12772/A Night in the Life

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A Night in the Life
Date of Scene: 13 September 2022
Location: Kingston - Miagani Island
Synopsis: Alexander learns what it's like to be a vigilante!
Cast of Characters: Alexander Aaron, Dinah Lance

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    It is often a curious thing to take a look into the life of someone you are interested in. To see the facets of their life that they hadn't shown you before. To see them in an entirely alien way. At first, for Alexander, it had been seeing one of the deadliest women he knew dealing with day to day life of... a flower shop. That had been curious, and cute, and amusing all at the same time.
    But it didn't end there. Then the other day she had shown him the underground fights in Gotham which had been very crazy, but also curiously positive. The camaraderie of the people there, the general upbeat feeling of the fighters. It was something foreign in some ways that Alexander had not seen before.
    And then tonight, the hits didn't stop. Literally and figuratively for he had agreed to come along with Dinah while she's on patrol and he had agreed to stay in the background for the most part. Especially when she mentioned that the two gangs that were meeting were rival Yakuza families. He knew how easily that could go South.
    Then it did. Which is why now in that warehouse, stocked with cardboard boxes all carrying supposedly electronics from China, the young Olympian was perched on the back of a fork lift partially out of the way while before him...
    It is chaos.
    At least to the layman's eyes. But any fighter worth their salt could tell that in the middle of that hurricane of violence there was a method to the madness named Dinah Lance. And Alexander had promised not to interfere. So he didn't.
    Except to say, "Hey that guy near the flat-screens has a knife."
    Since that guy had been sneaky about it, hiding it behind his jacket though Dinah likely would know. He had discharged his obligation to look out for her. So after doing that he took a sip of his slurpee.

Dinah Lance has posed:
Being a little busy at the moment, Dinah barely heard what Alexander had said. But she did manage to as she put up an arm to block a punch coming toward her head. She managed to redirect it and fired a side kick that way then quickly ducked off to the side, dodging another kick that was coming her way from another opponent.

She caught a glimpse of the one near the flat-screens then continued to spin and move, taking out opponent after opponent. But for some reason, she was still stnading.

"You comfortable up there?" came the comment from her as she leapt into the air, a windmill kick aimed at the one with the knife who had closed the distance. Sending him staggering and the knife clattering loudly across the floor.

"I wouldn't want you straining yourself."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "You said, and I quote..."
    Alexander rose up on that perch on the fork lift, one hand on the hydraulic shafts that power the raising and lowering of those metal tongs, "Don't get in the way."
    "End quote." One of the Yakuza emits a loud battlecry of some kind from the rafters and /leaps/ down from above as he shrieks what might sound like... 'banzai!' as he hurtle shimself bodily at the God of Fear...
    Only for the blond 'observer' in the combat suit to lean back and with a remarkable display of flexibility thrust his booted foot up to /slam/ that foot right square in the middle of the guy's abdomen, then windmills his body down to the ground where he thumps on the floor and groans. And Alex remains on his perch, slurpee intact.
    "I am just doing what you asked. I don't have the wonky mentality to be a vigilante unlike /some/ people."

Dinah Lance has posed:
"Yet here you are. In a fight filled with Yakuza. Wearing a costume."

That didn't all come out at once. In fact it was more a sentence followed by her slamming a foot or fist into a bad guy and then spinning to meet the next one. Then the next sentence. Performing a perfect leap into the air, a kick going out to each side in a perfect split position then she landed adn did a spinning kick to take out a third. Final sentence someone else had found the knife. She blocked the incoming slice and did a nerve strike on the man's arm which forced him to drop the weapon. A front kick to his chest with a loud "KIYAI!" from her led to him getting some broken ribs and flying to land on the ground.

"If you are going to do this often, we'll need to coordinate our fighting. Otherwise we might get in each other's way. Though you could fight over there. The other side of the room."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "I am not fighting,"
    Alexander says obstinately, even as he takes a sip of the slurpee again. One of those slurps that goes on and on and then ends with a bubbly ragged slurp that sounds as if it's empty. Which it is. He then tosses it aside into the nearby oil barrel that looks like it might be used as a trash receptacle... might not, but that's just how he rolls.
    "I am defending myself for anyone unwise enough to attack me, you're doing the heavy lifting." Which is indeed true. And fair.
    Then he hops down off the forklift and lands with a thwap. "This is also not a costume, it is tactical gear intended to give me options I would not have in civilian clothes. Now if I had fishnet leggings it would be a costume."

Dinah Lance has posed:
"You'd look hot in fishnets," came the response from Dinah as she found herself with a moment to breathe. The others were starting to be more cautious. She was down to about six opponents left. She kept a wary eye on them as she shifted her footing to keep them in her vision, even if peripherally.

"But I prefer not to be a fishnet duo. And you call it tactical, I call it a costume. Since it does differ from your normal clothes." She doesn't say too much. After all, she didn't want all the bad guys having lots of info about them.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "You don't know," Alexander's voice is warm, wry with amusement even as another of the Yakuza darts toward him, a tanto knife sliding from its sheathe as he shouts his own battlecr, the weapon slashing out wickedly. Close enough that the Olympian has to leap back a step, his 'tactical uniform' getting sliced in the process even as he scowls. "We've only been going out for like a couple weeks now."
    He steps in and the two slam forearms against each other, then twist their hands around each trying to grasp the better angle. The Yakuza enforcer switches to a reverse grip and tries to come in over Alexander's guard, only for his wrist to be grabbed and twisted...
    Which has the thug scowl as he drops the blade into his other hand and stabs inward!
    Only to have his forearm slapped to the side which turns him and instantly Alexander has him in a rear choke, pulling the forearm tight across the man's throat as he isolates that arm, twists until the blade drops, then holds him there choking him out as he says.
    "Maybe in my off hours I like to dress this way. A fashion statement."

Dinah Lance has posed:
"No shame here for your kinks."

Dinah had to put it that way because it amused her. Not because she actually considered dressing up in tactical gear to be one of his kinks. As he said, they'd only been dating two weeks. She'd have no idea!

Her breather was over as the last of the baddies opted to charge in all at once. Requiring her to give up conversation completely. It was all punches, kicks, holding a guy in a choke while kicking another in the face when he closed, using the one she was holding as a shield and him getting kicked by one of his allies. Or enemies. When it came to fighting her, they got over their gang differences pretty quickly.

Black Canary: Bringing people together!

But in the end, she was standing there amongst the many fallen bodies. Glowing with the sheen of a light sweat, breathing slightly elevated. She did glance over at Alexander now to make sure he was good.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    He just took out those two, that was enough really. She handled the others. Though now he was digging into one of those Tactical Pouches! And producing his cellphone which he held out. "Should I call the police or do you have a special gewgaw doodad that does that for you?"
    As he asks that he steps over the mass of the fallen, hearing the low groans of those still conscious but seemingly with no interest in getting back up. All they had wanted to do was have a little rumble, maybe stab each other a bit, and the Black Canary had to ruin it.
    "Do the police have a special number for people to call to report acts of vigilantism?"

Dinah Lance has posed:
"911 works. Just let them know the Yakuza were having a meeting but it was broken up, they can find them here." Dinah didn't ask if he had a burner phone because of course he would know to not use his own when they were hiding identities.

She began moving amongst the fallen, grabbing arms and pulling them behind backs to ziptie them together. Once that was done, she motioned to the door.

"And then we exit before the cops have the chance to get here. Not because we're in trouble necessarily." THough they totally might be. "But because too much paperwork and it would take up the rest of our night when we need to finish patrol."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "So we skip out on the grunt work and stick it to the poor working wage stiffs who are just trying to make it. I see how it is." Alexander says as he casually keys up the burner phone and manages a text message to the 911 call center, filling in the details and giving the address as well as making a little bat emoji because... why not?
    That done he sends then sets the phone aside. He has five others for the night kept in a faraday bag, hopefully they won't need more than that. Once that's done he steps up to stand beside her, surveying her handiwork. "Alright, all set. More parkour?"

Dinah Lance has posed:
That earns a smile and laugh from her as she slipped out the door. "More parkour. Try to keep up this time."

Which wasn't entirely fair because honestly? He was damn good at it. She'd have thought he was running rooftops for years with his physicality. Nevermind the fact he also had a longer stride so that gave him a very unfair advantage!