8058/Meeting Ms. Grey

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Meeting Ms. Grey
Date of Scene: 30 September 2021
Location: Headmistress' Office
Synopsis: John Stewart swings by Xaviers for the first time after his excursion across the galaxy with the X-Men, to check up on the mental wellbeing of Jean as the Phoenix host. Her answers may prove a little evasive, though he seems to find himself welcome at the school.
Cast of Characters: Jean Grey, John Stewart

Jean Grey has posed:
Even with just her name and a mental image of the woman from the cosmic excursion that recovered her, Jean Grey is not particularly hard to find. A quick google of her name marks her as a minor public figure: not just the Headmistress of the small but apparently exclusive Xavier's School for the Gifted, but a public advocate for mutant rights alongside its outspoken founder, Charles Xavier. She's also mentioned in a local news story as one of the daughters of Professor John Grey, who was admitted to a local hospital with a heart attack after a fire at his home. The same night and events that brought Stewart into this story in the first place.

When he arrives at the school, it's just a little after classes, but someone meets him at the front of the mansion, able to point him to the Headmistress' offce. Apparently she's in, working late.

John Stewart has posed:
For his part, John comes to the school in civilian attire. A comfortable set of white casuals with a black bikers jacket (he drove here, his motorcycle in the parking lot) the man wears sunglasses, with his hands in his pockets. Unless you knew him, you would be hard pressed to realize he was a Green Lantern officer, even with his public identity.

When he walks to the door, he gives a small knock.

Jean Grey has posed:
A moment later, there's a call from inside: "Come in."

The Headmistress, unsurprisingly, can be found at her desk at the rear of her fairly spacious office. For people who know her, the fact that shes burried in work even after normal working hours isn't surprising either, whith a couple different stacks of paper on her desk while she clicks away behind a computer, though she pauses as her guest arrives and leans over a little to peek from behind the screen. "Hello - I didn't know I had another appointment."

John Stewart has posed:
Walking in, John gives a small apologetic grin, "I apologize, I didn't realize you with with people by appointment." John notes with actual apology in his voice. "I'm still getting used to the internet again. It's been a while."

John glances around, examining, before he glances to the seating, then back to Jean herself. "If you're busy, I can come back at a better time."

Jean Grey has posed:
"I don't really mind walk-ins," Jean answers with a grin, perhaps a bit of a hint at the somewhat more hectic life around a school full of youngsters. "But we're out of the way, so most people want to know that /I'll/ be available for them before they make the trip, I suppose." Then she shakes her head, and gestures across at the small seating area. "Most of this isn't anything that won't wait until tomorrow, I was just, well-" A helpless shrug. "Sometimes I'm bad about putting it down."

After offering for him to sit, she gets up herself, presumably to eventually join him in the other area, although she takes a detour to a small sideboard. "So... you're a parent? Can I get you anything? I've got coffee, tea, some lemonade still from this afternoon."

John Stewart has posed:
"I am not." John replies firmly, but gently, as he sits down. "I actually came here to talk to /you/, Ms. Grey." John pulls out his hands from his jacket then, and folds them. His Green Lantern ring is easily seen now, if Jean had any idea what it was.

"I was hoping we could discuss the events that led me into your life." John half asks, half states. Then, he offers his right hand for a handshake, that Green Lantern ring quite visible now. "John Stewart."

Jean Grey has posed:
"Oh?" the woman wonders, taking a tray from the sideboard with a variety of things on it, to give her guest a chance to make up his minder later, if he wants. She walks over to the seating area near the fireplace and sets the tray down before reaching out to take the offered hand with a smile. "Ah, it's nice to finally meet you. I saw some notes about a Green Lantern joining the X-Men on their excursion but there wasn't a lot else. I'm a little familiar with their reputation and their work alongside the Justice League, but admittedly, not much more than that."

This, however, causes her to pause and tilt her head. "Well, I suppose that's not entirely true."

Whatever that means, she soon moves to seat herself across from him, and goes about making tea for herself, just a bag from a little container and hot water from an electric kettle. "So what can I help you with, exactly? Admittedly, there's a lot about what happened that I can't easily remember, so you might find one of the others more helpful for any of that."

John Stewart has posed:
"No, I don't suppose you would." John remarks with a hint of... curiosity? Sadness? "My ring, however, was recording the entire thing. I would be happy to play the whole event back in hologram form if you'd like." John offers, a brow raising in question. "Shouldn't be too long, I can skip the boring stuff."

He leans forward then, "I know if I went through what you did, I'd sure as hell want to know about it."

Jean Grey has posed:
Although Jean looks somewhat intrigued by the offer, glancing at the ring on the man's hand, after a moment of thinking about it, she shakes her head. "Rogue told me most of it, once I came too and we were on our way back on the Shi'ar ship. And a lot of it, well... technically, I have access to some of those experiences. Not from my own perspective, but..." She trails off, and ends up focusing on what's in front of her, the teacup and the steeping bag. Idly, she takes the little string that holds it, bobbing it up and down in the water. A distracted motion, for the most part.

"Anyway, I appreciate your coming along to help. I suppose it's sort of part of the job description, 'space cop' or what have you, but to a degree we're often used to facing our problems here on our own."

John Stewart has posed:
"I don't know about others in the Corps, but I didn't accept the ring to play space cop. Oh, I'm sure some do, but I took it to improve lives and seek justice, and fight against ignorance." John half refutes, and half explains. It's clearly a complicated subject for him, though. "I came to check up on you after the whole ordeal. It's not often a cosmic level entity decides to take up residence in anyones head." John points out, "Let alone one capable of what it is."

Then, he shakes his head, "I know what's it's like to have to work things through on your own. For once, you don't need to. I have some idea of what happened at this point, and I'm offering help for when you want it."

Taking out a notepad and an actual pen, he writes on it, before tearing a slip off and offering it, "My phone number, if you'd like the support."

Jean Grey has posed:
"And yet, it's not even the first time for me," the woman quips, with a laugh to follow, although it is a somewhat hollow sounding thing. After a few moments, she seems satisfied with the tea, pulling the bag out of the little cup and setting it on the saucer before bringing both back to sit in front of her. "Anyway, I understand that there are probably a lot of people concerned about me. For various reasons. And, well, I really do appreciate it." She puts a warm smile behind that, and finally, after letting it steam off heat for a few moments, takes a sip of her tea.

"But I think if this has shown us anything, it's that, well... this isn't something any of us really have much say in, myself included. With the Professor, I tried to fight it before and... Maybe that was the mistake? Weakening things enough that Ga- that the Shi'ar thought they had a chance to meddle. Something that was doomed from the very start. That it would be better to accept things as they are."

Jean shakes her head, and then looks up from the rim of the teacup again, still smiling in her usual gentle way. "I have a lot of people looking out for me here, but it's very kind of you to make the effort as well." And with that, she reaches forward to take the little piece of paper from him.

John Stewart has posed:
There's a nod, "Better an overabundance of help than none at all. I grew up in poverty. Nowadays things are a bit better... but no one should have to grow up the way I did." There's no self-pity in his voice; indeed, the man is a Green Lantern now, so /something/ must have gone right.

"On the  subject of support... this school seems pretty good." John smirks, "I'd love a tour sometime, if you don't mind pointing out someone who can help with that."

Jean Grey has posed:
"Absolutely. I'm very lucky. Everyone here is, in a way, even if a lot of our students come from difficult backgrounds as well. Here, we very much try to be a kind of family for one-another." Whatever lingers over her as she spoke, perhaps awkwardly, about those prior events, it's overshadowed here, by the warmth with which Jean speaks about the place. A point of obvious pride.

"As for looking around, you've probably seen a lot of what the mansion has to offer on the way in; the foyer is one of the more impressive parts of the building. Upstairs it's mostly just the various dorms and residences, with the classrooms down here," she explains. "The grounds are quite extensive, though, if you want to wander a little. The old boat house, the lake. And we've actually just finished work on a new building, for our expansion to offer some college courses. Anyway, you're more than welcome to look around, or come and visit whenever you like, with all the help you've given us. It's a bit quiet right now, but we throw some good student events and parties."

John Stewart has posed:
"I can imagine, and thank you for the offer. I'm always interested in institutions of learning." John stands, then gives a formal bow, "I'll probably see you around. Like it or not, part of my job description /is/ monitoring the stability of my sector."

As he starts to walk out... "Having seen what your friends are capable of though, I'm not too worried."