9869/Path of Glory: Who Forgives the Transgression

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Path of Glory: Who Forgives the Transgression
Date of Scene: 27 January 2022
Location: Saint Patrick's Cathedral
Synopsis: Cael pays a visit to the Archangel Michael to try and appeal for Jon's surrender to be lifted. It doesn't go well.
Cast of Characters: Cael Becker, Michael Demiurgos
Tinyplot: Path of Glory

Cael Becker has posed:
    It's morning - after another restless night's sleep. Cael has opted to skip breakfast, as the thought of her impending walking and convesation with the- ...'charming' Archangel Michael has rather put herself off her appetite. Rather than waiting for later in the day, and letting herself stew in her anxiety, she makes an early day of it - bundling up warmly against the morning chill, and devesting herself of any and all weapons.
    ...aside from the amulet she wears at her throat.
    She's opted to skip the literal white flag - Jon seems to believe that Bear serves that purpose well enough, as she makes the short walk down the quiet streets.
    She pauses at an intersection, watching a patrol of angels pass overhead. She still hasn't tested out the new amulet - and she'd be lying if the idea wasn't tempting. A fight, instead of a confrontation with her abuser?
    She forces herself to drag her eyes away, crouching to stratch and Bear's fur instead, and bury her face against his neck. "I've got this," she murmurs under her breath. "I can do this." For Jon.
    After several moments crouched in the middle of the eerily deserted New York City street - she climbs back to her feet, adding, "It's okay, Bear. We've got this." It's only another block or so so before she climbs the few steps leading up towards the front doors, Bear padding at her side.

Michael Demiurgos has posed:
    What greets her at the doors is one of the armed Warriors that serve as Caitlin's acolytes and a Seraph. The Warrior eyes Cael, seeming to recognize her--she has been here before after all--and levels his weapon at the woman. "What's your business here..." he says hotly. "You've made your bed as an agent of the Resistance. It's too late too--" The Seraph places a hand on the man's shoulder and then between blinks the Seraph -changes-.

    Instead it's the tall figure of Michael standing behind the man. "Peace, Stephan," the Archangel says. "The fact that she is here means that she is not a threat. Were the situation any different, our forces would have intercepted her yards before her arrival." He gently moves the guard aside and gestures within. "Cael, please come in." He offers a welcoming presence at the very least. "I suspect there is something urgent for you to arrive in such a way and with such an appropriate and powerful companion." It seems that Raphael isn't the only Archangel that recognizes Bear's usefulness.

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael's jaw tenses as the man levels the pulse rifle at her - while she herself remains unarmed, and unarmored. She stops short, with Bear letting out a whine at the hostility, and his owner's rising anxiety. "I'm not here for a fight," she confirms simply - as abruptly the angel beside the man simply changes.
    For a moment, undisguised fear meets Michael's gaze, and she falls back a step, before she manages to steel herself to the unexpected appearance. Her hands grip tightly into fists at her side, her fingernails pressing into her palms painfully enough to give her something to focus on as she reasserts control over her emotions. "I've come to make a... request," she manages.
    Rather than moving inside, she takes another moment to crouch beside Bear, running her fingers over the dog's fur before hugging him tightly. "It's okay, Bear. We've got this..." she murmurs, while Bear twists in her arms to lick her across the face. Ugh. Great.
    She rubs at the top of his head before straightening again, and finally accepting Michael's invitation into the church.

Michael Demiurgos has posed:
    Michael allows Cael in before walking beside her perfectly matching her own pace even though he is much taller than the woman. All about the church are angels, what they are doing is unclear, but they come and go without pause. A number of other mortal Warriors are in the church, some are praying, others read, even others are working on what is clearly engagement drills.

    Michael nods. "A request?" the Archangel says curiously. "After our previous interaction I would think that you wanted nothing to do with me and now you wish to request something? Very curious."

    He leads Cael past a contingency of mortals practicing against lesser angels and into what might've been an office room before the angels took over the Cathedral. "Please, sit" he says gesturing to one of the comfortable looking chairs before a desk. "I am at least willing to listen to your request... though I make not promises in granting it. At least, until I know what it is."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "I would expect no such promise." Cael hesitates at the entrance to the office, looking back at the others still within the main worship hall, before she'll finally step inside.
    Being alone, in a small, enclosed space with Michael is hardly a reassuring experience for her, but for Jon... She takes the offered seat - patting her legs, and prompting Bear to immediately prop his forelegs up on Cael's lap, resting his head against her, which she immediately begins to pet. She'd probably be a mess if she tried doing this without the pup beside her.
    Seeing no reason to beat around the bush she asks directly, "I presume you still intend to take Agent Sims and torture him - as per his arrangement with you?" she asks, her tone blunt and flat.

Michael Demiurgos has posed:
    Michael watches Cael with a serene expression on his face and makes a silent 'ah' at her introductory statement. In answer he flares his left wing out. The bloody and burnt stems still look fresh despite the wounding being over a month ago. "My wing is still destroyed as a testament to that price unpaid. So yes. I intend to extract equal measure upon him that was inflicted upon me."

    He inclines his head. "In order to balance the scales as it were, a task he seems sure to understand. He stepped into the position of surrender readily enough when I was released from the vessel of the one who summoned me." He pauses a moment of irritation crossing his features. "Even if one of my brothers saw fit to... modify the terms of our agreement." He shakes his head, tossing the thought aside with the motion. "Aside from the personal worry for your beloved, what is your interest in it?" he asks.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "And that reason alone isn't enough?" Cael counters coolly, frowning at the being across from her. "He made the deal, in part, to protect me - which is not something I ever agreed to. I think there's been enough pain and suffering, and it needs to stop somewhere. You hurt me... so he hurt you back. Didn't //that// balance things enough?" she asks. "Why should there be more suffering? Don't you think he suffers enough - watching men under his command suffer and die in this fight? Or watching me struggle?" She shakes her head in frustration. "You started this with //your// actions. With the people you killed and tortured - and believe me, that scale still isn't balanced. I don't buy your meager excuse that Jon somehow owes you pain and suffering - there's been enough."
    The fingers of her left hand grip tightly at Bear's fur as she speaks, the flame-like tattoo she'd recently acquired scrawled across the back of her hand. Her right hand strokes at Bear's head and ears as she tries to keep her emotions calm, and under control.

Michael Demiurgos has posed:
    Michael snorts softly. "What was done to you and others that died while I was confined was no less than what humans do to each other daily" he replies cooly. "What Jonathan did to me was something else entirely. But you are a mortal and I should not expect you to fully understand the underlying horror of what has been done."

    He shakes his head. "But what sort of offer do you have to give in answer to his required payment?" He asks. "What he did to me was done in an effort to coerce answers. Answers he receive. Not to help you. Your rescue had already occured when he did what he did. But if you wish to intercede on his behalf, offer something of equal value to his forfeiture... I am willing to hear it."

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael shakes her head wordlessly - and it was clear she didn't accept Michael's arguement in the least. "That... just isn't true. The pain was bad enough - but the way you got in my head, and robbed me of... who I am? Robbed me of my will, and identity? That isn't something people do to each other daily, and it was monsterous. I don't think you really understand what you did, or how horrific it was.
    "But why not prove yourself better than what you did to me, and those people? Why not release Jon, and forgive him, for actions taken in anger and grief? It wasn't harming you that he did to protect me. It was agreeing to hand himself over to you. He was afraid you were going to strike at me again, if he didn't, and that I might not withstand it a second time." She takes a deep breath in, letting it out slowly, her fingers still stroking Bear's fur, while the pup nuzzles at her chest, whining softly in response to her distress.
    "He's been a worthy opponent, hasn't he? Don't you think torturing the leader of the opposing force in the middle of the conflict gives you an unfair advantage? How is he going to recover from something like that, and continue to lead our people effectively? How can he serve //his// purpose if you hold him to this promise? You can release him. ...please." Saying that word was hard - but it was for Jon. She could do this... for Jon.

Michael Demiurgos has posed:
    Michael gives Cael a sympathetic look. "I understand your concern. I do. But this is something that cannot be avoided with simple words. Your compassion is noted... but my answer is still 'no.'" He eyes narrow and he looks to one side. "Should I give you the knowledge you seek? The -why- of it all? Or will that only increase your terror? Even now, granted safety and peace for this journey, you feel as if I will attack you at a moment's notice." He shakes his head. "Foolishness to think me so dishonorable in this uncorrupted state."

    "What Jonathan must endure is something that must come to pass otherwise..." He pauses. "Otherwise he will not be able to sufficiently be what he is meant to be. I admit, his defiance is formidable, but he is lacking something else. Something that will allow him to put that defiance in play much more easily." He eyes Cael again. "What I am going to do to him is preparation for that transformation. And yet, even now, as I lay it all before you. I can see that you truly do not understand what I am trying to say..."

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael lets out a humorless laugh. "You don't get people at all, do you? Logically, I know you won't harm me. You're playing by the //fucking// 'rules.' That does very little to change the terror I feel being in this room with you - especially now that I've seen just how powerful you and your... brothers really are."
    Almost palpable pain throbs through her chest at Michael's words, as Cael pulls Bear in tighter, relying on his steady presence, as he licks at her check in an attempt to calm and reassure her. "I don't want you to have any hand in changing or transforming someone I love. How can torturing him make him a more capable foe? That makes no sense. You know //nothing// of people - of how they work, or feel, or react..." She shakes her head in frustration.
    "What could you possibly show me that would make me agree with anything you've said?"

Michael Demiurgos has posed:
    Michael regards Cael with solemn serenity. "I could show you the truth of all things. Show you images your mind would not begin to comprehends. I could show you the breadth and depth of his love for you. For I know it. I see it. I -feel- it for all things that came from my fire." He doesn't grow, but even so, his sheer presence looms in the office. His voice growing thick with power and anger. A thundercloud incarnate localized in the room. "I could give you the feeling that was dealt upon me by his hand and the foul blood of the Prodigal. Show you just how wrong you are about what was done to me being equal in measure."

    And then just like that, it's over and he is back to normal. "But I won't because your mind is no longer habitable by my influence. What point would there be to showing you what Jonathan is to become, when it will change nothing about how you feel for him? What point would it be to show you a world without pain, without suffering, when you already paint me the villain? What point is there in telling you that I love every one of the creatures killed by my forces in this war as if they were my children, when all you see if a monster before you?"

    He shakes his head again. "I will not grant your request. But not for the reason I wish to give. I will give you the reason you wish to see. I will take Jonathan and I will inflict pain and torture upon him to the brink of his capacity... because I want to. Because I will have vengeance. Because in war pain is a truth that cannot be extinguished."

Cael Becker has posed:
    As Michael's presence grows to seemingly fill the space - dark, forboding, and oppressive - Cael's eyes go wide, and she shrinks back into her chair, her breath catching in her throat. Why did she think she could do this? Why did she think she was strong enough, brave enough to face Michael? Her heart begins to pound in a panic, and her breathing abruptly picks up its rate as well while Bear tries desperately to soothe Cael - licking at her face, and pushing himself in so more and more of his weight rests on her lap, and against her chest. Her arms go around the dog, holding him right to her chest.
    She has enough awareness to know her control is slipping and to scramble desperately, in an attempt to claw it back.
    Why did she ever think she could do this?

Michael Demiurgos has posed:
    Michael sighs and shakes his head. "You should not have come here. But you have your answer... take it back to the one you love and tell him that you have tried. Tell him also, to prepare. Soon that which he assumes is safe will become vulnerable. When it does, safety will no longer be assured anywhere in the city for him or his Resistance." He turns and changes once again. What stands there in his place is the burning Seraphim from before.

    The two wings that hold it aloft flap far too slowly to be the only means of levitation it has. "Come, I will lead you from this place to safety... in my presence you will have peace out of this place."

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael doesn't answer at first - she still clings to Bear, as she struggles to piece her control, and her composure back together. "There's nothing I can say? Nothing I can offer? I'd take his place... I ought to be the last. No one else need to suffer. //Please.//"
    She lifts her head again, looking at him with tear-streaked eyes. "Don't they teach love, and compassion, and forgiveness here? How can you be this cruel?"

Michael Demiurgos has posed:
    The seraphim stares at Caek with wing covered eyes. "You angered him in coming here. You reminded him of his own pain. His own failing. While most of us are governed by purpose that you would not fully understand, the thirteen are different. And of the thirteen, he is the most different of them all." He gestures with a ahnd, it is the only part of him that is not engulfed in flame. "We can speak more, but I must lead you from this place... lest it become too dangerous for you."

    As they passed back through the Cathedral the angel continues to speak. "What he carries is a burden on him. It allows him to understand some of the emotions mortals possess. Anger is one of them. It is alien to him as is every emotion he feels that is outside his Purpose and thus it causes him distress. He is angry at Jonathan. And that anger must be satisfied lest it consume him."

    They reach the Cathedral doors and the angel continues to walk with Cael, it seems fit to protect her from even the patrols as they continue down the street. "He also knows vanity. For the longest time he was the greatest of us. And now... wounded as he is. Eternally in pain as he is. He cannot be that. Until his vanity is also sated, he must wear the disgrace of his pain on him. Once complete, he will be restored and able to focus on what he must do for the sake of all things."

    The seraph stops at an intersection. "I do not give you this in the hopes that you will find comfort in the words. I simply offer explanation to your confusion on the choices he made. Nothing more. Nothing less."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "I angered him?" Cael asks, stopping to stare at the Seraphim with her own raw, bitter anger and hatred flaring in him. "//I// angered //him//? He caused all this suffering. Mine. Jon's. His. The people he //killed//. I can't heal either. I'm in pain, too. Just because you can't //fucking// see it-" She holds up her left hand - as some sort of evidence. "He.... caused... ALL of this."
    Facing the Cathedral directly, she rages, her volume growing and reverberating off the buildings that surround them. "FUCK you. Fuck your God, your church, your God damned hypocricy. Fuck the lies. Countless people have suffered and died over centuries and millenia for your fucking bullshit. Fuck you, Michael. GET THE FUCK OFF MY PLANET, AND LEAVE MY BOYFRIEND ALONE."
    She levels a finger on the Seraphim as she adds, "And fuck you, too."
    She can feel it rising in her - the desire to give in to the violence the amulet promises. To let its strength fill her, and to take out as many of these assholes as she can.
    But doing so here, alone? ... she'd die.
    "Fuck," she repeats forcefully, before turning abruptly to start striding away. "Don't fucking follow me!" she calls to the Seraphim.
    The stride turns into a jog - and eventually into a full tilt run, Bear at her heels keeping stride. Not heading towards anything, as long as it's away from that church.