11596/Oh, so that's where you've been!

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Oh, so that's where you've been!
Date of Scene: 14 June 2022
Location: Rise N Grind
Synopsis: Stella and Booster come up with a business plan that definitely won't be a disaster.
Cast of Characters: Stella Roundtree, Booster Gold

Stella Roundtree has posed:
     Stella's not *that* hung over. Maybe a little. Not horribly, though. Still, coffee is a requirement, and she has something dark and powerful in her hand by the time she leaves the pick up line, seeming rather content as she ponders getting BACK in line for a pastry. This leaves her standing a bit in the way.

Booster Gold has posed:
It's a bit early in the morning for the whole entrance music routine, so Booster Gold forgoes that in favor of simply walking in like a normal person. Or as much like a normal person as one can be when one is wearing a bright gold and blue super suit and is joined by a floating golden robot. He steps into the shop and makes his way over towards the line, engaged in casual conversation with his robot companion.

"Yes, I know, it's another in a long string of disappointments," replies Booster to something that Skeets has said. "But, it's just the way life goes, I suppose. I'm not really meant for that, anyway."

Stella Roundtree has posed:
     Hm! What degree of awkward might this be! Stella opts to find out, scooting in next to the pair with a grin. "Well good morning," she says, fuelled by her first few sips of delicious Panama beans. "Haven't seen you two around much, but looks like Skeets is back up and operational," she says, letting the caffeine permeate her very being.

Booster Gold has posed:
It is unlikely that Stella is prepared for the sheer volume of the response directly in her ear that comes from the golden robot. "STELLA!" Apparently, Skeets dialed it up to 11.

"Hey there, how are you?" Booster smiles warmly towards Stella, swatting a bit at Skeets for his loud display. "Yeah, I've been busy, and of course..." He shrugs. She knows how things went. "What have you been up to?"

Stella Roundtree has posed:
     She laughs as the sound makes other people jump. A few coffees are spilled. "Oh, not too bad. Work's been keepin' me busy, and the apartment's been a little weird. I think I'm gonna look for a place of my own. I've been able to save up for a while because, uh... I'm a little freeloader not paying rent," she laughs. "So that's probably gotta stop. Met a nice guy, so been seein' him, otherwise surprisingly normal. You know. When I'm not training on the moon," she says, wiggling the fingers of her free hand.

Booster Gold has posed:
    "I highly endorse the freeloader model. It works really well." Booster pauses. "Particularly when your best friend is inexplicably a billionaire." He considers Stella's words. "Weird for you too, huh?" He shrugs slightly. "I didn't want to say it, but..."

    He smiles as she mentions seeing someone. "Good for you! I hope he's someone nice, and genuine. You deserve that." He glances at her hand and then back at her. "On the moon, huh?"

Stella Roundtree has posed:
     "I haven't seen Hella in weeks. Not sure if she's coming back," Stella admits. "So while it's been nice for my gentleman friend and I, it's been weird being in someone else's fancy loft solo. "I might be able to brag a bit, since you know the guy. Hal? I think you guys worked together at some point," she laughs. "Hella was datin' a rich guy for a while, but I haven't seen him around, and he knew all of you guys, too. Arrow guy," she says, miming shooting an arrow. "High concentration of heroes in this town, let me tell ya," she laughs. "But it's definitely helped me get better at doing my thing.'

Booster Gold has posed:
    "Yeah, I can understand that. But maybe she doesn't need it." He shrugs. "Or maybe she got called off for a family affair, and..." He trails off, not knowing if Stella is clued in on Hella's secrets. He frowns in thought as she mentions Hal. "Worked together?" He tilts his head some more. Then he snaps his fingers. "Hal JORDAN? The green -- " He stops himself, and looks around. "PILOT, you know, the one who is just learning..." He laughs. "You know, people confuse him and I _all the time_."

    At the talk of Hella dating, he just shrugs. Until she mentions who. There's only two guys he knows who uses arrows, and one is decided working class. "You're kidding me." Booster just laughs at that. "I mean, if you want to find a polar opposite in everything other than the good looking department..."

He nods. "I mean, it's important to have good control of what you are doing. Glad to hear that you are finding it."

Stella Roundtree has posed:
     "Maybe. I'm just humanish, I dunno what the super-humans get up to unless I'm invited," she says.

     And Stella laughs again, "Yeah! Jordan. Pilot indeed. What's he just learning?" she asks, then takes another sip of her coffee. She definitely needed that to survive her morning. She pulls a little necklace out of her shirt, which has a little glowing bit of green in the stone. "Honestly did not expect him to be such a great guy. Or that space would be as fun as it is," she says, tucking it back into her top.

     "I mean, as far as arrow guy, I think that's done. I dunno if that matters. But yeah! I'm learning control and I might actually be able to be helpful," she says. "I was so pitiful when I started, but everyone seems real patient and willing to teach," she says with a shrug. "So you still at Ted's, I take it?"

Booster Gold has posed:
    "Yeah, well. She's more than just..." Booster trails off, shaking his head.

    Booster glances down at the necklace and nods slowly, a smile on his face. "He's a good dude." He pauses, and leans forward towards her, whispering. "He's a fine pilot, I was just...covering for him." He shrugs as he straightens. "He'll take good care of you, as you deserve."

"It doesn't really matter, honestly. It was..." He considers for a moment. Then he decides to just not speak further on it. "It was, that's the most I can say. And yeah, I'm at Ted's, but honestly, not spending much time there aside from bunking out these days. Trying to get my own thing going, you know?"

Stella Roundtree has posed:
     Stella seems quite content with all this information, "Yeah, I've enjoyed some of the travel perks. Of pilot-dating. He's a good guy. I, uh... didn't initially know about the pilot career," she says, speaking more in code now that she's more situationally aware. "I know it's kiiiinda crazy, BUT! We could look for a place for both of us, if you like. Roomies!" This could be a terrible idea. "But I'm not sure I could afford your upkeep, you don't really... work... traditionally, right?" she asks, with all the wonder of a college kid who has had a so-called brilliant idea. "Or we could at least team up on some projects."

Booster Gold has posed:
    "He does get around - it should certainly give you a chance to see all kinds of new things."

    Arching an eyebrow, Booster considers this for a moment. "You and me?" He wants to make sure he fully understands the suggestion. "I always thought you hated me?" He laughs quietly. "And no, I'm not a bum, if that's what you're suggesting. I stay with Ted by choice, because it's easy. I have my own source of income. A product line and the app." He flashes a grin. "It's working effectively for me."

Stella Roundtree has posed:
     "What! No, I liked you, you were just... a big personality," Stella says carefully between sips. "And I'm not a patient woman, so there's that," she says. "I'd expect you- or Skeets- to pay for things on time, all that stuff. I'd like to work with the app, too. I have time between clients and security is kinda boring at times. Besides, you make a hell of a breakfast," she laughs.

Booster Gold has posed:
    Booster narrows his eyes, not sure if that is a compliment or an insult. "I can make sure we pay on time, yes." He grins. "I'll let Skeets handle the details."

    A nod about the app. "I could use some help. Ted is so flighty - as I am sure you know." Breakfast. Booster waggles his eyebrows. "I mean, there are other ways you could get my breakfast." Then he stops himself and laughs. "Sorry, hard to turn the charm off sometimes."

Stella Roundtree has posed:
     "Oh, honey," Stella laughs. "I get hit on all the time by all kinds while I'm workin'. Doesn't phase me one bit," she says. "But I might give them a smack for their trouble. They just don't see it coming," she chuckles, swirling her beverage around. "I know a couple places up for grabs that are... warehousy. Clients were pissed that they had to keep security on them at all. But you might know somethin' a little classier," she muses. "I just feel like Ineed to be more independent, you know?"

Booster Gold has posed:
There is a thought in Booster's head. One can tell because his lips are moving slowly but no sound is coming out. After a few moments, "You know, we could do a lot with a warehouse, dress up a few corners of it to make it a living space, and use it as a workout area." He looks back over towards Stella as he works through it in his mind. "Probably more affordable than a swanky place downtown, too. And maybe the warehouse itself could be rented out as super work out areas..." He snaps his fingers. "We could open a super hero gym!"

Stella Roundtree has posed:
     "We could give it a shot!" Stella says. "Anything to use the space. Seems we both run businesses. And when I did trainin' when I was starting out, it was really intimidating, to be honest. We gotta factor in costs, but it might be nice for people like me- not super powerful, but maybe useful- to try things on without feelin' too outclassed," she thinks aloud. "But I like it as a place to maybe rent out to other supers usin' the app."

Booster Gold has posed:
Another finger snap. "Of course, gym membership comes with membership in the app!" Booster grins. "You're a genius. And then we can use the business to pay for the warehouse, and build a place to stay, and I am _still_ freeloading, except off my business instead of a friend, and that sounds way better."

He looks to Stella. "Send me a list of those warehouses, and I'll get to researching them."

Stella Roundtree has posed:
     "Business cards are really helpful in that respect," Stella says. "I'll get you a list. Some of my clients really do want to offload 'em, and some aren't in absolutely awful areas," she says. And surely she'll be sending a detailed report. "I gotta get to my next job, but seems like it was really good to run into you! See you around," she says, toasting with her coffee before heading out.