7993/Time for some one-on-one X-Men training!

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Time for some one-on-one X-Men training!
Date of Scene: 26 September 2021
Location: Danger Room
Synopsis: Logan runs a simple training program for Gabby to get a feel for what she can do and learns a great deal more than she likely expected from it.
Cast of Characters: Logan Howlett, Gabby Kinney

Logan Howlett has posed:
Sunday. Most people take Sunday off to relax, take in a movie, some go to church and pray, still others just sleep in and lazy the day away waiting for Monday to hit like a ton of bricks. For Logan however, being up through the night to patrol the halls and make sure nothing happens, Sunday is just another day to get things done.

Once the Field Medicine Training & Mutation Handling classes have ended, he commandeers the danger room for a little one-on-one time with Gabby. He decided to sponser her for the X-Men, so today he would get a chance to see where she was in training and what holes might need to patched up with some extra training.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney was here and ready to do... yet another training. Part of her was irked at the fact that she'd have to prove herself for the umpteenth time. Or at least she wanted to be upset about it. In this case? It was Logan. Getting to spend time with him, for whatever reason, was actually kind of exciting. She could already hear Ellie nagging her in the back of her mind about the situation even if Ellie herself weren't here to do so. It's ignored as she gets ready to show off her stuff opting to wear the suit she'd been using and adapting as needed already. A set of goggles push back her hair from her face, and she even has a bit of lightweight body armor worn. Leather boots, leggings, and a few sheathes on her thighs for throwing knives (They were a birthday present.) "Okay, so what do you want me to show you? Hand to hand, target practice from a distance, try to tag you or avoid getting tagged? Take your pick."

Logan Howlett has posed:
The first thing Logan does upon entering is look Gabby over. The suit she's chosen, the extra armor, even her shoes, it all tells a story of the combatant she is, even if she doesn't realize it. Had she chosen it all herself, or was part of it assigned as part of the training in this room? Despite his own dislike for the uniform, he was wearing his all the same. Black leather with the red X, gloves that always end up with slices in them, and combat boots laced firmly in place.

"Well, let's first start with the obvious," he states after walking around her once. "When officially training in this room, you wear a uniform. That the first time you been told that?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney moves her arms overhead to stretch another time or two, bouncing up onto the balls of her feet as well. All to get the blood pumping. The uniform that he wears is regarded with raised eyebrows. So they're unable to raise further when he speaks of a uniform. "This kind of IS my uniform, but yeah that's the first time I've been told that. I've been in here a few times with some group trainings, but it wasn't ever 'offical X-Men' training. Just stuff like flight practice, jumping out of a plane, things like that." Her hands drop back down to her side as she considers. "I could go get the rest of my gear? I don't think that's what you mean by uniform though."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan nods once, "Alright, then for this training we'll let it go, but from now on, as official X-training, you wear a uniform. I hate em, you get to hate em with me." He walks around her again, watching her form, deciding as he goes exactly what the approach will be.

"Something important to the Professor is the uniform, there's a buttload of them made in all sizes for training, until your personal suit is designed and made for you. Every X-Man gets their own."

He pauses there, one brow lifting, "Gear? Yes, I think that might be a good idea. Mutants don't normally have a whole lot of gear they use, so let's see what you got and how you use it."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"True, but I wasn't originally trained to fight as a mutant," Gabby points out with a shrug and a gesture to her body armor. "Seriously you guys are undervaluing the obvious. Yeah I'll heal but not needing to is pretty good, too!" She reaches up to thumb the goggles she's wearing a moment pointedly. "Plus I don't have metal on my claws like you and Laura. Good for stabbing, not so much slicing." Her head tips to the side keeping track of his movements going around her as she seems relatively relaxed for the most part.

"Okay. I can get my mask, but I've been told my guns are off limits," she considers thoughtfully before her weight shifts to jog to the door. Just outside it she grabs a rather hefty, durtable bag that she reaches into to start pulling out a few items. The mask in question is ... Twofold. There's two masks in there, though one is just breifly glimpsed before the one she chooses is pulled out. The Kabuki-esque full face white mask is slid back into hiding. What comes out instead is a mix somewehre between a rebreather and slim line gas mask covered with a cloth to hide what it was, precisely. Yellow and black zigzag 'teeth' design the front as she slides it into place with a quick and practiced motion. Then the goggles come down offering protection for her eyes--And was that a green tint to the surface? Night vision optional? Next come a pair of gloves with reinforced knuckles. The backs are open to allow for her claws to come out easily. They looked custom. Apparently satisfied with this she kicks the bag back through the door to turn around and re-enter.

"Okay. This is what I usually wear when I work with ... Uh, friends." Yes. Friends. Is she smiling behind that mask? Hard to tell. Hard to see her features now.

Logan Howlett has posed:
One more trip around the teen and Logan smirks with a sigh. "Yep, you been training with humans a long time alright," he comments, then turns to walk toward the control booth.

"I'll set up a basic robbery in progress, using a mutant element for your enemy," he then comments but pauses. "Guns huh?" A slight shrug, before he steps into the booth. Over the intercom he says, "Have you had any mutant training at all, or has it all been human fighting human for you?"

Even as he's talking, the intercom open so she can respond, he's looking through the programs. This technical stuff is not his forte, in fact is often kicks his ass, luckily this was a simple exercise with a simple program.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"No, but they're the ones I get the most training with these days," Gabby explains from behind her mask. It carries her voice quite well even if it does seem to alter it enough to make it unreocogizable as her. "I've fought with Beast, Illyana, Colossus, Hellion, and a lot of others." There's a pause before she shrugs. "You know, before most of them graduated." It was harder to train with them now as many, other than perhaps Beast and Colossus, had moved on to other places in their lives. It was just as much a frustration as anything getting to actually train when she first arrived, and then... nothing for the longest time. No further younger teams had emerged. Gabby wasn't quite leader enough to make a group of her own.

"Okay. Robbery. Gotcha. That should be easy enough."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Eventually Logan finds the program he's looking for. It's nothing major, a standard corner store robbery while Gabby was 'shopping'. The surprise element was the mutant she'd be fighting along side his two human side kicks. Not a heavy hitter hand to hand, this mutant used range in the form of electric blasts, while the two human's with him did the hand-to-hand, one with a bat, the other with his fists.

"Sounds like someone's been falling down on the job," he admits with a snort. "Including myself. Should have been a helluva lot more training with mutants and against mutants. You ready to do this?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"It's okay, I've kept myself busy with my own things," Gabby assures with a deceptive amount of cheerfulness in her tone. Shopping? In this gear? Well she'd make it work. It was just training afer all. One against three didn't seem terrible odds, really, given her training and what she knew she could do. The electric guy would prove a challenge though.

"Ready when you are!" She calls out already shifting her weight to take a better stance in dealing with this situation.

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan starts up the program. A little corner shop, middle aged man behind the counter selling cigarettes to people over eighteen, and candy bars to children. Looks real, feels real, it's totally not real and he knows it. For now he will remain in the booth where he can see all the actions from every angle, watching every move and decision she makes.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
The thing about training programs like this was that she knew it wasn't real. Which meant the usual control she had to worry about went out the window. Sure, she would attempt to still hold true to her morals (don't kill, etc) but it wasn't as if she really *could* kill someone here. The goal was to stop these guys and protect the civilian NPCs.

One might think this led to her being careless and resulting in a large swath of destruction. It doesn't though.

She's quick. She's efficient. She's a bit brutal when it comes down to it... and in spite of her height, she fights on multiple levels.

The mutant starts out attempting to electrocute her only to be met with one of her throwing knives lobbed into the arc of electricity to ground it. There's a sharp snap of impact, the knife electrifying and popping with the power of the blast. It hasn't stopped her from moving forward to the guy with the bat. As he makes his swing she's already running up planting her foot in his stomach and pushing herself up with the momentum. Both hands slam down to grab the bat, tearing it from his graps as he goes down, and she tucks into a forward flip. It's her that is now swinging the bag down on the much larger mutant bringing it forward to crack into his collarbone. No death there. Significant injury and pain to bring him to his knees.

The last remaining human? There was a reason her *other* codename was Drop Bear and it becomes obvious as she lets her momentum bring her down toward him feet first. Booting him down into the very counter that the civilian stood behind. Rolling away from them she regains her feet to regard her handiwork and see if more needed to be done.

Given the level of the programming, though? They were as good as done.

Logan Howlett has posed:
Every aspect of her fighting worked, Logan could see that in her style, but it was all prepared, like she was a program running. Shutting down the program, he walks out of the booth and pauses a short distance from her.

"That look rehearsed," he finally says. "How many times have you actually done that exact same thing?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"THAT particular scenario?" Gabby nudges back her goggles to the top of her forehead again as she considers it. "Couple of times at least. Different individuals each time," she admits with a little rolling of her shoulders. "It's a lot more common over in Gotham for one powered individual to be working with a team or gang of non-powered, though, so I'd say about half a dozen times in actuality plus the training scenarios we do as a group," she explains matter-of-fact while lifting her hand to count on a few fingers.

"So far as being alone against a multitude of individuals, oh man, SO MANY times. Even the labs had us run those. Usually against guards, though," she has to admit with a look over her shoulder at where the programmed combatants had fallen. "And not criminals."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan nods, then walks over to her. "Sounds to me like you need to go against me next," he states matter a factly. "You know how to deal with humans, it's the mutants you lack experience with. That one was basic level, programmed stupid for a reason, you need real world experience with the real deal, so tomorrow... you and me."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney grins broadly. The mask is pulled off letting her hair fall free again, though it's just a little messy from her flipping around. "Sure! That'll be fun. Rogue and Kitty used to run scenarios, but then they got busy. Then Illyana took over--Those were a bit more imaginative like the time we were in the Blackbird and it was getting shot down by Surface-to-air missiles. That took a lot more jumping out of planes though," she reasons already babbling a little with growing excitement. Had she just been... bored? Maybe.

Logan Howlett has posed:
Another smirk touches the man's lips, the enthusiasm of possible carnage and mayhem in the girl almost making him want to smile but not quite.

"You go non-lethal," Logan comments. "By choice or training?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney quirks an eyebrow at that only to shake her head. "Choice. My sisters didn't have a choice, they were expected to kill. They kept me from having to do it so I would have a choice, and I promised Zelda I'd do my best to honor that. I know there might be a time I have to... But that's not my go-to response. Ever."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan nods slowly, "Alright, that seems fair. I try not to kill, but my repertoire of abilities it rather limited."

Once more he looks her over then chuckles, "You want to know a little secret?" He leans a little closer, "I know your full of it. That outfit isn't just for practicing, but we'll pretend it is and keep working together, and perhaps at some point you'll tell me the truth."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney actually manages to look a little, well, caught at that. Even so she finds herself grinning even more than before. Very innocently she points out, "Never said it was for *just* practice." She does nod a little though in response. "Soon enough. They're picky about secrecy," she adds, quieter, with a glance up toward the ceiling. She knew most of these trainings were usually recorded after all. Usually. "For now I wanna get some icecream, I've worked up an appetite. See you tomorrow!"

Logan Howlett has posed:
With a chuckle, Logan just nods and let's her go off for ice cream. Everyone liked their secrets, it was important in this world, and he respected that. "Add whipped cream for me," he comments, then heads off to get out of the uniform he hated so much.