7695/What Happened in the Laundry

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What Happened in the Laundry
Date of Scene: 04 September 2021
Location: Laundry Room
Synopsis: A discussion over laundry leads to some decisions on armament.
Cast of Characters: Kurt Wagner, Rahne Sinclair

Kurt Wagner has posed:
The dryer is spinning as someone does a load of laundry today. There are others who have laundry duty, some who do their own personally, and Kurt is present today as he waits for some things to finish drying. He's gone casual with a tank top and shorts, feet bare with one leg crossed over the opposite knee. A book is in hand, 'Im Westen Nichts Neues' by Erich Maria Remarque. It should be quite familiar to most student literature lists, as the American version is known as 'All Quiet on the Western Front.'

The television is off, though a bottle of water sits nearby, about two-thirds empty. While the clothes turn over themselves in the machine, the elf is content to read.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne enters, bearing what seems to be the end product of a roll in the mud and a tussle with half a dozen linebackers. She holds it over her shoulder, completely ruining the shirt she's still wearing, and whistles as she comes.

She stops in the doorway, her nose a-sniff, and her eyes look around animatedly. "Oh! Mr Wagner!" She never has managed to call him Kurt. "Ah was lookin fair ye." She so wasn't, she was here to wash a ...well, let's call it a shirt.

Kurt Wagner has posed:
Kurt Wagner folds a corner over of the page he's on - apparently he's that kind of person - and looks in the direction of the doorway when Rahne arrives with..quite a messy set of things. "Ah, Fraulein," he begins, and in that moment when he offers her a smile of a greeting, he is seeking to assess her, determine her current mood, her state of mind. "You are well, I hope?" comes the added question as he lowers his leg to rest both feet against the floor.

His laundry appears to have a few minutes left according to the dial's progress, and he adds, "Were you, now? Und how did you know I would be here, amid all the smells of dirt, grass, people, und detergent? Or do you mean more in general? Regardless..it is good to see you." She has been through a lot recently, this he knows.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne says, "Well...ah mean, ah was supposed tae look for ye." She says this as she does not go to a washer. She instead goes to a sink, and starts to fill it. She puts the shirt in and digs in her hands, planning to wash it herself. A habit of some, who were raised in poverty.

"Signed up for ye new College class, th' combat one." She doesn't seem QUITE as cheery when she says that, but then she'd not be her if she took joy in fighting.

She pours in some soap, almost enjoying getting the cloth less filthy. Doing things with your hands. "Wasnae really up for it til recently, ah hae ta think they made th' college because our year graduated, almost." Careful, pride goeth.

Kurt Wagner has posed:
"Oh, of course," Kurt replies, and while Rahne's answer takes care of the question, he can already guess at a reason or two behind it. This does not, however, yet lead to him asking specific things about her motivations.

For the time being, he observes her at the sink and remarks, "The old ways. Harder to leave behind for some, ja? It makes you feel more of a sense of ownership of your chores when you do not have the luxuries of easier ways."

Which leads to him drawing a comparison, "Perhaps similar to learning how to better fight without use of one's abilities? It is something I have had to think about from time to time. 'What if I could not teleport? Would I be able to defend myself?' So I practice, und offer the same to others. This is why you signed up?"

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne lifts the shirt, looking at it. "That stain es ne'er comin' out," she says, likely to herself. Then she drains the water and starts over. Not giving up. "Ja, mein freund," she says to Kurt, giving him a grin. "I dinnae know how tae say teacher en German, ah be sorry."

"But yes. Tha' be a lot o' et. Got pretty hurt wi'out my abilities, an...." She trails off, something else.

Then it bursts out. "Ah want tae not have t' hurt them! En order ta not hurt, ah have to be BETTER nor them! A lot better. Or m' only option is tae kill!"

Kurt Wagner has posed:
Kurt Wagner offers, as he faintly overhears the murmuring in spite of the dryer, "If the stain is too much, you could always use it for a rag or just something to wear when you expect to get dirty." Repurposing for the win!

"The word you want is 'Lehrer,' or 'Lehrerin' if we are talking about someone like Jean. There are many words in mein language that have both a masculine und feminine version. That is just the way it is," he explains, prior to rising from his seat to approach, although he gives her all the space she needs.

"So I heard. I am glad you seem well enough again, at least physically. I understand mental scars can take longer to recover from." He adds after some of that side comes out, sounding more raw and emotional, his tone gentle and careful, "If that is truly how you feel, that you end up trapped in a situation where killing is the only escape you believe is available, then we should work on finding ways to avoid reaching that point. Sometimes..sometimes you may need to hurt someone in order to stop them from doing worse to you, or to stop you from doing worse to them. This is the hard part about what we do, Rahne."

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne wrings the shirt out, looking at it again, and says, "Ah DID expect tae get dirty. Why d'ye think ah wore thes in th' firs place?" She unfolds it and then holds it against her own body, checking it out. Soaked.

She looks at Kurt, then raises an eyebrow. "Mr Wagner, ah've been tae hell. Ahve fought aliens, ah've been killed one time now. Stop thinkin tha ah be a kid still."

She turns, then tosses the shirt into an available washing machine, having gotten out the worst herself. She hooks the door with a foot, flipping it closed. Agility up too, it seems. "Ah'm jus' too weak tae fight. An too ...bleh. Too me. Ah know from trainin' as a wolf girl. Now ah need it here, too. And in a way tha' suits the little tiny version o' me."

Well, well.

Kurt Wagner has posed:
Kurt Wagner's hands go up as if to say 'don't hit!' when Rahne tells him about the shirt and its fate being determined already. "That would be a good point, ja," he replies, looking to keep a light-hearted manner about it.

That falters at her giving him some attitude, as he sees it, about the way he may have treated her. "Entschuldigen Sie, Rahne," he apologizes. "You are right. There are things you have had to face that have caused you to grow up quickly, things that did not allow you to have a proper childhood. All the same, it would help me to remember that if you called me 'Kurt' instead of 'Mr. Wagner.' Can we make a deal over that?"

His hands spread out, palms up as he asks this, then they come together before him, clasped. The way she shuts the door does not go unnoticed. "It sounds to me like you have relied on your other half too much, und now you need to bring /this/ side of you to a better place so you feel more confident. Am I correct?"

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne looks at him a moment, as if arguing with herself over some mental gymnastics. She pauses, then she sighs. "Aaaalright, fine. Ye can be Kurt, an ah'll stop bein' a bitch. Ah'm sorry. Jus, so tired o' bein treated like a baby because ah still be short. Ah'm ne'er goin tae get bigger, thes is all ah get."

She's twenty. It's probably a fair assessment.

and then, "Well, yeah. That be what ah jus' said. Ah need ta train this part o' me too. Wolf me is already pretty dang scary." If there are classes in learning to cuss, she'd fail them. Yikes.

Kurt Wagner has posed:
"I do not think you are a..Rahne, look. You are a very kind person, und I hope nothing in this big, often bad world causes you to lose that part of you. It is one of the things that makes the rest of us love you as much as we do," Kurt attempts to explain, stealing a glance toward the dryer. It seems the dial has not changed position at all, conspiring against him.

He clarifies, "But it is impossible not to be affected by the things around us, the things that happen to us. You are your own woman, now more than ever, but you are also family und family looks after each other."

Gesturing toward her again with a hand, he says, "So tell me what it is you wish to learn from me in regard to combat, beyond merely how to defend yourself without use of your abilities, und I will do mein best to be a good 'Lehrer' to you. I will tailor it to your needs."

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
She does. She explains how she's been reading Game of Thrones, and she knows that it's a bad way to plan but her hero is an agile sword dancer and it's not the best of ways to do things but it's important. She explains how she needs a weapon she can use as a small person, and how she's figuring that hand to hand is probably not so useful for someone so tiny, and...she trails off there, worried.

"Ah know you're a master. Ah'd be stupid not tae try, with you here."

Kurt Wagner has posed:
As Rahne tells Kurt these things, the dryer dial ticks ever slowly toward the buzz of completion.

Sipping from his water bottle, he wets his lips to clear away any lingering moisture. "So you wish me to be the Syrio to your Arya, is that it?" he queries, waving a hand at talk of being a master. "Most of what I learned, I did so by watching movies. You would not be wrong to think that makes me more flashy than others, but I have practiced enough over the years to know what I am doing. The lighter blades, like you might see in fencing, are what I know best, but I have to warn you of something."

Here he occupies himself by hopping up to the nearby table the TV is on, crouching as his tail flicks this way and that from time to time. "Most people do not carry swords on them. That alone might cause someone to think twice about starting trouble, but there are far more people with guns und unless you are good at dodging bullets, swords will leave you at a disadvantage no matter how agile you are. I am /not/ suggesting you carry a gun, of course! But I want you to be aware of the potential pros und cons if you are serious about this. If we lived in a different era..." He grows wistful for a beat. "I could have been one of the best swordsmen around, ja," he smiles.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
She steps forward, as her own timer starts. It's a shirt, it'll be quick. "Ye ARE one o' th' best," she insists. And is right.

"Ah'm gonnae learn guns, actually. Cannae learn tae fight against somethin ye do nae understand. Ah'd be stupid to nae learn th' most dangerous standard issue type o' weapon after all, even if ah do nae choose tae use it on others."

She may have had time to think about this.

"Es good advice, sir. Ye told me tha' four years ago though!" In danger room work, as a weregirl.

Kurt Wagner has posed:
Kurt Wagner runs a hand through his mop of hair, and he says in a self-mocking tone, "The amount of competition is not what it once was, but I will take that," as he winks a gleaming, all-yellow eye her way.

As for the guns, he offers, "What is there to learn except that, aside from explosives, they are among the fastest ways to kill or injure many people at one time, und it can be done from safe distances? If you mean learning how to aim and shoot in case you ever need to use one, that I do understand." It may be that not even he has practiced with guns. Given the unique structure of his hands, how well might he use them?

"I am sure there are many things I have told you over the last few years, Rahne. Among them is 'the more difficult you are to hit, the easier it is to avoid being hit.' You are blessed with your speed, reflexes, und agility, und now that is showing even in the way you are now. That should be the basis of all you do in combat, no matter what kind it is. You und I, we share this in common."

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne doesn't have an answer. So she doesn't pretend to what she has not. She remains silent, listening. It's what she does best. Then, when Kurt's done, she says, "So, what. Two daggers then?"

All ofthat talk, boiled down to....well...she may have a point. That would be easier to hide, and she'd have the agility to get close and use them.

Perhaps a sword is a great choice, but not for her?

Kurt Wagner has posed:
Kurt Wagner holds up a single finger. "Not a bad idea. Easier to conceal, und if you ever come across a nice steak in the wild, you..ah, you already have the ability to cut it," he remarks, probably finding this very amusing if his grin is a tell.

"I don't know how much you've spoken to Wolverine or X-23, but the two of them would know a thing or two about fighting with blades that are similar to daggers. It is not exactly the same, but close. You might ask one of them as a way to compare notes." He clarifies, "That said, if you would like to learn swordplay, I will gladly teach you what I know. Even if you decide not to use one, fencing is a great sport. Very skilled, it will teach you much about footwork, balance, und reacting to the other person, und the equipment is not that difficult to get used to. I think you could enjoy it."

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne places a hand on Kurt's, as his timer dings 'done'. "Ah'd love to," she says in her gentle way, and really means it. "Will I see ye en class?" She doesn't mean to press, but she does have things to do herself. And this has been a lot to think about.

Kurt Wagner has posed:
"Naturlich," Kurt says, giving the dryer a look at about the time she's touching his hand. "I can remember a time when you would have run at the sight of me. I am glad you grew past that. It says much about the kind of person you are, in there," he tells her, pointing toward her heart.

Departing the table, he grabs a basket and scoops the contents of the dryer into it. "Come see me whenever you wish to talk, Rahne. Und now, you might want to pinch your nose."


Elf and clothes are gone.