10663/Belly Up to Burgers

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Belly Up to Burgers
Date of Scene: 04 April 2022
Location: Big Belly Burger - North Valley
Synopsis: Felicity and Ollie's lunch takes a dramatic turn
Cast of Characters: Oliver Queen, Felicity Smoak

Oliver Queen has posed:
Oliver had actually come to the office today, an unusual enough event. After signing things that needed signed and paying attention to a few memos and updates and the like, he decides to take a lunch break and invites Felicity to go along with him.

He pulls up in a nice sports car, going around to let her out the other side and open the door.

"The best way to show my appreciation for the hard work you do is by giving you as much cholesterol in one sitting as I can manage," he grins.

Felicity Smoak has posed:
It's true. There are ways in which Felicity can be bought. Some go for jewelry, others go for pretty dresses, and there are some that have the allure of 'excitement'. (Not too much if you please!) The one tried and true ways that one can always get a 'yes, please' from the Queen of geekdom, of course without the title 'Queen' is by offering up food. Grease and cholesterol? Yes, please, though she'll hate herself forever after.

Okay, at least a day after.

Felicity rises from the car, smoothing down her dress to make sure the skirt is all in the right places. Her light jacket is enough, allowing her, finally, to show that she does have some sense of style (no, that Thea has some sense in style) in the workplace.

"I am absolutely dying for a burger," Felicity enthuses softly. "The kind that has the grease dripping onto the plate." She's apparently thought about this alot? "Then, the fries.."

There's that moment as she looks across at Oliver, and realizing perhaps too late that it may be a touch of TMI at the moment, she continues, "Okay. I'll shut up. But, I wonder if I should actually go with a cheeseburger this time." She //never// gets the cheeseburger. "It's so close to the holiday."

Oliver Queen has posed:
Oliver isn't one to judge. He's certainly done enough gluttony in his time. Years on a deserted island will leave you with an endless craving for certain kinds of food and he is definitely going to get a giant basket of onion rings.

"You should get whatever you want," he says. He gets his onion rings and a double bacon Big Belly, along with a strawberry cheesecake milkshake before he plops down at the booth.

"So, tell me, how've things been for Felicity? I know I've been a little busy lately with my nocturnal activities and I need to catch up. Get it?" he says, holding up a bottle of Heinz.

Felicity Smoak has posed:
As they walk in, Felicity is greeted with the smell of fries and grease and onions and grease, and burgers...

Oh, those burgers.

Shuffling her way up the line, the decision is made. Cheeseburger with carmelized onions, the BBQ steak sauce with a small dollop of coleslaw (might as well go all the way, but she does draw the line at bacon), and fries to sop up the grease.

And a diet coke. Yes, she's one of those.

Carrying her order to the table, she slides in, sets the food down and pushes up her glasses that have fallen ever so slightly. She puts a hand up, and her head cants, "Oliver, I don't think I could bear listening to your stories of conquests." She does have the grace to groan at the ketchup joke, and shakes her head.

"Okay, okay. And you know what it's like in my head.. in my world. Work, work, and a touch of hanging out with your sister." There's that beat, her usual pause before she sounds a self-deprecating, "Wow, that sounds really pathetic when I actually say it out loud." Still..

"And.. um.." Something that had never been discussed between the pair, and it //could// be a tricky subject. "Slade is out of town." Of course Oliver knows who that is...

Oliver Queen has posed:
Oliver Queen smiles, "Emiko is a very social creature, much moreso than me. I'm glad she's been making her presence felt. She's...surprisingly light, given everything she's been through. I could probably learn a few lessons," he admits.

He takes a sip of his soda and leans back, "I haven't been doing much conquesting lately. Well. I have been seeing one woman regularly, but I think conquering her would be a tall mountain to climb. She could snap me over her knee like a twig," he admits.

At the last m ention of Slade, he raises an eyebrow, "Is he now? I'm not sure if I should be concerned or relieved."

Felicity Smoak has posed:
"I haven't run into.. Emiko? Emiko yet." Felicity frowns as she takes the ketchup, once free, to squeeze a small portion onto her plate. It's reset and she's able to take up her burger. With a few mumbled words, she bites into the Big Belly goodness, and sure enough, there is the promised grease! Soft noises of pleasure come from the computer geek, and blue eyes close behind her glasses as she takes the moment to enjoy. It's VERY rare for her to have a cheeseburger, VERY rare, and as long as no one notices it? She'll be fine.

The first chew and swallow is then finished, followed by a sip of her //diet// soda, and that's done.

The burger is replaced, and her own brows rise. "Seeing.. one.. excuse me, who are you again?" Still, she's happy enough for him.. her own unrequited crush seemingly passed for the time being.

Buuut, there's Slade. "Yes. When he's town, he usually finds either me or Thea. She hasn't mentioned it, and I haven't seen him, so.." Ergo. "He made a promise to me." As if that was explanation enough to know that he couldn't be around because neither of the women have seen him.

Oliver Queen has posed:
Oliver Queen eats a few onion rings, "I'm allowed to see other people, I just haven't been. Like I said, busy. And she's...very intense. I think you'd like her, though. Her name is Hella. She's Russian and a firefighter," he says.

"I haven't seen m uch of Thea lately. I'm glad she's doing well. I do worry, big brother and all, "he says.

"You put more value in Slade's word than I do, I think," he says. "I generally trust your judgement, but Slade's one of the worst humans on this planet."

Felicity Smoak has posed:
Another bite of the burger that could be described as almost bigger than Felicity's head is taken, and the same.. the sheer pleasure of eating what is, for her, forbidden food is definitely written on her face. The burger is set down once more, and a fry is pulled through the congealing burger grease for that double dose of cholesterol and hardening arteries. She'll be paying for this tomorrow.

Tomorrow means she'll have to start exercising.

"That sounds like the complete opposite of me," Felicity deadpans. "Busy? Check. Intense? I don't think so? Definitely not Russian and I have a hard time carrying a five pound bag of flour into the apartment. But, sure." There's that pause, and she reaches for her coke again, but once she has it, she pushes up her glasses, and with her tones canted low, "You haven't.. said anything, right? About your being busy?"

As for Slade, Felicity is still waiting for the answer to her all important question, though she'll give him the courtesy of her own opinion on the matter. "He's been nothing but a gentleman to me," it sounds as if she's ticking off a list, "He actually noticed me.. and I don't think it was to get at you, by the way. He's sent me flowers when he's back in town, and has actually.. helped me once or twice." Okay, saved her.. but that would mean she'd have to admit she'd put herself in danger to warrant saving. "Taken me to dinner, talks to me.."

Oliver Queen has posed:
Oliver Queen raises an eyebrow, "And if I had? I would only tell it to someone I could trust. She's a superhero herself, in fact," he says. "Last I checked, I didn't need permission from anybody to talk to anyone," he says.

He stares for a moment at the idea of Deathstroke courting Felicity. Did he feel a bit of jealousy underneath it? Maybe. He shouldn't, he knows. He has no right. But Slade...

"He's an excellent liar. Goes along with being a stone cold killer," Ollie says. "I can't believe you're questioning my dating habits when you're sitting there telling me you're flirting around with..." he says, then downs a few more onion rings.

"I just meant you'd get along because she's nice. That's all."

Felicity Smoak has posed:
"No, but you tell one person, and it affects us //all//," Felicity reminds. "It's not my place to .. tell people how we spend our nights." Sounds suggestive enough, right? Particularly with the cant of her head, the blue of her eyes meeting his own. "Because it's more than just me." She chuffs a breath and sits back in the booth, looking a little disappointingly at her food; as if it's just become her worst enemy.

Always happens. There's buyer's remorse and regret there.. and it's not something she can take home with her. The guilt would be there, compounding for the length of time it was present. Then, she'd be obligated to rekasherize her kitchen, and.. there lies madness.


Is that.. and she blinks behind those frames again. No, no it couldn't be.


"He's never lied to me, Oliver. He's never made false promises to me. I won't let him. I don't want to be disappointed." She smiles tightly, and shrugs; the gesture seeming to allow just a little bit of pressure to release. "He's not taking.. work in the States. He promised. And from there?" She winces, hearing herself, but she continues, "He's trying."

She exhales and pushes at a fry before taking her diet Coke. That'll make her feel a little bit better. "I'm sure Hella is great. I'd love to meet her sometime."

Oliver Queen has posed:
Ollie wants to rant. He wants to remind her of the things that Slade has done. To him, yes, most directly, but to all the people he cares about, at some point. He wipes his mouth with a napkin.

"I don't think it's better if he goes to kill people for money in other countries, Felicity. I don't own you. And while I'm your boss, I'd rather be your friend," he says. "But if you bring Slade Wilson anywhere near me, my company, my sisters or anyone else, then we're going to have a problem," he says.

He pushes away from the table, "I think I've lost my appetite," he says, pushing up and away. "I don't know, Felicity. This is a lot to swallow. I have to think. And you know that's not my strong suit."

Felicity Smoak has posed:
Felicity sits in her seat, her lips pressed together, and the only thing she can think to add is spoken softly,

"I thought we were friends." She exhales and puts her napkin on the top of the table and is ready to leave. "Guess I'll be taking a cab."

She'll be following him out, at a distance, and walking to the corner to hail a cab back to work. She has meetings scheduled with hardware, and they really, really need to talk about the new iteration of the system they're sending out. Program management for the win?