10509/Building Plans

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Building Plans
Date of Scene: 19 March 2022
Location: The Warehouse Loft
Synopsis: Finley comes in to find Ava redesigning the warehouse. She has a few ideas of her own to share.
Cast of Characters: Ava Starr, Finley Ellison

Ava Starr has posed:
The loft is, in many ways, little changed since they left it. Little changed, save for the ferocious tidying Ava gave it within a day or two of their homecoming. All traces of their erstwhile visitors are gone. The workspace Ava setup when Fin first arrived has been all but gutted, moved down with Phyla's scanner to the warehouse floor. Astro's projects have been dismantled or shelved. The empty spot where the QEC once stood remains.

However, Finley's little partition has been removed, her things moved down into a space Ava once reserved solely for her own use. Okay, so the bed isn't the best, but it's better than a cot and emergency mattress. At least, it's there. And it's become theirs.

The rest of the loft is still in its open arrangement, with high ceilings filled with pipes and infrastructure, and a wall of square windows set into red brick, overlooking the forlorn parking lot. The kitchen is still at the far end, the battered cluster of thrift furniture in the middle still serving as a de facto living room.

Ava sits on the couch, the tablet in her hands mirrored on the larger screen of the TV against the iron pipes that serve as a rail to keep people from falling down onto the cluttered floor of the warehouse below. There are two apps, arranged side by side in a split screen arrangement, displayed on the screen. One has a rough mockup of the loftspace on it. The other has a web browser open. She is, potentially, far more interested in the mockup of the loftspace than the browser.

Finley Ellison has posed:
Finley leans over her shoulder from behind the couch. "What're you looking at?" she asks, the lilt in her voice teasing curiosity.

Ava Starr has posed:
"We need a base," Ava replies stoutly, refusing to rise to the bait. Though that refusal is its own mute acknowledgement of the flush on her cheeks. "And we need a living space. I don't think they should be the exact same space. If we end up tangled up with more people," and she obviously thinks they will, "then I don't want them camping outside my bedroom." A beat. "Our bedroom."

Finley Ellison has posed:
Finley kisses Ava's blushing cheek. "Do you want help?" She'd better.

They also need a real bed. And Finley has opinions.

Ava Starr has posed:
Ava's cheek twitches, her lips quirking in a faint smile. She taps the couch cushion beside her, shifting over slightly to give Finley room. "You're an engineer," she says. "We need to redesign this place and I don't really want to employ an architect. I'd rather do it ourselves, rather than have the plans available somewhere else."

She really is a very private person.

Finley Ellison has posed:
Finley swings herself over the couch to slide in next to Ava. "So what are you thinking?"

Ava Starr has posed:
Truthfully? Ava is thinking she may need to excavate under the warehouse and create a whole bunker. She's also thinking that is very likely serious overkill. She actually knows when she's overreacting. So, she doesn't say it.

Instead, she points to the screen, because it's easier than showing her the much smaller tablet. "That's the rough dimensions of this level," she says of the sketch. "The plumbing is fairly fixed, so I'm not keen on moving it. But the bedroom should be expanded to take up that far end, maybe add extra plumbing for an ensuite. And I want to put up some better walls or windows or something along the rail. Turn this into a proper apartment..."

She glances sidelong at Finley. "And maybe some better furniture."

It's not that she hasn't had or doesn't have the money -- mercenary work pays well. It's that she hasn't had a reason to spend it on things that aren't weapons or armour. Of course, now she *is* a walking weapon. Who doesn't really need armour. So...

Priorities change.

Finley Ellison has posed:
"I'm thinking a four-poster," says Finley off-handedly. She wants to give Ava as many opportunities to feel safely hidden from the prying eyes of the world, but with bright beautiful colors, thin silk curtains like stained glass.

Ava Starr has posed:
Ava's brows rise at that. She looks at Finley. And then down at her tablet. A pinch and a zoom. Finley can see her make the adjustment on the sketch side of the display. A tentative wall moves out a few feet further into the main living space. Lots of room, now. Her gaze returns to Finley. "Right. You need to help."

Finley Ellison has posed:
Finley laughs. "If you want. I mean, I've had some ideas." She's been thinking about it a lot, truthfully. Since she sort of invited herself to move in. Which is why she knows she wants a four poster with light silk curtains. "May I?" she asks, holding out her hands for the planning implements.

Ava Starr has posed:
Ava passes the tablet over willingly. She knows Finley's the engineer. She's better at this stuff. The best Ava can do is draw simple lines and point at them and say, 'This is a wall... I want a door here. Maybe.' So, yes. She'll let Finley drive.

Finley Ellison has posed:
Before she starts sketching out floorplans, Finley navigates to a web browser and pulls up a pinterest board. The screen floods with images of light airy loft spaces. Tall ceilings, windows that go all the way up, and curtains. Lots and lots of window treatment options. Four poster beds with silk hangings. Green ferns on small tables. Floor to ceiling bookshelves.

"What do you like?" Finley asks. "What do you hate?"

Ava Starr has posed:
Ava's eyes widen as she sees just how much thought Finley's given this. For just a moment, she looks sidelong at the other woman. When did she have time for this? Nevertheless, she dutifully turns her attention to the screen. "That's a lot of window," she observes. Windows do make her a little nervous. She's a sniper, after all. Windows are a vulnerability. She likes the light, though. She's never been able to live anywhere with a lot of light before. Even here, she's kept the windows blocked in many ways.

"I like this," she says after a moment of examining the images. She points specifically to an image of a loft space with high, industrial ceilings and a divided space with stairs and partitions that make the place a little maze-like (and thus hard for people unfamiliar with it to navigate) but still seem open and integrated. "Maybe a little less glass." Or maybe frosted glass -- all the light and all the privacy at once.

Finley Ellison has posed:
Finley grins. "I like that one too. Only the bedroom needs to have walls and a door. And there should be some bookshelves. And we can frost the windows. I've been working on a glass that will change opacity. Like transition lenses, but translucence rather than coloration. We could replace the windows here with that. If you want?"

Ava Starr has posed:
"Like smartglass," Ava says, her head canting briefly. She's seen similar technology. She nods briefly. "That could work." Her lips purse faintly. "I want to install some security measures, too. Especially if we're going to have a lot of glass. External shutters that can lift or lower into place so we can bunker down. Turn the lower level into a proper lab and workspace. Maybe with a garage." She glances up to the ceilings, some twelve feet high. "We could extend up into the upper floors, or just move higher. Take advantage of the roof for a private outdoor space, perhaps?" She's almost dreaming, now, in her speculation.

She dares to lean gently against Finley's shoulder with her own. "I just want this place to be secure. To be ours. So that if any more alien visitors show up--" and she's fairly convinced they will, given the whole Protector of the Universe gig, "--we'll be able to isolate them from our space."

There's a beat. "And I want my QEC back."

Finley Ellison has posed:
"Yeah, where are we gonna put that, exactly?" Finley asks, leaning into Ava's touch. "We need to have a place reserved for that. It takes up a good amount of space. And while you *can* shove it through whatever walls are in the way, I don't want you to have to. And I don't want to take it apart. So. Someplace private. Maybe secret?"

Ava Starr has posed:
"For now," Ava replies, "the warehouse floor. Eventually, though... We'll have to find a place." Her ears rise faintly at the idea of a 'secret' place. Again, she looks speculatively ceilingward. There are several floors above them. Take the top two for an apartment, the third down as their private space -- a lab, her QEC, maybe their security center? Put a training facility on one of the other floors... maybe the one directly above this one. She looks around. Could turn this into additional workspace. Let the aliens hang out here when they turn up. But that may also mean they need quarters, which... okay, maybe that goes directly above this one and the training facility higher still.

She chuffs as her busy brain starts working through the permutations. And *she's* not even the *engineer* of the pair of them. "Maybe we should make a wishlist first, and then figure out where things go..."

Finley Ellison has posed:
Finley pulls up another page on the tablet. She titles it 'Wishlist'.

"Okay," she says, coyly, "so, what do we want?"

Ava Starr has posed:
Ava's brows rise faintly before she wrinkles her nose. Taking a breath, she outlines the thoughts already running through her mind -- the workshop and high energy lab/testing area on the main floor, a fully equipped garage, an observation center, gym... maybe with a range... or a pool... both? The likely need for 'guest rooms' (preferably far away from the loft), the idea of moving their living space to the top two or three levels and turning it into something bright and airy, but protected and cozy, with a secured area for things like the QEC and other private projects that don't need to be easily accessible to anyone but them. A rooftop terrace, perhaps.

Mostly, though, her thoughts are on the security of the building. She talks at length about sophisticated reinforcements in walls and floors and ceilings, about energy sensors that cover a much wider spectrum than most places on Earth would consider. She even speculates about excavating deeper into the ground, beyond the basement that's already providing a solid foundation, to create a bunker. "Maybe that's overkill..." she says after a moment, mostly referring to the excavations, rather than the small fortress she's designed in her head for the rest of the building.

She's been in and out of high security facilities all her life. She knows what they look like. She knows how they could be improved. The fact, though, that she's preparing in her mind for a seige is probably very telling...

She hardly even touches on softer amenities like the style of furniture for the apartment or wall treatments or even the four poster bed. They're afterthoughts to her. Then again, they're sitting on a ratty old thrift store couch that's only comfortable because it's old enough to have come from an era when furniture was made to last. The fabric on it is ugly, sure, but that's what throws are for. (And it's evident Ava does have a thing for blankets and soft fabrics, despite the utilitarian nature of the rest of her belongings.) The rest of the place reflects the same aesthetic -- old furniture that's seen better days but was made to last and so is still highly serviceable, but not ostentatious. And stuff she likely wouldn't care about losing.

All the things she does describe, though... those, she'd care about losing. She's building a fortress because she wants to protect what's hers.

Finley Ellison has posed:
Finley's eyebrows raise as Ava details her wants in terms of security. The two of them obviously have very different daydreams. But she dutifully records them on the wishlist. And writes 'working elevator' as her first addition to the page.

Then, opening a new page over Ava's floor plan, Finley sketches out a very basic elevation. Really she's just transferring the wishlist onto the floor levels. She labels the floor that they're currently on 'guest quarters'. And reserved the top two floors for something called 'Ava and Finley's private apartment' ? which is *a lot* of space, but best to claim what's theirs now. The floor below is just labeled 'buffer'.

"So," she says to Ava, "something like that?" It's an extensive renovation ? a lot of people in Ava's space, *their* space. But perhaps it's best to get it over with in one go. Or at least handle the new apartment construction mostly themselves while they're still camped out here on this level. And then they'd have a place to retreat from the work below. Which might help Ava with the too many people problem.

And as to the aesthetics, Finley considers, glancing over the pinterest board again, she's really only concerned with what will become their living space. For the moment anyway. The rest can wait. But if they're going to put in the effort and put Ava through the stress of renovations, Finley's determined that they will end up with a living space that's more comfortable and refined than the current 1980's squatter's chic.

Ava Starr has posed:
Ava looks over what Finley sketches out. "Yeah," she says. She considers the layout. "We should probably start up here," she tells her, pointing to the upper floors. Their space. "I don't want to live in a renovation. So, whether we do it ourselves or bring a bonded team in, and keep them away from here while they work." Because, seriously... She *hates* strangers in her space. A lot.

A lot a lot.

She's less concerned about the aesthetics. Most of the aesthetics she knows are sparse, research base clean. So, it's hard for her really envision much else.

Finley Ellison has posed:
Finley smiles softly. "That's what I was thinking too. That we should start up there, I mean. And we might as well try to renovate ourselves. Erm, the apartment. At least give it a go. The all of that-" and she gestures to the lower two-thirds of the building sketch- "should probably be handled by someone else. Or a team of someone elses. It's a lot of work. More than I think either of us want to take on."

She worries that if they have a construction crew start upstairs they'll be sandwiched in the middle between comings and goings and Ava will literally explode. Which is now a legitimate fear. "But our space, maybe we wanna do that ourselves. After all, you've got your fancy new bracelets to help."

*Is that wrong?* Finley wonders. *Using her partner's phenomenal cosmic power to create a glamorous loft?* Perhaps. But she justifies it to herself, using Ava's need to practice as an excuse. Ava has more confidence in the practical applications of science than in the theoretical.

Ava Starr has posed:
Ava doesn't doubt Finley's ability to engineer the loft to her standards. Nor does she doubt Finley's ability to handle the more delicate tasks of electrical wiring or figuring out the plumbing. She does doubt her own ability to do anything more complicated than using a nail gun or paint brush, however. Even so, it's not a bad project for her to practice on. And she won't object to keeping their space private. Especially if they decide there are secrets they want to build there that need to stay secret.

So, she nods slowly. "Could take a while," she notes. "Just the two of us..." She's not opposed to it. But this won't be a simple in and out operation. And there's still Finley's own changes to consider.

Finley Ellison has posed:
Laughing Finley nudges Ava with her shoulder. "You haven't even decided what you like yet. Besides if we try and fail, at least we won't bring down the whole building around our ears. Probably. Anyway, I'll have blueprints by then that we can hand over to a crew. And we can stay in a nice apartment somewhere else while the work gets done."

Ava Starr has posed:
"With a roof entrance," Ava smiles. Because she can use that, if things get too crowded below. She doesn't really think about the decor. The layout, yes. But not the decor. That will come. She's more concerned about flow and defensibility, which isn't really what a residence is for. Nevertheless, her concerns are, she believes, practical. If the Universe is going to expect her to become a protector, if she's going to end up doing even a little of what Danvers can do, she's going to make herself a target. That will make *them* a target.

So, yes. Defensibility is important. Decor less so.

Finley Ellison has posed:
"With a roof entrance,"  Finley grins. She sketches a pitched roof hatch on the building elevation. "What else?"

Once Ava's out of strong opinions, Finley will bring the pinterest board to the foreground again. She doesn't mind taking the lead on stylistic choices, so long Ava can live with the aesthetics.

Ava Starr has posed:
Ava considers what more the place needs -- structurally. She purses her lips slightly. "What do you think about a separate lift into the loft from down here," she suggests. "Close off the end walls to create an enclosed column we can use as a private entry within the building, have an exterior entrance on the main, and a private garage below..." That's more money, of course, but... eh. She'll find it.

Aside from that though? She's probably at the point where looking at pretty stuff might actually be something she can do.

Finley Ellison has posed:
"I think a private entrance is a fantastic idea," Finley says seriously. Especially during the downstairs construction. Anything to minimize Ava's interaction with people, really. And a garage sounds...useful. She makes some notes on the hastily drafted elevation.

Looking at the sketch with a critical eye, Finley bites her lip, considering. Honestly, the top two floors are an intimidating amount of space. Thousands upon thousands of square footage. Especially with a split level floorplan. "We really only need about a third of the space as living quarters. Maybe we could hide some other things in the space?"

Ava Starr has posed:
Ava nods to that. "A new QEC," she suggests. Unless, of course, Finley *insists* on putting it on the roof. It's fine either way, as long as she has one. "You could have a private lab, maybe. I could... I don't know. Have something else constructive." Don't ask her what. She doesn't know, yet.

But as she looks over the plans, she nods faintly. She can find something, certainly. Something that maybe doesn't have to do with guns and spies and aliens. That... might be nice.

Finley Ellison has posed:
"It would be a good place for one," Finley agrees. She privately considers moving the Quantum Tunnel shell up there as well. While it would be useful for public research, no one else really *needs* it. "And we do need another one. Since yours is still on the Milano. Even if you haven't had to use it since. Not even your suit."

Ava Starr has posed:
Ava nods, smiling just a touch at that. "It'd be a good idea, yeah." She's not blind to the risks, even if she hasn't really thought much about them, lately. And she wouldn't object to moving the tunnel. If she can phase a space ship, she should be able to phase the tunnel apparatus. It might be unconventional, but get a couple of repulsor lifts and they can go straight through the building.

What a strange thought.

She leans back and loops an arm loosely around Finley's shoulders. "Well," she says, sounding vaguely amused, "now that I've got your mind racing off on yet another crazy engineering project... I'm thinking dinner and a movie." She reaches for the remote. "You in?"

Finley Ellison has posed:
"Wait--" Finley snatches the remote. "What about the bed? Which bed do you like?"

She pulls up the pintrest board again.

Ava Starr has posed:
Ava blinks, looking at the array of options. "Oh. Um..." Looking mildly flummoxed, she falls silent. Her nose wrinkles briefly as she considers what's arrayed. "Lots of four posters, huh?"

Finley Ellison has posed:
"I...uh...," Finley blushes. "I, um, I thought you'd like the curtains."

Ava Starr has posed:
Ava gives her a bit of a squeeze, pulling her close and then releasing her. "I do," she admits. "I like that second one..." It has a pale fabric, knotted around some slender, natural looking posts that somehow mix organic and industrial together quite gracefully. There are small, white twinkle lights woven through the vaulted canopy overtop, like stars. "Maybe with colourful curtains, though. Dark red? Or blue? That multicoloured thing?" So many of the pictures are done with white, which just doesn't quite do it. There's a grey one there, she likes... but she suspects the colour -- or lack thereof -- might wear on Finley after a while. Even so, she adds, "Just not a circus tent..."

Finley Ellison has posed:
Finley laughs. "We can get multiple curtains. Or layer them. Color on the outside, grey on the inside?" She nestles against her partner. "The lights are nice."

Ava Starr has posed:
Ava nods again, body relaxing as Finley curls against her. "I like the texture," she says. "I don't know why." Maybe it's just because it's not steel and concrete. There's mystery to it and something organic. Imperfect.

"It would be nice not to be surrounded by sterile walls or urban decay." Two extremes that have dominated her life.

Finley Ellison has posed:
"We can do that," Finley says with a small smile. She sneaks an arm around Ava's torso, pulling her close, wrapping herself around her. Surrounding Ava with something new.

Ava Starr has posed:
Ava smiles and takes back the remote. "So. Netflix?" 'Cause, really... It'll do. Dinner can wait.