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{{Log Header
{{Log Header
|Date of Scene=2022/07/29
|Date of Scene=2022/07/28
|Location=Gramercy Park
|Location=Gramercy Park
|Synopsis=Cael brings her evidence against the Not-Rien to Chas - who immediately begins planning to make a concerted attack against the monster in their midst.
|Synopsis=Cael brings her evidence against the Not-Rien to Chas - who immediately begins planning to make a concerted attack against the monster in their midst.

Latest revision as of 14:01, 2 August 2022

Once You Eliminate the Impossible...
Date of Scene: 28 July 2022
Location: Gramercy Park
Synopsis: Cael brings her evidence against the Not-Rien to Chas - who immediately begins planning to make a concerted attack against the monster in their midst.
Cast of Characters: Cael Becker, Chas Chandler

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael doesn't have a key to the park - however, she does have the ability to jump a fence with casual ease, which is how she makes her way into the gated park. She wanders the path slowly, carrying with her a simple manila file folder.
    She doesn't take long to find a bench on which to wait, her foot tapping impatiently. And she probably hasn't been seated for more than a minute before she's on her feet again, pacing, and running her hand through her hair. She's changed her look a little - it was a necessity, as the hair on one side of her head had been scorched away. So the left side has her hair trimmed down to a buzz cut, with feathers in blue, teal, and a golden yellow shaved into the hair. Her hair is then cut on a slant, from extremely short on the left side, to a point that comes down to her chain on her right. The top layers remain blonde, while underneath is still dyed vibrant, rainbow hues.

Chas Chandler has posed:
    Cael isn't the only one who's changed her look. Chas might not even be recognizable apart from his sheer mass at first glance. His hair, usually long and silky looking as it hangs around his shoulders is cut short. Its mussed stylistically but the dark locks are cut close to his head and his beard is more emphasized for it. It also draws attention to the number of scars he bears. Even as an angel, he's rather rugged looking.

    He strolls up to Cael, wearing black jeans and a vibrant green shirt. He stops and watches her for a moment before directly approaching. "You said it was urgent?" he asks giving her an arch look. "I didn't know it was walk a new path into the stone levels of urgent. What is it?" he asks.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Do you remember how I described Rien? The Rien //I// remember?" Cael asks - apparently seeing no reason to beat around the bush on this. She waits only for his confirmation, before she pulls out the sheet of paper from Rien joining the French Foreign Legion. Sure the paperwork is in French, but Cael has conveniently highlighted where it says 'Cheveux: blond' and 'Yeux: bleus,' as well as her height in centimeters. "Sound familiar?" She asks in a dry tone, before shoving a copy of the photos she was sent - one clearly showing a light haired, light skinned petit woman surrounded by a group of men in uniform.
    "That's the Rien I remember. Right now, with Jon missing... you're the only leader the JLD has, because we've been infiltrated by one of those //things.//"

Chas Chandler has posed:
    Chas takes the folder and looks over it. He doesn't need the highlights. He can read the entire thing peerfectly. He reads over the dossier and then frowns. "This is..." he sighs and shakes his head. "Shit... who else knows?" he asks, looking up at Cael as he slides the dossier and pictures back into the folder.

    This needed to be handled delicately and a number of the JLD weren't the most delicate of people. If this creature could overwrite reality to fool even an angel... it wasn't weak by any means. Which meant that confronting it would need to be done with a plan.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "And confirmation from the BPRD," Cael adds as Chas flips through the rest of her files.
    She starts to pace again, with an excess of aggitated energy. "I told Gabby and Robbie," she admits. "I mean - one thinks that... thing is her sister, the other has been //sleeping// with it. I also told them we need a plan to go after this thing together. They're waiting to here what the next step is." She hopes. She really hopes - she knows telling them was a risk, but- not telling them was also a risk.
    "What //is// this thing, Chas?"

Chas Chandler has posed:
    "Good... good..." Chas says, his own focus to his own perceptions. How did it manage to fool him. Sure, Rien always smelled a little off, or did she? His own memories were a mess, he had to sift through them and find the inconsistencies. But no, not his memories... reality. A warping of reality meant that none of this could be trusted. And why wasn't Cael effected?

    Cael's question brings him back to the present. "What... oh...I..." he frowns. "Short answer? An Old One or a servitor of theirs. That's the only thing that could augment reality on this level. Long answer... I really don't know. For it to alter all time on this level and keep it intact... it would have to take on a tremedous amount of strain as reality tries to reassert itself. For it to be able to sustain it's existence and simply shrug that off..." he shakes his head. "I... Asag was bad enough but his purpose was destruction. Throw enough firepower at a big gun and eventually the big gun is going to break... this is... bigger. Stronger."

    He strokes his beard, his mind working furiously at a situation that would give them an advantage without causing too much collateral. "I think we need to find a place to speak with her--it--and from there we can maybe trap it. Maybe the Training Room? Could Elizabeth lock it once we were inside? Could it overwrite her ability to control the confines? I mean, it warped reality, they didn't even notice..." He blows out an unused breath in a long stream.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "I don't know. I don't know how the stuff works. I don't know why- //I// remember when no one else does. Gabby and Robbie - they're both fucking pissed," Cael explains - stopping in her pacing for the moment. "They want revenge on this thing. But the one thing they want more than anything... the want to find Rien. They want- I think they both believe she's alive somewhere, but I- I really worry that it may have... consumed her somehow. That she might be gone."
    She lets out a heavy sigh. "And maybe this //thing// is the only thing that can give us that answer - but how can we trust any answwer it gives?" she asks. She shakes her head in frustration. "I remember Rien, and she was... a friend. If she can be saved, somehow..."

Chas Chandler has posed:
    "If it's possible... we'll find her and free her" Chas says solemnly. He doesn't voice it, but his belief--his fear--is that Cael might be right. Rien might just be gone. But they have to get this thing down and get word from it directly."

    He looks at Cael, his blue eyes burning. "I need you to do something for me. Do. Not. Engage. I will tell the same to Robbie and Gabby. If you see Rien, turn around and flee, I don't care if that gives the game away for you... leave her alone, until we are ready."

    He offers the file back to Cael. "I will do the same and work on a setup that will give us the most advantage over it... we're going to need it I imagine and we can't afford to be caught with our trousers down around it." He shakes his head, still in disbelief that he was so blind.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "I'm not fucking suicidal, Chas," Cael says flatly. "I know I can't take that //thing// on alone. We need a plan, and we need our big guns, and we need to move in unison. And besides, if I get killed with Jon gone..." Then what becomes of Agnes? "I think Jon would get pretty pissed at me if I die when they're not even here. You know?" Her smile is tight - with some of underlying anxiety showing through.
    She takes the file back, then adds quietly, "I'm just glad you guys all believe me, now. It was hard seeing- that //thing// being so chummy with everyone. Seeing Jon //hug// that monster, while it gave me this malicious smile. It... knows I know, and it enjoys it. Maybe it thinks to much of itself - thinks it so invulnerable, and its ability to impossible to penetrate - that it excluded me on purpose. I don't know. Anyways - it's- I'm just glad you believe me now, so we can stab this thing in the fucking face."

Chas Chandler has posed:
    Chas nods to Cael. "I know and we will..." He tries to infuse as much confidence in his tone as he can, but he's not the leader like Jon or Rien, he's always had the two of them there to back him up when it came to missions. This will be his first solo run. And it's against one of the servitors of the Old Gods. No pressure. Not like these things can unmake even him.

    "Just... sit tight. I'll be in touch, with all three of you" he says. "And stay safe." He turns and starts back for his apartment. There were things he needed to look at before going to the Velvet Room and he needed to make sure Agnes and Gabe were set for a day or two. "Damnit Jon, where are you..." he mutters under his breath as he reaches the gate and opens it to head back home.