12138/Everything was a blur

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Everything was a blur
Date of Scene: 24 July 2022
Location: 3B - Alexander's Greenwich Loft
Synopsis: Dinner plans are... eventually made.
Cast of Characters: Silver Sablinova, Alexander Aaron

Silver Sablinova has posed:
The sun was just rising above the horizon to the east, the shadows long in the city as it began to creep higher with each passing minute. In the bedroom, the light began to creep around the edges of the curtains. It wasn't bright but it was enough to let those within know the night had passed. As the clouds passed in the sky far overhead and out of sight, it would cause the light to dim then brighten again.

It was these shifts that brought Silver out of her slumber. Not that she wanted it to. She brought up her arm to lay over her eyes, considering rolling over the opposite direction and burying her head under her pillow in order to hide from that light. She shifted her leg to the side, preparing to flop that direction. Then froze. Her foot had touched something.

It was someone else's foot.

Her eyes snapped open and she brought her arm down, looking to that side and having to force herself not to groan aloud. Then she quickly took stock of their positions and began to carefully extricate herself. Slow cautious movements. Taking her time to try to creep out the side of the bed without jarring the person within. All the while the mental berating continued at finding herself in such a circumstance.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    She would find herself in a Spartan loft apartment. Barely any furnishings beyond a handful, likely chosen as if only to appease some god of tasteful accessories. The bedroom she was in was open partially to the rest of the apartment though it had a tacit semblance of privacy with some architectural elements that fit the open design. Yet she could see the kitchen some distance away, the living room. A good half of the apartment was closed off, however, but there was a hint to its use as on the wall just before it were a pair of kendo swords.
    Yet what likely drew her eye was the young man who was in the bed with her, curled to the side. He was handsome, pale, blond, with an athletic frame that spoke of so much time spent focused upon the perfection of self that it made one perhaps imagine a marble statue given life and less an oh so fallible soul.
    The way he was lying seemed to hint that at some point during the evening they had been curled together after the lovely time spent in the dark hours of the night. Pieces of clothing were on the floor, some damaged, others not so much. Yet the way he was lying with the sheets curved just so, it left little of him to modesty.
    Which might be the moment when memory would return of the night before. Even as he started to stir, taking a deeper breath and the rasp of the sheet on his skin a loud whisper in the quiet of that apartment.

Silver Sablinova has posed:
She froze. As soon as he shifted. She was halfway out of the bed, having shifted her lower body enough to bend legs at the knee to put her feet on the hardwood floor. But when he moved, she kept her upper body as still as death. She even held her breath. Only when he stilled again did she slooooooowly slide her body that direction by pulling her weight with her feet. That way there was no pressure on the bed itself.

And when she was right at that edge, she quickly dropped to the floor in a crouch. Then she peeked up over the edge of the bed, only her tousled white hair and blue eyes visible. Before she turned and quickly began looking for clothing items. All while trying to stay utterly silent.

There was damage to bodysuit so it was of no use. It was rolled up and would be taken with her but she needed to find something else. She managed to find the t-shirt he'd been wearing the day before and pulled it over her head. It fell around her like a dress. She let out a little puff of air then found a pair of his shorts with a drawstring tie. Otherwise they would just be falling down off her instantly. She tied that string as tight as she could then looked down at herself. The shorts were feel almost like capri pants. Great. Thankfully, her trenchcoat was fine. She left it where it lay for now. Then she had to gather gun parts, which she didn't Dare try to reassemble. That noise could easily wake someone up. Instead the pieces were tucked into pockets of her coat or wrapped up in the clothing that couldn't be worn. Lastly was grabbing the harness she used for the katana, with katana in scabbard. And the belt that had the empty holsters. They were thrown on atop the oversized clothing and she refused to acknowledge how stupid she had to look. Lastly the trenchcoat was pulled on and she dared peek a glance toward the bed as she prepared to make a hasty exit.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    It was a large bed, comfy, a handful of pillows though only two were left on the bed. The young man in it, however, was no longer asleep as she finished pulling on that trenchcoat he rollllled over slowly until he was sprawled on his belly, hands under his chest and elbows out to the sides. His head was just short of the edge of the bed and the wooden box frame hid his face partially so that only his eyes and above could be seen. So what she saw when she would look over... were just cat-like curious eyes with quirked eyebrows. His hair was wild, a bird's nest of bedhead. But those hazel eyes were watching, quiet, calm.
    He didn't say anything as she was getting dressed, just looked on, those eyes following. Then he tilted his head slightly until he lifted his head just enough so the comforter didn't murfle his words.
    "I'd like to see you again."
    That's all he says. Quietly. Just floating there in the calm of the morning. Though outside the city was coming to life.
    Then he lowers his head again still not moving to get out of bed yet, his face disappearing again behind the wooden frame of the bed.

Silver Sablinova has posed:
She froze like a deer in headlights as she saw him looking at her. Those golden hazel eyes that were so unusual. Taking her in with his oversized clothes. A cat on the front of the shirt that was dressed like a pirate, with eye patch and a sword. Above it the caption of the word Mew-Tiny! The shorts that looked ridiculous. With her weapons and then the jacket. A balled up bundle of silver in the crook of her left arm being the remains of her other clothing.

As he said those words, Silver couldn't think of a thing to say. Which was odd for her. She was normally quite able to handle anything. Instead, she simply turned and made a beeline for the front door. No words said before it closed behind her, leaving him alone in his apartment.

....Sometime later....

Silver sat in her office, that thousand mile stare going on as her mind ran over her day. No, that wasn't true. It kept running back to the night before and her morning. To the words said as she was about to depart. He wanted to see her again. Simple words. The situation was anything but simple though.

She sighed and glanced down, finding the phone in her hand again. She'd actually picked up the physical receiver on her desk phone, something she rarely did. She put it back down on the cradle.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    In a world not too far away, the demands on the time of the God of Fear were small. It was the Summer and the day was going to be exceedingly warm. Uncomfortable, no matter how easily endured, it was a day that would be best passed until it cooled down. Though that did not entirely invite laziness.
    For Alexander was anything but.
    Though when Silvija had left he could feel that aura of her emotions. Or rather not all of her emotions, since that could perhaps make things easier. Instead he could tell that undercurrent of anxiety that was running through her. The fact that such things were an extreme rarity for her. The misgivings that likely she was having. Though he had no insight into the whys or the reasons. Only that she had them.
    And perhaps he'd never see her again. In a personal sense at least.
    Yet there was nothing to be done. So he turned away from those thoughts. After perhaps a half an hour of introspection he rolled out of bed then pulled on clothes in a half-hearted way. Whatever was available, which turned out to be grey and blue basketball shorts and a white t-shirt. He wandered to the other side of the apartment and decided to pass the next two hours in training.
    Then a shower would be nice.

Silver Sablinova has posed:
For the third time, Silver put down the telephone.

The first part of her morning had been spent in mentally yelling at herself. For having allowed things to escalate as they had. She knew better. This was not something she did. Falling for a pretty face. Even if he was a god.

She put her face in her hands as she closed her eyes. Resting her elbows on the surface of her desk. She'd allowed herself about a half hour then she had buried herself in work. Think about anything but him. It had worked for a time. Until she started reviewing recordings of potential recruits being tested by the Alpha Team. Then she found herself loading up images of Alexander Aaron's testing.

She realized she wanted to see him again too. For the fourth time, she picked up the phone. This time she put it to her ear and actually dialed. If there was a phone cord, she probably would be spinning it around her finger in an anxious motion.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    It was after he was coming out of the shower that he heard the phone's trilling ringtone. Emerging with a towel around his waist and his hair still just as wild only now wet and slicked back, he rushed out of the room with a thump-thump-thump as he emerged into the living area and looked left and righr...
    Then he spotted his cell over near the end-table next to the door and closed that distance with a few more quick thumping footsteps. Just in time for him to see the caller ID being SSI Manhattan before the rest of it cut off. Without further delay he swiped the phone unlocked then clicked the answer button.

Silver Sablinova has posed:
He might hear a faint intake of air. Followed by *CLICK*.

Silver stared at the phone she'd just hung up. Dammit! What was she doing? She couldn't call him. She did not pursue. She was the one that was pursued. Additionally, she didn't care if she was pursued. Her time spent with someone was just that. No complications beyond that time shared.

She let out an annoyed "ARRGH!" sound which was loud in her office. Thankfully no one was around to hear it. Then she put her head down on the desk and put her hands over the back of her head.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    That was strange.
    Alexander had the phone in hand, looked at it, turned it on its side as if it would somehow reveal its answers to him just by that change in perceived geometry. Then his eyebrows lifted. He swiped the screen back to the phone list, checking the last calls and saw that indeed the call had come from SSI Manhattan. Which...
    Without wasting too much time he started to walk back to the bedroom, past the hamper where he had tossed his workout clothes, back in to his chest of drawers where he started to work out his clothes for the day. Then he hit the return call button and hit speaker phone as he set the phone down on his dresser while he started to pull on his clothes.
    Which in turn caused another phone to ring across the city. Which as fate would have it would cause a secretary to knock on Silver's office door with the rap of knuckles preceding her leaning in and around the door to announce, "Mademeoiselle Sablinova? You have zee call on line one. It is a Mr. Aaron."

Silver Sablinova has posed:
At the knock, Silver quickly sat up. Just in time so that her secretary did not see her in such an uncomplimentary position. It wasn't often that Silver found herself in such a state and she certainly didn't want her employees to see it.

"Thank you." Although at mention of who it was, Silver felt this odd sense of relief. Which had her frowning anew. She had just been thinking she did not pursue but was pursued. He was calling her. But, she didn't want complications. Except, she did want to see him again. Would one time hurt?

She picked up the headset, popping the earpiece in place and she pushed the answer button. "Good morning, Mr. Aaron." Very professional in tone. Careful not to give away that she was smiling like a goof. Which she realized and quickly forced that expression off her face again.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Hi," The word is the first chord played, and it hangs there between them.
    She could hear him clear his throat, then another moment and he says a little more. "I received a call from there. From you guys." Which he takes a moment to scowl at himself as he replays it over again in his mind how stupid it sounds. But then he pushes forward.
    "I thought it. Well might be you calling me. Or..."
    Another pause then he gives her an out or a chance to be gentle, "Or I suppose it could have been one of your people calling me about the tests I took while I was there?"
    Since, to be fair, it wasn't entirely out of the range of believability that one of her people might have called, having no idea what had happened last night. As, in truth, it probably put him out of running for the job.

Silver Sablinova has posed:
"It must have been someone else." And even Silver realized she said those words a little /too/ fast. She looked up at the ceiling as though asking a higher power to deliver her from this situation.

Then remembered she was talking to a god. Who had mentioned answering prayers. She quickly looked back down at her desk and focused. "Though admittedly, circumstances have now changed so I believe employment will be off the table." Then she bit her bottom lip, nibbling a moment. "Though...perhaps as a consultant in times of need. If that were to interest you."

There. She'd kept it to business. Though why had her voice gone up a little at the end of that question, beyond that of a query and more like a pleeeease?

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Again that first word hangs there, a signal between humans that the person knows it's their turn, acknowledging it, buying time, using it to organize their thoughts. Then he says, "I can understand that. It being off the table I mean."
    Another pause, then there's the sound of his chest of drawers closing, the wooden scrape carrying onto the phone before he picks up the phone and takes it off speaker. "I could see that. Possibly. Just..."
    And then he smiles a little, as if the situation were just... /so/ strange. He shakes his head and murmurs, "Maybe we could talk about it over dinner?"
    Yet another pause then he adds, "Though I know you're busy, you don't have to answer me now. But sometime this week might be nice." There. That was harmless enough wasn't it? Didn't say explicitly one thing or another. Could be rationalized easily enough.

Silver Sablinova has posed:
There was that same little thrill, that made her want to curl her toes in her boots. She resisted the urge but she was smiling again. "I don't know when I might have time to call you back. Give me a moment to consult my calendar." Then he would hear the hold music that let him know he'd been put into the ether.

Silver pushed the button on her phone that activated the intercom that she hated. Yet in this case she opted to use it. "Adeline, what is on my schedule tonight?"

"At zix you meet Mr. Brown in regards to personal security for him for the next week. Zeven-thirty, tactical response on bounty 47389."

"Reschedule Mr. Brown for later this week. Reassign Frenchy to lead the op tonight. Call in Henry to take over the surveillance Frenchy was handling."

"Mr. Brown has been trying to get a meeting for a month," the woman answered cautiously.

"Then he will be eager to pick another night since I will be unavailable tonight. Thank you, Adeline."

She hung up the intercom then quickly picked up the line that had been on hold. "You must have luck on your side, Mr. Aaron. I have nothing scheduled tonight."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    When the hold music came on the young Olympian drooped a little, his features falling as he tilted his head to the side. Well, that was to be expected perhaps. He casually extended a bare foot as he turned and leaned back against his dresser, kicking at the sneaker on the floor then trying to pick it up with just his toes until he flips it in the air and catches it in one hand. Then he starts to untie the knot with one hand while holding the phone in the other.
    Until finally she returns and he straightens up, "Oh really? Oh okay. Then great." He clears his throat and eases into his more normal tone of voice, that easy-going manner he has as he murmurs, "I'll text you the details after I call around a little. Talk to you soon."
    And with that he'll wait a moment or two should she wish to say anything else. And if not then he'll click the end call button.

Silver Sablinova has posed:
Just hang up. Just hang up. Just hang up.

"I look forward to it."

She quickly hit the disconnect line.