Winter Fae

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The Winter Fae are descendents of the [[[Fae realms]]], immortal elves who are tasked with guarding the Outer Gates that lead to the [[[Realm Between Worlds]]]. They emigrated to [[[Otherworld]]] nearly 40,000 years ago, and settled it as their home.

Winter Fae are ruthless and cold. They tend to view survival as a matter for the fittest and embrace natural selection as a collective philosophy. All Winter Fae have strong magical ability and affinity for their ancestral home in the Fae Realms. Their Queen [[[Mab]]], is known for being a vicious and cruel woman, though never does she indulge in sadism for its own sake. The Winter kingdom is known as the Unseelie Court.

The armies of Winter outnumber [[[Summer Fae|Summer]]] by a hundred to one. But all of their military is constantly protecting the Realm Between Worlds, ensuring that no Old Ones attempt to invade our reality. Winter guards reality; Summer guards reality against Winter's ambitions.