8884/Running Rematch

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Running Rematch
Date of Scene: 30 November 2021
Location: Rock Wallz Gym
Synopsis: Quiet and Alexander have a rematch, this time with an obstacle course!
Cast of Characters: Alexander Aaron, Stefani Houston

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    After the first incident between the Super Soldier and the Olympian, the battle lines had been drawn. Technically she had won the final fall of their coincidental clash at Oyama's Dojo. And though there were smiles and warm features, they had parted knowing that there would /have/ to be a rematch.
    Which was brought up the next day when the two engaged in a heated bout of texting each other sharply and challenging each other along the lines of 'anything you can do I can do better.' Which escalated finally into specifics.
    Specifics that drew them into a conversation about exactly what. And how. And where. Places were suggested, advanced, discarded until finally Alexander had said.
    << Ninja warrior course. Rock Wallz. First one to finish wins. Loser buys dinner/beer. >>
    And so the battleground was chosen. The session was booked for the midnight window when the gym was still semi-occupied and busy, but not as hectic as the daytime when so many other Manhattan citizens occupy the space.
    There had been a smiling greeting as they met. Some hint of playfulness. They stretched and twisted and readied. Then each got on the line to start...
    And as soon as the red light turned green. He /shoved/ her to the side and _ran! for the first challenge.

Stefani Houston has posed:
A running contest? That made Quiet frown ever so slightly. Of course, they'd both shown strength and speed in their match, but her superhuman movement over distance was...pretty clearly non-human. If there was a crowd? She was going to be severely handicapped.

Of course, given last time she'd been climbing here? She'd nearly gotten kicked out for her lack of safety gear, but they'd let her in none the less.

As soon as they were off? The woman stretching in her same hotpant-like shorts and tanktop to allow her skin's respiration took her marks...and found herself shoved.

Okay, so that was how it was going to be...

She launched herself forwards, the mat behind her leap giving a little groan at the impact as she propelled herself after him. Then it was again -at him-, her hands shoving into his back.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    The first part is the run across a pool of shallow water, where one has to /bounce-bounce-bounce/ off padded islands that are sharply angled. With his wicked perfidy he's able to get the lead, launching to the last island and then starting the /run/ up the ramp which is the moment when she catches up to him and he feels that _shove!_
    Which gets him to stagger, fouling his stride and /thumping/ down onto the wooden ramp even as she darts forward. Of course she could win rather quickly were it not for the other people in the gym who might just see her. So for now they're on even footing.
    Behind her as she dashes she'll hear him laugh, though it's drowned out partially by his grunt as he leaps high to grasp onto the edge of the top end of that ramp and starts to pull himself over, starting to catch up to her likely when they reach the salmon ladder.
    It's just a metal bar hanging over a series of slots and then the abyss down which also has some water, and for him it might be easier with his upper body strength difference. Then, however, he makes it less easy by swinging a sneakered foot up to /boot/ at her side and hopefully throw off her rhythm.

Stefani Houston has posed:
The balance needed to get across the island was easy enough, Quiet throwing herself across the space and making her way off the ramp as he stumbles.

A salmon ladder wasn't exactly her usual way to get around, often prefering to work with her lower body strength, but given her own body weight compared to her strength she could manage it.

Then again, the kick at her does cause pause, a 'block' with her lower leg and knee before kicking out back at him.

Or there's a better idea...

She swings back, letting him get ahead a step or two, then she leaps forwards and makes to wrap her legs around his back, grasping his bar with her left arm over it, her other arm?

She moves to pluck at his fingers.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    She /leaps/ and lands on him, causing him to laugh at first though he contorts into a sound of righteous outrage, "Hey!"
    But he's able to get the bar up another slot with a _clunk_ as she gets that hold in place and then starts to pry at his fingers, even as he feels the light weight of her like some malicious evil backpack curled around him...
    That is, to be fair... nice and warm and soft backpack as well. Then again so he's a touch warm as well, a few degrees hotter than normal considering whatever mystical energy powers the strength of the divinely gifted, shown in that faint sheen of sweat on his brow. He turns his head over his shoulder catching her eyes and though he's feigning indignation she can see the smile hidden in those hazel depths as he whispers softly to her, "Hi."
    But there's no time for little more than that brief moment of indulgence when he's struggling with her, an arm sliding back to nudge at her side, thumping lightly and not quite wanting to hurt her. Well, not yet at least.
    He's able to twist one way, then shift his grip as that arm drops the other snaps up to grasp, his leg shooting out to push into the support metal as he gets leverage there and /thumps/ her back against the other wall on the side, hoping to break her grip so he can _climb_ up as quickly as he can.
    Hopefully enough to get over the edge then break for the rope swing that's over the pool below.

Stefani Houston has posed:
A thud of impact, but where one would expect an -oof- of effort or maybe being winded as oxygen was forced from the lungs. Of course, that didn't happen. Instead, as that small moment of greeting passes into impact, she does have her grip loosen, but not quite fall. Instead she pushes upwards, trying to spring up and -over- him with force she only applied as she knew he could take it.

Touching down, there was a dive towards the rope, hoping to claim a more lasting lead than the mere moments she lost before.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    With that almost effortless grace she's able to surge past and in so doing reaches the first rope over the pool of water. She gets the swing off and then he follows only a few seconds behind. Though when she lands he tries to kick through his release and get just that slight further distance, landing heavily with a /whumpf/.
    Then it's off to those chains that hang over the pool, needing for each of them to swing along and then over, both of them heading as quickly as they can to that last platform with the buzzer on its dais. Both are forced to swing back and forth on those chains until they each reach the end, landing heavily.
    The few last feet are rushed and then /whap-whap/ They both slap for the buzzer to win.
    The lights sound, the buzzer illuminates, he looks toward her grinning and meeting her eyes...
    And then, as if deciding that it only counts who is left standing on that platform, he casually brings his leg up and fires a kick toward the side of her head as he tries to /boot/ her off the side so he can claim victory himself!

Stefani Houston has posed:
A kick to her head in that moment? Quiet actually gives an audible exhaled noise of amusement as she ducks low and barely manages to avoid getting cleaned up. Her 'bob' downwards comes with a scoop of her arms, lifting his leg up as she stands once more and tries to throw him off balance depending on how flexible he was!

Of course, she wasn't going to gamble with what he could manage in flexibility...instead she sweeps out with her other leg to try and kick out his ankle and send him crashing to his back.

Still holding the leg, the woman makes to twist and flow into a pin while keeping his limb restrained.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    She might not laugh, though he does, even when he /thuds/ onto his back and winces a little from the impact. His head is partially over the side, and down below is that pool of water and some netting to offer handholds for people to get out, but right now he finds himself pinned even as he pulls his leg back trying to ease her grip.
    But then his movements ease and he lifts his head a little, holding her gaze even as she perches there almost a little predatorially. He bites his lower lip as his eyes soften, then he leans a little closer until his brow lightly touches hers. Not struggling anymore, but still there's a strength of tension roiling between them.
    "Who won?" He asks, looking a little past her, those so pale eyes drifting away, then back as he draws in a breath through his nose slowly. His eyes narrow a little as she'll feel his breath brush across her cheek, then faintly the tip of his nose touches hers.
    Perhaps his asking that is a ploy to get her to look. Or perhaps it's a ploy to insure she doesn't look away as his lips part and he leans up faintly, perhaps seeking that touch, seeing if she closes that small distance, or feels that hint of desire there.

Stefani Houston has posed:
Who won? Well, Quiet simply looked quite smug where she rested atop for a moment before coming to straighten up after that contact even in his brushing, slight tempting contact.

Quiet was a being of sensuality, everything from her appearance to her moment had punctuated this even as she fought her way through the years.

Her lips come to a smirk, a fingertip coming to his own lips playfully as she sits up and then a jerk of her head is offered towards the door.

Did he understand sign language? It's hard to know exactly, but the question of if he wished to join her was easy enough to pick up on.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    A tilt of a smile, and he draws his lip in and holds it there between his teeth as he watches those playful eyes of hers, reading those subtle signs that don't need a shift or flow of hands offering signal. Instead she motions toward the door and his gaze follows after, which would have been a perfect chance for her to slip away.
    Yet he looks back and gives a nod, answering her as easily as that. Where she'll go he'll follow. Even as his hand lifts to touch the curve of the wrist of her hand that is silencing him with that fingertip.
    He straightens up, resting his weight partially on an elbow, then looks again curious as to her intentions.

Stefani Houston has posed:
Quiet herself makes to stand, a stretch of her form with her arms over her head before she moves to jump down from the end if the course and towards the door.

Or rather, towards where she'd left her belongings at the door, specifically her phone.

<I believe you owe me dinner>

She smirks, only looking back over her shoulder at the man after the message sent.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    She rises and then drops off the side and nimbly down to the ground, away from all the rigging and gear. Though, in truth, his eyes follow her as he shakes his head and rises to his feet fully. A hand plants on the edge of that dais as he vaults off and away, following after and catching some of the cargo netting while he descends.
    A few moments later and he lights there beside the door as she types out that message and his own phone /buzzes/ with the screen lighting up he reads it, then twists a smirk right back at her.
    "Best two out of three?"