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| Actor name = Tom Payne
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| Character Type = OC

Revision as of 04:17, 19 February 2024

  Julien Renard  
Julien Renard (Scenesys ID: 5198)
Name: Julien 'Jules' Renard
Superalias: None
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Occupation: GCPD Vice/Narcotics
Citizenship: US
Residence: Gotham
Education: BCJ/GCPD
Theme: Original (OC)
Apparent Age: 26 Actual Age: 26
Date of Birth 11 Sep 1997 Played By Tom Payne
Height: 5'8" Weight: 140 lb
Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Blue
Theme Song: 'In the Ghetto' - Elvis Presley

Character Info


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Born and raised in Gotham City, Julien Renard could have lived a different life if it hadn't been for the intervention of a GCPD Detective. Instead of the gang life, he ended up graduating from college and going on to becom GCPD himself. Not many outside his inner circle that includes family, CIs and the PD are aware of his profession or he'd be a dead man. In the world of undercover vice and narcotics blown covers equal dead cops. He's good at his job, very good, but his driving goal is to, one day, take down Dr. Grin, the serial killer that murdered his mother.


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* 1997: Born to single mother, Annie Evans. While his mother loved him very much, he was the definition of a latchkey kid from early on. Working two jobs to put food on the table and pay the rent, Annie was often gone more than present.

* 2011: Longing for the sense of family he didn't find at home, Julien fell into the gang life.

* 2012: Julien's gang 'career' is cut short when he gets busted for a B&E. GCPD Detective Robert Renard sees something in the boy and takes him under his wing in a father figure manner.

* 2013: There's a serial killer stalking Gotham, they dub him 'Dr. Grin' due to his signature of carving a grin into the mouths of his victims with surgical precision. Julien comes home one night to find his mother a victim of the killer who has never been caught. Robert and Marian Renard take Julien into their home as a foster child.

* 2014: Despite being only one year from aging out of the foster care system, Robert and Marian adopt Julien so he knows he'll always have a family.

* 2015: Julien graduates high school valedictorian and begins college.

* 2019: Julien graduates suma cum laude with a Bachelor Degree in Criminal Justice. Robert is critically wounded on the job and ends up with full retirement and a wheelchair to go with it. Julien joins the GCPD with the rank of Detective due to his education and the high honors that came with them.

* 2020: Vice and Narcotics scoop Julien up and so begins his career undercover. He begins his personal hunt for Dr. Grin, despite the killer being silent since shortly after his mother's death.

IC Journal

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Some may call it stubborn, but Julien will say he's determined. Once he has a task to perform, he will not stop until it's completed. Once he sets his mind to something, he will not be deterred. He can't be nudged, bullied or pushed off his path. He's so single minded about it that he may toss out any sense of self preservation in his efforts to complete what's been started; an object in motion stays in motion.

Good Guy:
Julien is a genuinely good guy. In a city filled with corruption, this is more rare than some might want to believe. He's a good cop that can't be corrupted. He's good to his CIs to the point that he typically has their absolute loyalty. He helps people get out of 'the life' be it gangs, drugs, prostitution or all of the above whenever possible. He lives every day striving to be the good man his adoptive father still is to this day

Spending his life straddling his undercover persona and the real man inside forces Julien to be wary of any and all relationships. If he's too open on the job, he puts his own life in danger. If he's too open in his real life, he could put people he cares about in danger. It's a lonely life. He keeps people at arm's length, never creating any real connections to keep people safe. Even when he reaches out to those wanting out of the life or anyone needing help, he doesn't really get close to them. He makes the offer, makes arrangements and gets out. It's not that he's not empathetic, it's not that he wouldn't love to hold each of them and tell them that they're worth better, worth more. He knows that letting someone in that life into his in any great degree could actually spell trouble for both parties. He can only continue to be a good guy if he does everything possible to keep others safe from the dangers his work brings to the table.

Julien still has nightmares about finding his mother. He's tormented every day by the memory and tortured every minute that Dr. Grin is still at large. He spends an unhealthy amount of energy obsessing over the moment the monster might start killing again. Is he hoping another murder will happen so maybe he can find a break in the case? Or is he hoping the guy has gone silent forever? The answer depends on the day the question is asked.

Character Sheet


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Expert Marksman:
Another area in which Julien trains an practices on a regular basis. If hands and fists aren't doing it, a bullet usually works. He's a crack shot and deadly with pretty much everything from handguns to long range rifles.

Hand To Hand:
It's tough being a human police officer, particularly one undercover in the Hellish underworld of Gotham City. The only way to stay alive is to be able to at least hold one's own in a fight. Julien may be smaller than the average man, but he's quick and strong due to constant training that he keeps up with regularly. He's 'black belt' level in Muay Thai, Taekwondo, Kung Fu, Akido and Krav Maga. He's not too shabby at kickboxing either.

This is an area in which Julien excels. He knows right when to press harder and when to back off. He can play good cop or bad cop equally well. He can read suspects like a book and knows when they're ready to crack.

Picking up on minute clues at a crime scene, putting man hours in compiling data from a computer network, hitting the streets to ask the right questions and knowing when the answers are a lie, the truth or something in between. It's all part of being a GCPD Detective.

Mental Conditioning:
Superhuman mind control might break him, but it's unlikely that he'll break under physical torture methods.

Not quite a musical savant, Julien is a naturally skilled musician. He can't read sheet music, but he can play by ear. He's currently mastered guitar and piano, all self taught. He has a decent set of pipes on him as well. Even cops in a corrupt city need a hobby.

Physical Conditioning:
While not superhuman, Julien is at near peak physical condition. He can run faster than the average person, hit harder and move quicker. His stamina is also something to be reckoned with. If he can't beat them through sheer strength and agility, he may just be able to tire them out.

Reading the Room:
One way to stay alive in Julien's job is learning how to read the moment. He can pick up on subtle cues, he can pretty accurately judge someone's emotions and state of mind, he can spot that twitch of a hand toward a weapon and he often knows what to say in order to deescalate a volatile situation. In many cases, he can read the room in a matter of seconds.

Street Smarts:
Julien started with the thug life early. Even before he fell into the gang life, he was hanging on the streets and learning the ins and outs. It's part of him, it's experience that can't be erased and now it's been expanded by his time undercover. He knows the big players and what games they play. He knows how to fit into the underbelly of Gotham. He'd better or he won't live very long.

This is what it's all about being an undercover detective. The lies, the manipulations, pretending to be something he's not. Julien can stand with the masters. His cover has literally never been blown. This also includes his ability to appear to partake in illegal narcotics using slight of hand, redirection and little tricks such as lining the inside of his personal stainless steel 'straw' lined with a thin layer of petroleum jelly to stop most of that snorted line from every reaching his nose. All of this, coupled with his ability to read people, makes him very dangerous at the card table.


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Confidential Informants:
Julien has more than a few CIs he can turn to for information. Because he treats them so well and with respect, he can usually rely on their information to be true.

Julien has all the resources, such as they are, of the Gotham City Police Department at his disposal.

Robert and Marian would do anything for their son. They couldn't love him more if he had their blood. Be it money or just moral support needed, they're always there for him.

Small Apartment:
Cops, even detectives don't make nearly enough to justify the danger of their jobs. But Julien does manage to pay rent on a small apartment that includes a one car garage in one of the 'better' areas of Gotham City.

Upon his graduation from college, Julien's parents gifted him with a black 1969 Mustang Fastback. Miraculously, it still has all its hubcaps.

In addition to his GCPD issued firearm, Julien has his own little private stock of legally obtained firearms and a few bladed weapons.


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The only time an undercover detective is permitted to use narcotics is when their life is in immediate danger if they don't do so. This happened one time in Julien's career and that one time was all it took to put him on a downward spiral. All that torment just vanished. After three months of fighting the dragon, Julien got help. After completing rehab and a lot of counseling sessions, he was reinstated for duty. He still attends NA meetings and is still in regular contact with his sponsor.

Good Cop:
Julien sees corruption in the GCPD every day. It's hard for him to turn a blind eye to it and sometimes he has faced it with eyes wide open. So far he's never been linked directly to any of the IA investigations he's caused, but that record can't hold out forever. Living with the corruption to keep his job and take out bigger problems while still trying to clean up the worst of the corrupt on the inside is a fine line.

In a corrupt city filled with criminals that sometimes possess superhuman powers or out of this world technology, Julien is just a human. He doesn't have a Bat Suit or fancy weapons and vehicles. He has to rely on his own street smarts and skills to survive.

His mother's murder was gruesome and violent. The condition in which Julien found her body was horrendous. He's often afflicted by horrible nightmares of the incident that sometimes border on night terrors.

As much as they're a source of comfort, love and even financial assistance from time to time, Robert and Marian would be an easy way to get to Julien.

It's not something Julien has ever put the actual label on, but he definitely suffers from untreated PTSD in relation to finding his mother's body after she was murdered. Violent murder scenes are a problem for him, particularly if children are involved as either the victim or the children of the victim. He has to really work at maintaining that detached investigative mindset when faced with those situations. He's even had to walk away from a few of them so he could scream, cry or otherwise breakdown in private before going back to do his job. So far, he's not run across a case where the murderer was actually caught on site. If it ever happens, it might just mean crossing that line long before he catches up to Dr. Grin.

His mother's killer is still out there and Julien is determined to hunt the monster down. If he succeeds, it's unlikely Dr. Grin will ever see the inside of a courtroom. Once that line is crossed, Julien will never be able to uncross it.



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Title Date Scene Summary
The Open Door: Wormfood (Gotham) February 19th, 2024 Slugs appear at the Gotham ritual site in Summerset. A mix of police and characters show up to see what's happening. Pets are acquired, as is a strange young witch.


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Entertainment Credits

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Julien Renard has been credited in 0 shows.

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Julien Renard has been credited in 0 albums.

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Julien Renard has authored 0 books.

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