9314/Checking In On The Patient

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Checking In On The Patient
Date of Scene: 27 December 2021
Location: Recovery Room 01: Triskelion
Synopsis: Fin and Ava cause a stir in medbay when Ava's power of invisibility accidentally causes the staff to 'misplace' Finley. Carol comes to check in on them and, once everything settles down, teaches Finley a nifty new nanite trick.
Cast of Characters: Ava Starr, Finley Ellison, Carol Danvers

Ava Starr has posed:
When the young nurse came in to check Finley's vitals, just after evening shift change, she was surprised to find the bed empty. At least, to her eyes it was empty. The machines that have been monitoring the young engineer's health aren't screaming alarms, but she doesn't appear to be connected to them. Needless to say, that's more than a little odd. The nurse retreats to the hallway, jogging toward the nursing station. "Hey, did Ellison get discharged?"

"No. Not according to paperwork."

"Then is she out for a procedure?"

"Not according to her chart."

"Well, she's not there."

"What do you mean she's not there?"

"Well, unless she can turn invisible, I'm telling you her bed is empty."

The stir that creates is what eventually wakens Ava, who, at Finley's request, spooned in against her in the bed just for the sake of comfort. The fact Ava fell asleep was unintentional. The fact she happened to turn both intangible and invisible in the process, well... That's actually pretty normal for her. And that she took Finley with her? That just speaks to her protectiveness.

"Oh, shit," she mutters softly as she watches three nurses come in, one of whom waves her hands straight through both their bodies. She waits for them to retreat a couple of steps and then shifts both herself and Finley back into the visible, tangible realm. One of the nurses shrieks.

"Don't do that," Ava winces, covering her ears. "It's unprofessional. You work for SHIELD, for chrissake."

Finley Ellison has posed:
The scream wakes Finley, who comes to consciousness with a jolt. "Ava? What's wrong? What happened?" She reaches for her friend.

Then, blinking as reality slowly reassembles itself -- the hospital room, the nurses, the beeping medical equipment, Ava, -- rubs the sleep from her eyes. The buzzing is back, a low barely audible drone in counterpoint to the nurse's rising tones. And the commotion doesn't help her near constant headache.

Carol Danvers has posed:
    Carol happened to be at the Trisk and not at the Peak, or somewhere even further afield today.

    She found herself in her old office here, going through reports, filing one about how the Titans have three extra bird aliens on a family visit to Kian. Life is very strange. Mostly just doing paperwork.

    The alerts associated with an Agent of SWORD that she feels quite personally responsible for get flagged, tagged, and prioritized to her comm though and she pushes back from her desk and heads down for the recovery area in medical.

    "Those nanites better not have atomized Finley..." is muttered as she jogs at a brisk pace. One that gets a lot faster at the shriek from medical, dodging past people to Finley's room.

    On the bright side security gets a lot more calm when Danvers is the one bursting that way, what if it is a giant alien nanite threat and all. Her problem right.

Ava Starr has posed:
Ava slides out of the bed. More accurately, she slides *through* the bed and onto her feet. "It's alright, Fin," she tells her partner, giving her hand a squeeze as she becomes tangible again. "It's my fault; not yours." She fixes the medical staff with a glare. "Bloody hell, but it's not like your machines were beeping an alarm."

Then Carol's coming through the door and the Englishwoman sighs. "False alarm," she tells her. "Finley's fine."

Finley Ellison has posed:
At least the screaming's stopped. Finley runs her fingers through her hair and reaches for her glasses. Once the scene swims into focus, she notes the addition.

"Oh, um, er, hi," she says to Carol. And then to everyone, "Sorry."

Carol Danvers has posed:
    Carol looks at Finley in the bed, the gathering of SHIELD nursing staff, and then Ava standing by the bed.

    "False alarm...." she huffs a breath and finally just moves and leans against the wall by the door, inside the room.

    "Okay fair.. fine.. false alarm. Hey Finley. So what exactly happened?"

Ava Starr has posed:
One of the nurses looks nervously between the Ghost that has haunted this room since Ellison was brought in and Captain Marvel. "I just came in to check in on her and do a vitals check. She wasn't here."

"She was too here," Ava growls. "The machines said so. You just couldn't see her." Totally her fault. She knows this. She glances sidelong at Finley. "I fell asleep." That last is a bit of a mumble.

Carol Danvers has posed:
    Carol does this slow look between the Nurse and then the two agents and back again. There is this small sigh and Captain Marvel rubs the bridge of her nose.

    "Well if the machines still worked I am assuming it was just invisibility and not intangibility... so yeah that makes sense." she smirks just a bit. "Honestly I am glad you are both getting sleep and that Finley is awake in general. So... how have things been. The results of the tests have been pretty inconclusive. Feeling okay Fin?"

Finley Ellison has posed:
Finley nods. "Good," she whispers to Ava, "I did too."

Then she looks up at the nurses. "I'm *supposed* to be resting, aren't I?" It comes out a bit defensively. But she doesn't like the way they're looking at Ava.

"Oh um," she says to Carol, completely sidetracked. "Just the same residual lingering, er, symptoms. Or side effects? I don't know." She seems a little lost and overwhelmed in the hospital bed.

Ava Starr has posed:
The nursing staff retreats, still eying Ava as they go. Ava, in turn, fixes them with a baleful glare that softens when they're gone. "You know I turn invisible when I sleep," she sighs, looking at Finely. "I must have taken you with me." She usually goes intangible, too. That she didn't probably means she subconsciously knew that the machines needed to continue to monitor Finley. That, or the nanites have learned how to interface with the damned things and setup remote colonies in them so they can control the readings.

Well, there's a scary thought.

Ava collapses into a nearby chair, still beside the bed. It's 'her' chair, now.

Finley Ellison has posed:
"I try not to not be a creeper and stare at you while you're sleeping," Finley says with a little laugh. It doesn't matter that Ava makes it practically impossible.

Carol Danvers has posed:
    Like tghe nurses are going to tell the scary stealth agent that she can't camp out in the visitor chair in Finley's room. Not worth the hassle really in their minds. Not hurting. Just a startle. Right.

    "Well I am sure everyone will be happier when Finley and you can decamp and head back to your own suite in residential." which is said with amusement. "They are going to be a little anxious though for a while yet... you're still stock full and bonded with a bunch of alien Kree nanites Fin. Until they know what they are for or do... well..."

Ava Starr has posed:
Ava will certainly be happier. She's spent *way* too long in this medical environment -- watching tests being done, watching energy levels being measured, listening to people talk about what they think is going on (usually when they don't realize the scary stealth agent is standing beside them like an interdimensional peeping tom). She'd *love* to get out of here. The sooner the better.

She doesn't say it.

"Dr. Lewis and Dr. Simmons are both working on it," she says instead. Of course, the two women are coming at it from completely different angles, but that's fine. Ava doesn't care, as long as it works.

She side-eyes Finley. "We just spent months aboard a space freighter with some seriously weird aliens and a manchild who thinks the 80's were the height of pop culture. You *liked* the fact I could make us invisible."

Finley Ellison has posed:
"Sure, but I was *conscious* then," Finley grins. "But you're right, I don't mind when you make us invisible. Especially for the sake of...privacy."

She looks down at her arms, as though she can see the nanites swarming under her skin. "As far as I can tell they buzz. And give me a headache, And sensitivity to screens. And make me itch. I have no idea what they're *supposed* to do."

Carol Danvers has posed:
    Carol archs one eyebrow at the, privacy comment. Picking on Quill is much easier to zero in on though. "Well.. I hope they are fine. They have my comms if they uncover something useful or need help. Even Quill." suffering sigh.

    On the science front though. "Well they are probably doing a lot still. Have the docs noticed any uptick in your desire for any specific food or vitamins I wonder...." then she taps her head. "The headache could be due to brain interfacing actually. Have you tried to .. hmm this one is hard.. have you tried to focus and order them to do anything?"

Ava Starr has posed:
Ava glances away at Finley's grin, her wry smile twitching a little. She knows, though Finley may not realize it, that even in simple sleep, her go-to threat avoidance mechanism is invisibility and intangibility. She decides, however, that now isn't the time to follow up on that. She'll explain it later. Explain about the times she woke up with Finely in her arms, both them concealed safely away from the universe.

Still, as Carol suggests Finley focus, Ava cants her head. "Those things were fairly sucking in energy back in the lab," she notes. "Carol might be on to something there."

Finley Ellison has posed:
Finley pauses to consider, "I haven't actually. But I haven't tried to do much at all honestly. Aside from be in charge of my own consciousness. Um...," she thinks, "what should I try to do?"

Carol Danvers has posed:
    "Ava is right. They were sucking in energy." she considers "Maybe..." she reaches down and tugs up the slack in the cord that goes to the part of the bed that adjusts it for comfort and offers the loop out to Finley.

    "Try to focus on siphoning the energy from the powercord. Maybe they charge. I imagine they are draining energy from you... heat.. electrical.. to power themselves and food too. You may be feeling vague and headachy and down because right now you are the battery."

Ava Starr has posed:
Ava has found Carol's coaching fairly helpful in the past. So she gives Fin's hand a brief squeeze in encouragement, but then releases her. It wouldn't do for the nanites to suck energy out of her, instead. She watches expectantly, nonetheless.

Finley Ellison has posed:
"Oh, uh, okay," Finley says. She looks at the plug. "Um I guess I could stick a fork in it?" she jokes. She puts her hand over the three little holes and imagines the energy flowing into her. She feels a little tingle, but thinks it must be psychosomatic.

Carol Danvers has posed:
    Carol cocks her head there as she watches Finley try the instructions she gave her.

    The thing about being able to absorb and manipulate the fundemental energies of the universe across all sorts of spectrums means you have a pretty good feel for the energy around you in a room like this. "Huh."

    That is all she says at first then she looks at Ava and inclines her head. "Can you feel or sense that?" turning it into a good test for Ava now oto.

Ava Starr has posed:
Ava's eyes narrow slightly. She nods. "Yeah. She's siphoning it." She blinks, simply refocussing her eyes to a different spectrum. "You're glowing, Fin... Not a lot, but some." It's not a powerful current, after all.

Finley Ellison has posed:
Finley drops the power cable. "I'm what?!" she yelps, looking down at her hands. She doesn't see any glowing. "Oh my god, what...is that what happened to the Kree scientist? Did - did the nanites consume him for energy?" Her voice rises, squeaking with panic. "Am I going to have to uh, keep powering them up?"

Carol Danvers has posed:
    Well the goal was not to panic Fin. "Woah, take a deep breath and let it out slowly Finley." she considers the other person. "I'm glad you had your scare of the nurses today though." she glances at the door then back to Finley.

    "I think you probably should keep them topped off, but we should make sure you tell Dr. Lewis and Dr. Simmons what we figured out today. They can shift their tests and experiments and probably find the right level of charge you need to be back to your old self and keep the nanites half tanked."

Ava Starr has posed:
Ava gives a wry smile, her green eyes glinting for just a moment. "You could borrow my pendant, if it might help." Energy readings and all that.

Really, Ava is empathetic to Finley's plight, however. She moves to sit on the edge of the bed. "It'll be okay, Fin. We'll figure it out. We will."

Finley Ellison has posed:
"Maybe I should just, uh, feed them more?" Finley's eyes are wide. "I would like to survive being their battery. I mean they kept me unconscious and I've been mostly sleeping since they let me wake up. What kind of terrible programming makes a robo-parasite consume its host?" She picks up the electrical cord again and tries to syphon off some more power.

Carol Danvers has posed:
    "Well. They probably don't have a lot of options. Should up the calorie count of your meals and also.. yeah maybe do that." indicates the cord.

    "I need to get back to what I was doing. Make sure you tell the geeksquad about our lab experiment so they can suss out some further stuff. Also one of you call me if anything unexpected happens ok?"

    Danvers will nod then back out of the room. That turned out to be a good use of time after all.