6700/Surprise Visits

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Surprise Visits
Date of Scene: 26 June 2021
Location: The Griffin
Synopsis: Satana and Gabby bond over chocolate cake and ... bad humor?
Cast of Characters: Gabby Kinney, Satana Hellstrom

Gabby Kinney has posed:
It wasn't that long ago that Gabby had been to this particular place. Thomas had paid her well to house sit while he was working out of the house for reasons that were likely a little nefarious although he had at the end told her why, at least. She had no real reason to be back here now tonight. Except... She was. Using the spare key she'd been given she slips inside quickly shutting the door behind her trying to be suitably quiet. It wasn't that she was trying to sneak so much as she was trying to avoid drawing attention inside or out of the house and slamming doors were often not good for that. Satisfied she hadn't been seen by anyone outside she straightens to her full unimpressive height letting out a single breath. Then ... then she heads for the kitchen.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
    Some boys take a beautiful girl
    And hide her away from the rest of the world
    I wanna be the one to walk in the sun

The voice from the kitchen sings a fairly good rendition of the ancient pop classic. The performance is marred, however, or enhanced, depending upon your perspective, by the positively weird accompaniment. The accompanying voices--if that is, indeed what these even are--sound more like they belong in a death metal band than a pop princess. Harsh. Growling. Dissonant. They don't even shift the song into a minor key. They shift it into some kind of bizarrely freakish augmented sixth or something.

Of course as Gabby approaches the kitchen, through the open doorway the reason for the oddity makes itself clear. Blood red skin. Pointed tail. Leathery wings. Horns on the forehead. The woman singing and mixing something up in a mixer is full-on demonic.

And the three diminutive forms hovering around her providing accompaniment are even more full-on demonic.

The voice falters, though the song can still be heard through the earbuds the demon woman is wearing. She looks at a tablet. Looks at the oven.

"Shit! Forgot to preheat!"

Shrugging she sets the oven to some temperature and opens the door. A quick gesture later and a huge wave of flame comes from her hand to fill the oven. "There we go."

She pours the batter of whatever she's making into a pan and slips that into the oven.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney pauses in the doorway to stare a moment with head tilted to the side at the singing and odd accompanyment. It's all a puzzling sight that she takes in openly watching the woman sing, and uh, bake? Attempt to bake, she corrects in her head when the oven is preheated in such a hellfire kind of way. It's after the fire is wooomphed into the oven that she dares to clear her throat drawing attention to herself. It's the only real warning before she steps inside keeping to the side to make her way to the fridge. Which she opens up, and leans her head in toward like a true teen. "Hi, you must be Satana," she greets having been told by Thomas about his old 'roommate' that had resulted in the basement full of 'do not go down there' reasons. Inadvertantly she starts to hum along with the tune being sung as she fishes out some lunch meat, bread and cheese. Maybe some mustard, too, if it didn't look too old. "I'm Gabby. Sorry for stopping by, had to grab something." Something apparently being... a sandwich.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
"Must I?" Satana asks with a grin. A sweep of the arm and her accompaniment ceases to exist in the here and now. "Later guys. Practice up," she says as they vanish.

Looking at the tablet on the counter again, she frowns a moment. "If you can wait ... it says 20 minutes? ... you can try some of my Devil's Food cake." Because of course. "I tried making angel food, but that just fell." Ha. Ha. Fallen angel joke. Sigh. "You're Thomas' little friend ... uh ... I want to say 'Talkative' but that's wrong. Gabby?"

While she talks Satana breaks out a few more ingredients and another mixing bowl. "I'm going to make the icing right now, so sorry if I seem I'm not paying attention." She pours in the ingredients and then has a flash of inspiration. "You know what? To Heaven with that nonsense. I'll get someone else to do the mixing."

A snap of the fingers later and a small imp is on the counter. "Mix that. With the spoon. Do not add anything. Do not change anything. Do not do anything that will bring down my wrath upon your poor, benighted, little soul."

That last spoken in a voice that would send chills down the spine of a circus strongman.

"That way you and I can be comfortable in the living room, chatting. And yes, I am Satana. I trust Thomas has warned you about me. He worries to much. It's mostly men who are at risk of their mortal souls in my presence."

Slowly over the course of that conversation Satana's form had been changing: wings folding away and vanishing. Tail pulling in. Skin turning white. Horns vanishing.

"Mostly," she adds with a wicked grin and a wink.

Will Gabby have the courage to take the hand offered for a shake?

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Ooh cake?" Gabby glances at the oven thoughtfully in consideration though she's already still stacking a few slices of bread together. "I'll try some of that, too, but I really do need to eat. I got stabbed a few times," she explains as she pauses to open up her hoodie and reveal a very blood stained shirt. It was also more than a 'few' times judging by the level of blood caked into the once-pristine laser cat t-shirt. She doesn't seem the least bit bothered by it though, and shrugs a little at the mention of warnings. "Not my first demon queen person I know. Though you should avoid my sister, Rien, she's... uh. Yeah. Got issues with lots of you guys." With that she plucks up her hodgepodge sammich in one hand, and reaches for Satana's hand with the other already grinning. "And yeah I talk a lot. Gabrielle, Gabby, whatever. No one ever calls me by my full name. Nice to meetcha."

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Satana glances curiously at the shirt, as she shakes Gabby's hand, not reacting at all to the level of blood involved.


Was that a quick lick of the lips paired with broadened nostrils? Nah. Probably an over-active imagination.

"Gabby, then, it shall be," she says with a broad grin as the imp behind her starts to mix. "Remember what I said!" she says in that demon-queen voice again, making the imp flinch and back away. Then back to hostess voice.

"I'm not really a queen. More a princess. And Dad and I don't really get along. We have the perfect father/daughter relationship. He wants me to help him in his tedious, tawdry goal of enslaving all humanity and I don't want to do it." She rolls her eyes. "And don't even get me started on my brother who wants to HELP humanity. What. A. Bore!"

Guiding Gabby to the living room, she steps in first and casts a hasty glance around. Thomas' pet demon is still not back, so maybe the banishment took this time. "Come on in and take a seat then. Who stabbed you? And shall I eat their soul for you and shit the remnants down into Hell?"

She doesn't look like she's joking with that offer.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney takes a bite out of the sandwich meeting Satana's gaze. Lip licking or not she doesn't flinch or show that she's scared. Wary perhaps, attentive indeed, but not scared. She could survive quite a lot to begin with as was clear with the soaked up blood on her shirt. A glance is cast to the imp regarding it a moment as it was a slightly different one than the sorts that Illyana was fond of summoning for chores. Then again, she imagined Limbo was a very large place. Maybe Hell was just like the capitol city or something? Thinking about it too hard would just give her a headache so she follows Satana into the livingroom. "Nah, it's okay. He was just some kid on drugs or something. Pretty sure he's shitting himself in a corner somewhere because I didn't fall down when he stabbed me." It's shrugged off, "I can't feel pain and I heal, but," here she pauses to waggle the sandwich in indication. "I get REALLY REALLY hungry when I heal a lot. I told him I was the ghost of fuck-yous yet to come and if he didn't clean up his act I'd eat his face in his sleep."

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Satana tilts her head and raises her eyebrow at that. "Huh. Sounds like you fully qualify for a position in Hell as one of those 'beware lest this fate befalls you' style of dour prognosticators." She giggles girlishly, picking up a plush giraffe and holding it as she curls into a chair. "Best perk of that job? You get to watch them arrive in Hell and say 'I told you so!' when they inevitably show up there. I don't know about you, but I really enjoy saying 'I told you so' to people. It's one of my great joys in life."

She pauses, regarding Gabby curiously. "Interested in the position? I could pull a few strings and get you in without a problem."

Longer pause.

Then the demoness bursts out laughing, long and hard. "Oh, I'm sorry!" she hoots. "I love playing that stupid gag on people. Naturally that's not how it works!"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney lifts an eyebrow at the question about getting her a job. "I don't know," she replies deadpan, "I don't think I'd look good in a spandex demon suit." A joke of her own as she grins, and settles back into a chair getting comfy. Another bite of the sandwich is chomped on, as she wolfs it down quickly. She's as neat and clean about it as possible at least. "I'm pretty sure my soul is already spoken for by a demon queen. Or something." Then again Illyana probably wouldn't do that. Probably. "So I'm guessing the demon in the basement issue is sorta resolved?" She thumbs over her shoulder in that general direction. "I was tossing it some sandwiches now and then when it got too noisy down there."

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
"I sent him back to Hell, yes," Satana said, stroking her plushie. "After tormenting him a bit right here in this room, actually. He was making Thomas unhappy so he paid. He's not really a bad sort." She looks up at Gabby. "I mean for a demon. I guess by definition he's a bad sort. But there's bad and there's BAD. He's the first, not the second. He's just a bit thick. I didn't destroy him. I may have use for him. His trick of making his face protrude from hard surfaces is a lot of fun if you find the right target."

"I'M NOT HEARING A LOT OF MIXING GOING ON IN THERE!" she suddenly shouts toward the kitchen, causing a squeak of terror and obvious sounds of very loud, very fast mixing.

"So what do you do anyway, Gabby? I mean aside from competing with me in inducing terror in human souls." A false angry face spoiled by laughing eyes is paired with that last sentence. "You seem very young. That's probably why Thomas likes you. Do you and he do jobs together? I know he likes to keep his fingers in the pie workwise."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney licks a bit of mustard off her fingers with a glance back to the kitchen. Mixing resumed by the imp she can only imagine is hopefully not going to end up swimming in the frosting. "Do?" That was an interesting question. "Yeah, I'm sixteen," she opts to explain first with a nod of agreement. She probably looks younger but then again she couldn't help the height issue. It was a genetic thing in her family. "Well, I don't do anything specific. The people that created me raised me to be kind of an assassin slash bodyguard and used me and my sisters as guinea pigs in the lab. So I can fight, do a lot of other stuff, I'm good at scouting and minor espionage but my sisters handled the killings. They tried to keep me out of it." And so they had. Her soul was pure of any murders that was for sure. A small blessing even if she was kind of twisted in some other ways. "Been going to school, trying to figure out this 'regular life' thing, occasionally getting involved in helping mutants like myself out. Thomas and I have some enemies in common and he seems like a good guy. Always been honest with me."

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
"Thomas is by no means a good man," Satana says with a straightforwardness that might be shocking to some. "His soul is destined for Hell." She hugs her plush giraffe and then continues. "This is good. Because it means he will be with me, not in that Other Realm." She somehow capitalizes that phrase. "I find my life more interesting and satisfying with him in it. I would not like having him leave me."

She looks across at Gabby again. "You. You'll probably wind up in the Other Realm." Capitals again. "As long as you don't start straying. But as someone who helps people stray, let me warn you: it's very easy to do it. There are very few, very difficult paths that lead to the Other Realm. Most paths lead to me and mine."

Her lips curve in a sardonic smile.

"And you'll be welcome to join me in mine. It's not as bad as people make it out to be, as long as you're under the protection of someone bigger. Thomas won't suffer much in Hell because he'll be mine and there's not a lot of creatures foolish enough to tangle with me."


"OK, cake has to come out now. I'll let you lick the icing bowl after I've covered the cake, OK?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney grins broadly at that only to spread her hands in a helpless shrug. "Maybe. I already gave up a sliver of my soul to help save someone else. Though I was told it had grown back by now," she adds with a pat to her stomach as if that was somehow a way to tell if it was intact or not. "But I think there's different levels of 'good.' My sisters were good, but they were made to do bad things. They wanted to be good though, so I'm going to do what I can since they can't." But there were other things going on: Namely cake. "Ooh, really!? I've never done that before! Sure!" She's already hopped to her feet to bound to the kitchen to see how things go with the cakening. "I guess I'll end up where I end up but it probably won't be for a long time knowing my genetics."

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
The poor imp in the kitchen has collapsed next to the bowl, looking like something that has died of exhaustion.

On the bright side that icing is the smoothest icing EVER!

"OK, you can go home now Bloord," Satana says, the imp stirring and looking up at her.

"Nooooooooooooooooooooooo.............. I wanna have some fun out he..." And he's gone, shrinking like he's travelling a long distance, even though his location in space doesn't change. And with that he's gone.

"I won't be a minute," Satana lies, starting the fussy process of slathering the cake she pulls out of the oven with icing. She doesn't let the cake cool, so it's also a very messy process leaving an unappetizing mess on the plate. She stands back and regards her efforts.

"Meh. Good enough. It all mixes in the gut anyway. Here you go." She hands the bowl with the icing remnants--which amounts to half the bowl since she made waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much--over to Gabby. "I wonder if arsenic is as good a replacement for icing sugar as I've heard?"

Mischief lights her eyes again as she hands the bowl to Gabby. "Enjoy!"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney reaches out to take the bowl with glee. Her fingers are already in it digging out a good two fingered scoop by the time the arsenic is mentioned. THen, with a completely serious dead pan expression she meets Satana's gaze... and stuffs the glob into her mouth. Nom. "I mean, I might take a nap for a minute, but that won't stop me from eating sugar." Plus she was fairly certain the woman was joking. Probably. Either way she calls the bluff or the not-bluff because it doesn't matter either way with her healing ability. "Cake is cake," she agrees with a grin after that. And she's quite willing to help polish off that mess as well before she heads home for the evening.