12918/GIRL Running Out Of Time

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GIRL Running Out Of Time
Date of Scene: 29 September 2022
Location: Meeting Room - GIRL Headquarters
Synopsis: Natasha goes to talk to Nadia, requesting assistance in researching the Time Stone.
Cast of Characters: Natasha Romanoff, Nadia Pym-van Dyne

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff had put in a request a few days after her.. Surreal experience to meet up with Nadia. It had been in a simple, quick and curt text. But with the impression on it that Natasha was.. Confused by whatever it was. Natasha did not 'do' confused. Nor did she admit over to it. So the experience or whatever she was seeking information on had thrown her for a major loop.
    She's arriving at GIRL Headquarters after doing her usual sweep of the perimeter, security, and the layout for anything that might have changed over since she had last come in. Then, she's jogging in towards the laboratory area and letting out a sigh. When did life get so complicated?

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
    There is always something to be working on, whether it is trying to crack the mystery of Zeta beams not reaching Rann, strange dimensional disturbances, or the mysteries of the inner workings of Pym Particles themselves, Nadia has never wanted for projects to keep her occupied in the lab. And while she was once an ubiquitous presence in the labs of Titans Tower, these days much of her lab time is spent at GIRL not only working on her own projects, but collaborating with other teenaged super geniuses and generally overseeing things.

    Today, however, seems to be dedicated to the less exciting aspect of experiments, waiting for results to come in. Nadia is dressed in her black and red plaid skirt and black 'Just a GIRL who loves Wasps!' T-shirt with pink lettering, lab coat loosely draped over her shoulders. She's sitting at her desk with a book on Ancient Greek language in hand and a cup of tea nearby, feet on the desk. She leans back in the chair taking a sip of tea as she works on cracking the mysteries of Themysciran, waiting for her other data to finish processing.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would enter on in, after doing another sweep of the area and head towards Nadia, "Thank you for seeing me on short notice, Nadia. Waiting for results?" Of course she was, but it was still polite over to ask on it first. Natasha did hold herself to these standards of etiquette. So, the formalities done, she would inquire. "What do you know of something called the Time Gem? Or Time Stone." It had been called both after all.
    The exact specifics had mostly been memorized adn filed away to research later. Finding that Avengers files were spotty, SHIELD ones even moreso, and even she wasn't going to try and touch SWORD files and risk bringing quite a few alerts down upon her.

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
    The book is set down and the feet removed from the desk as Nadia swivels around in her chair to greet Natasha. "Science isn't all glamour and explosions." Just most of the time with her.

    She listens to Natasha with a curious expression. "Time Gem? You mean like a Time Crystal? Those are pretty popular in quantum physics circles right now, it's a new state of matter." She pauses thinking how to explain things. "In condensed matter physics, a time crystal is a quantum system of particles whose lowest energy state is one in which the particles are in a repetitive motion. Basically no matter how you change them they'll always return to their original state again."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would listen attentively over to Nadia's explanation, and then shake her head. "No, nohting of the sort." That would make it rather simple to understand, after all. "I and some others were.. Taken.. By the Temporal Variance Authority and an agent of their organization called.. Moebius, I believe. That said all of us present had encountered the effects of the Time Gem or.. Would encounter it." She goes to put this out rather slowly.
    "ANd to.. Be alert for anything related to it that might indicate our exposure." That comes out very, very slowly and frustratingly.

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
    Nadia just sort of tilts her head to one side. "Temporal Variance what? Sounds like a government organization that regulates watches. Did you eat the wrong mushrooms out of Janet's pantry? I used them in a salad once and was seeing things for days!" Nadia certainly has many theories about how she might potentially accomplish time travel, particularly with the ability of Pym Fields to manipulate space/time. But she's never heard of anything like the Time Variance Authority before.

    Not that she's completely disbelieving, accidentally eating part of Janet's stash is just a perfectly plausible explanation. "So what kind of effects does this Time Gem have then?"

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would do a very, very un-Natasha like thing of rubbing at her temples. "They appear to be from what limited data files I've read a self-declared mandate to enforce temporal stability and integrity." In other words, to police time travel.
    "They randomly took in several of us from Earth, inflicted a large amount of paperwork on us, and then did a display including a desk which had in it a few dozen gems that were supposed to be divergent incarnations of the gem, which they said they used as paperweights."
    Going on she would shake her head, "As for the specifics? I haven't the faintest idea. I am, however.." Paranoid.

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
    Nadia makes a face at the mention of paperwork, it is after all the bane of her existence. Luckily she has a synthezoid great niece to handle most of it for her. "That sounds absolutely terrible, I have heard of some dastardly threats, but to inflict paperwork on innocent people. Truly these villains know no bounds." There are gears turning in Nadia's head now, gears which probably shouldn't be turning, like attempting a time travel experiment just to see if she can provoke a response from these 'time cops'.

    "Wait, if these things are just paperweights why is it even an issue?" She peers at Nat as if giving the Janet's stash theory renewed credence. "I can see if I can find anything." Nadia does have access to a variety of research and intel sources after all both legally and illicitly. "But without more to go on it's going to be hard. The only thing time gem I'm familiar with are Time Crystals. But I'll see what I can dig up."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would nod over at Nadia, "I'll see what I can do. I'll speak with Doctor Foster as well. She was.. Retrieved as well from it. If she has anything to pass along, I'll make sure to share it with you so you can have access. Likewise, if you have anything you can share it with her. This is.. Rather disorienting. So I'd like to figure out what it is and resolve it." Before she's shanghaied by multi-dimensional bureaucraitcally overcompensating time cops again.