is windswept from the trip.

"I'm good.  I had a bunch of bananas before we left."  More like a bunch of bunches of bananas.  "Um...or, whatever they are both having in one.  Like a big one," Noriko explains way too quickly.  She slips her money onto the counter before she thinks Gabby can notice as if she won't notice after anyways.  "They have any giant cookies?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney squints at the money on the counter but opts not to say. She'll get Noriko one of these days. "If they don't, just get three regular ones," she suggests while the patient barista starts making drinks, and another gets out some plates for them. At least the service was good! Taking such bizarre orders with grace and speed. It's Rachel who then gets a sympathetic look. "You doing okay, Rachel? Need a hug?" This is offered seriously and without any attempt at being patronizing. It's just a Gabby thing. "Oh we should nab a booth the seats look cushy."

Rachel Summers has posed:
Best Rachel keep quiet, she doesn't want to pay for anything when she's lacking funds. It's a hard knock life! She does step out of the way to let the two women duke it out if need be, her own hands shoved into the pockets of her jeans, all the while looking in another direction and rocking back and forth. See nothing, say nothing!

"Huh?" She finally asks Gabby, then immediately shakes her head. "No no no, I'm fine. I was binge watching Supernatural. I'm only three seasons in and am running on two hours of sleep." She didn't yawn, she didn't need to. She did it on the travel to the coffee shop. "Hopefully this will wake me up enough to get me through at least five more hours of it."

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"That's all we are to her.  Her pit crew," Noriko says with a smug smirk, possibly buoyed by the fact that Gabby didn't say anything about her money.  "I'll get the booth," she says, acting like that money is not hers and any change would not be hers either.  She spies someone on their way to one of the last booths and practically blips over, making herself look small, slumped down in the booth.

"No speak English," Noriko affects to the person who blinks down at her when they arrive.  Wasn't she just not there?  Wasn't it, must have been behind that guy.  The person's confusion outweighs any disappointment.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney takes the opportunity for Noriko going to grab the booth to slide her money off the counter and replace it with the fifty she had. Plus some if it didn't end up being enough. Coffees were expensive these days after all. "We all need pit crews sometimes, that's what friends are for," she intones matter-of-fact with a bright grin. The coffees are handed over and she grabs one of each. "Rache, can you get the other? They said they'll bring our pastries and cakes over in a minute." Got to love tableside service even if it was limited. "Supernatural is on my list to watch. I just finished The Witcher. I'm trying to alternate between current and slightly older stuff so I can catch up... I mean, much as I can catch up. Gerard kind of reminds me of Logan."

Rachel Summers has posed:
Rachel was totally staying out of it. It would have been nice if she could have snagged the change..

Rachel steps forward to grab the rest of the coffees, following Gabby back to the booth that Noriko chose. "Isn't it funny how that works out?" She asks. "It seems like we pretty much can pick out who's who when we watch television shows like that. Like, Sam sometimes reminds me of Scott. Crowley reminds me of an asshole version of.." She pauses, attempting to figure this one out.

Must be her being tired. But once she sits at the booth, she bounces all the way to the corner, leaning against the wall. She waits until most of the items are taken so that she could reach for her coffee. "But the Witcher. What is that and who's in that?"

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Noriko gets a cold and confused look before her contender retreats (ha, as if that person had a chance).  It's only the other girls' timing that keeps the prickly teen from opening her mouth to say something besides what she does say...which is nothing.  The topic of conversation floating between the others causes Noriko to pause.

The speedster snatches up her abomination of a drink as soon as it is within reach.  "I have no fucking clue what you guys are talking about," but she doesn't sound put out by it either.  No.  She has this delicious abomination.  Sluuuuuuuurp.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney slides into the open side on the other end of the table as well leaving poor Noriko to slump between the two newcomers to the table. She does mouth a quiet 'sorry!' to the guy that Noriko had outpaced to the booth. I mean, of course Noriko was going to win that one, duh. Slow mo. Kicking her feet out beneath the table, careful not to actually hit anyone with her boots, she relaxes a bit herself. Granted with her height she can't sink down TOO far without looking like an actual kid thanks to her stupid height. Sighing she mutters, "Need a growth spurt soon." The thought is idly shaken off at Noriko's question instead. "TV series. Or Netflix at least. The Witcher is about this guy that was apparently part of some like, magical experiment, to make him a fighter-slash-killer sort against supernatural threats so kind of like me in that regard, minus the supernatural threats part. Follows his life but it's sort of..." Here she makes a wibbly hand gesture. "Bounces around his timeline as they tell it. He's got a long life span." It's then that she plops Noriko's cash back in front of her. "I got it. I've got a legit job now."

Rachel Summers has posed:
Finally taking her coffee, she quiets as Gabby explains the plot to Witcher, or at least the premise, and mentally adds that to her list. Now, it was her turn!

"Supernatural basically is like two brothers going off to fight the supernatural. Like, it started off as myths, lady on the lake. Ghost in mirrors, urban legends. Lots of demon fighting and soul trading and dads dying." She sips her coffee, then nods. "This good."

"Anyway. Jensen Ackles is like the most perfectly symmetrical man on the planet, and I'll watch anything with him until my eyeballs fall out. Which.. is gonna happen." She sips some more. "It's like a goddamned school girl crush.." She mutters to herself, then looks into her coffee.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Noriko reaches up to rub the back of her neck as she realizes she just baited herself into having to stay at this speed and listen to, wait two explanations?  Nori wasn't expecting that.  "Okay so that sounds cool Gabby.  I'd watch the dying dad episodes of Supernatural at least...Not sure Jensen Ackles will be able to carry the series for me..." she trails off as she sluuuuuurps some more.

"Have you written him any fan mail?" she can't help but ask.  Slurp.  Then finally she notices the cash.  "Wait.  Who is paying you to do what?"  She snatches up the cash.  There are other people who could use it.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Uhoh. Whoops. Gabby is lost in listening to the explanation of Supernatural and happened to let that slip about the job. Of course she was going to get caught at it. "Uh... I'm house sitting. It's a legit job!" It's all blurted out rather quickly and with a definate lack of explanation so she focuses instead on Rachel while slurping her coffee drink that had way too much sugar for any normal person to handle. "Oh that's cool I'll have to check it out," she says in a rush hoping no one tries to get more info out of her otherwise. "So what've you two been up to otherwise?"

Rachel Summers has posed:
"The entire cast is great, to be honest." Rachel says. "The writing is good, relatability is okay. Visuals are stunning for when it was made. All around 8/10." And that was her take! "Fanmail? Oh god no.." Rachel shakes her head. "I sometimes feel like people who do that are just.. letting themselves down. Never meet or write to your heroes."

Now, it was all over for Gabby.

"Who's house?"

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"Working a lot.  No one ever likes to spray shoes so there are no shortage of hours for me," Noriko says with a whole sarcastic heap load of enthusiasm.  "Yeah you.  House sitting.  Isn't that more like a crime?  Child neglect?"

Noriko looks over to Rachel, "Honestly it's hard for me to watch stuff these days.  It takes so long to get through everything it's just exhaustingly slow...I mean there are exceptions."  Like probably being forced to watch things with Jubes.

"Probably just as well you didn't.  I would have thought you were weird," Nori says with a shrug to Rachel.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney sticks her tongue out at Noriko's assessment of her current job. "I'm sixteen, old enough to be left alone. He just wants someone to watch the house while he's out of the country for a week or two. It's all above-board," she insists pausing only to take another sip of her drink. "I tagged Negasonic in on it, too, so it's not like I'm alone all the time. "I'm getting a thousand a week and a storage locker in the city for... I said too much again, didn't I."

Rachel Summers has posed:
"Easy for you. Just fast forward through it all." Rachel comments.

She really avoided telling what she has been doing, all by focusing on Gabby. But.. since she was talking..

A thousand a week for -who's- house though?" Rachel points out. "So that means, you're being.. well you two are being paid two thousand dollars a week, just to sit into someones house? And a storage locker? What are you hiding in that storage locker? And really, who's house is it? Warren's? Shit.." Rachel leans back now, picking up her nearly watered down coffee to drink the rest of it before it gets -too- bad. Once she was done, she rattles the cup, causing the ice to knock against the sides which soothe her.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Noriko smirks at Gabby's response.  "Yeah.  I know."  She flashes a wide, unadulterated grin.  It's almost as if it didn't happen but it did and that's on purpose.  "/He/?  Yeah you saying it's all above-board does not make it above board.  Why do you need a storage locker?"

The Japanese girl's eyes narrow at Gabby.  "You are really bad at this," and then a beat later, "thought you should know."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney takes a slow, deeep breath. "Okay. I cannot per my contract say *whose* house it is, because it's a safehouse for that individual and the actual ownership is hidden. But," she states lifting a hand to hold up her finger. "The guy has helped me out of a spot or two on occasion so I kinda owe him one. As for the locker." Here she just looks between the two, the usually jovial or joking nature fading away to the more serious expression she occasionally wears. "We all know who my family is and what kind of training I've had. I may not be planning to do anything, but that doesn't mean it isn't a good idea to have a backup spot in case something goes down. Maybe that's just my ingrained training. But." Here she shrugs again. "I need a place to stash stuff that the school doesn't allow kids to carry." At least she's keeping her voice down. More cheerily she adds, "But yeah, otherwise, it's just keep the place going so it's occupied, take in the mail, don't let the demons out of the basement, and make sure no one finds out it's his place."

Rachel Summers has posed:
"So bad.." Rachel comments, echoing Noriko's sentiments. But it doesn't stop there. Rachel's eyes were narrowing now as Gabby continues her explanation. Perhaps it was just a trick, that little tickle that may or may not appear upon the back of Gabby's neck. Still, Rachel focuses. Pretending that she's extracting -all- of the information from Gabby's mind, and making quite the obvious effort into it.

"I know who it is." Rachel announces to Noriko, then straightens her posture enough so that she could cross her legs underneath the table. She even takes her cup so that she could smash the straw into the ice, mixing it with what was left so that she could sip and create that loud, annoying, barely-anything-there slurpy sound. Mmhmm.

(Truthfully, Rachel didn't gleam anything. She was all jay-kay.)

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"I get it.  I have places I stash stuff," Noriko admits with a shrug, not bothering to bring up her background on the streets which also motivated her to have her own spots.

"Yeah this sounds sketchy as fuck Gabs.  But to each their own.  I wish I had a gig like that."  Sounds like she isn't going to screw it up for her friend either.  But then...then Rachel opened her mouth.  Noriko's eyes dart to her.  "Who?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney relaxes a bit as it seems that they're giving up--wait. She narrows her eyes at Rachel, pulling her straw from her cup to wag at the other girl. "Hey, hey, I can feel you rooting around in there. Be careful. I got some weeeird thoughts." Nyan Cat. Nyan Cat. Llama. Llama wearing a cat hat. "Hah, I don't even know his full name," she shoots back smugly before chuckling. At least she wasn't being too serious about it. "Anyway, yeah, it's not one hundred percent but I know the downsides so it's a judgement call. I can handle it. If not I got phone numbers."

Rachel Summers has posed:
Rachel snaps her fingers. Gabby wasn't willingly telling. Truthfully, Rachel just played a delicate game of TK on Gabby, but.. damn!

"Oh, I don't know. I wish I didn't have any good standing morals and crippling guilt, then I'd root in Gabby's head all day." And -with- no remorse.

"Well, you got my number." She says, then looks at Noriko. "Both of you. I may be off trying to do whatever or watch everything under the sun, but if you girls call, I'll come running. Or flying. Whatever."

Noriko Ashida has posed:
And Nori is none the wiser about what's going on, nor does she seem to care, for her drink is empty and that requires a moment of mourning.  Well at least she's ignorant until it is practically announced.

"You can't take the crippling guilt?  Weak," Nori teases Rachel.  "Yeah I don't have a cell phone so...if you see Jubes' number, that's me.  Or her."  She shrugs.

"So what I don't get is if this is supposed to be a safe house?  How come it isn't safe?  It's like sleeping on a nuke.  I'm sure it's sexy the first night but then your back hurts and you start having all kinds of problems.  Like...what if someone leaves the door open?" she so casually speaks of the things Gabby is not supposed to let out.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney merely shrugs at that. "Safe house from outside, not in I guess. I suggested he speak to Illy about the basement issue but he didn't have time to do it right now. Mostly it's a 'just don't go down there' situation. I'm good with that. Been to Limbo enough to not want to walk in on a party I'm not invited to." Her own drink now reaches the bottom earning a small pout. Ice is jiggled in the cup. "Welp. Guess it's time to be heading back for me for now. I'll definately keep you guys in mind and we ought to get you a cell, Noriko. Or do they keep breaking?"

Rachel Summers has posed:
"Oh.. that stinnngs.." Rachel sings out. "I can. But why do something that hurts me. I'd rather get a thousand blood draws. Or eat fish roe." Rachel shudders, then begins to bounce out of the booth. Since it seemed like Gabby was going to head back, Rachel was going to stick around, not mingle, but drink a little bit more coffee before heading back to X-Factor.

"Maybe at least throw the hypotetical out there for Illy to see what she says at least." Rachel comments. "Noriko is living my dream. Off the grid uncontactable. If that's even a word." She snorts a little laugh then waves. "Catch you two around, yeah?" She was already turning, moving to queue up to find out just what in the hell happened to her lemon loaf and maybe glean a coffee out of the barista for the long ass wait.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"Yeah.  They keep breaking.  Got sick of paying for things I don't need...I guess.  Whatever."  Nori shrugs.  "Weird.  Sounds like a weird dude.  Well if you guys get bored, text Jubes.  I'm not always with her but," Nori shrugs again, she's with Jubes more than anyone else and that's patently obvious, so she doesn't bother to explain it.

"Well, I'm going for a quick run.  Bye."  And then she's gone.  Noriko is usually a little bit more careful about nearly 'disappearing' in front of the general public's eyes.