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  The Archangel Michael  
Michael Demiurgos (Scenesys ID: 3716)
Name: Michael Demiurgos
Superalias: None
Gender: Other
Species: Angel
Occupation: Archangel
Citizenship: The Silver City
Residence: Gates of Silver City
Education: Near Omniscience
Theme: DC (TPC)
Groups: Godlings, JL Dark
Apparent Age: Whatever he wants Actual Age: Uknown
Date of Birth ??? Played By
Height: 7' 2" Weight: 280 lbs
Hair Color: Unnatural Gold Eye Color: Unnatural Blue
Theme Song: "Advent: One Winged Angel" - Nobuo Uematsu

Character Info


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Michael is the Archangel of legend: General of the Heavenly Armies, Commander of the Hosts, The Revelator, The Slayer of the Dragon, and the Sword of God. Gifted by the Presence with the power of create all matter that was used to shape the universe as it is today. He still retains that demiurgic power within him and seeks to ensure that the universe is preserved by any means necessary, even if that means destroying it as it is and remaking it in a more stable state.


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Michael existed before the creation of the universe and has been gifted near omniscience of all things happening within his own pocket of the multiverse.

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Michael appreciates the concept of compassion. To see mortals sacrificing for one another is something he takes great pleasure in. It gives him hope that the universe is not a completely doomed system.

Michael was created as a soldier and as such he thrives in the midst of a good battle. He is always looking to better himself by pitting his own considerable skill against others of great power and might. He will not back down from a good competition and will go out of his way to target those he feels may give him a challenge in single (or multiple) combat.

Michael is devoted to whatever he feels is The Presence's true purpose for the world. While this comes with a great deal of subjective understanding. He will stop at nothing to see that the will of the Presence is ensured in the universe.

As a divine being, Michael can come off as proud. But unlike his brother the Morningstar, his pride is often couched in a message of fact. He is older. He is more experienced. And in most cases, he is wise. Utilizing that wisdom however, is another matter entirely and he will rarely claim to be infallible. But his existence from before the birth of the universe does afford him a great measure of factual expertise in a variety of areas.

As the Revelator, Michael is incapable of lying. He will not deliberately tell a lie. He can obfuscate and omit information that is true, but he will never outright lie to a person and in fact goes out of his way to dispense the Truth as he sees it. Truth is a relative matter and his high level view of things will often be refuted by mortals who misinterpret the information being given in his version of the Truth.

As a cosumate soldier Michael understands the rules of honorable combat and adheres to them in all circumstances. He will accept an honorable surrender in most circumstances and will abide by classical (read: ancient) rules of war governing prisoners and the treatment of civilians in a warzone.

Michael is empowered by the Presence to be a repository of *all* knowledge of time. That being the case, he is available to call forth any and all manner of information about any manner of topics. If it has been explored in the history of existence, he likley will have knowledge of it. There are a few avenues that are beyond his reach, and the future is a maleable concept that is always shifting and changing with the actions of the beings that inhabit the universe. As such he can only speculate on what *may* be given the statistical probability and patterns that mortals tend to engage in.

Michael believes all things are by definition his possessions. Being one of the Architects of the universe (empowered by the Presence to create all the raw Matter of the universe) he will do what he sees is best with the fabric of creation, altering and modifying the plan as he feels is best for its continued existence. Should that require ending all life and restarting the process (which he calls The Great Experiment) he will do so. He views the actions of mortals as if they are children and will often be disappointed rather than angry in their actions.

Michael is a guardian and will go out of his way to protect those he feels are innocent. This will often be children or intensely devout individuals. Should they fall in harm's way he will do everything he can to see that they are moved to a place of relative safety, even should this endanger him in the process.

Michael believes that his actions are encouraged and given saction by the Presence. As such, he believes that he is right in whatever fanatical endeavor he engages in and will pursue his goal with uncompromising ferocity.

Character Sheet


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Cosmic Awareness:
As a being that existed before the advent of Creation, Michael is aware of the existence of other universes and has a limited perception of the machinations of those other universes. While the multiverse is a curiosity to him, he is more dedicated to the existence of the universe he was given power over.

Dimensional Travel:
Michael can open gateways between dimensions at will and travel to other realms. Some realms, such as Hell and the Negative Zone, are harmful to his being and while he can go there, he will refrain unless there is no other option. He can also banish other beings from Heaven.

Michael is able to destroy other cosmic beings with a stare. This ability is taxing and is often used in anger and without consideration of the amount of energy required to reduce other beings to nothing.

Divine Empowerment:
Michael was gifted with the power of the Presence himself. As a vessel for this divine power, If Michael were to die and release it, it would wipe all life from the universe and leave nothing behind.

Michael is able to manipulate the fundamental laws government the spirit world. Ghosts and astral beings are not free of the effects that allow his manipulation of the laws of reality.

Energy Projection:
Michael is capable of projecting massive amounts of divine energy from his body. This energy is capable of harming any who stand in opposition to his goals.

The large angelic wings that Michael possesses allow him to fly through the universe at impossible speeds. Even if damaged, their use is unencumbered with relation to his abilities.

Michael, as most angles, is given the ability to heal others with a touch. This power works on any who can sustain damage in any form save one--damage sustained from the energy contained in Nullspace is not healable as the Entropic residue of that energy devours even the powers of Creation.

Michael will never grow physically old and can live forever. He has retained his appearance and age for all time. As an archangel, he cannot die by any ordinary means.

Michael is invulnerable to most forms of harm. While there are some aspects of reality (or possibly unreality) that can hurt him, knowledge of these weaknesses is sparse and guesswork at best.

Michael can alter his form at will and can transform into his other "aspects". These aspects are taken from a variety of religions and legends across the cosmos. Those who look upon him see what they believe they should see. If their species possesses divine messengers, he will appear as they should appear.

Nigh Omnipotence:
The archangel Michael Demuirgos is the second most powerful being in the universe, surpassed only in power by the God of the Covenant (also known as The Presence.) This omnipotence is governed by his position as Archangel and the responsibilities bestowed upon him by that position.

Michael the Archangel is able to exist in all places at all times. But this power comes with a price of relinquishing his own ability to affect multiple places simultaneously. The laws of the universe force him to be in close proximity to other iterations of himself for his power to be properly distributed to affect reality in this way.

Michael, as one of the Architects of Creation, has a general understanding of the governing pricipals allowed by the laws of the universe. His All Knowledge is only limited by the powers of mortals to extend beyond the realm of possibility given in reality with their ingenuity.

Reality Alteration:
Michael's demiurgic power allows him to create anything from nothing. Shaping such things requires the use of another's hands (namely those of his brother Lucifer). In addition to creation, he can manipulate the structural components of any matter to augment it to something other than it already is. Transmutation of impossible means is a trifle due to his understanding of reality and the governing properties therin.

If Michael is somehow killed, he is capable of reconstructing himself from the energy of the cosmos, ensuring that as long as the universe survives, he too will continue.

Size Alteration:
Michael is able to alter his size at will. Growing larger or smaller is trivial as his form is maleable in all fashions of the term.

Superhuman Agility:
Having perfect control over his body, Michael is able to perform acts of incredible grace and dexterity. He can never truly fall unless his power is fully diminished and he is capable of dodging (or often parrying) most attacks directed his way.

Superhuman Speed:
As a being of divine merit, Michael can tap into fundamental forces of reality and move at incredible speeds. It has never been tested where his own speed lies in relation to the Speed Force, but crossing the whole of Creation in moments is not beyond his abilities.

Superhuman Stamina:
As an Archangel, Michael's stamina is near limitless. He cannot tire unless forced to exert himself beyond the boundries of reality for extended periods. He does not need to rest as his physiology is not governed by such matters.

Superhuman Strength:
Michael's true strength is enough to move entire galaxies. As such, he often limits such things in accordance to the form he takes. It is safe to assume that his strength in any given form is at the very tip of the spectrum for that shape.

As an extension of his dimensional travel ability, Michael can teleport others to and from the Gates of the Silver City in accordance with his position as its guardian.


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Archangel Knowledge:
In the nature of his Purpose as a divine being and foremost authority on Creation, Michael can draw on knowledge from a variety of sources both mundane and mystical. This nigh-ominescience allows him to be at the top level of most aspects should he deign to direct his attention to the sources of knowledge of an area.

Gen. of the Heavenly Army:
Michael is the foremost general of the Heavenly Armies. With that title comes a plethora of abilities, skills, and knowledge. First of all, he has a perfectionist eye for tactics of all sorts. Before there was Sun Tzu, there was Michael. While his employment of these tactics is based upon the field of battle, he is nonetheless able to understand and employ counter maneauvers with even the most skilled and intuitive veterans of combat. Secondly, in addition to his tactical prowess, is a methodical nature on the basis of strategy. Michael understands the nature of a battlefield as if he was born into it and his Purpose to be the instrument of defeat for all Creation means that for smaller fields of battle he can stretgize and plan and modify that plan with relative ease. Third, is an understanding of all manner of weaponry -ever-. If it exists as a weapon, Michael has an intimate understand of how to use it as such with superior effect. With this understanding comes a variety of skillsets on how to combat any manner of foe and counter any manner of attack. Besting him in combat is no small feat and while not impossible, is quite difficult.

Messenger of the Presence:
Michael was also used by the Presence in ancient times to convey messages. In his role as the Revelator, he is able to converse will all Creatures in their native tongue and understand their language and writing. His communications skills are also well practiced and he can be socialble with most intelligent creatures as well as understand language aspects such as humor and wordplay from every culture in the Universe.


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Aubade (Michael's Sword):
Michael's Sword is unique in that it is imbued with a portion of the Presence itself within it. As such it can eradicate any being it strikes. Michael does not draw this weapon without serious consideration of the threat being posed. Against most foes he prefers to use the spear he usually carries. The Sword is a very last resort weapon. There are drawbacks to using the Sword as anything done with it will draw the Eye of the Presence to it. This can result in the Presence judging Michael's use as true to its will or not.

Heavenly Armory:
The vaults of the Heavenly Armory are open to Michael. These vaults are filled with all manner of weapon and all are imbued with the essence of the divine. As such armor and weapons weilded by Michael and his army should be treated as Divine weapons and imbued with higher durability than standard weapons of their shape and form. In addition, the armory continues to experiment and create more powerful weapons and armor that can overcome/withstand the inherent weak points in their current state.

Heavenly Army:
The number of the angels is beyond scope. Michael is Commander of an almost limitless army of soliders that, apart from the other Archangels follow his commands without error. The Army of Heaven is granted superhuman levels of strength, speed, stamina, and a variety of other powers and abilities (energy manipulation, invulnerability, various combat skills) in an increasing level from the lowest 'Angels' to the highest 'Seraphim.'


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Divine Purpose:
As an Archangel, Michael is a creature of purpose. His understanding of the workings of the universe are tempered by this purpose. This can lead to a somewhat rigid view of the universe and does not lend itself to much imagination or ingenuity. Any deviation from this purpose can have catastrophic consequences (see the Fall of Lucifer, for example) and Michael will go to great lengths to see that his purpose remains pure and untarnished. As such, this means he can be tricked with ease if his expectations are subverted by the power of free will present in mortals (and near mortals, alike.)

Entropic Decay:
There is no place more hazardous for a creature of energy than the realms of Nullspace. For Michael, dying of entropic nullification would take slightly less than an infinity. Nullspace is still a dangerous place for him. There are entities in the endless void that could unmake him if he were vulnerable or overpowered. Any creature that can threaten Michael with entropic decay has a formidable weapon against which, Michael has few if any defenses.

It is no mystery that the fires of Hell are a weapon of potent force against Angelic forces and Michael is no different. While angelic armor gives some level of protection against it, if concentrated enough, it can hurt him to great effect. Direct fire from Archdukes of Hell (Hell Lords included) or talismans enchanted by Lucifer's hand can bypass some of these protections.



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Michael Demiurgos has 49 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
Path of Glory: Just a Little Chat June 7th, 2022 Lydia invites the archangel Michael into her home for an interview to get his perspective of the events that had happened. Tea and Fig Newtons were had.
Path of Glory: Farewell Until We Meet Once More April 30th, 2022 Jon gives a final goodbye to Gaea, finishing his tenure as her Champion. Exchanges of gifts and promises are made. And The Archivist finally gets a mentor.
Path of Glory: All is One, and One is All April 15th, 2022 The Archangel Michael is finaly defeated and dies. Chas is rescued from the Gate of Heaven and the JLD (and allies) manage to put the fate of the universe in the hands of those who live within it.
Path of Glory: Spring Clean for the May Queen April 1st, 2022 The work of the JLD to seed doubt into the mind of the Archangel Michael works and he departs the astral to prepare of one final confrontation.
Path of Glory: Lead Us To Reason March 22nd, 2022 Michael's attempt to manipulate Jon through his dreams is foiled by the assistance of Cael. They end up teleporting to the Astral location of the Archive and, faced with Jon at the height of his power... Michael retreats.
Path of Glory: Forests Echo With Laughter March 20th, 2022 Some of the JL Dark again travel to the Astral in search of the piece of the Stairway, where they find that Michael has taken pointers from one of the classic horror tales of the 1970s. After losing patience with his illusions Jon dispels the illusions and they take the fight to the Archangel directly.
Path of Glory: Rings of Smoke Through the Trees March 11th, 2022 The Justice League Dark finds another of Michael's astral tests and (after fighting a literal dragon) manage to find and secure another board for the Stairway to Heaven.
Path of Glory: All That Glitters is Gold March 3rd, 2022 The investigation team travels to the Astral and finds a Labyrinth surrounding the Great Tree in Central Park. Before the tree is a Stairway leading to Heaven which the party manages to bolster one step closer to completion.
Path of Glory: The Twelve Hours of Night February 24th, 2022 Jonathan Sims travels the first half of Du'at, the Egyptian Underworld and passes the trials of the Path of Kings before reaching the Hall of Judgement and surviving the Weighing of the Heart by the hands of Osiris, Anubis, and Ma'at.
Path of Glory: Deliver Us From Evil February 19th, 2022 The final Wellspring, the Wellspring of Death, is protected from the forces of Heaven. But considering the cost, the lives of Lady Death and Jonathan Sims was it truly worth it?
Path of Glory: Dust to Dust February 19th, 2022 Jon finds himself transported to an audience with the Presence where he makes a case for the most unlikley of interventions and makes his preparations to travel the Way of Kings in Duat.
Path of Glory: I Will Fear No Evil February 7th, 2022 Jon spends 40 days walking the desert and encounters a pair of Egyptian gods for his trouble. For every great harrowing experience, great self-reflection is earned.
Path of Glory: Of the Shadow of Death February 6th, 2022 Michael's retribution on Jon continues with mental and psychological anguish in the form of the statment of the Archangel and a taste of the world that he will give the universe if he suceeds.
Path of Glory: Therefore Submit February 5th, 2022 Jon and Cael go to Saint Patrick's Cathedral. Jon turns himself over to Michael for the retribution of his damaged wing in exchange for the angels leaving Manhattan physically and letting the city return to normalcy.
Path of Glory: Wisdom of Ein-Sof February 5th, 2022 Lydia, Phoebe, and Meggan focus their efforts to erect the Sefirot Seal in order to remove Michael from the battlefield. It works... but at what cost.
Path of Glory: His Name Shall Endure February 5th, 2022 Another decisive victory is had by the Resistance at the Wellspring of Earth (the Ginko at Isham Park.) But while Michael is sealed away by Lydia & Co. at Central Park, Metatron takes control of the forces of Heaven, threatneing to lay waste to everything as he is not part of the game agreed upon by Michael, Gaea, and the Unknown third player.
Path of Glory: Though I Walk Through the Valley February 5th, 2022 The first of Jon's torments is physical in nature. Forty lashes and a revelation about Jon's true nature is revealed. (Warning: Scene is Rated R. Contains disturbing content. Reading discretion advised.)
Path of Glory: Witness Against the Witch(blade) February 3rd, 2022 The confrontation at the Wellspring of Air at the Non-Violence Statue in front of UN headquarters ends in another victory for the Resistance. But one of the heavy hitters for the Resistance, Sara Pezinni, comes out of the battle in dire straits after suffering the wrath of Barachiel.
Path of Glory: A Light to My Path January 31st, 2022 Jon calls upon Uriel to get more information and to confirm his own theories on the state of the mission at hand. As a parting gift, he tests just how strong one of the Archangel's explosions are... and finds his ability to contain them, is stronger.
Path of Glory: He Will Judge January 29th, 2022 The Resistance scores a rather decisive victory at the Wellspring of Fire inside the Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine. But even decisive victories come with a cost in this war.
Path of Glory: For Our Struggle January 28th, 2022 Michael attacks Grand Central Station with a large company of other Archangels. The battle is rough, but the Resistance survives and pushes the angelic forces away once more.
Path of Glory: Fearfully and Wonderfully Made January 28th, 2022 Sandalphon pays a visit to Phoebe to give advice on what can be done to properly preserve the transfer of the Archive to a suitable host, should Jonathan Sims fall in battle.
Path of Glory: Who Forgives the Transgression January 27th, 2022 Cael pays a visit to the Archangel Michael to try and appeal for Jon's surrender to be lifted. It doesn't go well.
Path of Glory: The Cave of Machpelah January 24th, 2022 Cael and Jon travel to the West Bank with the help of Raphael to acquire an artifact that will help Cael stand on her feet against Michael and his Hosts.
Path of Glory: He Shall Have Dominion January 22nd, 2022 The Reistance scores yet another decisive victory over the angelic hosts. The Champions face off and find themselves rather equally matched. In the end, the divisive strike from Lady Death turns the tide and the Hell Lord pays with her body once more even as she throttles the advantage of Michael's demise.
Path of Glory: What We Hope For January 21st, 2022 The Resistance forces strike a decisive victory at Thomas Jefferson Park and the Tree of Hope. Preparations for Michael's almost assured counterstrike can now being in earnest for the casting of the seal over this, the Second of the Gaea's Wellsprings.
Path of Glory: Lead Us Not Into January 19th, 2022 A contingency of heroes intercept an angelic strike force before it manages to take out cache of refugees. The refugees escape and most of the angels are defeated. But Manhattan has a new crater in answer to the relative defeat.
Path of Glory: You Will Answer January 19th, 2022 The Archangel Raphael visits Cael Becker and gives her an offer to help with her with facing the threat of the angelic armies.
Path of Glory: All Nations Shall Serve January 15th, 2022 The full force of the angelic army arrives in Manhattan and the battle beings in earnest. The defense force of mortality manages to fight the forces of Michael back enough to win a decisive victory in the war.
Path of Glory: Merciful Vengeance January 14th, 2022 The Archangel Zadkiel comes across an old associate and a meeting of the minds is had between the Rider of Vengeance and his old jailor.
Path of Glory: Her Marvellous Works January 10th, 2022 Jon goes for a walk and ends up being gifted a vision from Gaea herself. The Champion of Mother Earth gets some soreley needed resolve in his tireless endeavor.
Path of Glory: A Shining Face January 9th, 2022 Terry manages to get an Interview with the Archangel Michael. The angel uses the platform of the interview to relay the truth (as he sees it) and allows Terry to do what he does best: ask questions and play chess with his words.
Path of Glory: All Kings Shall Fall January 6th, 2022 The Battle with the Vanguard of the Hosts and Michael's champion almost ends in victory but a rebolstering of the enemy at the final moments pushes the defense force to retreat.
Path of Glory: All Kings Shall Fall (2) January 6th, 2022 The Battle with the Vanguard of the Hosts almost ends in victory but a rebolstering of the enemy pushes the defense force to retreat at the last moment.
Path of Glory: Spy Upon The Righteous January 5th, 2022 Jon calls on the Archangel Uriel for information on the coming invasion. Information is given in exchange for hospitality and a meal and the final stages of prep can be made.
Path of Glory: Delight In War January 5th, 2022 Lady Death is visited by the Archangel Jophiel to inquire about the state of the Hell Lord's humanity. In true, chaotic fashion the Hell Lord turns the tables on her and has a few questions of her own. Questions that have demanded answers for four centuries.
Path of Glory: Heritage of Oppresors January 5th, 2022 The Metatron visits Lasariel to deliver portents and knowledge about her past and her possible future along with a message from the imprisoned guardian of the Gate, Chas.
Path of Glory: All Thy Marvelous Works January 5th, 2022 Captain Marvel takes her own journey to the object named JF09 and discoveres the truth of it. A discourse between Galactic Hero and Archangel ensues.
Path of Glory: Daughters Like Pillars January 5th, 2022 The Archangel Sandalphon pays Pheobe a visit and rectifies a situation that had been plaguing the young woman for some time. With any hope it will give her the strength to face the coming days without hesitation.
Path of Glory: The Great Mother's Garden January 4th, 2022 A group of the JLD goes to The Garden to speak with Gaea about the impending invasion to find clarity on the path they must take to succeed.
Path of Glory: Titans vs Angels January 2nd, 2022 A select number of Titans take the T-Jet to investigate the mysterious object dubbed JF09 and find more than they bargained for in their discoveries.
Path of Glory: An Audience with the Commander December 30th, 2021 Atrun-Rai calls the Archangel Michael for a dialogue and, surprisingly, gets a response in the form of revelations about the nature of the plight that the universe is in and what steps might be taken to save it from reclamation by the invading army of Hosts.
Path of Glory: But I Have Chosen You December 25th, 2021 Jon seeks answers by going to Midnight Mass at Saint Patrick's Cathedral and is visited by the Archangel Uriel. The nature of the conflict is discussed and a pact is formed between the pair. Will it be enough to save mortal kind?
Message Delivered December 24th, 2021 Lydia is visited by the Archangel Gabriel who reassures her of her place in this trial and gives her a multitude of things to consider. But it's not all doom and gloom, that has to count for somethng.
Healing Words December 23rd, 2021 The Archangel Raphael visits Cael Becker in hopes of repairing some of the wrongs done to her while Micahel was in possession of Chas Chandler.
Path of Glory: Kingdom of Heaven December 23rd, 2021 The astral projection to Heaven results in more questions and few answers. The players set the pieces on the game board. But will anyone play or will the game end in destruction? War looms on the horizon and preparations must be made to ensure the continued survival of all things.
Path of Glory: Calling the Faithful December 21st, 2021 The Archangel Michael senses a useful servant in Caitlin Fairchild and visits her dreams to urge her to join his cause.
Do Not Cross The Tape December 19th, 2021 The JLD returns to the Laughing Magician to ward it and close it up so no one will mess with the place. Some other people show up too--the Black Knight and Caitlin Fairchild. Minions of Lucifer cause trouble, Cael retreats when Caitlin calls on Michael, and there's potential trouble brewing between the JLD and Titans...
Path of Glory: In Nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti December 18th, 2021 The exorcism of Chas Chandler goes off with a resounding success as Chas is exorcised from the Archangel Michael, leaving the Archangel free to continue his plans for Universal Reclaimation without the pesky hang ups of mortality holding him down.


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Michael Demiurgos has 49 finished logs.

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Michael Demiurgos has been credited in 0 shows.

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Michael Demiurgos has been credited in 0 albums.

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Michael Demiurgos has authored 0 books.

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