7400/For Love Of A Dragon

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For Love Of A Dragon
Date of Scene: 16 August 2021
Location: Medical Lab
Synopsis: Warren and Rahne come by the medical bay, where Kitty holds vigil over Lockheed, wounded in the Shi'ar attack.
Cast of Characters: Kitty Pryde, Warren Worthington, Rahne Sinclair

Kitty Pryde has posed:
By the morning after the assault on the school by the Shi'ar Imperial Guard, the students, staff and X-men who took hurts have received medical treatment. Most are back in their rooms, with only the most hurt remaining behind in the Medical Lab.

People doze in beds still, blankets pulled up over them in some cases, or not for a few with burns. Nearby a much smaller bed holds someone else. Only a few feet long, the small table holds a purple dragon. Lockheed lies unconscious, his head and body a darker shade where he's severely bruised.

A chair has been pulled up beside the bed. In it sits one Kitty Pryde. She is sitting leaning forward, one arm resting on his makeshift bed as a pillow for her own head. The other arm is unavailable for pillow duty, as it is in a sling, and her shoulder is heavily bandaged. Kitty lifts her head, roused from her sleep as someone goes past to check on the more human patients. Kitty's hand brushes softly over the small dragon, eyes never leaving him.

Warren Worthington has posed:
Having been away on business, Warren wasn't even in the state when the Shi'ar decided it was time to pay a visit, but the news of the attack coming across the private X-Men communications array had him bailing out of his business meeting and making his way across the pond back to the states.

He arrives in the med bay, looking like he has spent the last 20 something hours awake...his normally impeccable self is disheveled from lack of grooming, lack of sleep, and the lack of a good iron as what is left of the suit he was wearing is wrinkled more than a wadded up tissue.

He barges into the room trying to be as quiet as he can as he scans the beds for Kitty, blue eyes finally falling on her as he makes his way over towards her, relief on his face as he sees her not as bad off as he feared. "Hey..." he says quietly, "Came as soon as I heard."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
The sound of someone coming over causes Kitty's eyes to finally leave Lockheed to look that way. Though she's slept recently, it isn't enough to remove the puffiness from crying. It takes the tired girl a half-second for Warren's identity to sink in. But when it does she stands up, seeking out his arms, only one of hers able to wrap around him.

Kitty presses in against Warren, sniffling back tears. "He's hurt pretty bad," she tells Warren in a pained voice. "He's such a hardy little guy. Chris and Josh both passed out long ago from overdoing it on healing people who were in worse shape," she says.

She hugs herself to Warren, as if his presence can make everything right.

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren glances from Kitty over to the dragon and back, "He will be ok. He's a tough bugger," the blonde playboy comments as pulls Kitty in closer and wraps his arms around her. "I'm sure he will be up and causing havoc here in no time. Hell, I'll get him a couple of extra steaks so they are waiting for him when he wakes up."

He pulls back slightly to look down at Kitty with masked concern, trying to put a smile on his face. "Everything will be ok, Kate. He will be ok."

He pauses, looking down at her arm, "What about you? Not going to have to amputate are they?" He winks, trying to lighten the mood just a bit.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty presses her head against the taller man's chest as he holds her. "I'll be ok," she says. "They came prepared for us," Kitty says quietly, her voice somber. "B'nee and C'cil were just about apologetic that they were attacking us," she says of the two mechanoids that make up Warstar. "And avoided me knowing I could hurt them," she says.

The young woman's head hangs down. "I followed a student to help others who were trapped. Only it was a shapeshifter. Someone I hadn't met before. Had a weapon that affected me even while I was phased. Like I said, they came prepared. Hit me in the shoulder and stunned me. Was going to finish me off and..." Kitty says before her voice breaks for a moment.

"And then Lockheed swooped down between us and took the shot to save me," Kitty tells Warren, voice numb. "Knocked him into a wall and... and then Rogue and I... the shapeshifter... I... I don't know if it survived after," she says.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
"Oooh...Lockheed..." The voice in the doorway is accented and was away during the fighting. Reports say that she was in a coma at the time, but Rahne is still a friend. The little redhead stands in the door, her hands wringing, and looks worried.

"Um," she says, her soft voice barely audible over medical tools and the occasional passing roomba. She's never been loud. "Could ah come in? Please?" She looks like she'd like to save the little dragon by willpower alone.

Too bad she was useless during the attack, or she'd feel guilty about that too.

Warren Worthington has posed:
At the sound of Rahne's voice, Warren looks over his shoulder and gives the small red-head a slight nod of his head, "Of course."

He turns his attention back to Kitty, squeezing her softly, brow slightly arched. "You and Rogue..." he lets the question go unasked, and just shrugs a shoulder which causes his wing to flutter, "Whatever happened, I'm not going to worry about it. Sounded like an all out war, and shit happens. I'd rather it be it than you."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty's expression suggests she does worry about it. As does the way her arm that isn't in a sling lets go of Warren as her hand moves to the Star of David on the necklace about her throat. Though she doesn't speak about the fate of the alien further, looking instead towards Rahne as she comes to the door.

"Hey Rahne," Kitty says, her voice still quiet and with that tone of numbness to it. Lockheed has one of those little tubes with holes in it for oxygen going around his snout. "Yes, come in," she says as she leans lightly against Warren, drawing strength from his presence. "I think most of the worst cases got healed already," she says. "When Muse or Triage are awake and recovered, hopefully they can help him."

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne steps in quietly. She looks at the pair, lowering her eyes automatically, then slips past to have a look at the littlest dragon. Slipping into place, she looks like a child come to someone's bedside.

Glancing up she asks, "Be it alright tae touch him?" fretfully, wondering so many things. Her eyes drop back down, and she shuffles nervously. "I wasnae there."

That's clearly eating at her. But she pauses, then pulls something from her belt. And stuffs it in her mouth, swallowing quickly and embarrasedly.

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren glances over to Rahne again, "Neither was I. I just got in. I rushed over as soon as I could."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
"No one knew what was going on when it happened. I was just coming back from playing tennis out back with Tommy. Broke my racket on one of the Guard, actually," Kitty says softly. She nods towards Rahne. "Of course, he'll be glad to have you here, Rahne," she tells her Scottish former classmate.

Kitty turns back to face the little dragon. "He's survived some rough hits before, he'll pull through," the Jewish girl says, though the worry can be heard in her voice. Still, she at least tries to sound convincing about it.

A hand moves over to Warren's side, rubbing gently. "Can't help that you weren't here. Thank you for coming back so quickly though," she tells him.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne reaches out to stroke softly at the side of Lockheed's head. She doesn't want to talk; talking always causes pain, and it's so much easier to take a moment to give comfort. A cupping of that cheek, and shw whispers, "Es alright, braw warrior. Ye can rest."

She lifts another something from her belt, eating it again. Then she sighs, glancing up at Warren and Kitty both. "Thaur be no excuse tae abandon a friend, when they need ye," she says. And it does cause her pain, judging herself harshly.

Her stomach rumbles as if she's not eaten at all, and she ignores it focusing instead on the tiniest details of Lockheed's face. He's too important.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty pulls out her phone, though unlike most people her age she's not checking social media, but instead checking on status notifications from the X-men's systems. She puts it back into a pocket, working one-handed with the other in the sling. "I haven't really had a chance to take stock of everyone else yet," Kitty says. She was having a hard time focusing on other than Lockheed. And though she wanted to grab Chris and drag him over to heal Lockheed, one glance at some of the other injuries and she knew others needed his talents more.

"I should probably..." Kitty says, and then seems to be trying to think of what she should do. She's visibly tired though, having only dozed fitfully at Lockheed's side overnight. "Should probably take another painkiller," she finally mumbles as she realizes how much her wound hurts. She goes over to get one dispensed, returning with it in her palm and fingers holding some water. She shuffles them about to get the pill in her mouth and then drink it down with the water. "Are you ok, Rahne?"

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
When she sees Kitty moving to take so much effort for her painkillers she'd step forward, and Kitty would find help waiting. Not so much a shoulder as a simple hand, holding the water long enough to take her pills. Rahne is a nun at heart in so many ways. She doesn't want to help, she needs to.

"Ye shouldnae be out o' bed," she murmurs, her eyes looking Kitty over worriedly. "Ah can take a shift wi' Lockheed, if ye want tae rest. Ah swear to God, nothin' will drag me away."

Knowing the way she takes her faith, she means it. The cross on her chest means no less than the Star on Kitty's. And she might actually be scarier in close quarters, if someone were to try something against the little guy.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
"Thanks Rahne," Kitty says, resting her hand on her friend's shoulder. "I... I should stick around though. But you're welcome to join me," she says. "Hopefully one of the healers will be up and around again before long, and able to help him," she says, glancing towards the door as if she could will one of them through it.

The Jewish girl does take the chance to settle back into her chair though. "I liked the Shi'ar," she says with a soft sigh. "Lilandra was so great and... I know they have to follow the emperor. But if they knew it was wrong..." she says, just letting the rest of the thought trail off unspoken.

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren doesn't want to dote on Kitty, so when she makes move to leave his arms and head over towards the meds, he lets her go with a bit of reluctance...but then there is Rahne to take up the slack.

"What are they serving you in this place, Kit? Do I need to cater in something edible? I mean, I know Hank means well but this is still a medbay. Speaking of food, you look like you could use a steak yourself, Rahne."

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne looks like she'd like to put Kitty to bed, right now, herself, and then mother her til she was healthy again. But given the fact that she's a shrimp and a half, even she realizes how silly that'd be. She instead looks up to Warren, opening her mouth to answer, and is interrupted by her stomach. Loudly.

Face flushing a noticeable red, she says, "Ahm sorry. Been eatin' like three lately, an' ah never seem tae be full! Es awful. Could ye please, like...a few chickens, an' a steak? An...maybe more?" She mumbles the last bit, but she looks like she's going to die of hunger.

Or embarrasment, whichever comes first.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty settles back in her chair, letting it hold her upright. "Food, would be very welcome," she says. "I don't even know if the kitchen survived. There was fighting inside of it," the young woman says, glancing upwards in the direction of that part of the mansion. More than most, Kitty knows what parts of the base are below what parts of the mansion since she takes shortcuts through the ground between.

"Might need to order something and... ah, not sure if there are any signs of distress visible from the gate. Probably not by now. Maybe get something delivered to there?" she offers, before a yawn cuts off whatever else she might have been about to say, Kitty covering her mouth with her hand.

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren runs his fingers through his disheveled hair, trying to make it seem less a mess than traveling for 20+ hours causes, and sighs. "Maybe I should just go pick something up, not risk any delivery people seeing something they shouldn't. I'll call ahead and get an order ready for takeout, so by the time I fly there it will be ready."

He takes a look at Rahne and grins, "A few chickens, and few steaks, some baked potatoes, pasta salad, rolls, and whatever else I tell them to toss in sound good? Ribs..I can get both beef and pork, i'll just make sure they label it so Kitty doesn't get the wrong ones."

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne says, "I be so sorry," almost as a whimper. She has an odd golden hint to her eyes, flecks which weren't there before. Something's changing in her, or changed. But that's minor compared to the thousand problems currently facing the team. And she left anyway.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde pulls herself up out of the chair, good hand pushing to help get herself back to her feet. "Thank you," she tells Warren, her expression conveying far more than words can on how grateful she is to him for being there for them right now.

She leans up to brush a small kiss to his cheek. "I think everyone could use some ribs," she agrees. She turns back towards Lockheed, gently brushing her fingers over his bruised head. "We'll have some for you when you wake up," she whispers aloud to the little dragon, before settling back in on her vigil.