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Latest revision as of 05:46, 3 June 2021

Mmm Steaks
Date of Scene: 02 June 2021
Location: Warren's Penthouse
Synopsis: Warren's making steaks, while Kitty tells him about missing mutants
Cast of Characters: Warren Worthington, Kitty Pryde

Warren Worthington has posed:
Having had a day 'off', or as off as one can have when you run a company, Warren has spent most of the day at home in comfort. A pair of sweats and an old, faded t-shirt with some vintage band logo on it cover his body, feet bare. The sizzle of something cooking on the range comes from the kitchen, followed by the aroma of garlic, rosemary and caramelizing meat.

The winged mutant whistles to himself as he whisks what is in the bowl he has cradled in his arm, taking a pause to toss a pinch of something into the bowl before whisking further.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
If one were to look up towards the ceiling, they would see Kitty's head stick through it from above. She peers around, and then then hearing the sound of something sizzling, inhales deeply. "Oh," she says. "Oh! You're cooking!"

She descends through the ceiling then, dropping down to land lightly on the floor. Kitty walks over behind Warren, going up on her toes to rest her head on his shoulder, one hand brushing over a white gossamer wing. "Whatcha making?" she asks in an interested tone.

Warren Worthington has posed:
At the excited exclamation, Warren looks up towards the ceiling and watches as Kitty descends into the kitchen with a chuckle, "Steaks with rosemary and garlic, and some homemade mashed potatoes," the later he says as he lifts the bowl in his arm slightly to indicate what is inside. "I haven't decided yet if I am going to toss some asparagus into the oven yet or not. Still debating on that."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty wraps her arms about Warren's broad shoulders as best as she can. "If I didn't love you already, I surely would now," she teases him. A soft smooch is given to his cheek before she lets go to let him be able to finish the cooking more easily.

She walks over and looks at the rack of wines. Considering them, and having learned much more about wine in her time with Warren than she did before. About good wine at the least, she probably would have never afforded any of them before. She takes one out and holds it up for Warren to give a yay or nay to before she opens it. "There's a thing at the school. The Professor doing some recon with Cerebro. Likely I'll be going out on a mission soon," she says, "if he's able to get us a lead on where to go."

Warren Worthington has posed:
"Oh?" Warren says, eyebrows raising as he turns his head to look over at her as she remarks on the mission. He glances at the wine and nods his head slightly in agreement before turning back to his task of whipping the potatoes. "Well, at least you will get to go on a full stomach. I'll leave the asparagus for another time, then." He grins, walking over and adding a splash more cream into the potatoes before stirring again. "I'd say be careful, but you are probably one of the least likely to get hurt given your power set. Unless you are caught off guard, anyway."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty moves over to a drawer, getting out a bottle opener and removing the cork from the wine bottle. "You can still say it," she says, glancing up at the taller man and flashing him such a warm and soft smile.

A pair of wineglasses are obtained from a cabinet, and after a little bit to let the wine breathe, Kitty pours them both a modest-sized glass. "Here you go," she says, setting his glass down on the counter near Warren, and then turning and leaning back against the counter herself as she takes a sip. "Maybe we have time to hit the hot tub for a bit after we eat. Get me nice and limber for the mission," she says with another soft grin.

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren chuckles, "Fine, be careful." He winks, taking a spoon and tasting the potatoes before adding another pinch of salt before stirring again.

"Thanks", he remarks as the wine is set down. "We could go into the hot tub, but I don't know if that will limber you up or not. It may just end up making you useless for any missions." He reaches out and takes a sip of his wine. "You know, fall asleep, loose track of time, end up wilted and floppy.."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty sips from her wineglass, smiling at Warren over the rim of it as she looks at him. "Leave me all wrinkled and pruny until the bad guys are just going to laugh at me if they see me?" she adds. "Erik about to impale me with steel girders before chuckling that I look like a raisin?" she says with a wry smile.

The young woman moves back over to Warren's side, resting her head against the outside of his shoulder. "Erik," she says with a sigh. "Trying to get back involved with Genosha. Not sure if you heard the news. Says he regrets ripping up the work that had been done to rebuild, for use in his flying asteroid or whatever it is," she says with a sigh. She shakes her head. "I don't know what to think with him."

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren purses his lips. "You never do with him. Sometimes he is your greatest threat, others your best ally. Just depends on his mood at the time and how he and Charles are getting along. I can never trust him, to be honest. Just to much....water under that bridge. I'll respect him, but never trust."

"As for you being wrinkly, I don't think that is going to happen. You'll just phase out any excess water or whatever and smooth right out. Perks of youth, and your powers."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
"I'm going to have to put that on my next resume," Kitty says with a quiet laugh. "Doesn't prune after too much soaking. Not that most employers should care about that," she tells Warren with a quiet laugh.

She takes another sip of her wine, a hand rubbing Warren's back, moving up between his wings. Her head goes back against his shoulder and Kitty gives a happy sigh. "You know, the end of this month will be six months since I came over for New Years," she tells him thoughtfully.

Warren Worthington has posed:
"Only six months? I swear it feels like longer, and not in a bad way." Warren says, setting the bowl down and slipping his arm around her in return. "What should we do to celebrate?"

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty's hand slides softly over Warren's back. Both caressing him, and he'll know, enjoying feeling his muscular form beneath her fingers. "It's been some of the best days of my life," she tells him, shining a smile up at the handsome, golden-haired man. "Part of me wishes we hadn't waited this long. But then, I don't know, it was probably the right time," she says thoughtfully.

The young woman leans over to give him a soft kiss as his arm goes around her. "Well, I picked the Mediterranean trip. What would you like to do?" she asks him. Kitty sets her wine glass down so she can slide both arms up around Warren's shoulders as she faces him.

Warren Worthington has posed:
Any earlier and I think the age difference would have certainly raised more brows than it already does," Warren says with a slight chuckle. "I'm sure people accuse me of robbing the cradle as it is, but I am glad you are happy, Kate. I do my best."

He chuckles, "Right, that is coming up...shit! Like in a couple weeks!? I have been so preoccupied with work that I hadn't even thought about it. We should start thinking about packing...not that I couldn't just buy us anything we needed when we got there."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
The younger woman's smile is a big one. "It's close," she agrees. "I can pack for you, just tell me if there's anything special you want. I know how busy you are with work," she tells him.

Kitty's fingers brush along Warren where his neck meets his shoulder. Sliding over the brawny, wide shoulders. A fingertip moving to brush some white feathers in his beautiful wing. "I got a new bikini for the trip," she says with a smile. "One I won't be wearing at the school, I can tell you," she says with a look of mischief. "Well, at least after my birthday in July, you can say you're not dating a teenager," she adds with a chuckle.

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren chuckles, "Oh really? Is it one of those type of bikini's where you might as well be wearing a string of dental floss? If so, why bother?" He winks, "I guess I will just have to pack myself a speedo."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde's grin answers the question for Warren. "It is. And if you don't get me out of it too long after you see it, then I'm definitely not worthy of wearing it," she tells him, eyes twinkling merrily at the angelic man.

Kitty reaches over to pick up Warren's wine glass and offer it to him, and then gets her own to take a sip. "Mmm. You in a speedo," she says, glancing down his body, eyes shining with delight at the thought. "Or I can pack it for you. Do you have one up there?" she asks, glancing upwards towards their bedroom.

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren laughs, "Mhy Ms. Pryde...I think you are trying to seduce me." He winks, taking the drink from Kitty and taking another sip. "I'm sure I have one up there somewhere. It's like the official swimsuit of the Med. Over there, if your not wearing one you look like the oddball instead of over here where people tend to look at you funny if you are. I mean, they never looked at ME funny when I did, but you know what I mean."

Warren sets the glass down for a moment to flip the steaks, "I am sure you will look amazing in it, and I am sure that it will look as equally good tossed into a ball on the deck of the boat."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty grins, and leans over to give Warren a longer kiss. Right while he's in the middle of turning the steaks, leaving him to fumble at it possibly before she moves her head out of the way so he can see again. "Oh that smells so good," she says. "I'll get the table ready. Or do you want to eat out on the balcony, or in front of the TV?" she asks.

Kitty lets him go, moving over to start getting out plates and silverware while Warren decides where he'd like to enjoy the steaks.

Warren Worthington has posed:
"Your choice, love. I'm not the one that has to rush out to go save the world tonight," grins Warren as he reaches down to playfully swat at her rear as she heads off to take care of the place settings. "Any idea what tonight is about, or is it need to know?"

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty glances towards the other room in a considering way. "Balcony," she says. "It's a nice day out, might as well enjoy it." She sets the plates over for Warren to be able to add the food, and then carries the silverware and wine bottle sand some napkins out to set on the table outside.

She returns, moving back over to join him. "Missing mutants he's trying to locate," Kitty tells Warren. "I don't know too much more than that sentence though," she says with a shrug.

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren pulls the steaks off the stove and sets them on a platter, taking that and the bowl of mashed potatoes to follow Kitty out to the balcony. "Fair enough, I hope they are ok whoever they are. I'm sure you and the others will have them found in no time."

Warren sits down, and sets the platter down in the center of the table, as well as the bowl of mashed potatoes. "Dig in."