7402/Do They Still Teach Home Economics

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Do They Still Teach Home Economics
Date of Scene: 16 August 2021
Location: Dick's Room - Townhouse
Synopsis: Fresh baked cookies are enjoyed as Stephanie and Dick catch up about turtles and Titans.
Cast of Characters: Stephanie Brown, Dick Grayson

Stephanie Brown has posed:
It is Monday evening at the brownstone. There's music playing, something with a nice beat, but the volume turned down so it is background music. The lights are on in the living room and kitchen. The latter location is where Stephanie Brown can currently be found.

She's pulled a chair in front of the oven and sitting on it backwards, facing the oven. Head resting on her arms that are crossed on the chair back as she regards the oven. Inside a pair of baking trays hold cookies. Their aroma is already filling the kitchen, this being the first batch of them, and a good nose might notice them out in the other room before long.

Dick Grayson has posed:
As Dick comes down the stairs, that smell leads him to the kitchen, where he leans against the doorframe with a little smile on his face when he sees Stephanie watching her cookies bake. "You do know you could set a timer for those, right? Most people don't actually watch their cookies baking."

He pushes off the doorframe and steps into the kitchen, moving over to the kitchen table and sitting down. "You've heard the expression 'A watched pot never boils', right? I think that might apply here."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
The blond girl motions over towards where an old fashioned timer with a dial face sits. "I did, so I don't miss them. I just one one is all," she says, blue eyes focusing on Dick. Her soft smile grows at the sight of him. She's wearing a pair of shorts and a cropped tee, hair just slightly damp as she showered after going for a run after her classes.

"And it's not a pot. And I don't think I want them boiling," she says, completely ignoring his point and grinning at Dick as she rises from the chair, moving it over to join him at the kitchen table.

"How's work going?" she asks him. "Oh and I was meaning to ask... what happened to that little turtle that were in the crime scene photos from that one case?" she asks.

Dick Grayson has posed:
Shaking his head, he replies, "Well, watching them won't make them bake any faster. You should distract yourself, then it'll seem faster when the timer goes off. And besides, if you're in another room, then I can steal one while they're hot." He grins at her impishly and leans back in the chair.

"They do smell good though, what made you decide to bake cookies? Just one of those random cravings or something? Because we have cookies in the pantry, you know." He gestures in the direction of the pantry door.

He sniffs, then asks, "I can't quite figure out what kind they are though, what did you make? Cause I wasn't kidding about wanting to steal one, they smell good."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie is all smiles, a hand reaching over to rest on Dick's arm as she sits beside him at the table. "I don't know, just felt like making some. Thought you might enjoy them, and they sounded good to me too," she says.

Another glance is given towards the oven, and at the timer on the counter. "Top tray has snickerdoodles. The bottom one has chocolate chip. And I'd say you don't have to steal any, but then I know stolen food tastes better," Stephanie comments.

She pats Dick's arm and then rises, going over to the counter and getting two big glasses, and then pulling out some milk from the fridge. She had it in the cooling tray on the door that gets extra chilly so it's nice and ice cold. Two glasses are poured and she brings them back to the table just as the buzzer is going off.

Stephanie grabs an oven mitt and transfers both trays to the stove top. She gives them enough time to cool that they won't fall apart when moved, and then spatulas them over onto a wooden cutting board to cool. Though she puts four of each cookie on a plate and brings them over. "Still very hot, don't burn your mouth," she says.

Dick Grayson has posed:
Nodding his head, Dick says, "Well, that explains why I couldn't figure out what you were making, I was getting mixed signals." He picks up one of the chocolate chip cookies and blows on it a little before taking a bite, making a yummy noise as he chews. A sip of milk follows, then he nods and grins, "Okay, you're a keeper. I don't think even Alfred could do a better job."

He takes another bite from the cookie, then asks "Is this Alfred's recipe? They taste like his, anyway. So, what other hidden talents do you have, I wonder? I wouldn't have picked you for a baker."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
"Oh I'm sure Alfred would do so much better," Stephanie admits, though her expression doesn't try to hide how pleased she is to hear Dick likes the cookie. "No, these are recipes I learned in school in home ec," she tells him. "Though I haven't made them in a year or two now that I think about it."

Stephanie starts with a snickerdoodle. They are sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar, and Stephanie juggles it from one hand to the other to keep from burning her fingers as she blows on it. Once it is cool enough she takes a bite. "Mmm," she murmurs, "So good fresh out of the oven."

A sip of the ice cold milk follows, and then Stephanie asks, "So, the turtle? What happens to animals in cases like that? Do they get taken off to some shelter or given to family?" she asks.

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick finishes off the first cookie, then nods, "Right, the turtle. That sort of thing we usually go to a family member first, if there is one and they're willing to take it. Otherwise they usually go to an animal shelter unless someone on the force wants to take it home. Right now, he's still in his tank there, since the investigation is still in progress, we didn't want to move anything. Besides, that was where the bug was planted, so we didn't want to mess with it. I'm thinking of bringing him here once we can clear the house, he's a fairly low maintenance kind of pet."

He picks up a snickerdoodle and takes a bite, smiling and nodding. Once he swallows the mouthful he says, "These are good too. I'm going to have to exercise more if you keep this up, can't get too fat for the suit, after all." With a grin, he takes another bite of the cookie.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie switches types of cookie as well, getting a chocolate chip one. She breaks it in half, sending a little puff of chocolate chip cookie-scented steam into the air, and the chocolate chips spreading apart all nice and gooey between the two halves of cookie.

"I'll have to get some butterscotch chips to include next time," she comments as she takes a nibble of the hot cookie. "Well, I'd be happy to help take care of him if you do bring him back," she tells Dick. Her eyes drift over his form then. "Yes. I can tell, you have a whole one fat cell now. Right there, perched on top of one of your muscles," she says with a grin. She reaches over to give his firm body a pat just where she's talking about.

"How're things going with your Titan friends?" she asks as she takes another bite of the cookie.

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick nods, "Okay, well then unless a family member pops out of the woodwork to claim him, I guess we're getting a turtle. We can put him in the livingroom, there's enough space to set up the tank." He looks over at her and chuckles, "Look at us, getting a pet and all. It's almost like we're adults or something." He grins over at her, then picks up another chocolate chip cookie.

This time he dips the cookie into his milk, then takes a bite. He nods and finishes off the cookie by dipping the remaining part in the milk as well. "Ok, that's really good. And it's 3 fat cells by now, so there." He reaches for another cookie and says, "Yeah, you better not do this too often, I could easily gain weight on the Steph cookie diet."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie grabs another snickerdoodle as she rises to her feet, taking a bite of it and then going over to start spooning cookie dough back onto the baking sheets for a second batch. "Figured you could take some into the precinct, give some to your partner to take home," she says. Stephanie turns to look over her shoulder to Dick. "Which is even more domestic isn't it?" She flashes him a grin.

She dances in place to the music which is still playing in the background. The blond young woman chipper and upbeat, and that little zest for life she has somehow maintained despite a rough life finds a way to shine out like that.

Dick Grayson has posed:
Finishing off the latest cookie, he replies, "Yeah, very much so. And you know what? I don't mind in the least, don't think I've ever been happier." He grabs another chocolate chip cookie. Apparently he has a favorite here, as he dunks it in his milk again. After taking a bite and swallowing, he goes on "As for the Titans, nothing really goin on at the moment, which is why I've had so much time around here. I'm sure something will pop up at some point though, they seem to find more than their share of troubles."

He shrugs a little, "There's so many of them at this point that it's almost certain we'll get pulled into one crisis or another fairly soon." He stops to think for a moment, then adds, "Honestly, I should spend a little more time over there, there are some of them that I don't even know yet."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Cookie dough is spaced out in clumps on the baking sheets, and then they go back into the oven. Stephanie twists the timer and sets it on the counter, where it begins ticking away quietly. "As long as it's not -too- much time," she says, turning back to Dick and smiling at him as she walks back over to where he is at the table.

Stephanie swings a leg across his lap and sits straddling it and facing him if he lets her. "I like having you around," she tells him, hands rubbing up and down his sides. "Though I'll be having to spend more time on classes now that the University is starting up the new schoolyear. So, I can't complain too much if you find some time over there," she tells him.

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick nods and puts his arms around her, hugging her lightly with a smile. "Yes dear." he replies with a smile. "That's the good part of having so many Titans these days, they can actually get stuff done without me, not like when there were only the five of us. Plenty of people even when I'm here instead of there, it's kind of amazing, really."

"Yeah, I almost forgot about the school year starting, it's only the reason I bought this place where it is." Pausing a moment, he adds "And make sure you keep your schoolwork up, we have a big enough group now that you can stay home evenings when you need to."