10444/Raising The Bar

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Raising The Bar
Date of Scene: 12 March 2022
Location: Luke's Bar
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Hyperion, Luke Cage, Reed Richards

Hyperion has posed:
    Imagine the odd viewpoint of someone who sees the name "Luke's" and expects to walk into a bar themed after Star Wars. I mean that's not what Mark thinks when he steps inside. He's just looking for someplace quiet to have a beer and just people watch.

    Ever since waking up in this alternate Earth, he's been making a point of exploring the various gathering places in New York. It is so strange seeing so many people behaving so similar to the people of his home universe, and yet ever so slightly different. Little things stand to the man with hyped up senses. Small scents, little muscle tics.

    Today finds him striding into Luke's bar.. standing out by being a guy with dark red hair dressed casually and carrying a sketch pad wherever he goes.

    He ambles up to the bar and climbs onto a stool while setting down his pad.

Luke Cage has posed:
Luke's Bar is pretty chill at this moment in time. It's one of those moments in time where the majority of the handful of people in here are the regulars that might as well live here. Which is why Cage is the one working the bar at this moment. It's one of those things where the owner might as well take care of business this early since he knows how to handle the regulars.

All three of them.

Right now, Cage is wiping down the counter with one hand and flipping through the channels on the expensive tv in the bar. Likely looking for something to put on the screen. It gets left on some soccer / futbol (is life!) when the new patron comes in.

An eyebrow raises because this is definitely not the neighborhood for someone that looks like that but who is he to judge, right? "Hey. Welcome to Luke's. I'm Luke." Cage grabs a bar napkin and slides it over in front of the red haired man. "What can I get you?"

Hyperion has posed:
    Dressed in loose fit blue jeans and a flannel button down shirt, Mark gives a grin. "Well, always nice to see the owner tendin' bar. Shows a man who loves his place." he says in a resonant voice

    "Just a draft. Whatever is the usual on tap." he suggests as he gets settled in. He sets his sketch pad to his left, and rests his hand on it for a moment before turning his attention back to the bartender / owner. "Name's Mark. I wonder if you might allow me a question or two."

    He holds up his right hand as if warding off a defensive reaction. "I might work for the Bugle, but I am -not- a reporter. I do cartoon sketches. Just wanted to know if you'd authorize me to use the logo of your bar in some of my cartoony commentaries on the state of the city."

Luke Cage has posed:
"Can't ask other people to do anything I wouldn't do." Cage explains as he grabs as glass and gives it a twirl during his slide over to tap. Of which he gets to filling the glass with that expert tilt action that skillful bartenders know how to do. It's really such a smooth and fluid motion that Luke doesn't even need to watch what he's doing. He's got it down to a science.

"Oh?" Luke returns with the beer and sets it on the bar napkin with ease. "Hi Mark." The bar gets wiped down out of habit before he leans on it to pay attention to these queries. "Ask away."

When the Bugle and the question is tossed in his direction, Cage doesn't even look phased. "It's fine. Nobody 'round here reads the Bugle anyway. If this neighborhood's in it, it's not for anything good." Just a little soapboxing before Cage shrugs. "Feel free. I'll take the free advertising, why not." Cage then raises an eyebrow. "... What kind of commentary we talkin' 'bout here, though?"

Hyperion has posed:
    Smirking a bit at the cynicism showed by the bar's owner, Hyperion shrugs his shoulders. He reaches for the nice cold beer and lifts it to take a slow pull from it.

    His eyes close. Even beer tastes different in this world. Not bad. Just different... and it's super subtle. If it wasn't for his exceptional senses, he might miss it. But the man can see molecular structure, and taste the difference between the varieties of hops in the beer.

    He sets down the glass and smiles. "The commentary is on how places like this give the people of the city a much needed place to gather in peace regardless of socio-economic background or even cultural backgrounds. A bar is a sacred place... almost neutral ground where anyone can have a beer and talk with someone they might not otherwise even notice on the street. I have been planning to showcase coffee houses and bars in the city. Not the big chains either. The real working man and woman's places." he explains.

    Sure, he might be a bit naive, and even considered misguided by some. But he is at least honestly passionate about it.

Reed Richards has posed:
Old Man Richards walks into a bar, science happens! Seriously though, Reed comes in from outside wearing a short jacket that only looks like a windbreaker as his eponymous jumpsuit underneath. He raises a hand to Luke and an eyebrow to hyperion. "Hi Luke, you think I could get a coffee and that breakfast special?"

Luke Cage has posed:
"... Great. Now I have to like you." Luke teases Mark in the moment since his raised eyebrow softens into something more akin to being okay with that commentary choice. "Bring a copy by when you're done. I'll find a spot on the wall for it."

When the scientist enters, Luke just offers a grin and a nod. "You got it." Cage pushes away from the bar and goes to work on the coffee while also grabbing the phone to make the order to the food spot around the corner. It doesn't take long because the early bird specials are not the most complicated orders but it is what it is.

"Five minutes." Cage sets the coffee down on the bar for Reed.

Hyperion has posed:
    Grinning, Mark shrugs his shoulders. "Ah, therein lies my ulterior motive." he states. "I really just wanted you to like me. Mission accomplished."

    That said, he takes another sip of the beer before reaching to slide his sketch pad before him. He plucks a pencil out of a breast pocket and starts doodling. His ears pick out Reed's voice, and he smiles a bit before turning his head towards the man.

    He reaches up to adjust the glasses he wears. What? Secret ID glasses are important! Especially when they were made by Reed to limit the sensory input Mark receives... thus making it easier for him to -not- become overloaded with hyper-sense input. "Morning sir." he says to Reed even as his left hand moves... seemingly of its own accord... on the sketch pad.

Reed Richards has posed:
Old Man Richards nods casually, and chuckles softly, "Another late night in the lab, and still not allowed in the kitchen." Reed takes in Mark, and nods with a grin, "Morning Mark, you can call me Reed. What are you working on?" He stretches his head to get a look at the pad. Reed sets himself down on a stool. He looks tired, "The watering hole as equalizer, you could do an interesting zoological analysis how our predatory instincts are suppressed in times of thirst, fascinating studies from droughts on the Serenghetti."

Luke Cage has posed:
Cage just smirks in Reed's direction. "I don't even want to think about you in the kitchen."

Luke grins as he crosses his arms over his chest now that he's done serving everything up. His hand towel gets tossed onto his shoulder and he just kind of hangs about to make sure nobody needs anything else. Then Reed goes all Reed with the words and he just kind of stares for a moment. "And that's exactly why." comes as a follow up to his teasing comment a moment ago.

Hyperion has posed:
    Okay, the stretchy thing still catches Mark off guard. He hesitates just a moment before shrugging. The sketch pad shows a few variants of the "Luke's" logo, one drawn in the side of a saucepan. One on the drip tray of a coffee brewing pot. Another on the front door of a turnstile type thing. It is just basic thoughts... things Mark is working on in the back of his mind, and thus almost without even looking. His talents, it seems, go beyond breaking things.

Reed Richards has posed:
Old Man Richards grins and raises an eyebrow with the sort of physical comedy only an elastic man can muster, "You don't even want to know the neural connection and cognitive mapping I was doing in my head." He considers the drawing, "You know, these are quite good Luke, you might want to consider T-Shirts." He returns to his normal human shape and sips the coffee, "Perfect as always."

Luke Cage has posed:
The runner from the food place shows up and Cage makes the exchange; Reed's food for a tip from Luke. With minimal presentation, the bag is set down in front of Reed without a second thought. Utensils should be in that bag as well.

"I don't know if this bar's the 'merch' kind. A little too Hard Rock Cafe for my tastes." Cage does take a second to look at the sketch pad though. His impressedness can't be hidden and it almost, for a quick second, seems like he's considering changing his mind about that merch. "Pretty good."

Hyperion has posed:
    Glancing at the sketch pad, Mark laughs lightly. "Oh, this is just my version of brainstorming. If you want, I could do something for you to put up on the wall. Again, it's cartoons, not like the Mona Lisa or whatnot." he adds.

    And then he takes another sip of the local brew. His eyes flicker to it, and he lifts his glasses to study it for a quick moment. But the moment passes and he shrugs. "If you've got no problem with the paper using the likeness, then what do I owe you for the beer?" he asks as he fishes out a handful of fives and ones.

Reed Richards has posed:
Old Man Richards smiles and waves away the money, "I've got you Mark, please. It's a rare occasion I can treat a member of the press without it seeming self-serving. Good journalism must be supported." He opens the bag and takes in a long sniff of the contents, "Never disappoints." Reed pulls out the utensils and takeout container.

Luke Cage has posed:
"This ain't exactly the kind of place that has a budget for a wall mural. But thanks."

Cage is all about his humble bar and making sure that it stays that way. Or, at the very least, that it doesn't become one of those weird bars that aren't actually bars and safe havens for people in the neighborhood as well.

"Ah, put your money away or in the tip jar. We'll call it even." Cage motions towards the tip jar on the bar, which is most definitely for the other staff as the tip jar sign is all crayon'd up. Somebody's kid probably.

"Harlem's got some of the best food in the city." Luke's just reaffirming Reed's long sniffing montage. "Hey, maybe when you're done here, you can pop next door. Give them a cartoon shout out as well." There goes Luke being Luke and trying to represent for the whole neighborhood again.

Hyperion has posed:
    Smirking, Mark nods and stuffs a couple of fives in the tip jar. Then he inclines his head. He studies the decoration of the jar, and then reaches into his shirt pocket.

    His hand comes out with a pack of colored pencils. A well loved and well used set of them. He grins and tucks them into the tip jar as well. "It seems that whomever this is going to, has some artistic bent and talent." he explains.

Reed Richards has posed:
Old Man Richards nods, and speaks with a mouth full of eggs and bacon, "I weelly ith quiteth delithous. Checkth em out." He goes on to munch the food and sip coffee, amicably, considering a wall mural for the Plaza idlely.

Luke Cage has posed:
"Thank you."

Luke's gratitude is simple and real when he says that. He's trying to provide a safe space for his workers to juggle their crazy lives so any help is appreciated and he makes it a point to show his gratitude as open and honestly as possible to those that help as well.

"See?" Luke's right back to promoting the restaurant next door with a point in the direction of the Reed with a mouthful of deliciousness. "You know it's a good spot if Mr. Wizard over here enjoys it." Grin.

Hyperion has posed:
    "Mister Wizard." says Mark. A little confused. See? Different universes. But he shrugs. "It must be tasty indeed. I'll have to check it out. But... better to do that when I am actually hungry and can appreciate it."

    I mean... he never gets hungry. Stupid body sustained by the energies he absorbs and channels. Stupid Eternal physiology. Well, there's a lot of stupid in the world. "Either way, I'll reach out when the paper runs the story, and make sure you get a copy." he tells Luke.

Reed Richards has posed:
Old Man Richards sops up the last bits of egg with toast and finishes his coffee. "Don't wait too long." The smile is mysterious but the words seem inicuous enough. "I never understood why a scientist would refer to himself as wizard."

Luke Cage has posed:
"Because science is like magic?" Luke shrugs because he can't even begin to understand either of those things. Science or magic. All that stuff is over his head.

Cage takes to cleaning up and wiping down the the bar again because keeping things clean is always a good step. "I prefer Bill Nye myself. Present company excluded."

Reed Richards has posed:
Old Man Richards sighs, a tad exasperated, but smiles gaciously with out complaint, "You are too kind, Luke. He pushes his cup towards Luke, "Refill?" The pulling a large bill from his pocket and slipping it in the tip jar. He picks up a napkin and writes down some motes as an idea strikes him.

Luke Cage has posed:
Maybe Luke's psychic or he's just quick to pay attention to when mugs and glasses are emptying because he's grabbing it with one hand and the coffee with the other for some quick and stylish pouring. It's all about keeping the customers happy, of course. "Uh oh. Napkin writing. This could go either way." Luke teases as he sits the coffee back down in front of Reed. "What're we building next?"

Reed Richards has posed:
Old Man Richards math-doodles as he talks, "The Girls squad has been considering longer term interstellar jaunts, which lead to a food issue and a couple nouveau plant genelines, but I just realized with some slight modifications they could be used as a boon for local terrstrial farming in developing nations. Disease resistant, fast growing, fast propigating."

Luke Cage has posed:
This is the part where Luke just kind of stares and listens but doesn't even pretend to understand the science chatter coming out of Reed's mouth. It's just too much for him to grasp. "Right. That sounds exactly like it might work." Luke is always going to be supportive though so that should try to count for something. "Just don't put the city in a Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs scenario and I'm good." Luke pauses for a second. "That movie was weird, man."

Reed Richards has posed:
Old Man Richards chuckles, "Not to worry Luke. The energy requirements to generate that amount of mass would easily outstrip the power of even the largest storms. Rendering them inert... it was weird. Yes." Reed nods.

Luke Cage has posed:
"Uh huh." Cage follows that up with a grin. "All I know is if I walk outta' my apartment and get hit with spaghetti sauce, guess who's getting my dry cleaning bill?" Pfft. As if Luke has anything dry clean worthy.