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Latest revision as of 12:06, 3 June 2021

So far, We're Getting N.O.W.H.E.R.E.
Date of Scene: 03 June 2021
Location: GIRL HQ, Pym Technologies Campus
Synopsis: Nadia and Irie discuss the NOWHERE attack and how to go about figuring out their tricks. CHRONONS!
Cast of Characters: Nadia Pym-van Dyne, Irie West

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Recently there has been construction taking place at the GIRL HQ, though reconstruction would be more accurate. Visitors from NOWHERE smashed a rather large hole in the side of the building where Nadia's office used to be. Not that she ever really liked spending time in the room dedicated to paperwork and administrative details but with the Expo coming up, some sacrifices had to be made in that department.

Thankfully Nadia and Vivian managed to repel her would be abductors. After that incident however GIRL security has been on high alert and when Natasha Romanoff is your security chief that's pretty high. Tonight finds Nadia in the main conference room, sitting alone at the large roundtable with the GIRL logo emblazedon on it. She's dressed in black and yellow comfy casual clothes with a bee theme and has a cup of coffee next to her. In front of her the 3D projection holographic display is active floating above the table as Vivian's sensor footing of the attack plays, seemingly on loop switching between various sensor spectrums as it repeats. In front of her on the table are two tablets, one in which she is taking notes on what she observes from the footage, while the other displays information that's been dug up so far on Dr. Templar, which really isn't much.

Irie West has posed:
Irie has been no stranger to the GIRL labs, once she'd been introduced to them. Sure she's not a super genius like the other girls, but she's clever in her own way and makes up for what she lacks with enthusiasm. Besides, she's found that she /likes/ science. Lately, it's been a bit of a hassle to get into the labs, due to the heightened security. Sure she could just phase through the wall at super speeds but that would be rude. Still, she makes her way through security, to find Nadia in the conference room.

Currently Irie is wearing yellow shorts and a white blouse, and has her red hair tied back into a ponytail. She's silent when she opens the door and watches the attack for a moment before moving fully in.

"Hey, Nadia!" she calls out and makes her way to the table. Sitting on the edge of it she asks, "Find anything new?"

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
In three dimensions and a hyper-realistic level of detail the altercation with Dr. Templar, Bright Eyes, and Fuji unfolds again and again. One might almost feel sorry for Bright Eyes who is apparently new to super powered opponents as Nadia uses Shrink-Fu to utterly decimate her, quickly knocking her unconcious. The part she seems focused on though, zooming in and repeating it through the different spectrums is when Nadia points her gauntlets at Dr. Templar and Fuji after Bright Eyes is unconcious, fires the size altering beams they contain at the two remaining adversaries, they make contact, and nothing happens save for Dr. Templar telling her that they came prepared for her tricks. Just apparently not her assassin training, poor Bright Eyes.

Nadia looks up blinking when Irie arrives, almost as if her name being called snapped her out of some sort of information processing trance, or maybe she was just zoned out. "Huh, what?! Oh Irie! Hi! Everything okay? No strange men trying to drag you away? Maybe that's just me." She shrugs a bit reaching for her coffee. It is almost like she has gotten used to various organizations trying to abduct her and force her to do Evil Science<tm>. "No, nothing new or at least not what I have been looking for. I'm trying to figure out how they stopped my Pym Beams from affecting them. I mean its not like there aren't ways to contain them but this was like just nope, didn't work." To say she is frustrated by this would be an understatement.

Irie West has posed:
Irie gives Nadia a serious nod, and sits down next to her, looking up at the holographic projection. Her eyes glance to the cup of coffee to Nadia and asks. "Have you been eating? I've got an energy bar in my pocket which you can have if you need something." She pulls out the bar, which is bent out of shape and a little soft due to being in her pocket all day. She scoots it over to Nadia suggestively.

She shakes her head. "I've been in Rome for the past few days," she says. "It was a lot of fun! I even got to be a hero! Some jerkface decided to set off some C4 in the catacombs and trapped a bunch of people in the rubble. I got them out but we never caught who did it."

She's silent for a moment as she watches the fight for a bit. "Are there other ways to shrink and enlarge yourself than Pym particles? Maybe they're growing the same rate that you're shrinking them" She shakes her head. Nadia probably already thought of that, but she can't help but try to be helpful.

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Food? What's that? Nadia blinks again when Irie brings up food like it was the furthest thing from her mind, "Eat?" She glances at her coffee and then the energy bar that Irie slides towards her, "Oh yeah, food!" The energy bar is unwrapped and half of it is gone fast enough that one might suspect she was secretly a speedster. Apparently no she had not been eating and yes she was quite hungry, but this situation is hardly unusual.

"Oh no! Are you okay?!" She asks between bites of energy bar, in sudden surprise at the news of C4 in the catacombs, sending some crumbs across the table.

Nadia shakes her head at Irie's last question. "There are but generally lacking efficiency. To get Brainiac's shrink tech working took more power than the entire New York City energy grid. My gauntlets actually incorporate DoomTech into their design and it wasn't that either. They said their technology is several hundred years ahead of Earth mainstream, Viv thinks they're just really advanced like alien tech. But I don't think so, I've dealt with a lot of alien tech and theirs didn't seem alien to me, I think they might be from the future or someone related to them. Several hundred years, time, seems an odd and oddly specific measure to use otherwise. Maybe they just have more understanding of Pym Particles than I've acquired yet due to having access to a lifetime of my findings and others who came after in the future?!" It might be reaching, but without other leads it seems just as likely as anything else, besides Irie is from the future too, it's not like it doesn't happen!

Irie West has posed:
"Yeah. I'm fine," Irie tells Nadia. "It happened quite a way in the catacombs, and had to run around down there a bit in order to find where it was." She looks around as if she's suspicious that somebody and all but whispers, "I think I went down passages nobody's been down for /decades/." She leans back in her chair, "But, yeah. There were about a dozen people who were caught in the rubble by the time I got there. Nobody died, thank God, but there were a lot who were injured."

She shakes her head as Nadia explains the difficulty concerning shrinking tech. "Hm," she says, tapping a finger to her chin. "So I guess you're looking at either alien tech, future tech, or alternative reality tech. Or they're just being hyperbolic." See? Irie knows some big words. The brains are rubbing off on her. She squinches her nose as she thinks. "Do you have any way of measuring chronons? From what I can remember when I was reading up on relativity and time travel, one of the theories said that anybody who went back in time would have a surplus that would slowly bleed out."

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Nadia positively lights up, "Chronons! The Quantum of Time!" She has definitely read that literature. Though there is a pause, "I don't think anyone has successfully measured them yet. Which doesn't mean I couldn't!" She quickly adds in case it might have seemed otherwise. "Though SHIELD already has technology for measuring tachyons which are often associated with time travel because the particles themselves bend time in order to move faster than light. Irie you're brilliant, I just need to capture some of their technology and check for Chronons!" Because apparently in Nadia's mind detecting quantums nobody has yet proven exist does not qualify as a significant enough impediment to dampen her excitement.

She stands up and gives Irie a hug, before shoving the rest of the energy bar into her mouth. "I should go tell Shuri and Riri! They've been wholed up in the silo working the hull of our spaceship! It's almost done too! Soon we'll be able to start on the internal systems once the superstructure is done!" Nothing seems to get her down, even if she can't crack the mystery of the particles yet, at least there is a possible lead to explore: Chronons!

Irie West has posed:
Hugs! Yay! Irie likes hugs, and she enthusiastically hugs back. "Yes! If anybody can do it, it'd be you. And then you could test it on me since I'm, you know, from the future."

She grins when Nadia gives her the update on the spaceship. "Neat! I know it's a super secret project and everything, but let me know how I can help with that. I'm good at quick assembly. Maybe you can put in a hamster wheel that I can run in to power it." She's only joking, but they both know that if Nadia actually built a hamster wheel for the speedster, she'd be more than happy to run in it for a while.